I think it is a Gem of a tool which is inherently unknown or underutilized by the average skilled astrologer. This concept heavily utilizes transit through nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) which lies at the epicenter of traditional Jyotish vidya.
This tool is to be used Complementary to the Transit analysis (I) & (II) and not standalone, atleast not in the beginning. It can be used to accurately foretell Warning periods (as per transits) when the native is likely to undergo misfortunes/ miseries. Due to the inherent malefic nature of planets Saturn, Rahu & Ketu and their slow movement through the zodiac, I utilize this more frequently for Saturn, Rahu & Ketu Mada dashas (MDs) and Antar dashas (ADs)
the concept can be summarized by considering the horoscope as a Fort (Kota) and comprised of 28 nakshatras. The advanced user should be aware that in addition to the regular 27, Abhijit nakshatra (between Sravana & Uttar Ashada) is considered to signify ‘Victory’ and has its ruling deity as Brhama himself. Kota Chakra will include this Nakshatra – partly for mathematical completion of 7 ‘arms’ of 4 Nakshatras each
The Chakra is comprised of 4 concentric rectangular shapes that comprise of –
1) Stambha Pillar (Heart or inner wall)
2) Durgantara Pillar (Inner wall)
3) Prakaara Pillar (outer wall)
4) Bahya Pillar (Exterior)
the Natal lord of the Moon sign becomes the Lord of the Fort or Kota Swami & the Natal Moon Nakshatra lord becomes the Fort Guard
Kotachakra (From JHora tool with illustrations of Exit & Entry routes towards the Stambha)
Basic idea is that the 4 nakshatras inside the Stambha form the Heart or epicenter of the individual and Malefics, especially Rahu/ Ketu & Saturn transiting in it cause misery and problems (especially when these planets are in inimical signs or debilitated in transit). Likewise the transit of Jupiter or Venus in the Stambha gives good luck and protection against various evils.
As a normal planet moves from one Nakshatra to another the Entry and Exit routes into the Stambha are shown as an example below. In general it is good to have benefics like Jupiter, Venus and Mercury transiting the interior 2 zones – Stambha and Durgantra & the malefics in the exterior 2 zones. When a malefic is on the Exit route, it is good as it intends to move away and a malefic in the Entry route is negative as it signifies the problem heading towards the central region.
During transits when all 3 – Saturn, Rahu and Ketu enter the Stambha and Jupiter is not in the interior 2 zones or is on an exit route, grave problems or long term negative events will precipitate. The strength of the transiting planet has to be kept in mind while predicting.
Also important to note that for a retrograde planet, the routes reverse as they are moving in the opposite direction. Hence for Rahu/ Ketu, the Entry is always the exit route and vice-versa.
The faster moving planets are also to be considered, but since they move fast their effects both positive and negative don’t usually bring serious consequences unless the slower negative planets are also aligning negatively and Jupiter/ Venus are not offering much support.
This tool is always to be used in tandem with the dasas and usual transit monitoring and not independently. however this can help pinpoint highly negative periods when planets will create potential vulnerable periods of negativity in an individual’s life.
Exmple for the horo of a native born on sep 18, 1981 at 1612 hrs, chandigarh, India and running Rahu MD, the present transit (as of 4/21/2015) looks like the following-
(notice how Rahu and Ketu are in the Stambha and have entered the Stambha via an entry route. In terms of Rahu, this route has been – Vishaka, Swait, Chitra and now in Hast tara in Virgo)-
This is very amazing article & put in such a way that it becomes very easy to understand, thanks for the guidance.
Never heard of this concept… good read
I am a professional Vedic Astrologer. Generally Use JAGANNATH HORA astrology software and others Vedic software. but I couldnot find explanationa and details of chart analysys on the ABOVE TOPICS.
I WOULD LIKE TO MORE DETAILS OF OTHER CHAKRA – LIKE Sudarshan Chakra, Kota Chakra, Kalanal Chakra, etc.
with warm wishes and best regards
glad that you find this info helpful. will add more topics here in future for sure, thanks
Thank you for giving such a good information, I wish you can share your knowledge about Sarvatobadha Chakra. I am willing to pay if you hold a seminar regarding it. Thank you again. Jinsoo.
thanx for the nice words Jinsoo
Wonderful.topics of chakras to help astrologers for finalization on analysis it helps mostly on transit planetary aspects
Hi VSji,
How does one analyse transit of Malefics through Abhijit If it is in one of the two interior zones ?
the same way as you would for any other nakshatra. Abhijit is overlayed onto 2 nakshatras in capricorn and is not astrologically owning its own full candidature as the 28th asterism. Thus treat it in kota chakra analysis like other taras
tried it on a few charts.
past big issues fits nicely.
anyone else using this regularly to cross checkh hard times?
if yes, please give examples with birth details and timing of events.
also any mobile app for kota chakra?