More so, he even gave a weighted scheme to be attributed to the divisional charts while analyzing the divisionals in a Quantitative analysis to be able to ‘objectify’ each planet’s score in the different charts.
Higher the score – better the results a planet gives in its Vimshottari and other dasas as the planet is well placed to fructify the results of various facets of life that these divisional charts rule.
First, let us understand the scheme given by Parasara. He suggests 6 of the divisional charts to be given importance with a weightage scheme as follows-
Rasi chart or D1 – 6 points
Hora or D2 – 2 points
Drekkana or D3 – 4 points
Navamsa or D9 – 5 points
Dwadsamsa or D12 – 2 points
Trimsamsa or D30 – 1 point
For a total score of 20 potential points for any given planet.
As I mentioned before, exaltation and debilitation do not hold much value in the divisional charts. In order of decreasing ‘benefic nature’ (ability to do good) the ranking is-
Mooltrikona House> Own House> Best Friend> Friend> Neutral> Enemy> Great Enemy
So Parasara also defined the weightage to be given to each of these placements. Let’s say as an example 100% to Mooltrikona, 90% to own house etc. So assuming a planet is Mooltrikona in D1 and own house in Navamsa (D9) etc. then we get (100% of 6) + (90% of 5) +….(likewise contribution from other divisionals as above) for a total score out of 20.
The score out of 20 will give you a good numeric value of how the planet behaves in its dasa in terms of “Contentment” level. The reason is implicit. These divisionals represent various aspects of life. Example D9 represents marriage and partnerships along with the dignity of planets. D3 represents our siblings, co-borns, friends etc. or in other words the support system we have in life etc. So if a planet is well placed in more of these divisionals, more fulfilling will its dasa feel overall.
JHora spits out this score in the “strengths” tab of the software. This is out of 20 and the higher the better. As a general rule, at or above 10 makes for a good dasa and below 10 will lead to a dasa ‘lacking’ in many facets of life (even if the planet is otherwise strongly placed in terms of shadbala etc.).
Since JHora will do the calculations for you, the reader can thus utilize this accordingly after having understood the logic behind these calculations.
II) On a side note, when I perform a deep dive study on a chart, I tend to use my own weightage scheme. This is because I feel the context of relative importance has shifted in the contemporary times. Let’s say D3 (help and satisfaction from siblings) might still be important but much less than what it was in the yester years of Joint families and siblings working in related family work/ business etc.
As a disclaimer, the above point is subjective in the context of each individual and no sweeping generalizations can be made. I make no claims to the validity of my own analysis except that it is based on my understanding of what is important in today’s world to the average astrology reading seeker. As an example career is vital to most people today and the original scheme of Parasara does not include Dasamsa (D-10) for career whereas I do.
Now to help the reader understand via an example, please see the horoscope we have discussed before – Sep 18, 1981 at 1612 HRS and 27 seconds in Chandigarh, India
The first pic shows various divisionals and the planetary placements. The second picture shows the JHora calculated Vimsopaka Bala calculations and finally the third pic shows a spread sheet I utilized to calculated this via a separate “weightage” system to the different divisional charts for a few of the planets of the same horoscope. The score is hence different from the JHora provided output but more meaningful from my vantage point of analysis.
The advanced reader can, after understanding the above logic, make her own calculations/ spreadsheets when diving deep into a horoscope.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
PS: Vimsopaka Bala has another Related but separate analysis scheme called as Vaiseshikamsa scheme. The reader should not confuse these as they are related but separate calculations
Awesome posts here! Very interesting posts. Great effort!
If a planet has lowest Shadbala value but gets high points in d10 and vimshok bala. how will the antara or dasha period go. does D 1 chart holds prime importance or d1 + moon rasi
the result is a complex mixture of the functional nature of the planet, the aspects on the planet, the bhav placement from lagna and moon and arudha lagna as well as the avasthas and residential strength and ashtakvarga bindus
then you also have to see the compound relationship of maha and antar dasa lords (permanent+ temporal relationship)
generally a planet high in vimsopaka bala is more complete or fulfilling in its dasa
Thanks VS
One more question which have seen mixed responses. If a raj yoga is happening in 12th house in Lagna chart, trikona house in Moon sign and kama house (3rd house) from the Asc lord. what does it indicate
Will the results be weak or average or very good and why
many thanks
for starters focus on yogas only from lagna
from the moon a yoga shows how it is perceived by your mind. From arudha how it is perceived by most of the world
asc lord position shows pucca lagna which is more for your health as well as real desires. but these things become more easy to understand later in your astrological journey
keep it simple early on. only from lagna is enough to learn. graduate to higher lagnas and divisionals later on for a better understanding of the subject
beautifully explained….. i have very few astrologers being able to explain with such simplicity and clarity!!!
helps students or others grasp the concept soon!
thank you
much respects
Hello VS,
Does the Shadbala take into account the functional nature of the planet? A taurus asc’s Venus is a FM, yet the Shadbala can be very high. Question is, does the high Shadbala counter balance the malefic?
Thank you.
Shadbala is agnostic to the Functional nature of the planet
I assume the same for Vimsopaka bala. If the Vimsopaka bala is good (say 16) but the planet is a functional malefic, would the maleficity come into play in the dasa and bhukti.? If yes, how? I am assuming the functional nature plays a significant role during the dasa/bhukti (this principle seems generally accepted according to the Parashahara principles, correct me if I am wrong)
yes it comes into the picture significantly (functional nature of the planet)
At the same time say jupiter for capricorn lagna…functionally a malefic as per parasara
1) neutral relation with lagna lord saturn
2) Greatest general benefic (not functional but generic)
3) say it sits in the taurus rashi which is 5th house…good house for Jupiter and also Yoga karaka domain for the ascendant as venus is yoga karaka.
now assume venus sits in taurus with jupiter and mercury too. How do you think jupiter bhukti will be.
answer is most likely excellent! even though jupiter is a functional malefic and its mooltrikona is 12th house. jupiter is also afflicted being in the enmical sign of venus. surrounded by its enemies venus and mercury
but results will most likely be extremely good in jupiter dasa as due to the yoga karaka domain of venus, excellent house of 5th house of which jupiter is karaka and being conjunct venus and mercury which are functionally excellent planets for capricorn lagna. such a jupiter will give great creativity, children and wealth in its dasa even if it gives expenses related to children or stock markets also alongside
hope this example makes things very clear
Thank you VS. From your answer, it seems to me that the Vimshopaka bala seems to override the functional nature or generic nature due to its calculation being based on placement and everything that happens as a consequence. Kindly let me know if I am wrong.
you can say that loosely. However I would be very careful in saying that it over rides the functional nature of the planet. However if a planet has a very high vimsopaka bala, it clearly is a very satisfying planet in its dasa due to its strong placement in most divisional charts representing the various facets of life
Sorry, an add on to my previous. Would you treat a generic malefic AND functional malefic the same way when placed in 3,6,8,12 assuming everything else is a constant since, ultimately, they are malefic by action anyways?
yes but houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 improve with time (age) and hence malefics placed in these houses will tend to improve their results over time
VS, Thanks. From your experience, is there a fixed factor you apply to Vimsopaka bala score based on its functional malefic nature. Since there is no varying degrees of functional maleficity (unlike aspects where one aspect may amplify the effect of another aspect), something like, 15 minus 20% of 15 ?. I saw your benefic/malefic blog where you had assigned some values to the functional nature and generic nature.
these are purely my own estimates and not a part of standard calculations of the ancient texts. I dont wish to throw around numbers as its a good habit not to get too mathematical in the beginning in Jyotish and lose the bigger picture. Some of these articles are applicable only after once has mastered all basics as well as hundreds of case studies
Sri VS:
I was re-reading this topic today. Quoting you for convenience “results will most likely be extremely good in jupiter dasa”. The word “dasa” kindles this question. How about times when it is not Jupiter’s dasa or sub-dasas? How would I gauge Jupiter’s influence?
Thank you.
Vimsopaka bala is more of a dasa indicator
however the overall dignity of a planet dictates its overall influence from positioning and aspects.
How does a planet with very low istha phala but very high vimsopaka bala behave in its dasa?
Hello Sri VS:
Can you kindly broadly enunciate the difference between Shadbala and Vimsopaka bala? The contributions (bindhus) from the planets to each house is given by the Ashtakavarga chart; whereas Vim.Bala includes this and Shadbala excludes it? Is my understanding correct? What other differences broadly exist betweem these two balas? Thank you.
— Sundar
please start with basics and re read the articles on vimsopaka bala and shadbala.
ashtakvarga analysis is entirely different from both vimsopaka bala as well as shadbala. Shadbala has 6 types of strength whereas vimsopaka bala is derived from the dignity of the planet in various divisional charts
The bindu analysis of ashtakvarga is separate from all this. Thanks
Thank you for clearing up the confusion.
Hi VS Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
Can we Apply the Vimsopaka to Saturn also? Saturn is FM fro Dhanu Lagna but if it has
1.8 Shadbala and 16 Vimsopaka bala, But 1 bindu in Astaka Varga.
According to general vedic astrology system Saturn Placed in 10th house (Virgo) at 2 degree.
According to nirayana bhava chalit chart Saturn Placed in 9 th house.
According to KP System It placed in 8th House.
In this case according to Vimsopaka bala can we conclude Saturn gives satisfactory result in its dasha?
Thank you
Even though I dont do personal readings, I can suggest that Vimsopaka bala can and should be utilized for all planets
KP system utilizes a different Ayanamsa then Chitrapaksha/ Lahiri. I do not recommend it. As for Chalit, that should always be checked. Saturn will give the result of 9th bhaav in this example instead of 10th but its effects will be of virgo rashi (friendly) and not as of leo which is enmical
typically due to bhav movement, the planet will lose residential strength and its effects are less intense (good or bad) in the dasa than a planet very close to the bhav madhya
Vaiseshikamsa of rahu is 6 does this mean rahu mahadasa will give good results ?21.02.1970 8.30 am delhi
in terms of just vaiseshikamsa yes, but you have to see the chart as a whole. Sorry – I do not do personal readings. thanks
if vimshopaka bala is highest of debilatd 6th lord placed in 10th does it damages during its mahadasha.
depends on the dignity of the planet.
first and foremost realize what dignity of the planet is…sign ownership, nakshatra placement, conjunctions and aspects as well as functional ownership in the chart
all these vimsopaka and finer rules are applicable once a person masters the basics fluently. else all one does is – is x good or bad, is Y good or not
like in normal life, nothing is purely good or bad and no results are black and white. astrology is not adding numbers or reading a software output only. that approach leads to no where
Thanks for the above post. Can you also please provide the exact % for Mooltrikona, Fast Friend, Friend, Neutral, Enemy and Bitter Enemy. Thank you.
they are given in picture 3
Dear sir,
Have you stopped taking readings?
The last update about reading was at APRIL 19,2015.
Do you have a facebook page or group to
Ask questions on astrology?
Hi Adi
Unfortunately I have not been taking readings. I do once in a while make exceptions to the dozens of requests I get everyday, especially for those who are in some severe distress/ need. Since I have a full time job, I don’t have time to take care of the 30 to 60 requests on average that I get everyday on my email.
on the other hand, I take out time to answer general questions for learning on this forum. Again have to delete without answering a lot of them as they are specific questions about ones horoscope. If I do this for money (full time) some day, I will perhaps update the site much more and answer more individual queries but not for now.
Sri VS:
When Moon becomes a Neutral to Venus due to perm enemy + temp friend and sits in Cancer,is he sitting in a neutral house as well?
moon in venus house is neutral sign. Venus in moon’s sign in enmical sign (regardless of temp friendship or not)
Sir I got an analysis done from an astrologer , I have got scores out of 20 as vimsopaka for each planet but I got 4 scores for each planet in shadvarga, saptavarga, dasha varga and shodas varga, please let me know which score to consider
dont worry about these much
they are only for fine tuning and not for major predictions
Sir what I mean is I got 4 different scores in shadvarga, saptavarga , dasha varga and shoda. Like my jupiter got 17.55 in shadvarga, 13.5 in saptavarga, 11.5 in dasha varga and 12.5 in shoda varga. I wanted to know to see how good the planet will be which of the above score to be considered
you will have to consider the planet in totality…that is how is its functional nature with lagna lord…how is it placed…the strength of depositor…which planets (functional nature) conujnct or aspect it…which planets sit in the rasis ruled by the planet….etc…this will give the overall results of the planet….the other scores are for fne tuning only and can be understood only after mastering astrology to some extent…just looking at a planet of 12 or 15 etc will give nothing. Else computers can make predictions too! hope you understand this point 🙂
Shri VS
In above given one post it is said that good vimsopak bal can over ride functional nature of planet.
Kindly through sm light on my below given pertinent experience.
1.exalted functional melefic in quaderent with highest vimshopak and shadbal produced bad result according to signification of house it owns
2.FB planet in quaderent in enemy house,combust,with lowest vimsopak and shadbal produced good result according to nature.
So can we deduce that one can’t rely upon figure to decide beneficness of a planet.
Hope I could convey my self in rightly.
Vimsopkaka bala just reflects the dignity of a planet in various divisional charts
In general, a horoscope where the FB planets are stronger (not just shadbal or Vimsopaka bal) but by dignity in rashi, avastha and directional strength and FM planets are relatively weaker, then overall results are positive in the chart
every chart has good and bad playing side by side all the time. The trick is to deciper which is stronger. Now say leo ascendant has Saturn exalted in 3rd bhaav (which by itself is not bad as 3rd bhaav is a good placement especially for an exalted Saturn). if sun is placed weakly in the 6th bhaav of Capricorn, this tilts the power to Saturn and in general the health will always be dubious in this case. now if the navamsa placement of sun is also weak and rahu aspects or conjuncts sun in the 6th, serious or terminal disease can engulf the native
so all in all, what you have to see is the relative strength of the benefic vs malefic.
another example say Capricorn ascendant. sun is 8th lord and mortal enemy of Saturn. by itself sun in leo is happy and not a bad placement. but if sun is in 8th house and Saturn is in 4th debilitated, this is seriously bad as the FB is weak and FM is very strong. on the other hand if Saturn is in 10th exalted, then even sun will show more of the good parts of its 8th placement and not of death and destruction of yoga
Sri VS:
You are looking at the relative strength of the ascendant lord (health) and Sun as a karaka of health and them being a FM/FB and their strengths..essentially asc lord and Karaka of I correct?
Hello Sir,
what about Drik bal ?
if a planet is otherwise strong like high shadbala , high vimsopaka bala , good amsa bala but has a “very high” negative Drik bala , is it enough to kill all other positives ?
No. can not be “killed” in any such manner
VS ji,
Why is that Shani always has a very low shad bala ? least for all my family and friends charts.
Their Sun almost always has a very high shad bala? Is it like that always.. Why is it so?
If a plant having low shad bala have “no physical strength ” to give positive results during its Dasa ..assuming it is a functional benefic and well placed in good dignity etc?
Shadbal calculation is something every learner of astrology should know. it is long and complex and contains some components which are also ambiguous. As for Sun, Parasar recommends a minimum of 390 virupas or 6.5 Rupas. JHora and many other softwares take 5 rupas as minimum requirement due to some relatively new teachings like of the esteemed BV Raman. I would suggest you multiply the Sun number by 10 and divide by 13 (which is the ratio of 5/6.5) for the real shadbal of sun. So in other words if you see 130, it is actually 100 only
finally be very careful about shadbal…getting too mathematical wont help. for example if a horoscope has most planets between 80 and 110…it seems like average strength horoscope. But if the good planets of the chart are 110 and the negative ones are all 80 -85, then this itself is a yoga. this comes with practice and intuition develops…I have seen 1000s of horoscopes with low shadbal of planets and the person doing great in life and vice versa…so don’t take this too literally
Thanks for your clarification VS ji.
Dear VS ji,
I just realized that I have not thanked you enough for answering all these questions from everybody. Hats off to you!
I learnt a lot from your answers to others as well.
GOD bless you my friend!
Indeed Baskar. More than 50% of questions in this web site is from a guy named Sundar Srinivasan. Sundar started learning astro 2 years back, now at a decent level, able to see why certain things are happening; all thanks to VS. He has deleted about 25% of my questions but has never not answered a question he thought was clear. VS and to an small extent Narasimha Rao are the people I have learnt from. Vivek is a purist and some of his unqiue observations are ones we won’t find anywhere. I feel I am learning from a real master given to me by the master of all, the Supreme Lord Krishna whom I worship.
thanks for the kind words. I have to delete about 80% of questions every day as most are personal readings directly or indirectly.
If some day, I open up for personal readings, I will have to charge money as it takes a substantial amount of effort and time
goal is to have people learn for themselves.
VS sir – You are right..”people have to learn for themselves”, but not everyone might be in a condition both physically and mentally to do so. I know and understand that you also have many responsibilities and possibly can’t take timeout to help everyone with personal readings. In my case I have tried unsuccessfully to get personal readings from you 🙂 because most of the reasonably priced paid readings that I have taken from established professional astrologers have failed miserably. I am forced to believe that astrology works on hunches and this is the reason why I am after you to get a reading w.r.t my career.
Sri VS
How a planet may work in it’s Dasa period if it has low point in Vimsobaka bala and high in Ishta bala? Which strength normally override the other? If you explain with any natural/functional, malefic/benefic planet as an example it would be more understandable.
Thank you
Hi the factors overriding all will be-
1. bhaav placement and distance to bhaav Madhya (closer to bhaav Madhya, stronger the planet is capable of giving the bhaav results)
2. Placement and dignity of the rashi depositor
3. Planets conjuncting the dasa planet, especially within 14 degrees on both sides & planets aspecting the planet fully from other houses
4. Planets placed in exact trine of the planet (5th and 9th) within 10 degrees of the planet degree. these planets will act as if they are conjunct the planet
5. overall sthana bal and Dig bal are vital and shadbal too, but one has to be careful with this factor as complicated mathematics involved and it can not be taken literally
Dear VS
Thank you for answering my question. In your previous explanation to other I learnt both Ishta bala and Vimshopaka bala of any planet give how it’s Dasa period is going to be.
In my previous question, any planet of a horoscope may have very high Ishta bala and very low Vimshopaka bala. In this case while the particular planet’s position, conjunction, aspect or depositor’s dignity are going to be the same for any particular horoscope. Ishta bala or Vimshopaka bala which will normally have more weightage to predict dasa period is good or bad?
Thank you
both have much less precedence than the factors that I have mentioned. However among the two, Vimsopak bala is more important for the concerned planet and Ishtha phala more important for the depositor of the planet
Thank you VS Sir.
my experience has been that planets powerful in rasi and navamsa give good or bad effects strongly i.e without delay or obstacles and those debilitated or weak in navamsa tend to to delay good effects where they are significators of good houses, but they do not totally deny if they are such significators. Graha bala alone is no guarantee for good effects
I have been in research for the last 15 years to understand the astrology. my experience says that no planet is able to offer entirely good or bad results though there is always an edge of goodness or badness. though the overall position is only the combined effect of all the factors but individual position of a planet vis a vis ascendant is also very important. my brooding is mainly centred as to how one good point is cancelled by other negative point or they bring about results independently. a firm fact that i know is that an exalted planet is always a benefic though he may own bad houses or may be a generic benefic or malefic. for nodes, i know one thing that they multiply the effects of the planets, they associate. one thing is sure that Bhav is the most important factor while sign has second importance and planet is the least. bhav changes the sign and planet’s nature while sign can also change planet but planet has no power to change either a sign or a bhav, he has to be changed as per sign and bhav. i think, this is the most fundamental rule which is to be known by a learning astrologer.
thank you for your input here sir
This website is absolutely astounding and mind blowing.The amount of information available here is simply fantastic. I read so many people thanking Mr. VS , I felt like hitting the like button because I agree with so many of their thoughts and words of gratitude. I am grateful to you for the time, effort and patience you have for answering so many queries for the benefit of others. God Bless and keep up the phenomenal work you are involved with.
Thank you for the nice words
Sir ,
First of all thanks a lot
Second you are some special teacher for me and trust me you actually are the best among the all. I doesn’t find so much interesting topic anywhere else
And last please tell me about Mooltrikona 100 % own sign fastfriend 90 friend 75 neutral 60 enemy 50 and great enemy 35
Please tell me if I am correct or not
yes the definition of the exact numbers is a bit subjective as different texts might have different numbers. HOwever what you have outlined are sensible to use
Hello VS,
Is temporary friend for divisionals derived from D-1?
it is irrelevant in divisional charts (atleast until one is a very advanced student of astrology)
Sir Why you have not taken d-60
it is not in the regular scheme. I also do not advise to use it unless the time is known with high accuracy as D60 changes very rapidly
Hi Sir,
First and fore most I am grateful to you for the time, effort and patience you have for answering so many queries for the benefit of others
and iam learning so much by ur comments and articles.
and my query is
will the raja yogas work if it forms with in enemy planets especially like sun and Saturn
For Example
whether the kalpadruma parijata yoga(as per Jhora) formed in mutual Kendra’s by sun(lagna lord) conjunct with Saturn in 5th and Jupiter in 8th own house will work?
Hello VS:
For a Meena Lagna: Saturn in lagna almost opposite Sun. Guru in debilitation Rasi at 18 deg (rasi parvartana between lagna and 11th lord). Moon in Aquarius. Running Saturn Mahadasa. Vimsopakabala shows is 15.5. The saturn bhukti has been average. I have 1 questions:
1. Does the VBala indicate gradual improvement?
2. When Saturn moves into Capri, saade saati and aspect on natal saturn will happen. Will saade sati’s effects show separately since the bhaavs affected would be different or will it all happen under the Mahadasa effects?
Your note on Saturn opposite Sun for Saturn MD is noted.
Vimsopaka bal, shadbal and other bals will not affect as much as the individual yogas being formed in the chart with every planet which involves conjunction, opposition, trinal and direct aspects. then are partial aspects
once these are established enough to be understood from a functional perspective, then only do other subtle things like vimsopaka bala or other modes of strength come into picture
Can we say if a person has above 10 points in Vimsopaka Bala for all planets then almost all the dasa will be good according to point that planet got? How about Rahu & Ketu? Does this rule apply to Shadow planets too?
this is just one of the points to consider in dozens. Alone this can not dictate the course of any planet’s dasha
In general IST is 5.30 hours ahead of GMT. On observation it’s found in Jhora taking Local mean time ( local time) is differs from the IST and there by variation in placements of planets including Lagna. Which time is most accurate to consider ? Pl let me know
no idea what you mean Sir. JHora or any decent software will also consider the longitude and latitude of the place of birth and not just the local mean time. The exact time is then calculated accordingly. Example someone born in Jaipur at 9 am on day will have IST time zone and so will someone born in calcutta at 9 am. However their lagna degrees will be very different and the lagna can even change depending on the degrees
Hi vs sir
I am having Rahu 14.3 score and Jupiter 15.8 only these 2 planets have the highest score
Rahu dasa starts in 2021 .. my 1st house Rahu n mercury in Taurus , Jupiter n moon in 8th house Sagittarius.. my current mars dasa with 10.9 is not really doing good .. Mars n Saturn in 6th house libra
I am waiting for my Rahu dasa .. what is your opinion on my Rahu n Jupiter dasa .. those dasas will be good or bad .. ? Rest all the planets strength ranging from 10.9-12.8
Kindly reply thank you
hello unfortuntaly i can not comment on individual charts without seeing the whole chart and individual readings is not something I provide at the moment. Thanks
hi vs
when the sadbala calculation in itself incorporates 6 types of factors , and various sub factors , why is there a need to calculate vimsopaka bala separately ? is vimsopaka bala not some kind of a sub factor in the calculation of sadbala strength?
the sadbala strength calculation takes into account almost all the factor , i.e the place of planets, the bhav in which they are , their functional and benefic nature …so after such an exhaustive calculation aren’t the results of sadbala the most important factor ?
is the vimopaka bala prescribed in the parasar shastra or is it a latter addition ?and was it prescribed as a substitute for sadbala or it is prescribed as a factor to be seen in conjuction wiht sadbala ?
with profound regards
manoj kumar
please google books on bhaav and grah balas by BV Raman. You will need to study the mathematics in detail. Then a lot of such questions will become clear. Thanks
Sir,What is amavasya yogam?.If sun and moon are in Taurus amavasya and moon at 2.9 deg exalted in Taurus.How do we interpret it.If rahu is also sitting in Taurus.
amavasya yoga is just moon and sun together in any rashi. beyond that no generic rule can be applied
Sir if any planets vimsopaka is strong but shadbala or diginty is weak, can strengthing it with gemstone will be good?
yes you can try so and observe the results to make it long term or drop it
Hello Sir,
Great article, Sir if there is commencing of two malefic planets Dasha suppose Sat-rahu. If they have highest Vimposka bal above 17. Sat exalted in 12th and rahu exalted in Tauraus. Will that period yield benefic or malefic result? Please give your valuable view…………
there is no way for me to generailze such answers. it depends on the chart. i dont provide individual chart readings here
If you don’t mind, please share your birth details. I am currently in Saturn MD and Rahu AD and I am gemini moon and lagna. They are both benefics for me and have good dignity. The dasha should have been ok but so far it has not been ok
share my birth details for your dasha? not sure what you mean
Sorry that reply was for the followung query by Amandeep :
Hello Sir,
Great article, Sir if there is commencing of two malefic planets Dasha suppose Sat-rahu. If they have highest Vimposka bal above 17. Sat exalted in 12th and rahu exalted in Tauraus. Will that period yield benefic or malefic result? Please give your valuable view…………
my dob is 26/6/57
mithuna lagna with mercury having vimsopaka strength of 16
mercury dasa starts next year in feb 2022\
sun mercury in ascendant not aspected by any planet jupiter in virgo vakri shani in libra
i am finishing shani dasa which has been very very good overall
any indications of what will be the phaladesh in mercury dasa
apologies, no personal readings here
Does high vimsopaka Bala of Jupiter override its Maraka badhaka kendradhipati Dosh for Virgo ascendant or does Maraka apply still ?
good and bad in astrology never cancel out. Rather co-exist