Benefics/ Malefics

In order to ascertain the benefic/ malefic nature of a planet:-
    • We look at the functional nature of planets as explained in an article before and repeated here for reference –

Functional Nature of planets

  • General Nature of planets is important though Functional Nature above will take the front seat always. General Nature is-
    Benefics- Jupiter, Venus, Bright or Waxing Moon & Well associated Mercury
    Malefics – Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Sun, Ill associated Mercury and Weak/ dark Moon
  • Dignity of planets as explained in detail before. Strong planets are Benefic whereas Weak planets give problems related to areas of life they rule in the horoscope along with their general characteristics. Example if Sun is weak and rules 10th house, it will damage not just career/ job (10th) but also general things it signifies (from list before) like father, government etc.
  • Planets sitting in Kona (1, 5, 9) will improve their already existing nature and planets in 6, 8 or 12th bhaavs will worsen their nature
  • Even though this topic is already discussed in detail before, it is important to note that many other things can help quantify the actual nature of planets involved. Just to give you a taste of quantifiable factors, take a look at the example below. Again this much detail is not required as of now, much of this will become intuitive with experience, but a peek into the possibilities is shown as below (quantified in a spread sheet)
  • In this analysis one can consider factors like – Type of Nakshatra or star (lunar asterism), functional nature of depositing star, functional nature of depositing sign, generic nature of depositing star, generic nature of depositing sign, positions in various divisionals especially D9, aspects from natural or functional benefics & malefics etc.

The example is same horoscope you have seen in some other examples –

Chart example


Quantifying the Benefic/ Malefic Nature of planets –

Benefic Malefic Analysis

Results are as below (average score is about 14 where the straight line is). Higher the score, more benefic the planet will be in its Dasa periods-

Benefic malefic chart


267 Responses to Benefics/ Malefics

  1. Sundar says:

    Hello VS: Does any software give the above numbers? JHora has Vimsopaka bala, but that does not take into account the functional nature. The above table seems to take everything into account (generic, functional, including the Vimsopaka bala factors); seems the most comprehensive to me. Please advice. Many thanks.

    • VS says:

      Hi Sundar

      There is no software that will do this. This was done by me in an excel in order to explain to students online. Unfortunately, at least at this stage, no one has this.

      If you understand this well, you are getting ahead of most contemporary astrologers

  2. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    With regard to FM planets sitting in Upachya houses and the gradually improving effects..Is this applicable to the D-9 chart and other div charts also?

    Thank you.

  3. Arpit says:

    In some other books and blogs, I find Moon mentioned as Functional Malefic for Leo Asc. However, in the first image on this page, you have mentioned Moon as Friend for Leo Asc. Am I misinterpreting any thing here?

    Also, loved the excel tool? I was also trying to make something like this? Mine is a very elementary one, yours is much more detailed.

    • VS says:

      12th lord is a functional neutral. Since Moon and Sun are friends and 12th is the only house moon rules, it will remain overall friendly for the Leo ascendant. These ascendants have similar planetary benefics and malefics – mars as yoga karaka and saturn, venus and mercury as functional malefics

      if moon is placed well in the horoscope for a leo lagna meaning bright and preferably waxing with good shadbal, it will be a full benefic.

  4. Jo says:

    Hi VS,

    First of all, many thanks on your wonderful blog, and the knowledge you share so willingly with us. Often times, when I have doubts about something, I’ll go check your blog to see if you said anything about my question.
    So, here’s one…In many texts I have read so far, there seems to be a lack of agreement when it comes to functional malefics/benefics related to Taurus Lagna, namely Venus. In your opinion, is Venus a benefic planet for Taurus Lagna, since it does rule the 1st and the 6th house? I see you put it as a “neutral” planet in your chart. However, if I am not mistaken, for Scorpio Lagna Parashara puts Mars as a benefic even though it rules the 1st and the 6th. I am confused…

    • VS says:

      Hi Jo,

      Thanks for the kind words

      Technical take on this – A general malefic owning a Kendra loses its benefic nature and a general malefic owning a Kendra loses its malefic nature

      Owner of 6th is usually always negative to some extent. But if the other house it owns is a trikon (1,5,9) then the actual nature becomes mixed as 1,5,9 are always functionally benefic

      so it boils down to significations (karakatwas) of planets. 6th house and mars have an overlapping karakatwa of accidents, injury/ surgery, litigation and enmity/ competition. Generally negative things. Mars ruling or sitting in 6th will activate these. So mars remains a dicey planet, capable of producing some yoga but also injury and sickness for scorpio ascendant

      venus does not have much overlap with 6th house general character. Hence when it rules both 1st and 6th, it will tend to give more effects of 1st and hence benefic but with some evil touch due to 6th. So in my experience neutral

      • Jo says:


        Thank you for your response…As you can imagine, my question had somewhat of an ulterior motive, since I am Taurus lagna. I started Venus Dasha 3 years ago, and so far haven’t had any spectacular events to report. Granted, there are 17 more years left, and I was hoping they won’t all be 6th house related (interestingly, I started studying law, which could be interpreted as a 6th house matter, and will be finishing in 3 months).

  5. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For a Capricorn ascendant, Saturn is also lord of marakasthana. Saturn is placed in Pisces.
    For the above D-1, if Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house in D-9 (Capricorn ascendant virgottam) is Jupiter in maraksthana?

  6. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    Can a functional benefic posited in the 7th house in D-1 become a maraka in its antar dasha (MD Rahu)?

  7. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For an Aquarius asc, Moon is a functional malefic. If it is sitting in Leo, conjunct Jupiter which is also a FM due to Kendriyadipati dosha. To add, the 7th lord Sun (F-neutral) is sitting in the 6th house; I see a not-so-good parivartan between 6th and 7th lords. This is not a particularly good position for Jupiter especially for a female, am I correct?

  8. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    Can Jupiter “afflict” the moon ever ? What if it is a functional malefic and aspecting/conjuncting moon? Or any other scenario..


    • VS says:

      for cancer ascendant if jupiter and moon together in saggitarius, moon can cause accidents and sickness in this scenario

      • Sundar says:

        Moon is asc lord, Jupiter in own house..could you shed more light on why?

        • VS says:

          because jupiter MK sign is 6th of accidents/ ill health and moon as ascendant lord is denoting health and the person
          combining in the 6th bhaav they will do both good and bad

          • Sundar says:

            Thanks VS. if Jupiter was a functional benefic (it is neutral in this case) would that take Jupiter’s negative influence out of the equation? Or is that Jupiter in its MK tends to participate in the good and bad outcomes of the bhaav in combination with other planets?

          • VS says:

            nothing is really out or cancelled. in astrology both good and bad can exist at the same time as they can in real life

  9. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For Taurus asc, is moon a functional malefic (3rd house lord)? Krishna Paksha in UttarabhadraPada at 7 degrees, conjuct Ketu at 14 degress, ascendant is 10 degrees.

    • VS says:

      its a functional neutral. tends to give negative results, especially for health

      • Sundar says:

        Moon –> Venus is only neutral, not a friend; so how does the 3rd lord (moon), a FM, become a neutral? I am asking from my understanding of your answer to “Saturn for Cancer asc” and “Sun for Pisces asc”, both below. In these 2 cases, one is a perm- enemy and the other is a perm- friend.

        Related: Venus is lord of 6th and in its MK; is it because it is the lord? If true, can the asc lord ever be a FM?

        Thank you.

        Thank you.

        • VS says:

          Don’t get too hung up on the exact nature of each planet. It will get modified in the horoscope as per the placement, aspects, dignity and divisionals of the planet

          Venus will remain benefic for Taurus in the materialistic way, but can give bad health even if slightly afflicted. Same for mars for scorpio rising. Planet ruling lagna will always tend to give positive results if placed well
          moon and sun, will never become outright malefics for any lagna. they act negatively when dark, placed in dusthanas, very close to Rahu or Ketu or Saturn. So a well placed moon for Taurus lagna will give good results and a bad placed moon for cancer rising will give bad results as well

  10. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For a cancer acs, Saturn being the lord of a Kendra makes it F-neutral , I thought. You have listed it as a FM; is it due to the 8-th house lordship that tilts it towards being a FM? Related question: If a FM occupies its own house, does it make a difference?

    Thank you.

  11. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For Pisces asc, I thought Sun is a F-malefic (6th lord). You have it as neutral; why? Thanks.

    • VS says:

      sun will remain a generic malefic but functional neutral in terms of career/ finances etc
      it will be functionally negative in terms of health only

      since sun and jupiter are mutual friends, sun does not become a full fledged F malefic for pisces

  12. c2c says:

    Hello –

    Thanks for the education materials.

    I am using the above spreadsheet as a road map to educate myself with the fundamentals.

    I have just started the journey and I am in ‘Row 1’ i.e. Natural Benefic and Natural Malefic.

    I have two questions.
    1) With the exception of Moon and Mercury, I have assumed the natural benefics and malefics stay the same for all signs regardless of ascendant.

    2) With regard to mercury, how does one make the conclusion that their mercury is well associated or ill associated. The chart I am using to for this exercise, has Sun and Mercury in the 6th house from the gemini ascendant in the sign of Scorpio. Since it was in conjunction with the sun I thought it could be ill associated but then when I looked at your example I see the Mercury is in the 6th chart with the Sun and you had pegged that as a natural benefic. Any pointers on how to conclude whether mercury is a well associated or ill associated one?

    • VS says:

      natural malefic/ benefic will be the same for all lagnas that’s correct. only the functional nature changes as per the lagna

      typically a mercury too close to the sun (within 6 degrees) is weak and malefic. Also if mercury is conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or venus, it becomes a natural benefic and malefic if conjunct or close aspected by mars, Saturn, rahu or ketu

      only sun conjunction does not make it malefic. But it should be more than 8 degrees from sun to remain unafflicted.

      • jai says:

        Hi VS,

        If mercury lord of 6th and 9th joins Saturn lord 1st and 2nd in 8th house when both are FB for Capr. lagna

        still we would see Mercury as melefic?


  13. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    If a functional benefic in good dignity sits in 3,6,8,11,12 does it do good to the house? Also, how about partculary the 11th?
    I am asking this F-malefics sitting in 3,6,8,12 is considered good on Upachya basis (is the 11th included here?)

  14. Sundar says:

    For a leo asc, currently holding a high position: he has Rahu/Sun in the 10th (work). I am seeing the transit today. Sun is in the 10th, retrograde Jupiter is in 2nd (speech). This official is blurting out stuff that could jeopardize his job.
    The dasa is Jupiter.
    Any comments?

    • VS says:

      astrology can not be done like this. its not a mockery, unless thats your intent of making out of it

      its like going to a doctor, not letting any tests done, giving 5% info and saying i have a headache, this means I have a tumor right, can you confirm.

      • Sundar says:

        Not at all VS. I am sorry if I came across like that. If I could shorten my question (which I should have), I meant “Can a vakri Jupiter transiting over the 2nd house of speech which is its natal position exacerbate wisdom issues and make one speak untruth?
        The vakri part is the soul of the question.

        • VS says:

          typically when Jupiter associates with mercury as per sign or conjunction, the morals can sometimes be mercurial or shifty
          its because by nature, mercury is like a kid. doesn’t mean harm, but easily changes direction. Hence a retro Jupiter in a mercurial sign of speech can make for sudden and unpredictable speech patterns

  15. Veena says:

    Hi VS,
    In your quantification what is the Temporal friend column?
    My understanding is Natural Benefic/Malefic(by nature of the planet in general), Functional Benefic/Malefic(based on the house the planet owns for each ascendant) and Temporal Friend(based on position in individual chart)

    For a Scorpio asc, if Saturn is a temporal friend wrt all planets(based on its placement in natal chart wrt other planets). How is this saturn taken into account?
    (wrt sun/moon/mars it becomes neutral)


    • VS says:

      temporary friendship is as per placement.
      planets placed 3-11, 2-12 and 4-10 from each other are temporary friends. Other placements are temporary enemies

      • Veena says:

        Ok. I guess I am not sure about what your functional friend means(is it the compound(functional+temp) relationship or just functional based on asc).
        Might need a data dictionary to understand your excel, but thank you for posting it. And hope you can update this post with more detail. Eg How lordship benefic for saturn gets 3 points or venus gets 2.

        • VS says:

          compound = temporary + permanent relationship
          temporary is good when planets 3-11, 4-10 or 2-12
          permanent relations are self implicit – example Saturn venus friends, Saturn sun enemies etc

          the combination of these 2 is a compound relationship. that’s all

  16. Sundar says:

    For matrimony matching, I heard that if the either’s lagna or Rasi is 6,8,12 from the other, it should be avoided. Is this true? If true, why?

    • VS says:

      signs/ rashis which are in dusthana to a given rashi will tend to block and obstruct the energies of the sign. hence if 2 people have such signs, they will tend to be opposing each other a lot in day to day life

      however this is just one of the consideration and not the complete analysis in itself.

      • Sundar says:

        Thanks Vivek. I know you don’t miss out on good opportunities to help when most required.

      • Sundar says:

        I have also heard that 7th Rasis for Cancer and Leo rasis/Lagnas do not match due to Moon-Saturn and Sun-Saturn enemity? I wonder if the former is true since Moon has no enemies and it’s a one way enemity..

        • VS says:

          moon – saturn relation is better than sun- saturn as in former one is neutral, one is enemy. in latter both are enemies to each other
          regardless, the effects are bad in both as saturn represents darkness and the luminaries by definition are representing light

  17. Sundar says:

    Does the 4th planet (or lord?) from the moon have a maraka functionality? If yes, why?

    Thank you.

  18. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For a Scorpio asc The JHora author considers Saturn a FN based in ownership of 3rd and 4th. You take into account the relationship that Saturn has to the asc lord which is inimical, so FN + enemy becomes a FM.
    I realize that there exists differences in opinion between astrologers; however, since both authors take BPHS as the main source, why the difference?


    • VS says:

      Yes different texts and astrologers have varying opinions. I go by actual real life experience of 1000s of horoscopes. I feel that the only way to be more accurate is by observations of real case studies as opposed to pure text. Does not mean that text is any less important. However once text has been mastered to some extent, case studies should dictate real world results

      Saturn for scorpio can give materialistic gains but is bad for the health and longevity for a scorpio ascendant. But all depends on the placement, dignity and aspects on saturn

      • Mayur Kher says:

        I was going through Rodden rating AA list, visited more than 25 pages of some Indian celebrities in different field, but could find only couple of AA rating charts, there are lots of charts with AA rating of foreign personalities, but I don’t know anything about their life & work, so can you kindly lead me to some source where I will find authentic data of Indian personalities by which I can study their Horoscopes and relate to incidences of their life.

        • VS says:

          India or foreign doesn’t matter. Any known personality in any field is a case study. you can find event dates on them on the same rodden rating page. in addition you can just google them and go to their Wikipedia page to find relevant dates of top events in their life. Match them with their horoscope to see how planets and dasas/ transits behave

          great start by you and keep going!

  19. Robert says:

    Can you please clarify what are natural benefic signs? Thank you.

    • VS says:

      Signs owned by natural benefics are benefic signs – owned by Jupiter and Venus
      if Mercury is well placed and well aspected in the chart then Virgo and Gemini become beneficial signs as well. similarly a bright/ well placed moon becomes a benefic in the chart and hence Cancer becomes a benefic sign in such a situation.

  20. Digamber Purohit says:

    Hello VS Sir, you said above in reply to Sundar that Saturn for Scorpio ascendant is bad: “Saturn for scorpio can give materialistic gains but is bad for the health and longevity for a scorpio ascendant. But all depends on the placement, dignity and aspects on saturn”.

    Can you please clarify under what circumstances / placements it is bad? Which houses it must be in to be bad for health and longevity? I read that for Scorpio, as it rules 3rd and 4th (sukhasthana) houses, may give rajyoga in specific cases. I also read that if Saturn is debilitated i.e. in 6th house of Mars for Scorpio, it is also rajyoga – is this true?

    • VS says:

      Saturn being a natural malefic and a mortal enemy of lagna lord mars is going to always negatively impact scorpio lagna individual’s health if Saturn impacts the lagna or lagnesh. Mars as lagna lord is also an evil planet as its Mooltrikona is in the 6th bhaav. any combination of Saturn and mars in this lagna can give road/ vehicular accidents that can be very severe as well

  21. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    Why is Saturn a maraka planet for a Scorpio asc?

    • VS says:

      As Saturn is a natural marak (killer) and owning 3rd house, it becomes evil. In scorpio lagna, ruled by its arch enemy Mars, it can give material assets and property due to being 4th lord but will cause ill health and sudden evil effects

      • debasish banerjee says:

        Hi VS..for a scorpio ascendant Saturn is functional malefic.but if saturn is with moon in 12th house,does that give birth to a raj yoga[as lord of a kendra and lord of a trikona are in conjunction] and change saturn’s[and moon’s] functional nature?Also,saturn would be yogakaraka from moon sign in this case.

        • VS says:

          Hi yes there will be a raj yoga but since it is a dusthana placement and since the involved planets are inimical to each other, it will only fructify in a limited manner depending on other aspects on the combination as well as on the strength and placement of the depositor venus in this scenario

  22. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    When a natural benefic becomes a FM due to KAD and in case-2 it is due to owning the 6th and 11th, is the level of damage to the significations the same?


  23. VedicAstrology Student says:

    Saturn is a Yogakaaraka (owns 9th and 10th house) for me: Taurus Ascendent. But according to JHora, the Vimsopaka Bala for Saturn is the least (7.5). The Shadbala is 5.17 rupas (barely greater than the minimum).

    Given this, i am wondering how my upcoming Saturn Mahadasa will be.

    Can you please share your thoughts on the relationship between a planet being a Yogakaaraka and the same planet having a low Vimsopaka Bala (Dasa) score.

    Thanks in advance

    • VS says:

      Hi, I do not give personal readings here

      what I can say is that just looking at some numbers of scores can not do any predictions. Sometimes a planet with 80% shadbal will give excellent results and sometimes a planet with 150 % strength can cause grave damage. It depends on lots of parameters including placements, aspects, yogas, divisional placements, bhaav strength etc etc. and not just ownership and shadbal

      • VedicAstrology Student says:

        Thank You. Makes sense. The subject is so vast.

        I highly recommend folks not to get into this and start making predictions and conclusions with the limited knowledge and lack of requisite experience.

        These days, everyone seems to be an astrologer just like everyone is a weather man.

        Take care.

        • Sundar says:

          “These days, everyone seems to be an astrologer just like everyone is a weather man.”
          You haven’t read Vivek’s blogs enough. He has always stressed that “don’t go by rupas and numbers, go with Phalith not Ganith Jyotish”.
          And kindly, please stop giving advice when you are in somebody else’s house.

  24. kundan raj says:

    Vs Sir. …leo lagna where sun saturn together in 3rd house…sun debiliated and saturn exalted… sun 6.40 degree and saturn 17.23 degree…how will be saturn dasha ? Please clarify…

    • VS says:

      depends on the strength and placement of venus in the chart as well as other aspects on Saturn. planets in the 7th, 9th and 11th will also directly impact Saturn in this case. generally speaking, Saturn exalted in the 3rd house is good

      • Baskaran says:

        One question for my understanding VS ji.

        Exalted Saturn in third house is mentioned by you above.

        What if such an exalted Saturn has very low Shad bala and Vimsopaka bala ? Will it still be able to give good results during its Dasa ? Just wanted to know which gains more weightage..exaltation vs planetary bala?

        Kindly throw some light on this.

        Thanks much.

        • Baskaran says:

          Sorry. Just read on of your answers above.. I understand it now.

          Not much importance to given to shad bala etc.,

          If the placement, dignity , aspects are good, even a planet with low Shad bala can give good results .

  25. Baskaran says:

    Dear VS ji,

    In the tabulation for Benefics and malefics, you missed Mars for Aquarius ascendant.

    Is Mars going to behave like a benefic / neutral / malefic for Aquarius ascendant?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you very much for answering all the questions from everybody here.


    • VS says:

      Mars will tend to act neutral for Aquarius. however being the ruler of 3rd (an evil house and mars being an evil natured planet) Mars can always have a evil tinge to it for aquarius

      • Baskaran says:

        Thanks much VS ji.

        Like you have taught us before, I understand that such evil tendency will get increased or deceased based on its placement in the individual’s chart..

        If placed in Kendra or Trikona or its friendly signs like Leo or Pisces or Sagittarius , Mars may not harm much. Am I right?

        As always , thanks a lot for teaching us the ancient science of Vedic astrology .

        • VS says:

          yes thats correct. thanks

        • baskar says:

          One quick question VS ji.

          Let us say Mars is placed in one of its good signs like Leo or Aries or Scorpio.. But it is placed in a dusthanas like 6 , 8 or 12.

          I am confused how will be its aspect on other planets.. Should we consider its aspects from the Lagna chart ( or ) do we need to consider the aspects from th chalit chart?

          Will such an aspect be benefits or harmful?

          Kindly let me know.

          Thank you very much again.

          • VS says:

            any planet in own house or exalted house will be happy and its aspect powerful
            it depends on how the planet is for the horoscope. mars for leo for example is a yoga karaka and hence its aspect from 6th bhaav, where it is exalted, will do purely good in all ways. but for virgo ascendant where Mars is a deep functional malefic, if exalted, it can cause accidents and stomach injury/ surgery

          • Sundar says:

            Vivek, in the Virgo Asc/Mars example, if Mars and Saturn are conjunct in Saggi in transit, I have 2 questions:
            1. Does Mars’ functional status play a role. I think yes.
            2. Does Mars’ exaltation play a role? I believe no since that is the natal position.
            Can you please correct/agree?

          • VS says:

            unfortunately in reality all the factors do matter. question is how much and in what proportion
            generally for transit, bother more regarding jupiter, saturn and rahu/ ketu as they set the overall trends. if one can do that in tandem with vimsottari, then enuff accuracy will be attained

            jupiter will bless and activate results of whatever it is transiting over (natal chart wise). the stronger the natal planet, the stronger the effect. good or bad will depend on the shadbal and other features of that natal planet and its functional nature in the chart
            saturn will cause karma to be dispensed and activate the areas it transits over or aspects or trinal to. again if tranist saturn goes over aries and mars is placed in it in natal chart of a cancer ascendant. this activates both a yoga karaka house and a strong yoga karaka planet in the chart. effects will be very good and not bad.

            rahu ketu axis in transit will show where the problems, delays and confusions will be in the natal chart

            one has to see both from lagna and moon and Arudha Lagna. how to mix them is again experience

          • Sundar says:

            Thank you my my friend and teacher..

  26. jai says:

    Hi VS,

    In above chart and in the row of Capricorn ascendant Mars is missed. Its not present in any column.

    Is it a mistake or for some other reason?

    • VS says:

      Mars will remain neutral for Capricorn. It can give property, wealth and a good income but ill health and accidents/ surgery for capricorn

  27. jai says:

    Hi VS,

    Do we calculate FM or FB basing on planet’s relations with Lagna lord or it’s ownership of houses.

    eg. Sun is enemy of Saturn and owns 8th house. so for capricorn lagna is it because animosity with saturn or ownership of 8th house is reason for its being FM for CAP?


    • VS says:

      in real phalit astrology, friendship or lack of it to the lagna lord gives correct results. Not the ownerships as much

      • jai says:

        Thanks VS,

        One followup question:

        Planet’s relationship with Lagna Lord should always be considered
        Irrespective of MD and AD?

        If MD is Venus and AD is SUN than should we consider SUN’s relationship with Venus Or Still I need to see its relationship with Saturn?

        Thanks and Regards

        • VS says:

          yes relationship between AD and MD is always more pertinent to that given time and not the whole life in general. ALso look at compound relationship when looking at MD and AD lords. rahu and sun for example are stark enemies but if placed exact 3-11 to each other, they are temporary good friends and hence overall relation becomes neutral and not negative

  28. Aditya says:

    You mentioned about sun being malefic if placed in 10th house for Capricorn ascendent.
    Will this be applicable throughout that person professional life. Also will the severity be felt highly during sun MD.
    Please share your thoughts.

    Regards, Aditya

    • VS says:

      any planet will have higher intensity of its nature felt in its dasa or in the dasa of a planet that conjuncts it. sun in 10th for capricorn can also be good if venus is strong and situated in 10th also but farther than 8 degrees from sun to avoid combustion. in such a case, this sun can give neecha bhang rajyoga of a high order as well. every placement can have good or bad depending on other factors in the chart

  29. Vishwajit says:

    Can you please share as to

    Which ascendent or moon sign person should avoid marrying each other. Also which nakshatras should avoid coming togther.

    Thanks, vh

    • VS says:

      matrimony related astrology is one area i dont dive too much deep into
      I have seen that the 36 point score nor rashis give consistent good predictions. Best is to see the general nature mismatch if at all
      generally rashis/ lagnas that are 6/8 to each other should certainly be avoided and mostly luminary vs saturn combinations in lagna or rashi for the boy/ girl should be avoided. But in general matching in very specific to each horoscope and no general rules exist

  30. Aditya says:

    How can one gauge the effectiveness of the planets degree-wise i.e. 0-30.
    Please share.
    Regards, Adi

    • VS says:

      purely degrees in a rashi is not a sufficient guage. you have to see the dignity of the planet, its depositor, its yogas and avayogas, its shadbal etc etc

  31. BR says:

    How about the dignity of Mars for Aquarius (owner of 3rd and 10th house)? It’s not mentioned in the table above.

    • VS says:

      Mars can give very good results for career if well placed. By itself it will remain an evil planet due to MK sign in the 3rd sign which is evil in nature and in general mars is an evil planet also

      • BR says:

        Thanks! Well placed would mean in Kendra or Trikona, I guess and aspected by Venus (the Yogakarak) or Saturn (Lagnesh)?

        Also, Mercury is the owner of 5th and 8th house, and the MK is in 8th house which is a bad house but Saturn and Mercury are friends. Is it why you’ve written Mercury as a positive planet? How would the placement of Mercury (say) in the 8th house itself, which is an exalted house for Mercury be?

        • VS says:

          Mercury is +ve and retains a slight tarnish to it as well. exalted mercury in 8th can give riches and wealth and good communiaction skills but if afflicted heavily by mars or sun or ketu, can cause harm or separation from children

          • BR says:

            Thanks! A few more clarifications.

            I see that for Capricorn you have mentioned only Sun (owner of 8th house) as -ve planet, whereas for Aquarius you have mentioned both Moon and Sun (owners of 6th and 7th) as -ve. Why is that the case?

            A waxing moon as the owner of 7th house for Capricorn may not be -ve. Is that why? What if it is waning?

            By similar logic, will a waxing moon cease to be malefic for Aquarius, assuming its placed in Kendra/Trikona?

            Also, is Sun -ve for Aquarius even though it’s MK is in the Kendra (7th house) because it’s a cruel planet and an enemy of Saturn (the Lagnesh)? Or is there another reason?

          • VS says:

            these are from observations. Its not as much about waxing and waning
            6th lord always negative and hence for Aquarius, Moon is a malefic. Sun and Saturn are arch enemies and due to mutual 2 way enmity, they remain hostile to each other in both lagnas. Likewise as per general rules, a malefic owning a Kendra is a benefic etc. in real life doesn’t work like that. for luminary ascendants, Saturn remains negative also.

            best way to look at this is check relation with lagna lord. say Jupiter for Capricorn ascendant. Jupiter feels neutral to Saturn. Saturn feels neutral to Jupiter. hence overall result is neutral. Jupiter hence will not really be a malefic and rather a neutral planet. all will depend on its placements, aspects and conjunctions and depositors

  32. BR says:

    Thanks! That is very helpful.

    I had another general question. What do you think about combustion by sun in general? Is the MD/AD of the combusted planet always bad if that planet was a FB to begin with? And, similarly is the MD/AD of the combusted planet good if that planet was a FM?

    What if the combusted planet was in its exalted or MK sign? How should we analyze combustion by sun in general?

    • VS says:

      generally combust planets are not good. if mercury too close to sun, its functional houses get damaged but its general nature brightens…meaning the person can be articulate and intelligent. but what houses mercury rules, especially virgo, that will suffer. same example if leo lagna and mercury sitting in 9th house with sun and mars. now sun and mars are creating a great Raj yoga in the 9th house. mercury in this case being neutral (MK sign in 2nd) will just mimic this. so Mercury MD might give out all the results of the raj yoga and laxmi yoga and give wealth, fame etc. however it can create some problems in the family of the person (2nd house)

      • BR says:

        Thanks! That’s very interesting.

        Can I generalize what you mentioned to the following?

        For lagnas for which sun is a -ve planet i.e. Libra, Capricorn, aquarius, and incapable of creating a strong Raj Yoga, MD/AD of mercury can be bad.

        For example, if Mercury is in 8th house and combust in Virgo (MK for mercury) as is the case for Amitabh Bachchan (Aquarius Ascendant).

        then Mercury MD can be bad?

        Actually, Amitabh Bachchan had Mercury MD from 1990-2007… and that period was initially bad for him as his music company almost went bankrupt in the early 90s but later he had a turnaround due to KBC and once again achieved greatness that he was accustomed to in the 70s and early 80s in the eyes of the public.

        Overall it was a mixed period for him? What do you say?

        • VS says:

          Retrograde mercury and Direct Venus are Not combust. only for these 2 such a condition exists. example amitabh. his mercury is retrograde own house so very strong and hence is not combust also

          • BR says:

            Thanks! Sorry…I didn’t see that it was not combust. Hmm..but still Mercury dasha was checkered and not as great as his Saturn dasha.

            For the sake of pedagogy, let’s assume that his Mercury was direct and was also combust (say it was 3 degrees from Sun). Then would Mercury MD have been better or worse? 🙂

          • VS says:

            8th house is impressionable as is mercury and as is any retrograde planet. so in this case mercury becomes extremely impressionable. It is close to a debiliated venus and a neecha abhilashi sun and an afflicted inmical mars. it deposits all these planets as well, all in the 8th bhaav of destruction and reversals. But being 5th lord and exalted and balli, it is good also. Also trinal to the lagna lord as well as conjunct with the yoga karaka venus. Hence mixed effects are evident due to coexisting bad and good

  33. Vishwajit says:

    Dear VS,

    In trikon 1-5-9, the first house is ruled by Saturn.
    In kendra 1-7-10-11, the seventh house has Saturn in cancer and in full strength.
    Can Saturn being the rasi swami and occupying lagnesh be considered as bhavat bhavaam. An auspicious or lucky.

    Please let know.

    Thanks, Vishwajit

    • VS says:

      dont understand what you are saying. if lagna is capricorn and saturn is in 7th bhaav, then it has full directional strength or dig bal due to 7th house placement. this is one of many other strengths to be seen. saturn will be afflicted also being in the sign of an enemy moon

  34. Varun says:

    Vivekji – Some clarifications:

    1. You say above that “retrograde Mercury and direct Venus don’t combust”. Is this agreed by most astrologers or is a contentious point?
    2. Also what if Mercury is deeply combust(within 1 degree of sun)?
    3. How does other factors like good placement, Vargottam status and rashi sandhi play on a retrograde combust Mercury?


    • VS says:

      many points in astrology as contended. The above is claimed by Sanjay Rath and PVR (JHora author) and over decades of experience, I confirm that I believe that retro marecury and direct venus don’t combust. Also the combustion of these internal planets is just upto 3 or 4 degrees max. beyond that, the combustion gets very mild very quickly. for the outer planets, I think anything beyond 10 degrees is not combust

  35. Varun says:

    Thanks Vivekji. Sir, how does one judge a deeply combust, retrograde, virgottam, rashi-sandhi and well placed graha. I mean there are too many additional factors to look at

    Can we conclude the following:
    1. combust but retrograde so n0 combustion
    2. rashi-sandhi but virgottam so has good strength and color of the rashi the planet is in

    So if this planets rules good houses and is in a good rashi, he will be strong enough to perform his functional and generic duties


    • VS says:

      every case is different. venus as an example will be combust when retrograde and close to the sun. also try to see the general effects during 1st, 2nd or 3rd level dasa/ bhuktis of the planet. that will tell u how it is really behaving.

  36. Pradeep says:

    Two questions:

    1. Are Jupiter and Venus friends / neutral / enemies of each other?
    2. Venus, 3rd and 8th lord, placed in 4th from Meena lagna in Gemini. How will you rate Venus in this case basis the facts: Venus is natural benefic but Functional Malefic for meena lagna. Secondly, it is placed in angular house in mitra rashi Mercury. However, Mercury is receiving 3rd aspect from Satur.

    • VS says:

      I have said this many times before. nothing is only Good or Bad. those definitions are in books and movies only
      most things in life are shades of grey. the same venus as dig bali in a friends house will give vehicles/ properties and at the same time can cause vehicular accidents and unhappy family life due to marriage or some female issues in family. Good exists with the bad

  37. Baskar says:

    Dear VS ji,

    What is the difference between :

    Lords of Trishadayas ..3,6,11


    Lords of 6,8 ,12.

    Both sets are malefics , I think. Please let me know what is th difference ?

    Thanks much.


    • VS says:

      evil houses – 3,6,11 with increasing intensity of evil nature
      these houses also improve with time along with 10th and hence upachya
      Malefics in these houses are not necessarily bad and can give material benefits and a courageous nature

      6,8,12 cause all sorts of miseries, sickness, debt, expenses, poverty, accidents, injuries, grief, pain etc.
      however each has some good features. example 12th is also foreign travel, spirituality, philanthropy etc

      • Baskar says:

        Thank you VS ji.

        I like to know if the Lords of 3,6, 11 are more malefic than the lords of 6,8,12..

        8th lord and 12th lords are, based on ownership , how do you rate the maleficence of the reminding ? Kindly let me know.

        Is 11th lord more malefic than all others ?

        Kindly let me know.

        Thanks much for your reply in advance.

        • VS says:

          malefic/ evil etc is hard to define. desh kaal and paristithi are important

          example 11th is most evil and yet can also give good news and financial income but cause accidents or sudden negative events. so time and experience usually teaches us more than just rules..

  38. BR says:

    Hi VS,

    I read some post on “” which said that for folks born towards the end of Capricorn and beginning of Aquarius lagna, Venus and Mercury will be even more beneficial as Venus in addition to owning 4/9 for Aquarius will also have *remnant* effect on 5/10 (i.e. it will impact even more houses in kendra/trikona) and similarly Mercury in addition to owning 5/8 will also have some effect on 9th, so the impact of these planets will be accentuated. (The same is true for Capricorn-ending folks.)

    The same thing can also be said for ending Cancer and beginning Leo for Mars in their case.

    The reasoning given is something along the lines of Bhav/Chalit concepts.

    What are your thoughts?

    • VS says:

      sure, makes logical sense. however ‘more’ or ‘less’ is all subjective and can be seen with time and experience..

  39. BR says:

    Another quick question: What do you think of the dignity and *general* impact of Jupiter in 12th house for Aquarius ascendant? Assuming it’s out of deep debiliation i.e. greater than 5 degrees.

    Jupiter is the greater benefic, so one should expect it to give average or above average results, but it is also the owner of 11th house, which by ownership is a bad house. And, also it owns the second house, which is a marak house. Based on your description on this site, you said that for 2nd owner, look at their other house, which in this case is 11th and hence bad.

    So, shouldn’t Jupiter be a neutral to negative planet for Aquarius unlike just neutral as you mention?


    • VS says:

      As I have said many times, generalizing that Jupiter is bad or good for all x lagna people is flawed. the rules of ownership give a clue. but each horoscope is different and needs an individual analysis. placement of the planets, their depositors (rashi, nakshatra and navamsa) and aspects on the planets will dictate how the general planet will be. in addition look at the way the planet thinks about the lagna lord and vice versa. if both are neutral like in saturn- jupiter then more or less the planet will be neutral by itself. rest will be seen from its placement, dignity etc

  40. Vishwa says:


    In general, is sun considered to be malefic for Capricorn ascendent.
    At some point during ones life they have to face his fury.
    Please share, Vh

    • VS says:

      yes it is a malefic. how bad or not depends on the individual chart. If sun is placed well and aspected well, adversity can lead to eventual good for the person.

  41. Aditya says:


    In D1 the Lord of 8th house Sun is delibilated in 10th house (swati constellation).

    In D10 the Lord of 8th house Jupiter is retrograde in 10th house (Aquarius).

    Can such combination lead to career break during Sun MD or else help in getting a job during Jupiter Ad or transit from moon over favorable house like 9, 11, 2 or 5 or during retrogression.

    In D1 Venus is in Scorpio and D10 Venus is in Capricorn.

    Please let me know.

    • VS says:

      cant generalize and don’t give personal readings
      however as a push in the right direction, sun itself debilitated in 10th is not bad for Capricorn. Venus if strong and non combust, will keep protecting its significations

  42. Sundar says:

    For a Aquarius lagna, Yogakkara Venus sits in the 6th (neutral since Moon sits in the 7th); Venus is 1 degree from bhaav-madhya and Moon is 12 degrees away. I think Venus should be able to protect the 4th and 9th’s functions and do some good to the 6th as well. Yes?

    • VS says:

      i cant speculate and there is no point, generically speaking a venus in 6th bhaav is maran karaka and behaves like venus sitting in the lagna of the enemy (good for them)
      venus is also angry in the house of sun or moon and is relatively weak. if in 6th with 6th lord, it might give diseases of the eyes, kidneys and even urinary/ sexual (STD) problems are possible if the combination is aspected or trined by saturn and or rahu. if aspected by mars and ketu, surgery of the eye is possible. especially left eye if male and right eye if female

  43. KRS says:

    Dear VS:
    For Saggitarius ascendant with Libra moon, is Saturn benefic or malefic? It is malefic from ascendant but yogakaraka wrt moon sign. It is sitting in Capricon.
    As always, your insight is appreciated.

    • VS says:

      it is neutral from lagna and beneficial from moon. due to high dignity, it is likely to be benfecial …as always depends on yogas it is involved in and the planets that aspect it

  44. KRS says:

    Thank you VS

  45. Guilherme A P Giese says:

    Fisrt of all, thansk for sharing your profound knowledge. This excel table is far excelent to understand a chart and it’s dynamics. But I have some questions:

    1) Where did you determine the “weight”?
    2) I saw that Mars in the benefic table receive 1.5, why? How do I measure and put this points?
    3) In the -3.3 to +3.3, how do I know what point to give?

    Sorry my english, I’m a jyotish brazilian student. =)
    Wish you lot of sucess.

    • VS says:

      you can look at Vimsopaka bala in the strengths tab. it is max 20 and min 0 for any planet. Divide it by 6 to get the figure approximately

      Keep in mind some of these are subjective weights and strengths learnt from hit and trial over thousands of horoscopes and hence not a formula claimed to be comprehensive and true in all conditions. It is meant to give guidance and instead of making astrology a completely mathematical exercise, prediction comes true usually from long term case studies over 1000s of charts when the astrologer learns to combine theory with practice and develop an intuition regarding the planets.

  46. gajendra says:

    Dear sir,
    I am Pieses ascendant,
    In my chart sun and mars and mercury 2nd house in Aries,
    Mars combust with sun in aries,
    My question is Aries is Exalation for Sun and Swakshetra for Mars and Mars is most Benific for Pieses ascendant but now This combust is gives Benific results or Melific results for Mars Mahardasha ??
    Please give me reply to my mail

    • VS says:

      overall it can be very good for finances/ money and career, but likely bad for longevity of relationship/ spouse and could also make you impulsive in the way you talk to people

  47. Baskar says:

    VS ji,

    Mercury is highly impressionable. It becomes benefic or malefic based on how close it is placed from other planets.

    How many degrees of such closeness / separation will make it benefic or malefic with respect to its position from RAHU / Sun / Mars etc?

    Please let me know.


    • VS says:

      the closer the degrees, the stronger the impact ofcourse. if multiple planets involved, the ones closer in terms of degrees will have a stronger impact than the ones farther away

      • Baskar says:

        One question VS ji..For example , with respect to Sun, placement within how many degrees radius will make Mercury Combust, then conjunct and then not conjunct ? Please let me know.

        What if Rashi / Bhava separates Sun and Mercury in the zodiac ? Does it matter to be considered conjunct / combust?


        • VS says:

          generally good to use upto 6 degrees for venus and mercury and upto 12 degrees for the outer planets mars, jupiter and saturn as combustion

          • Baskar says:

            Even if two planets are placed in adjacent rashi / Bhava , as long as the degrees are less than 8 degrees between them, it will be considered conjunct.Am I understanding it right? Please let me know.

            Long time ago, I remember reading that Uttar kalamritham says if Rashi / Bhava start or end points come in between the said two planets, they should not be considered to be conjunct . So, confused if the Rashi / Bhava separation will invalidate the conjunction status even though they are placed close enough, degree wise .


          • VS says:

            yes and the 8 degree rule is not hard and fast. Upto 12 to even 15 degrees also 2 planets interact. the closer the gap the stronger the interaction ofcourse

            rashi or nakshatra change will certainly induce some weakness in the combination, however they will still act as conjunct. only difference is that since their depositors now might represent different things and placed in different houses/ signs, the effects get more complicated to decipher as opposed to a straightforward conjunction

  48. Baskar says:

    Awesome reply VS ji..Thanks much

  49. Suraj Vanjeeswaran says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have a question regarding aspects,
    My ascendant is Pisces with a waxing Moon located in the 6th house . Will the aspect of my moon become malefic here due to it sitting in a dushtana. Kindly help me with this as I am trying to understand how to determine the nature of aspects, i.e benefic or malefic .


    • VS says:

      no since moon is a 5th lord, its aspect will always be positive even if it is sitting in a dusthana. Only thing is that its aspect might be doing lesser good if it is weakened by being placed in a dusthana

  50. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    For a meena lagna with Budha combust in the 7th, I recommended Emerald and it seems to have done good. Her Jupiter is at 18 deg in neech rasi. Can I strengthen Guru, given she is wearing Emerald since Budha is inimical?

    Thank you.

    • VS says:

      yes both rule good houses and sit in non dusthana houses and both are generic benefics and hence no harm wearing together also. jupiter if in capricorn, its gem will activate saturn also and so the placement and impact of saturn will also increase along with jupiter and 11th bhaav

      • Sundar says:

        Hello VS:
        Saturn in lagna is weak, by increasing Jupiter’s and consequently Saturn’s strength can we expect better results from Saturn since especially it is direct opposite Sun and the dasa is saturn?
        Or is is better that for Meena lagna, saturn being a FM and also lord of a dusthana, it is better not to strengthen it?
        Your opinion is much appreciated Sir.

        • VS says:

          in practice saturn and jupiter are really neutral as both consider each other neutral

          for the MK sign lagnas, the other one is Neutral but tending negative (meaning saggi and aquarius have saturn & jupiter neutral but tending negative)

          for non MK sign lagnas, the other one is Neutral but tending positive (capri and pisces have jupiter and saturn neutral but tending positive respectively)

          • Sundar says:

            By tending, you mean the next –> n sign from the MK or Non MK of either planet. From Capri the 12th is tending positive (3,12) for Guru, from Meena (11,12) 12 is tending positive for saturn. From Aquarius Guru ( 2,11) is tending negative and from Dhanur, saturn (2,3) is tending negative.
            In conclusion, you are saying that Saturn in meena and Guru in Capri is better than Saturn in Dhanur and Guru in Aquarius ..yes?

          • VS says:

            tending means tilting towards so for capricorn jupiter will be neutral but tilting positive but it will completely depend on its location

            ideally jupiter should be weaker and in company of functional benefics like venus, saturn or mercury for this lagna in which case it will mimic them and amplify their effect as well

            on the other hand a strong jupiter and weaker functional benefic will give negative results and loss

  51. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    If a planet is lord of 6 but also lord of the 9th and 9th rasi is a MK (e.g. Meena lagna/Budha) it becomes a benefic planet even if Budha is inimical to the lagna lord. For Cancer lagna, Guru’s 6th lordship is not MK Rasi, so it becomes a neutral. Is this neutrality due to ownership of the non-MK 9th? I think it is NOT due to being friendly to lagna lord Moon since it it were true, Budha would be neutral for Meena lagna.
    I am deducing this from your table and is my inference correct?

    • VS says:

      for meena lagna budha is not ruling 6th and 9th
      for cancer, jupiter remains a mild benefic as its MK is 6th and non MK 9th. since jupiter and moon have a good relation and jupiter a generally benefic planet, its tilt remains to do good.

      • Sundar says:

        Sorry Vivek, meant for Makara lagna I meant..Budha is owner of 6th and 9th MK and hence is more benefic than Jupiter is for Cancer I correct? Sorry about the typo.

        • VS says:

          mercury rules 9th as MK sign and hence mainly is a high benefic for makar
          jupiter’s MK is 6th and hence lesser benefic

          also for any planet, instead of just looking at the houses owned, see what the lagna lord thinks of the planet in terms of permanent friendship

          saturn thinks of mercury as a friend (always look at lagna lord to the planet X as decision is from lagna)
          moon thinks of Jupiter as a Neutral

          • Sundar says:

            Hello VS:
            Quoting from above for convenience: “see what the lagna lord thinks of the planet in terms of permanent friendship”.
            Mars thinks of Saturn as neutral. Saturn thinks of Mars as an enemy.
            Yet , for a Mars lagna, you seem to see Saturn as highly enemical than the other way around.
            Am I mistaken or if I am not, why do you consider so?

          • VS says:

            for both real results are mixed and depend more on the placement and dignity of the planet. generically speaking martian explosive energy is tamed in capricorn and saturn signs and hence becomes constructive. saturn ascendant individuals can have great ability to focus their effort/ energy with a well placed mars

            on the other hand saturn energy of slow and steady repulses the impatient arian especially and the emotionally controlling scorpion. hence saturn periods can be painful unless they inculcate patience. by itself saturn might not harm and yet they might harm themselves indirectly due to impatience

  52. Baskar says:

    Unafflicted Mercury:

    VS ji,

    Unafflicted Mercury is considered to be a benefic. However, Mercury is almost always close to Sun. How many degrees of placement away from Sun or other malefics will make it a benefic graha? Will this degree range change if Mercury is direct or in retrograde motion?

    Please let me know.

    Thanks much.

    • Baskar says:

      I asked a similar question before to you VS ji.. But this is more relevant to it direct or retro movement ..

      Also, if one functional malefic and one other functional benefic aspect this Mercury, what will be the net effect ?

    • VS says:

      retrograde mercury is not combust in general even within 2 degrees of sun
      otherwise i consider mercury combust only within 3 to 4 degrees of sun. however the farther it is, the brighter it is ofcourse. It will never be more than 28 degrees away from the sun ofcourse. anything more than 14 degrees is a bright mercury

  53. Mayuresh D Amdekar says:


    Maybe this is a misplaced question. But I will still go ahead with it :

    Does a functional malefic planet make the nakshatras owned by that planet malefic as well ?

    For e.g: mercury is a malefic for Scorpio lagna. Will planets placed in jyeshtha, revati etc give some malefic effects ? Moreover do the planets placed in nakshatras get activated when the nakstra owner’s dasha begins ?

    • VS says:

      to some extent yes. however the rashi will dominate the effect and not the nakshatra. when you see nakshatras, see what they are from moon. 3rd, 5th and 7th from moon are bad nakshatras (and the trinal to these), others are good.

      • Asena says:

        Sorry for messing up with your conversation but this question has bothered me for quite some time- if a person is born during the night does it make the influence of nakshatras on the horoscope stronger compared to if the person is boring during the day when the Sun would sort of “outshine” the light and influence of the stars or is such a concept completely non-relevant?…
        Thank you in advance for your reply.

  54. Mrugesh says:

    Hi VS,

    What is your opinion about strength of Sun for Tula lagna? Being worst functional malefic ideally it should be weak but if say in 11th in Leo without affliction will ensure good income, great friends and good father. Also health and lagna gets fortified due to Rashi aspect. My question is: what is the catch? How this Sun can be malefic? One thing could be it can make person very egoistic and proud, that goes against agenda of Venus and relationship building. But apart from that, do you see any negatives? In general, my query is about why 11th lord is considered most malefic? I agree, in most cases it’s bad enemy of the Lagna trikona lords.


    • VS says:

      yes it can give too much pride or even arrogance. Also it can cause spine/ stomach/ heart health issues
      if it is much stronger than venus (which is likely) then the horoscope will be dominated by a male figure in life (father or boss/ employer) etc and even though the person might have a good circle, not everyone in the circle will work for his/ her benefit and hence some strong issues are likely also from senior govt officials or powerful men

  55. Varun says:

    Hello VSji – What can be said about the badhkesh – Is it good to have badhkesh weak or strong ? For instance, Jupiter for Gemini rules badhaksthan 7th house(Sagittarius) but also rules karmasthan (Pisces) hence is it good to have Jupiter weak for Gemini Ascendant.


    • VS says:

      generally a well placed and aspected planet is always better than otherwise. rest I dont recommend diving into the badhakesh concept too much, unless one gets to a higher level of astrological knowledge

  56. Jagdish says:

    Respected sir,
    I am studying your articles since the past several months. It is excellent sir. I have confusion about some points. Can you kindly clarify.
    1) If a planet is Functional Benefic like Mars, Saturn, Sun, can I understand that its effects as Natural Malefic is about to 5 to 10% and it is about 90% benefic for the chart. Can its Aspects be considered as Benefic say about 90%.
    Similar can the case be for Natural Benefic like Jupiter / Venus turning into FM for the Chart. Can it be 5 to 10% benefit and 90% malefic. Similar are its Aspects to be considered as about 90% Malefic.

    2) Does Paap and Shubh Kartari planets gives results in its Dashas specifically or other times also.

    3) If Nodes Rahu and Ketu takes over the results of other Planets during its own Dashas, then what about the Dasha result of the other Planet, the nodes are conjoined with ? Does the other Planet remains quiet in its happy or sad status without giving any results.

    4) I assume the Aspects of the other Planets in Point No : 3, work all the time.

    5) If a Planet is Bad for a chart, does this Planet gives bad effects only during its Maha Dashas ( & AD)
    And it stops giving the malefic effects specifically once it Dasha is over as the next Planetary Dasha takes over.
    Regards and Thanks a lot sir.

    • VS says:

      1) yes an aspect from a well placed functional benefic will be benefic. however aspects of generically malefic planets like saturn and mars always carry some negativity also to them
      2) any planet gives its effects in its own dasa or dasa or planets conjunct or trinal to it as well as its depositors dasa
      3) the other planet will take on the effect of rahu ketu to some extent. Especially with rahu, the other planet will have some tendency to do evil and give sudden results in its dasa. like a good period can suddenly come to an end etc.
      4) aspects to any planet, including rahu and ketu have to be always considered
      5) no a negative planet will always give its effect, ofcourse these effects are felt more in its own relevant dasas and transits

      • Jagdish says:

        Thank you very much sir for your reply.
        I am Grateful.

        • Jagdish says:

          Happy New Year Vivek Sir,
          Wishing you lots of peace and Happiness,

          • VS says:

            Many thanks Jagdish and same to you as well!

          • Jagdish says:

            Respected sir,

            While analyzing a horoscope, you have written about studying the Placement , Sign lord, navamsa lord, nakshatra lord, taras, aspects , conjunctions etc.
            How about the charcteristics of the NAKSHATRAS itself ? Does it dominate like the above ? I am referring to the Moon / Asc /Asc Lord Nakshatra characteristics. Also the Nakshatra characteristics of each planet., Dasha lord and anthra dasha lord planet.
            What I mean is , whether studying of the characteristics of the 27 Naksthatras and their 4 padas is as important. Does the features of these naksahtras indicate the behavior of each planets during their dashas and also otherwise, and reflect on the person.

            Can you kindly elaborate with some examples.

          • VS says:

            yes characteristic of the nakshatra will also show but in a more generic and subtle sense. thus even though nothing can be totally ignored, it will not be a decisive factor in the analysis

  57. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Re: Kendriyatipati dosha…
    Parashara states that Guru as the owner of 2 kendras is most malefic, followed by Venus (eg. for Mars lagnas), then Budha for Meena and Dhanur. I have 2 questions:
    1. If Guru sits in a FM/Dusthana house, does it help?
    2. Does Guru becoming Vakri help? I know a mithuna lagna with vakri Guru sitting in 10th house and married for decades?
    What is your experience?

    • VS says:

      pure kendradipatti only stands for mer or jup as they own square houses not including lagna in particular cases
      what parasara has pointed out is that a benefic owning a kendra and not owning a trikona will act as a malefic. meaning venus as MK of libra from capricorn ascendant is not a malefic, rather a yoga karaka as venus owns the 5th also but for cancer lagna the MK sign being in non lagna and other sign not owning a trikona, venus becomes an evil planet

      in practice, such a venus if very strong in the chart say for cancer will still give material benefits (not as much as for say capricorn) but such a venus can give relationship issues, diseases and enmity or problems via the feminine gender, so in real life the phalit part is mixed and not just bad or good. will ofcourse depend on placement of the planet, its dignity and yogas it forms etc.

      • Sundar says:

        VS: In the example you have given above (venus for cancer lagna being a FM..if it sits in Tula does it lose the blemish of the 11th completely and becomes a FB?


        • VS says:

          No, it remains a badhakesh and treats moon as inmical to some extent. Although if in 4th in own house without blemish, it is a strong shukra giving malavya yoga as well and thus it can give lots of material comforts like house, cars, wealth etc and a good heart

  58. narayan says:

    For capricorn ascendant, Sun – mercury and rahu are in swati, Libra.
    Here sun is at 18* and mercury at 16* (C).
    Mercury being the lord of 6th and 9th house, what can we expect during Sun md -Budh ad period. Please share your views.

    Regards, Narayan

  59. narayan says:

    If Rahu and Sun conjunct in any house, can we say Sun will mature after 42 years and not 24. Please let know.

  60. Shivam says:

    If a person born with Virgo lagna has mercury 19d and venus 26d conjunction in 2nd house of libra but in bhav chalit venus moves to 3rd house and in navamsa mercury gets debilitated in 1st house and venus is in 4th house of gemini..would such a combination still give good results..since the conjunction of 9th and 10th house lord happened in 2nd house which owns the 9th house as well

    • VS says:

      when planets move in bhaav or chalit chart, they dont change their dignity, only the houses they effect/ aspect. Meaning if venus is in Libra in say 2nd rashi for a virgo ascendant but moves to 1st bhaav in chalit then it will not become debilitated! it remains in Libra which is its Mooltrikona not debilitation, only that its effects will be of the 1-7 axis more than the 2-8 axis although both will intermingle to some extent. dont just memorize rules from books, understand the logic and then apply to as many real charts as possible – the only way to learn predictive astrology or phalit jyotish. rest is ganit jyotish or mathematical astrology that computers and apps can do for you

  61. MKS says:

    For Gemini asc, a yoga is formed when Venus & Gemini both are in 3rd and Saturn in 9th in the natal chart. But in Bhaav/chalit chart Saturn moves to 10th, so wondering:
    1 If the yoga still exists or not, and
    2 What would the impact of Saturn moving to 10th from 9th

  62. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Are the following true?
    1. A planet has KD and thus a FM, becomes a benefic if it sits in own house, e.g Aries Lagna with Venus in Tula.
    2. A natural malefic and a quadrant lord, thus a FB, remains a malefic if in own house e.g. Tula lagna with Mars in Aries, Cancer lagna with Saturn in Capricorn.

    • VS says:

      i dont go by these rules. I think the starting point of FB or FM for each lagna is relatively well documented and I have my own list. However the real magic is the placement, yogas and dignities of planets in the chart in total and not just individually. example every 12th person is the world is capricorn and hence have venus as a yoga karaka. venus MD will not be awesome for all of them. secondly even if venus placed in 10th house in mahapurush yoga – malavya will be 1/12 x 1/12 or every 144th person on earth. now will all these have the same power and delivery by Venus? ofcourse not and that is the crux of astrology. getting too hung up only on the delineation of FB or FM will be a waste of time and lead to wrong predictions. all planets have some good and some not so good parts in each chart and hence the beauty is to learn how to spot how much the good outweighs the not so good and it is easier said than done in my experience

  63. Sundar says:

    Hello VS
    R: Neech vs Marana Karaka Sthana
    What is difference in the effect of the houses owned and the house a planet sits in, in these two cases? As far as the planet itself goes, it is unhappy in neech rasi whereas it dies in MKS which means it cannot even be unhappy since it’s dead I would think.


    • VS says:

      a neecha planet will show weakness in the houses it rules, especially its MK sign

      A MKS planet will show damage to the bhaav where it sits. example mars in 7th will show damage to marriage/ relationships

      • Sundar says:

        So, a neech saturn aspecting Sun (not conjunct), say Leo lagna, sun in Tula, is better for Sun than if Saturn was aspecting it from Leo or Capricorn?
        Thanks again

        • VS says:

          not sure if any such generalization can be made
          in general in a chart, the functional benefic planets should be strong and ideally not debilitated and vice versa for functional malefics

          there is a dictum in jyotish that says that if 2 debilitated planets aspect each other, they produce raj yoga. I am not 100% sure of this, I have seen this work sometimes but not always in my studies and so dont consider it as a hard rule but more of a research interest

  64. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    In BPHS, Chapter 34 (Yogakaras), I see the following for Vrshaba lagna :
    23-24. Grahas and Vrishabh Lagn. Guru, Śukr and Candr are malefics. Śani and Sūrya are auspicious. Śani will cause Raj Yog. Budh is somewhat inauspicious. The Guru group (Guru, Candr and Śukr) and Mangal will inflict death.

    Couple of questions:
    #1 Why is Budh is little inauspicious?
    #2 Why does Sukr in the Guru group (Asura guru) and Moon become killers?

    I don’t mean to start a chapter by chapter discussion, probably only a few 🙂

    • VS says:

      No point! This is exactly why I recommend going through the crash course lessons here that will summarize the high level findings for each sign
      Every literature review will give you slightly different results, sometimes markedly different as well. Most astrologers get too bogged down by all this towards the start of their learning journeys

      If one learns real time with case studies, it is the best way to learn and develop an intuition for Jyotish, which is necessary for any accurate phalit predictions

      Just for this one I can answer – Mercury remains a karaka for Taurus as MK is 5th, both are mutually friendly and the combo of saturn and mercury in a good sign is the best raj yoga and dhan yoga for a taurus lagna individual
      venus does not becomes inauspicious. however with MK ruling the 6th, it remains slightly unpredictable, especially for health matters as it also rules the lagna. In my opinion Venus remains a low level benefic for the chart

      finally Jupiter & moon will be killers – Jupiter being the worst malefic

      I have said this before- any planet ruling 3,6 and 11 becomes evil by nature (parasari definition) 11 being most evil. Also 8th being dusthana and loss (12th to 9th) of bhagya is also evil
      in any lagna if a planet rules 2 of the houses of 3,6,8 or 11 or MK sign in 3,6 or 11 then it can cause evil in the chart and be an active killer. so Jupiter rules 8th and 11th and moon the 3rd. Both remain active killers

      Mars is neutral but MK being a dusthana and general nature being malefic will give good results only if placed in a good bhaav and aspected well

      • Sundar says:

        Thanks Vivek. My knowledge is 90% from you and 10% from PVR. I asked this cos it just ran contrary to my learning. Parashara may not have stated everything explicitly. He probably meant that FMs in 2nd and 7th can be maraka planets apart from the 7th and 2nd lord themselves. Like the Vedas, one probably has to read the entire book in full and interpret it correctly to resolve seemingly conflicting statements.
        Thank you again.

      • MKS says:

        So, for Gemini lagna, it seems Mars (6H & 11H) will be the killer along with Moon (2H) and Jupiter (7H). But in your opinion, which one will be the most active killer. Thanks

        • VS says:

          yes, Mars is an active killer for both mercurian ascendants. for mercury ascendants if Jupiter is in 2nd or 7th, it will usually give wealth, status, high position and comforts along with allocate the portfolio of being a killer to any planet conjunct or trinal to it. If no one other planet is as such, then Jupiter will give all the materialistic/ spiritual benefits but also be a killer

          • MKS says:

            Thank you! What if Jupiter is in dushtana house (say 12) and conjunct moon for Gemini ascendants. Will Jupiter still give wealth, status, high position, etc. and will it be a more active killer for Geminis

            Also, moon rules 2H and in 12H with Jupiter (killer), will not Moon be also an active killer for Gemini ascendants. Thanks

          • VS says:

            jupiter in 2nd or 7th gives wealth as these are houses of wealth and income generation along with 11th and jupiter is the karaka of wealth
            you have to understand the rationality behind this thanks
            moon and jupiter remain killers for gemini but mars can supersede both of them as an active killer. the one which has a closer association with 2nd or 7th bhaavs and the karakas saturn and ketu for life termination will act the bigger killer in individual charts. no one rule fits all, else computers can be programmed to be the best astrologers in no time

  65. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    For a capri lagna with Mars in the 11th, is it a FN any more?

    • VS says:

      it will give mixed results. very beneficial for wealth/income and property but mixed for health and make prone to injuries

  66. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    A question on Guru dasa for a Taurus lagna. He is a FM and a FN (8th, MK). if the eleventh bhaav is not much stronger, will he act more like the 8th lord and give the effects of the conjuct planet or the rasi lord’s (where he sits) functional significations?

    • VS says:

      it can give all the generic 11th results that overlap with jupiter karakatva
      it remains a high level maraka for taurus and can kill when aspected by mars/ ketu and or mercury

  67. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    This is about FN nature of planet plus its effects on a graha is conjunct with:
    Case #1 : Taurus lagna, Guru in Simha with no conjunct planet. When Guru is activated he will act as lord of 11th only and will show 8th’s karakatvas in Simha.

    Case #2: Same position of Guru, but Mars is conjunct. When Guru is activated, his effect on Simha is from the 11th but the effect on Mars (7th) can be detrimental to marriage because he still has the blemish of the 8th when it comes to conjunctions.

    Case #3: Capri lagna. 8th lord Sun sits in the 4th; it will give the effects of the 4th. If the 7th is lord is conjunct, it won’t damage Budha since he has no blemish as the 8th. Same for Moon as the 8th lord.

    Can you confirm/correct for each use case?

    • VS says:

      when a planet sits in a house, it carries the agenda of houses it rules. beyond that, more important is the house it sits in, the planets it sits with or trinal to and planets that aspect it from other houses. also the depositor of the house where a planet sits in is more important. I cant do too many cases but in case 1 MK of jupiter is 8th and it is trinal to its 8th house 100% aspecting the 8th bhaav, so howcome it will not affect 8th and give in results of the non MK house from which it is sitting 6/8 and having no aspect on? Jupiter will bring in agenda of the 8th into 4th. but depending on how strong sun is, that agenda will either dominate 4th or if 4th is stronger then it will only modify sun’s results

  68. Rohan says:

    Hi Vs,

    For libra ascendant if venus(26d)is in 8th house of taurus with 9th lord mercury(3d)and 11th lord sun(25d) here venus gets combust does it harm the overall chart since lagna in 8th house and combust and association of the most malefic 11th lord with 8th lord in 8th house.

    • VS says:

      any chart if lagna lord is deeply combust or weak in a dusthana, it reduces the power of the overall chart yes

      • Rohan says:

        Thanks VS…a planet going into combustion is weaker or a planet coming out of combustion and over here venus being in own house of taurus does it help venus to some extend and what if such a venus receives aspect from yogakaraka planet saturn who is in 2nd house and conjunction with mercury which is 9th lord and its friend help strenghten venus..and would sun harm any planet in which house he is also sitting..thanks!!

        • VS says:

          i can not comment on individual charts but in general combustion is ofcourse just one of the ways a planet loses strength. if it is otherwise in own house, or exalted, high shadbal etc, some of the power is gained back

          also venus is direct motion and mercury in retrograde motion do not give combust effects in my experience

  69. Abhishek says:

    Hello Vs,

    Venus being yogakaraka for capricon ascendant if its in mrityu state like in 29degrees in 4th house of aries aspected by exalted saturn from 10th house would it be capable of giving any good results during its dasa or antardasa to a native..regards!!

    • VS says:

      mrityu state is just one of the many things that ascertain the power of a planet

      for capricorn venus-saturn yuti either by conjunction or opposition will create a Raj Yoga of high quality

      • Adarsh says:


        A planet in mrityu state or a planet in its sign of debilitation if its in the house of its directional strenght does it negate the effect of debilitation or mrityu state to a certain if mercury debilitated in 1st house of pieces where it gains directional strenght or venus in mrityu state in 4th house where it gains directional strenght would placement of planet in the house where they get directional atrenght negate the negative effects of their weakness due to debilitation or mrityu state?

        • VS says:

          yes there are different types of strengths and no one measure has a finality to it. you have to consider various factors to make a subjective judgement on the overall strength of any planet

  70. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Re: a general rule that a malefic which owns a kendra loses at least its maleficity even if it does not become a full FB. Example for Taurus lagna Mars as 7th and 12th lord posited in Leo. Have you found this to be true? What if mars sits in the 7th itself? May be it’s manglik (as you say plus and minuses comes mixed), but how does it do there in he 7th? There is a school of thought that if Mars sits in the quadrant itself, it does not become a FB? What is your experience?


    • VS says:

      i think the 2nd house of the malefic also dictates the overall tone. If the 2nd house is any of 3, 6 or 11 which are evil sthanas then the malefic will retain maleficity. Also the malefic itself – depending on the aspects on it and its conjunctions and rashi/ bhaav placement obviously modifies the overall effect greatly

  71. Raghav says:

    Hi VS,

    Saturn exalted in 8th house for pieces Ascendant alone doesn’t it qualify for vipreet raja yoga coz lord of 12th in 8th house..would such a saturn give good results or bad and what if such a saturn receives aspect from jupiter would it modify its bad results if any..thnx

    • VS says:

      if non combust and unaffliced, such a saturn will give strong 8th bhav results which mean long life and good health. sudden gains in life via lottery/ inheritance etc are also possible. beyond that it depends on the other planets and yogas in the chart

      • Binay says:

        Can we say that an exalted Saturn in above case (8th house) may give chornic illness as well ? Is that completely out of scene if it remains non combust and unafflicted ?

        • VS says:

          saturn exalted in 8th by itself without affliction will not give disease

          what one needs to see is if the lagna lord and 6th house and lord are afflicted. they indicate health. if not, then saturn in 8th by itself doesnt mean chronic disease

  72. Promila says:

    Thanks for this blog VS, wonderful place to learn and “feel” astrology.

    Loved the malefics/benefics analysis as it is one of the most important yet most confusing part for most beginners. I have some confusion related to some of the parameters used – so I am sharing one example analysis, please let me know if this is correct or I need to change something?:
    Scenrario: Sun in Pisces in 10th house at 27 degrees 13′ (Gemini Lagna – ascendant at 17 degrees 33′).

    Now, for this Sun I would make the table similar to yours in the following way:
    a) please check if this looks ok to you?
    b) confusion I have is in the following attributes:
    1) Benefics: “Lordship Benefic”: Sun here is the ruler of 3rd hosue, so Benefic parameter “Lordship Benefic” should be taken as 0 or 1, I have taken as 0?
    2) Benefics: “Functional Friend Sign”” should be taken as 0 or 1, I have taken as 0 as Jupiter considers Mercury an Enemy?
    3) Benefics: “Lordship Benefic Sign”: I have taken as 2, since Sun is in Pisces which is the sign in 10th house, is this understanding correct?
    4) Does “star” in this article mean “Nakshatra”? For “Functional Friend Star” since Sun is in Revati lorded by Mercury, should this value be 0 or 1 here?
    5) What does Amsha in Navamsa mean?
    6) Did not understand your -3.3 to +3.3 and how to use it under the parameter “Amsa in divisionals”
    7) Benefics: “Debilitated Retrograde” has a weight of 2, so what is a planet is in AtiShatru sign, but not debilitated (say Saturn retrograde in Leo in 3rd house), should this Saturn be given a 2, or a 1 or 0 here?
    8) Benefics: “Aspected by Functional Benefic/Lordship Benefic”: here I am using aspects as in the aspects table (i.e, though Sun and Saturn are in 3-8 relationship, Saturn at 14 degrees leo still aspects (77/100) SUN, now since Saturn is a Functional Benefic for this chart and also is a Lordship benefic (lord of 9th house) what number should be given in these fields?
    9) Benefics: aspected by Lordship benefics: here again I am using aspects based on degrees, so though in this example Mercury (3 degrees Pisces) and Mars (9 degrees Pisces) are in the same sign as Sun I am assuming SUN is not aspected by them, though SUN is aspected by 9th lord Saturn, so I have given a 2 in this field, does this look ok?
    10) It will help if you can add 1/2 lines to explain each parameter under Benefics (you have used 28 parameters) and Malefics (you have used 23 parameters)

    Benefic S.No Attribute Weight Sun
    1 Natural Benefic 1 0
    2 Lordship Benefic 1 0
    3 Own Sign 2 0
    4 Exaltation 3 0
    5 Mooltrikona 2.5 0
    6 Deb Retrograde 3 0
    7 Functional Friend Sign 1 0
    8 Lordship Benefic Sign 2 2
    9 Natural Benefic Sign 1 1
    10 Functional Friend Star 1 0
    11 Own Star 2 0
    12 Lordhsip Benefics Star 2 2
    13 Natural Benefics Star 1 1
    14 Functional Friend of Ascendant Lord 2 0
    15 Association with Functional Friend 1 0
    16 Aspected by Lordship Benefic 2 2
    17 Aspected by Natural Benefic 1 1
    18 Natural Malefic in 3,6,10,11 1 1
    19 Natural Benefic not in 12th 1 0
    20 Lordship benefic not in 6,8,12 2 0
    21 Vargottam 3 3
    22 Exaltation in Navamsa Chart 3 0
    23 Amsha in D60 2 2
    24 In Bhav other than 3,6,,8,12 in D9 1 1
    25 In Bhav other than 3,6,,8,12 in D10 1 to 3 3
    26 Own sign in Navamsa Chart 2 0
    27 Amsa in divisionals -3.3 to 3.3 2
    28 Functional Friends sign in Navamsa Chart 1 0

    Malefic 1 Natural Malefic 1 1
    2 Lordship Malefic 1 1
    3 Debilitation 2 0
    4 Exalted Retrograde 2 0
    5 Functional Enemys sign 1 1
    6 Lordship Malefics Sign 1 1
    7 Natural Malefic sign 1 0
    8 Functional Enemy Star 1 0
    9 Natural Malefic Star 1 0
    10 Lordship Malefic Star 2 0
    11 Functional enemy of Ascendant Lord 2 0
    12 Association with Functional enemy 1 0
    13 Association with Lordship Malefic 2 0
    14 Association with Natural Malefic 1 0
    15 Aspected by Functional Enemy 1 0
    16 Aspected by Lordship Malefic 2 0
    17 Natural Malefic not in 3,6,10,11 1 0
    18 Natural Benefic in 12th house 1 0
    19 Lordship Benefic in 6,8,12 2 0
    20 Debilitation in Navamsa Chart 2 0
    21 in bhav 3,6,8 or 12 in D9 -1 0
    22 in 3,6,8,12 bhav in D10 -3 0
    23 Functional enemy sign in Navamsa Chart 1 0

    Difference 17

    Best Regards

  73. Promila says:

    Hi VS

    For a Gemini ascendant, Jupiter a natural benefic owns 7th and 10th houses. From your notes I see that:
    1) since its a natural benefic but owns kendras, so it loses it benefic nature
    2) Also, suppose it is in 5-9 relationship for a particular chart with Gemini Ascendant lord Mercury, so now for Jupiter Mercury is a permanent enemy

    a) such a Jupiter is Functional Malefic for the Gemini Ascendant, is that correct?
    b) As you mentioned Sun and Moon are never really fully malefic for any ascendant, does this not apply to the most benefic of planets Jupiter too? Or, can Jupiter be a high degree malefic for an ascendant like Gemini?
    c) Now suppose this Jupiter is fully exalted, Cancer 5 degrees, then is it good or bad for the native?
    d) In general: a FM being in exaltation is to be considered bad for the native?

    Best Regards

    • VS says:

      jupiter is a maraka owning 7th for mercury ascendants and has kendradipatti dosha. however unless it is afflicted in the chart, being a natural benefic and owning non dusthanas, it does not do much harm, rather good in a materialistic aspect

      • Promila says:

        Hi VS

        Can you help me with the answer to the other question: is an exalted/Strong in Shadbala FM bad for the chart? From your analysis you take exaltation only as a parameter when calculating the benefic side of the planet, so I guess the answer is no, but will be great to get a clarification.

        As an example for Gemini lagna, Mars is a FM, so is an exalted Mars say in 8th house (or say even a Strong Mars in 10th house) a big -ve for Gemini, or is it rather a +ve since exalted FM/Strong FM will cause lesser damage than a debilitated FM/Weak FM?

        Best Regards

        • VS says:

          any planet when exalted or own house will enhance its functional and generic significations and give some boost to the house where they exalt/ aspect.

          so an exalted mars for moon or sun ascendant is par excellent as the functional nature is that of a yoga karaka. For gemini or Virgo, Mars is a strong malefic. Thus even though it will enhance the general characteristics of mars in the person – fighting spirit, courage, dynamism, hard work/ focus etc. functionally it will yield negative results like sickness, litigation, injury and losses. so eventually mixed impact ensues

          • Promila says:

            Thanks for the great explanation VS, helped me understand the concept better.

            Best Regards

  74. modeshpa says:

    Dear VS sir,
    Your blog is godsend gift for Vedic astrology learner’s like me.
    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful ancient science with us.
    I’m beginner so will be grateful if you could shade some light on below.
    For Virgo ascendant – Sun ( lord of 12th ) is posited in first house.
    Note that 12th house is occupied by Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu.
    In this case, will Sun be treated as auspicious by way of its placement
    in Trine ( 1st house ) or Dussthana lordship ( 12th ) wins out and makes it
    an inauspicious planet ?

    • VS says:

      thanks for the nice words

      sun in such a situation is not an outright benefic, but will act neutral to mixed in overall results for professional and money matters but slightly negative for health matters and can give anger and ego issues along with headaches and baldness but good looks in general

  75. Jayesh Bhai says:

    Dear Sir
    Many thanks for ur time and answering peoples Queries, u r a grt soul

    i hv a question
    for cancer ascen, venus being retro exlated in 9th an AK too (Vargottam d9 5th), Sun+moon+Mer conjuct venus

    can some1 wear diamond in ketu and venus MD ?

    may soul get its purpose

    • VS says:

      Thanks for the nice words. wearing a diamond is usually never very negative as venus is a mild and benefic planet. Stones for natural malefics require more care like neelam, cat’s eye, gomedha etc

      you can try diamond, with an exalted venus, it can give good results

  76. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Basic question on Jupiter as a FM for Taurus lagna, probably should have asked you a long time back:
    You had mentioned that the best place for FM’s is 5 and 9 with a strong dispositor. Also, it is not good for it to be Ucha in the 3rd.
    I have 3 questions:
    #1. Which are the next best placements; Kendras, Upachayas or dusthanas (6 being common)?
    #2. What are typically the ill-effects if it is placed in a kendra like the 10th in terms of health and 10th’s karakatvas?

    Thank you.
    #3. Are the generic good qualities of Guru reduced?

    • VS says:

      generic qualities are reduced only when a planet is debilitated or low in dignity. for jupiter for taurus, sitting in any dusthana can give a vipreet raj yoga but can also give health problems and if jupiter is combust or severely afflicted by rahu or saturn, then short life as jupiter becomes karaka for longevity (8th) as well as general jeeva karaka

  77. Sundar says:

    I meant, if it causes diseases to the 4/7/10 physical areas or does it obstruct? Example, in the 7th does it cause marital discord, in the 10th does it cause disruptions at work? Just by being a high FM…Kindly clarify..Thanks again

    • VS says:

      when thinking of diseases always look for weakness in planets like debilitation, combustion, inmical sign and navamsa, mrityu state etc. a planet at 0.5 degrees can be strong functionally if high residential strength, but still is likely to give some issues related to the body parts of its karakatva overlapping with bhaav it sits in. also planets related to saturn or rahu in the chart will tend to have physical issues related to the karakatva of that planet

      • Sundar says:

        Thanks for clarifying To clear my understanding, a FM sitting in a kendra can give health issues related to its karakatva that overlaps the bhaav. For example, mituna lagna, Mars in 4th can give some muscle related issues in the chest area.

        Is this correct?

        • VS says:

          yes it can. early part of 4th is lungs, later part will be heart etc.also if virgo sign, problems can be related intestines also as well as skin/ allergies

  78. basant k says:

    dear sir, a jatak of Leo ascendant having seven planets in 6,8,and 12, out of remaining two also venus is 0 degree and few minutes, missed sixth bhav with a whisker, and just
    a weak moon (a day prior to amavasya) in 7 th bhav, with just these many inputs can a general prophesy be made.
    jai badri vishaal.

  79. Vijay Kumar Chopra says:

    Dear VS
    Came across this website for the first time! What a great service you are doing for Jyotish! May God bless you! I am also learning Jyotish.
    One question I have is regarding planets posited in the Trik but own houses (6/8/12). Each house has negative and positive significations. For example Venus naturally benefic but as the 3rd and 8th Lord for Pisces it is functionally malefic. Now if Venus is posited in its own 8th house, what significations positive ones ( e.g. Research, longevity, inherited wealth etc.) or the negative ones( e.g chronic diseases, obstacles etc) , will it protect? How will we decide about this?
    Thanks and Regards

    • VS says:

      thanks for the nice words

      yes, each house and planet has its good and bad characteristics. when you analyze a house, look at the bhaav (planets in it, aspecting it fully and partially), the bhaavadipatti (its lord and its dignity, placement, yogas etc) and bhaav karaka

      for example if 8th is strong and so is saturn (the karaka for longevity) then typically long life will result. however if mars is weak and afflicted and aspecting the 8th, even with a long life, there can be accidents/ surgeries as mars is karaka of accidents and injuries in context of 8th etc.

  80. Varun says:

    Hello Sir – Some questions on wearing gems:

    1. How do we decide if a gem has to be worn in silver or gold?
    2. Is it mandatory to wear gems in the designated finger? Or it can be worn around neck, arms?

    • VS says:

      In my experience the metal does not matter much. however the jeweler will make it only in some alloys. example an expensive stone like a diamond or blue sapphire can not be made in silver

      if you wear around the neck, it is said that the impact is still there but much more mild as opposed to wearing in a finger

  81. Varun says:

    Thank you sir. One more question –

    Jupiter is a functional malefic for Gemini. Can it be given strength if it is weak (vargottama in enemy sign + old age + 3 degree behind Sun + Conjunct Saturn) to help boost the career?

  82. Shantanu says:

    Is rahu good in 7th house if aspected by Benefic

    • VS says:

      Can be. But also depends on the rashi and nakshatra depositor of rahu – their dignity and placements as well as all conjunctions and aspects on rahu

  83. Aja says:

    Hello VS,

    Can you give an example of a malefic becoming stronger to deliver negative results.

    For ex. for Aries Lagna, Saturn a FM, in Libra (exaltation makes it stronger in Sad bala), with Sun in Aries making it full retrograde and in 7th giving it directional strength, close to bhava madhya. Will this Saturn be very powerful to deliver negative results?

    If my ex is not good, could you please provide a good one?


    • VS says:

      any strong planet gives strong results both of its general nature and its functional nature. If saturn is a functional malefic and very strong, its potency to give strongly negative results also increases. generally 2 exalted planet, opposed to each other is not good as they are likely to be of opposite nature. In case it is sun and saturn, both are dead enemies and opposites. if they both become exalted, they will tend to interfere and compete with each other which is not good for phalit results. good results can get delayed and appear only after a lot of setbacks in the first half of life

      • Satish says:

        Hello Vs ji,

        Would an exalted mars in 5th house of capricon be bad for virgo native..have heard that exalted mars in 5th is bad for ones kid but good for speculation and gambling is it true?

        • VS says:

          no generic answer will be true in all cases. the speculation angle comes in as mars is the 8th lord for virgo representing sudden events as well as ‘others money’ and 5th and 9th house are laxmi sthanas. when the 5th and 8th get connected, there can always be sudden acquisition of money for the individual in terms of speculation, lottery or sudden inheritance etc.

  84. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    This is re: KAD and shubha grahas which are lagna paapi ( natural benefics but functional malefics ). I am not asking about how the planet will perform based on position.
    Say Mituna lagna, Guru has KAD; Guru loses most of its generic benefic nature and hence loses most of it functional guardianship. Is this true?
    Say taurus Lagna, Guru is a functional malefic and seated in lagna. Here he wil give health issues. But does it retain its generic qualities unlike KAD?

    • VS says:

      KAD for jupiter or mercury doesnt really work unless they are sitting alone with no proper aspects. In general ignore this impact and look at the combunations the planets are forming for real results

      general qualities of any planet are always retained regardless of functional nature from the lagna

  85. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Re: 8th’s functional neutrality, it does not mean that the 8th house karakatvas won’t show in its dasa if the 8th is MK or strongly aspected, am I correct? Eg. Taurus lagna, Guru 2nd house, it can cause unexpected events in the family, which is not due to 11th ownership but the 8th’s; am I correct?

    • VS says:

      as far as MK is concerned, when any planet is MK, it destroys the bhaav, not the signs ruled by the planet. Example moon in 8th is bad for longevity as 8th represents longevity. mars in 7th will damage marriage and relationships, even though the houses where Aries and Scorpio fall might flourish by themselves

      3rd, 6th and 11th are evil houses. When a planet rules 2 of these, like mercury for Aries or jupiter for Libra etc, then that particular planet becomes extremely evil. Even though 8th is neutralish by itself, being the loss of bhagya (12th to 9th) it always has an evil and sudden touch to it. Thus it falls in the 3,6, 8 and 11 category. For taurus, Jup rules 8th and 11th and is inmical to lagna lord venus and hence making it a toxic planet capable of giving sudden results.

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