The planets are always moving. A snapshot of the astronomical picture at the moment of birth is your horoscope, but the planets keep moving right after the snapshot.
Transit analysis is the process of utilizing this dynamic process for any present of future time frame and in context from a horoscope as a reference point.
The following is the rough estimate of a stay of each of the 9 planets in a given sign-
Sun – 1 month
Moon – 2.25 days
Mars – 45 days
Mercury – 21 days
Venus – 26 days
Jupiter – 12.5 months
Saturn – 2.5 yrs (30 months)
Rahu, Ketu – 19 months
So here are the points to know regarding transits-
- Analyze transits from Moon first and also Lagna
- Parasara emphasized the importance of transit (“Gochara”) from the Moon as the Moon is a karaka of our mind, feelings and emotions and hence our day to day life/ events will be best reflected in how we think/ feel/ emote. Hence primary importance has to be given to Moon when analyzing transit of planets
- Transit should also be seen from Ascendant sign and both have to be kept in mind for the overall result
- The transit of Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu/ Ketu is more important because they are slow moving as from the table above. Saturn is the slowest and stays in a sign for an average of 30 months in a sign.
- Moon is in a sign a for tad less than 2 ½ days each and hence its transit along with other fast moving planets is more for fine tuning whereas the transit of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu/ Ketu is for setting bigger trends in life during any given time period(s)
- The following are the houses in which the given planets are considered Auspicious or Benefic from Moon and also the houses from which the planets are considered Inauspicious or Malefic when considered from the Moon:-
- So as an example for a Taurus Moon sign, Saturn will be good while transiting Cancer, Libra and Pisces and negative in others (in the 3rd, 6th and 11th bhaav respectively)
- Saadhe- Satti (Meaning 7 ½ yrs) this (in)famous concept comes from the fact that when Saturn transits the 12th, 1st and 2nd from Moon, a 7 ½ period of stress, misery and negative events can dictate onto a person. Likewise Saturn transiting 4th and 8th from Moon are called Dhaiyas of 2 ½ yrs of misery like the Saadhe- Satti. It is important to note that not all this time is equally bad or good. The dasas, other transits are also vital before judging the period good or bad
- Another important point is functionality which you already know. If you refer to the readings above, Saturn is a highly benefic planet for say Taurus and Libra moon sign/ ascendant. When these signs have Saadhe- satti or dhaiyas, they will face some stress and negative issues but overall the period will be functionally good for them and give them progress
- Double Transit phenomenon (Important!)
The signs which both Jupiter and Saturn aspect in their transits are “activated” so to speak. This is because Saturn is the Karmakaraka or significator of our actions/ karma and destiny whereas Jupiter is Jeeva Karaka showing where our intentions/ blessings and fruits lay. So when both aspect one sign, that sign gets Activated or turned ON. For example currently Jupiter is in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio. Thus Jupiter is affecting Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces (remember the 5, 7, 9 aspects?) and Saturn is affecting Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus and Leo (3, 7, 10 aspects). Common in all this is Scorpio and Capricorn. Hence these signs will be activated. So say Taurus Moon sign (or ascendant) the 7th bhaav (Scorpio) and 9th Bhaav (Capricorn) is activated. So now you know which areas are in focus to these individuals and what the bhaavas signify you know from the earlier chapters
- Rahu-Ketu axis will show the problem area, if you will, during any given time. So as an example for Gemini moon sign currently, Rahu-Ketu are in the 4th-10th axis and hence the axis, which among other things, governs peace, happiness, private life, emotions and career, job, social image etc. Also to be kept in mind is that Rahu even though malefic in general also tends to at times open some hidden doors in terms of sudden opportunities governing the area it transits in, especially if Jupiter is also aspecting that sign. Example if Rahu is transiting the 10th bhaav and Jupiter is also aspecting 10th bhaav during transit, then sudden opportunities in career can open up, but Rahu will also tend to give stress and obstacles in the process.
- Rahu- Saturn together aspecting a sign during transit and with no aspect of Jupiter on that sign calls for heavy Karmic testing of that area of life and possible separation from relatives/ people ruled by that sign also. Example if Saturn and rahu both transit the 9th house, the person can face bad luck situations and also get separated temporarily or permanently from father or Guru or mentor/ boss/ employer (which 9th house represents)
- Jupiter transit over any house or planet will tend to expand, easen and smoothen the results the bhaav or planet represents. Example if Sun rules the 10th house, then Jupiter transiting over natal Sun degree (even the entire sign where Sun is) will tend to expand or improve results related to job/ career
- Saturn transit will bring out the results of the sign or planet it transits over into FOCUS. You cannot escape those topics of life in that time (even if you were earlier). Saturn by itself is not positive or negative but has a general tone of slowing things down as it takes 30 months in one sign. It will JUDGE you as per your efforts and caliber and karma in that area and give results accordingly. These can be negative or positive as per the planet’s strength and dignities. Saturn will keep that area of life in focus till it transits to the next sign. By that time it would have deemed that the native has learnt the required lessons (good or bad) and time is now to focus on things represented by the next sign.
- Ashtakvarga (Vital)
I have talked about this before. A small recap-
Each planet can have 0 to 8 BAV score in each sign, the more it gets in a sign, the better its result in the sign. The software will calculate this for you. Likewise SAV scores is for the entire sign (combination of all planets BAVs in that house) Average for this is about 27. Higher the better. If a sign has say 42 SAV bindus, most planets will give very good results there. By the same token say 8th bhaav from Moon has 42 SAV score and 6 BAV score for Saturn. Now 8th from Moon is generally negative for Saturn transit. But in this case due to so high SAV and BAV scores in that sign, Saturn will actually not harm at all and perhaps give some sudden gain related to say inheritance or protect you in an accident etc. (significations of 8th house)
- Moon transit during Transit start This concept is important, especially for slow moving transits of Saturn, Jupiter and the nodes.
Consider the bhaav (relative to Moon sign) where Moon is at the moment a bigger transit is happening (example Saturn transit). Although this can be used for smaller transits of Sun, Mars etc. also, its significance is higher for slower moving transits as they stick around much longer. Now once you have noted this, see table below.
Example Saturn is transiting into 6th bhaav (from 5th). This is a great transit. On exact time of transit, if moon is placed 4,8 or 12 from its original position in horoscope, then the transit occurred on “Iron feet” and the good results of transit will not be fully felt. Likewise even if the transit is negative but starts with Gold or Silver feet, the results will be less bad than otherwise anticipated
- Vedha & Vipreet- Vedha
A more advanced topic, not fully discussed for now. ‘Vedha’ means an “obstruction”. When planets transit auspicious places (as per table above) but there is another planet transiting a ‘Vedha’ location, then the auspicious results are put on HOLD due to this other planet. ‘Vipreet’ means reverse and Vipreet Vedha is the opposite of Vedha. An example will make it clear. Saturn transit in 3rd from Moon is auspicious as discussed above. Its Vedha location is 12th from Moon. So when Saturn is transiting 3rd from Moon, if another planet transits in the 12th from Moon (except Sun) then the Positive effects of Saturn are put on HOLD and don’t show up and the effects of that planet in 12th take prominence. Likewise if Saturn is transiting 12th (a negative location) but another planet transits the 3rd house, then there is Vipreet Vedha- implying Negative effects of Saturn are on Hold now due to the focus being on the effects of this planet in 3rd from Moon. Not all positions have a Vedha and hence Vipreet Vedha, the positions are tabulated in various textbooks and astrological literature. Understanding the concept is of importance at this stage
- Transit of Dasha Planets
Even though transits of all 9 planets are important, the transits of the 4 slower planets are more important as explained above. In addition, the transit of planets who’s Maha Dasa, Antar dasa is operating (concepts not yet discussed) will be also prime importance. Example if a person is in the Major period (Maha Dasa) of Venus, then the transit of Venus will ofcourse gain high importance along with the 4 slower planets, etc.
Thanx sir for so valuable knowledge
Useful… Pl continue sharing..
Excellent sir,
I got some solutions for my doubts from this page.
Thanks a lot and please continue posting.
Sri VS:
Does a transitting planet affect the house it occupies in the natal chart, even if it is not aspecting it?
yes ofcourse but transit by itself can not change the basic horoscope and its potential, good or bad
The good or a bad transit for a planet affects the following: 1. The houses it owns 2. The houses for which it is karaka. 3. The house it is sitting in. 4. The houses it aspects.
Is this summary ok?
Some only consider true planets to cause vedha, so does Rahu/Ketu cause vedha?
The concept of vedha is not defined for the nodes as they don’t have a physical presence. They act on our mind – conscious and subconcious
Hi VS,
you had mentioned that Mars stays in one sign for 45 days, but in the month of May 2018 there is Mars transit where it stays in Capricorn sign for 6 months , can you please shed some light on that .
The 45 day is an average for Mars. Whenever Mars gets retrograde in a sign (once every 2 years approximately) then it can spend upto 7 to even 8 months in one sign. Sometimes it will go into the previous sign while retrograde and sometimes it remains in the same sign during entire retrogression depending on the degree at which the retrogression starts
VS, I have a basic (and could be stupid) question, kindly answer regardless.
From a transit perspective, does the natal position of a planet matter if it does not aspect the natal house during transit? I asking with respect to the influence of that planet only. For example, capri asc, Ketu in the 12th. When Ketu transits in Makar does its original position affect the way it acts, setting everything else aside (like it is sitting in Saturn’s house, not a good transit from Natal moon, MD of the planet etc)
Thank you.
in transits it is important to see if the transiting planet…especially if slow moving is from moon, lagna etc.
more important is the natal planets. Example if rahu MD and rahu travels over a negative and weak planet in the chart then it triggers the negative impact of that planet to full extent even if it is say 3rd from moon which is generally a good transit for rahu. however say mars at 23 degrees in cancer. rahu in cancer transit is say 3rd from moon so generally a good transit. however till rahu approaches mars and till it remains in the mercury nakshatra of cancer, it can trigger all the negativities of that mars (assuming its bad in the horoscope) but once it has crossed over and gone more than 5 degrees away from mars…say below 16 degrees in cancer, its transit will likely give much better results
VS, Please do find time to answer even if I sound a little confused.
In your 1st example starting with “Example if rahu MD..” Rahu triggers the negative impact of that planet to full extent.
In the 2nd example “rahu in cancer transit is say 3rd from moon” ill effects of Mars will be felt till remains in the mercury nakshatra of cancer.
My area of doubt is : In the 2nd example, why does Rahu not trigger the full -ve impact. Is it due to the transit not happening in Rahu’s MD?
to clarify – Rahu in both cases is good in transit in context of 3rd from moon which is a great bhaav to transit for rahu. Rahu in general is good only in 3,6,10 and 11 from moon. However what I emphasized is that even within the good transit, transiting over a negative natal planet will give negative impact till that is over. once the natal impact is over, the good part of being 3rd from moon will take over. in astrology good and bad can co-exist and don’t need to be segregated most of the times like in real life
I got it. It depends on how far the transitting planet is close to the badly posited planet in janma kundli.
VS, quoting: “Jupiter transit over any house or planet will tend to expand, easen and smoothen the results the bhaav or planet represents”.
For a cancer asc, being the lord of the 6th and 9th and if the 6th bhaav is stronger than the 9th, could Jupiter bring obstacles in the bhaavs it transits?
Thank you.
During transit, don’t think as much about the houses Jupiter rules. Think of it as the Jeeva-karaka. As an activator of the house and planets it is transiting over. if the planet it transits over is a negative planet involved in a Duryoga, then depending on the strength of the negative planet and its influence (closeness from bhaav Madhya) will dictate results. stronger the negative causing planet and closer it is to the bhaav Madhya, stronger will Jupiter transit over it trigger the negativity
Re: “Saturn transit will bring out the results of the sign or planet it transits over into FOCUS.”.
1. Does it also bring the houses aspected by transitting saturn into focus where it has a 100% aspect?
2. If #1 is true, does it also activate the natal planets in the aspected houses? For example, if it aspects Libra where Sun is sitting at 5 degrees, is the effect of Sun (generic effect and it’s effect on the libra bhaav) felt?
Yes either transiting over, opposite, full aspect or exact trinal. so at one time, Saturn triggers 6 houses/ signs. degrees are important. if a planet is at 27 degrees in virgo and Saturn just entered virgo at 1 degree, the triggering will not exist or be mild for the first 1 to 1.5 yrs and intensify towards the end of Saturn’s transit in virgo etc
Hello there,
Please help me understand…My natal Saturn is at 26 deg in Libra and currently Jupiter is also transiting Libra, does that mean when Jupiter will be at 26 deg in Libra, it will cross over my natal Saturn and give some result ?
Yes, Jupiter will tend to activate the results of saturn in your chart. saturn is happy in libra but depending on what houses it rules and which bhaav it sits in, what planets form a yoga or trinality with it in the chart, the results will accordingly be good, bad or neutral
For Taurus ascendent, Saturn occupies 6th house – Libra and is alone. Can such person have enimity with co-workers or lack of acceptance.
Here Jupiter is the Lord of 8th house – saggitarius placed in 10th house – Aquarius.
Can you please share your thoughts.
In this situation, Saturn will not damage anything related to the native. If however venus is weak in the chart or combust or retrograde then the good results of saturn will be slight reduced
the person will rise in life only after lots of trials and tribulations and not right away
Hello VS,
Do we analyze transit from the natal position? If Sun is transitting 8th from the natal position is that bad for example?
Thank you.
yes infact from natal position of all planets. That is what ashtakvarga is
Just so I understand this better from a Gochara angle:
The ashtakavarga of the natal chart shows the bindus at the time of birth. However, if I want to know if transitting Mars is good from its natal position, I would have to check this myself and see if Mars is 1,2,4,7,8,10,11 from its natal position. Am I correct here?
the bindus are always relative to the birth chart. if mars is having 6 bindus in a sign, it is much above average of 3.25 it has in each sign as total bindus to it are only 39 and hence average is 39/12
now which ones it gains (you can see these in JHora) is the ‘Kakshya’ of that planet (or room) if say mars gains a bindu from jupiter then when Mars transits in the kakshya of jupiter which is 2nd kakshya and so from 3.75 degrees to 7.5 degrees in the sign, then it will give good results.
say mars is in cancer and gains bindu from jupiter and jupiter is in virgo. When mars transits cancer 3.75 to 7.5 it will give good results as of 11th house type significations as mars is 11th from natal jupiter
everything in jyotish including transit is from basic birth chart only
Awesome indeed!
Hello VS:
For a Leo asc, does Mars’ yogakkara status make Saturn less/not irritated if Mars conjuncts/aspects Saturn?
No, saturn will still be more irritated. however generally speaking mars and saturn together will make mars stronger and saturn weaker, which is good for Leo as functionally mars is YK and saturn a maraka
But if Mars is neutral to Saturn due to PE+TF (regardless of its yogakarakka status), Saturn would not be agitated by Mars..yes?
again the compound relations will not work if you apply them too directly without other considerations
Hello VS:
If say Jupiter is transitting in an unfavorable house from Moon and Lagna but is in the Kakshya of say Mercury which is giving a rekha, can it still give good effects?
minor benefits but overall the bindu can not over rule the effect from moon or lagna
For evaluating ashtakavarga of transit , do we consider rashi or bhava chart ? In JHora, we get 2 different tables for each of these charts..both BAV and SAV
rashi chart
Hello VS,
When I look at a planet’s influence on another during transit, do I take the Permanent/Temporary natal chart relationship as the basis?
no, it will not help much to think in that direction
Hi Sir,
What does transit Jupiter over natal Ketu bring in general?
generally a person can become more spiritual/ contemplative and introvert during such a time
Hi VS, And what does jupiter transit over natal jupiter signify?
signifies that whatever jupiter stands for in the chart will come to fore. if placed in a good bhaav, typically this will be a good period
Hi do we calculate the duration of a planetary transit over a natal point?say,saturn is transiting over ketu(at 2 degrees in saggitarius).how do I calculate the duartion of ketu’s effects in native’s life due to this transit? say ascendant is at 13 degrees.
typically -15 degrees to +15 degrees is effect zone and within 10 degrees both side is impact zone
Vivek sir
Does bhrigu bindu really exist in astrology?if yes how this point gets activated?
yes it is the mid point of moon and rahu in the chart. typically when slow moving malefics like saturn or rahu or ketu transit right over the bhrigu bindu, difficult times and changes in life can arise especially if negative dashas are going on. the changes that happen in such a time have a strong karmic force and typically can not be stopped
Can good things happen when a FB transits over the point? Thank you.
sure why not. however dasas and basic horoscope set the scope of events. if the overall promise is very low, no transit no matter how close to any point can do much good. so one has to keep this in mind
Very nice article and very useful for learning astrology.
Vivek sir
Can you please say something about mrityu bhaga concept
it is a more subtle concept. A particular degree/ area in each sign for a given planet is its mrityu bhaag. think of it as a blind spot in a car rearview mirror. anything in the blindspot is not visible. similarly when a planet is in mrityubhaag of a rashi, its effects are sowewhat curtailed or missing and it becomes negative in that sense. or in other words it is unable to act out in the regular expected manner..
Vivek sir
I have read on wikipedia about UCHHABHILASI planet .the article was about sanyas yog and it is written that ucchabhilasi saturn made GENGHIZ KHAN most powerful person of that time .had it not been the case he would have been a sanyasi with 6 planets in one house
ok interesting thoughts, thanks for letting me know about this particular data point
Hello VS:
When I analyze Jupiter’s current transit in Scorpio for a Scorpio moon:
1. Transit over Rasi is a bad transit.
2. Natal Jupiter is aspecting the 8th and hence carries more of the blemish of the 8th than the goodness of the 5th into the 2nd.
Jupiter is a generic benefic, but do the above factors have an influence on the way it aspects the various from the Moon?
generally the reason why jupiter is bad over moon (or rashi) is because it gives the fat and lazy (all is well) feeling into the mind and the mind can also become too giving/ forgiving/ lazy and idealistic. in todays world idealism doesnt pay nor does being too soft or lazy.
however the results will depend on what houses moon rules and how strong it is (example a full moon on the left houses like 3rd or 4th or 5th) is very strong and if moon in is a FB for the sign and strong, the transit will give mostly good results and some general rules of negativity of jupiter over first will also apply. also any and all planets in trinal to scorpio as well as taurus will be activated as well. finally strength and dignity of mars and ketu as owners of scorpio is vital. ashtakvarga bindus of moon, jupiter and overall scorpio also give some color to the overall impact
Hello VS:
Does the natal bala of a planet influence its transit results? Is that a major consideration?
not a major consideration. however planets very strong in D1 will also influence other planets strongly when transiting over them
saturn and jupiter get more importance in transit in addition to rahu and ketu regardless of other factors
Let’s say Saturn aspects ketu in a natal chart.ketu is in second house,in moola nakshatra.Saturn is in Libra.So whenever transit saturn’s aspect falls on natal ketu,it will cause some negative events related to ketu in native’s,would the intensity of negative events be same for the native for all four saturn transits[when saturn passes over natal ketu,and saturn’s 3rd,7th and 10th aspects fall on natal ketu]?
intensity is most when planet is actually over the natal planet. however that said, it depends on the dasas. when the dasas of said planet (say ketu in this case) is running, then the effects are magnified to a large extent. secondly if Jupiter also aspects the said natal planet in the chart along with Saturn then the effects are much more magnified than just saturn
Also,the intensity would be more when saturn dasha is going on,right?as saturn is the aspecting planet..
dasa is paramount. Transits are just like fine tuning
Hi VS..thanks for your replies.I have a follow-up the above example,ketu in moola in second house,that too in shani drishti,can be bad for the native financially in general,right?but ketu is in jupiter’s sign.let’s say jupiter is well placed in to judge native’s finances in life then?
for nodes, most important is bhaav and then bhaav lord and its placement. next is the placement of lord of nakshatra in which the node is placed. by itself ketu is exalted in both scorpio and saggitatius and in general gives very good results in the signs of Jupiter especially if Jupiter is strong and well placed in the chart
Dear Sh. VS,
I need clarity in following contradiction I understood from 2 School of thoughts:
In few Articles & Videos I understood that,
1. Analysing Transit wrt Ascendant is preferable as it is physical and gives prediction of physical results.
2. They also recommend that We need to look Transiting Planet’s nature as per Birth Chart. i.e. If the planet in birth chart is Yog Karak or Marak, It will give similar Shubh / Ashubh results in transit irrespective of its house form Moon (The Chart you showed). This is a huge difference. In such Case what is to be followed and considered as good / bad effect ?
Pl. provide your Views and help get clarity. Will appreciate if you can take a small simple example and explain.
both these points are correct but then again just because Saturn is a YK for say Taurus ascendant/ moon sign, it will not imply that it will not give any bad/ slowing effects of its general nature. the actual result is usually a mix of generic and functional and transits have to be seen from the moon always in addition to lagna
Dear VS,
In one of your posts it was mentioned any planet away from the Sun has better ability to function. If close then it becomes Combust.
Lets say, a planet is behind Sun but C and another planet is ahead of Sun and C. In such a scenario what could be considered better – being behind or ahead.
Can yo please share your thoughts on this.
Regards, Narayan
anything retreating or resolving is better. so a combustion getting lesser is better than increasing combustion
ahead or behind will only depend on the planet. example if Saturn is getting combust, as Saturn moves much slower than sun, when Saturn is ahead of sun and getting combust it means the sun is still approaching it and hence combustion is getting worse. This can be the opposite for the faster planets like mercury and venus and moon
For Capricorn ascendent Rahu is transiting over natel retro jupiter in cancer in the 7 th house and ketu is transiting natel venus in the ascendent causing issues with relationship. Will the situation become normal whenrahu ketu change their transit axis 🙏 thsnkyou
Hi Hina,
That can only be known by studying the entire chart and its dasas. By itself not every Capricorn ascendant person will have problems in this transit. Having said that, the transit negative influence of rahu-ketu on the 1-7 axis for Capricorn will certainly cease after March 22, 2019
Hello VS:
When Guru transits into Saggi where Shani and Ketu are in gochara, I have 2 questions:
1. Does Jupiter tend to expand the effects of these two planets?
2. Does Jupiter act more like a judge in Dhanur than as an ascetic in Pisces?
in April for example, jupiter barely enters saggi and then back. it will be more than 23 degrees away from both saturn and ketu during this time and hence its impact will be null on both of them or less than 5%
Hello VS:
Ketu and Saturn are within 3 degrees in Saggi. Saggi is activated. Mutual influence is happening between the two planets. The trinal and other aspects of these planets are colored by this influence.
Jupiter has entered Saggi and the Rasi is activated again. Jupiter is very far from Ketu and Saturn, so there’s no direct influence by Jupiter on these two.
1. Am I correct in the above?
2. Does Jupiter’s influence on Saggi indirectly influence Rahu and saturn?
jupiter will have an influence on saggi and trinal/ opposite to it. It is currently in mooltrikona part of its sign in the intense nakshatra moola. however its impact relative to saturn will be weak for now. still the double of activation of both saggi and gemini will occur for about 3 weeks till when jupiter is in saggi
Vivek sir
You said there is time difference between activation of any house or planets there in and outcome related to that activation.can we quantify this time?
barring basic rules, the best way to quantify is to use it in harmony with vimshotarri dasa
Vivek sir
What is celeastial longitude with respect to the placement of planets …a prominant astrologer says that planetry war occurs only if two planets are at the sane degree and minute..sir what is your opinion?
planetary war doesnt really cause any real problem and the degree by definition is 1 but its irrelevant. if 2 planets are enemies and that close, they will create an issue even at 1.5 degrees which wont be war. if they are friends, then the results will be good regardless of 0.5 or 2. ofcourse the closer 2 planets are, the more intense their yoga results
Hello VS:
With Saturn and Ketu close to 26 degrees in Saggi, does Saturn’s influence via aspects get influenced by Ketu? I saw a Taurus lagna chart where the family is facing multiple sudden issues? Could this be due to Ketu’s influence on Saturn? It could be due to Rahu’s influence transitting in Gemini too but I am interested in knowing if saturn’s influence changes?
ketu always brings about sudden effect to any planet it conjuncts. if the bhaav/ planet is negative then the effects can be suddenly negative
all other things equal, by itself saturn-ketu conjunction is a bit of a harsh combination as both planets are generally malefic and dark in nature. also saturn represents day to day work and hard effort/ job etc whereas ketu represents moksha or liberation or lack of karma and hence their combination can usually obstruct a smooth career and the person can have periods of joblessness as well as switch careers in life one or more times
eventually if this combination gets a conjunction with jupiter or venus then its also a dandadhikaari yoga or in other words a combination that produces judges, lawyer and people working in legal and hidden areas in life like espiornage or even saints/ gurus and seers etc
Thanks vivek sir
Hi Sir,
What if Saturn is in exalted house like Tula in Horoscope and currently running Saturn Maha dasa(seems favorable so far) and Mercury Antar dasa. What if Saturn transits to 4th house during this time.Saturn BAV points 1 in 4th house.
What would be the impact or result.
Thanks in advance.
I can not give personal readings without a full chart analysis, which I dont provide here.
Generally speaking, however, transit alone can never change the course of destiny too much without the yogas and promise (positive or negative) being in the chart and planets themselves
Hello VS:
Say Taurus lagna and Sun MD, Sun in the 3rd, Moon in Pisces. Jupiter transits into Saggi. While the effects of Sun/3rd/Moon/11th are being manifested, Jupiter’s effects on 10th from Moon and 8th from Lagna will also manifest (probably more intensely if it was Guru AD/PD), correct?
too diffuse to give an answer to. if sun in cancer and moon in pisces, jupiter transit is more intense for the results (good or bad) when it is in scorpio as from here it will directly aspect both sun and moon and not as much from saggi
Hello VS:
Does the unfavorable transit of Jupiter into Dhanur (say 10th for Meena Rasi) become better/worse or remains same due to it being MK?
jupiter gains power and on the other hand only really for the first 12 to 15 degrees maximum. After that it is fast approaching 5 degrees in capricorn where its power is 0. typically jupiter between 20 to 30 of saggitarius is weak
any MK planet becomes strong/ florid to give its results – both functional and generic. so depending on each chart the effect will be different. However from a generic perspective, a generically benefic planet like jupiter will always give some grace and benefit to any house/ planet it aspects in the natal chart
I am trying to understand the link between dasha and transit of a particular planet(eg saturn).saturn is in lagna(virgo) , sun & rahu in cancer(11th house) .when saturn transits to capricorn it well activate 11th house by its 7th aspect .saturn has BAV 5 in capricorn sun BAV5 in cancer .so can it be Said that there will be gains from goverment during saturn’s transit in capricorn?
everything you have said is sensible in terms of jyotish. However to interpret the real results, more factors and in essence the complete chart has to be seen, which as you might know, is not something I do here on this forum. thanks
Thanks sir..
Heelo VS:
Re: my earlier question about Moon’s Rasi or Bhaav to see transits I believe it should be Rasi since Moon becomes a lagna. In fact other natal planet’s bhaavs could change considering Moon lagna degrees as madhya bhaav…
see transit always first from Arudha lagna, then moon and then lagna
I came to watch what is Vedha and noticed you mentioned it.
I as an astrologer noticed one thing in Vedha. In my case Venus is 3rd & 10th Lord and Venus is placed in the 10th house & in sign of 10th Lord which is his own sign and Moon in 8th House. This is causing Vedha and I am currently running under Venus Mahadasha & Venus Antaradasha. I noticed that I gain something and my expenses are very high. Even though i earn much i couldnt save at the end moment and even if the Mahadasha is of Venus. Its only because Moon has caused Vedha from 8th house and also he is under Vipreet Rajyog.
the concept of vedha is related to only transit in the scriptures and not to generic chart reading
Hi VS,
If Saturn and Jupiter make a double transit on Capricorn (from Nov onwards), But BAV points of Jupiter and Saturn on that house are quite low, will the double transit still have an effect?
yes bindus or not, the domain of the chart is activated, along with any planets placed in the sign and what they represent in a given chart
Hi VS,
If i see the annual chart of a person and if it shows very good or bad results, is there a way to predict the timing of that result using the annual chart? J Hora does give the dashas of the annual chart – would that be the right approach to analyze it planet dasha by planet dasha, or is there another way for eg using transits or something else.
For eg: for an annual chart, D10 of that annual chart shows very good promise, how can i know the timing of that fructification.
annual charts, tithi pravesh and solar return charts should only be used in conjunction with regular chart analysis and not independently to get accurate results
How to interpret transit of a planet which is “Param Mitra” based on its current transit but in “Loha murti”? (Definitions of Param Mitra/loha murti as per Jagannath Hora)
Best Regards
loha paaya or murthi is just one of the considerations for the transit of a planet. i would not pay overt reliance only on it. if a planet is otherwise transiting a good bhaav (example saturn transiting 11th) and has good ashtakvarga bindus, then the effect will still remain positive even if it is loha murthi
VS ji you mention above that “ dasa is paramount. Transits are just like fine tuning”.
Can an extremely bad Transit overwhelm a good Dasha, and vice versa (great transit-bad Dasha) Especially during transits such as the contemporaneous one which has had a global impact.
How should one approach a quant analysis of this blend of Dasha and transit ?
Thank you
for global level events, the entire bar or threshold for everyone in the world changes and so yes it will affect each individual regardless of their dasa
however those with a good dasa running will be impacted much less than those who have a negative dasa running
Hi VS,
Why is it that when we are analysing a D1 rarely, if ever, do we look to past transits when analysing the past ? For all future events however we make it a point to check whether the transits support the Dasha promise.
hello, not sure what do you mean by ‘We’
I always advocate a good habit of first checking past events in a chart with the timing confirmed from vimshottari dasa plus transits. tranit of heavy planets like Saturn and Jupiter is always more vital in this context but also of the dasa and antardasa lords during the timing of any event
once you are sure of the time via matching a few past events, should one predict about future
Hello VS:
If Guru transits over the Kakshya of Budha and Budha has given a rekha to Guru ( as shown in PAV of Guru )…if Budha is a aadhiShatru to Guru in the chart, Guru’s good transit effects will be reduced, am I correct?
The bindu impact will dominate as opposed to generic Friendhsip
Hello VS:
Transitting FB planets, assuming a favorable transit, if badly placed in the natal chart, can give mixed results, is this correct? Example, Taurus lagna, Saturn in the 8th..
ofcourse, but the placement in the basic chart will always dominate along with dasas. transit is fine tuning
Hello VS:
Say Taurus lagna and tenth lord is well placed. Dasa is mars with mars placed in third. Nothing remarkable from a career perspective just from a dasa angle. A transit of Guru over the tenth lord can bring promotions. The transit by itself can produce good results can it not? I am trying to get clarity on the transit being more a fine tuning.
Thanks for your input
No. No tranist can produce anything independently. First the chart has to hold a particular promise (good or bad) by yogas and placement and dignity of the planets in the rasi as well as divisional charts
Secondly right dasas and the kaal along with desh, kaal paristithi dictates the timing of results. Multiple dasas check for accuracy
lastly comes transit, which is used just to fine tune something that is already ‘approved’ by the points above. in terms of transits, the slower planets as well as the transits of the MD and AD lords are more important than the overall transit in itself. Transit has to be checked from the lagna, moon, arudha lagna as well as dasa lagna
Hello VS:
When I look at MD planet transit in vargas, do I take the D-1 rasi and apply it to the varga or do I take the Varga’s rasi?
jupiter right now will be transiting capricorn in all vargas, saturn in capricorn as well etc…
You are saying that’s how it needs to be considered. If I see today’s gochara in Jhora, it’s different in vargas ( to be expected ? )
Thx VS
ofcourse transit now of saturn in capricorn is in say Aries navamsa. doesnt mean that you see saturn in aries in the D9 of a chart right now. Saturn has to be seen in the capricorn sign as a transit for all divisional charts
Hi VS sir,
Referring to the point – Moon transit during Transit start – in your write-up, Saturn will first transit in Aquarius on 29 Apr 2022 then on 17th January 2023, so which date should we take to see moon’s position vis-a-vis Saturn’s transit ?
both. anytime a planet enters any sign, the moons position for calculating the ‘Paaya’ has to be seen. ofcourse when saturn retrogrades temporarily into the previous sign, its duration there will be much less than in the full rashi ahead, so the length of impact will change
Dear Sir,
In case of Jupiter’s upcoming transit in Aquarius, how will the general results for libra moon sign be because even though it’ll be a 5th house transit, the moon will be in 4th house (paya) on the transit day & Saturn will also be in 4th causing vedha…
Does that mean the auspicious results will be denied completely ?
hello, no the paaya impact can never be overturning. It is always a modification factor only
Hello VS,
Do we need to consider the exact degree of moon or ascendant for assessing the impactof transits. Say Moon in Aries 25 degrees, and Saturn transiting in Gemini 2 degrees, would it give mixed results of Saturn transiting in 2nd and 3rd house?
Yes ofcourse. Exact degrees show when the transit impact is strong or weak
At what degree the impact of a transiting planet is considered the strongest on the transiting house as well as on the houses it aspects. Thanks
the same degree as the bhaav madhya or ascendant degree which becomes bhaav madhya of each house.
Hello VS Sir,
Do fast-moving planets in transit impact the native going through dasha of same planets…for eg if someone’s going through Mercury-Venus or Venus-Mercury dasha and at the same time these planets go retrograde, will there be any effect on the native?
yes ofcourse the dasa planets are always important to see in transit. however fast moving planet transits has a lower impact as opposed to saturn, jupiter and the nodes