7) Aspects
This is vital. Every planet aspects the house exactly opposite to it or in other words the 7th house. The exact aspect is at a point 180 degrees from the planet. Example Mercury in Virgo at 17 degrees will aspect Pisces. More specifically Pisces at 17 degrees but to some extent the entire sign of Pisces. As a rule, as you learn to see aspects, try to mentally keep the aspect to + and – 5 degrees from exact aspect. This implies that the above Mercury will aspect Pisces between 17+5 and 17-5 or between 12 and 22 degrees most strongly. For Sun take +/- 10 degrees
An aspect means the planet will have an effect in that area like a PARTIAL presence in that area as opposed to actually being deposited in that spot. Also if in the above example say Jupiter sits in Pisces at 12 degrees, then you can say that Mercury – Jupiter are aspecting each other and hence forming sort of a combination. They will affect each other both functionally and generically. That means say mercury is in virgo in 9th and Jupiter hence in 3rd house in pisces. Mercury owns and sits in the house of knowledge, education etc and also a significator of it. Likewise Jupiter sits in 3rd house of communication and action. In this case mercury rules 6th and 9th house and Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th houses. SO 3,6,9 and 12 houses are related this is Functional relation (what planets rule) and the Generic relation is the general characteristics of Jupiter and Mercury are now related. So since both represent reading/ writing/ education etc, they will increase each other’s effect in that area or work together so to speak.
So all planets aspect the 7th house. Some planets aspect other houses as following-
Mars – aspects 4th, 7th and 8th
Saturn – aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th
Jupiter – aspects 5th,7th and 9th
Rahu & Ketu aspect 5th and 9th from their respective positions.
8) Exchanges
When two planets sit in each other’s houses, its called a Sign interchange. Example in the above case say Jupiter was in Virgo and Mercury in Pisces. They are now sitting in each others signs. Astrological significance is that they get heavily related to each other and merge each other’s qualities together. Also the houses get heavily related to each other in this case. They sort of ‘work together’ and in tandem and none wants to destroy the other’s house as it knows the other planet is in its house (good way to think about it)
Then can be Nakshatra (lunar asterism) interchange called as ‘Sookshama’ interchange. This works only in each other’s dasas (we haven’t talked about Dasas or planetary periods yet, so this is beyond the scope right now). But the above point of sign exchange is very important. In some way when 2 planets interchange signs, they are ‘sort of’ actually sitting in their own respective houses for predictive purposes and hence tend to give good results
9) Think of Planet Karakatvas
Already discussed before. When you see a planet, think of what it represents and what is COMMON in the house and planet. The common part will show results floridly depending on dignity and strength of planet.
Example in Capricorn ascendant Jupiter rules 12th house and 3rd house. Now 12th among other things = foreign journeys etc. Say Jupiter sits in 9th house in Virgo. Now this Jupiter will not only give effects of 12th and 3rd house in 9th but also think Jupiter = guru, religion, higher education, Luck/ destiny and 9th house also represents Luck, guru, destiny etc. So Jupiter in 9th will give results of both.
Below is a table I compiled to help you think. This is not comprehensive but is a very good starting point to help you in learning-
10) Positive/ Negative Houses
Trying to summarize a very vast topic in a few points below-
- As I mentioned before 1,5,9 are lucky and good/ auspicious houses
- 1,4,7 and 10 are Kendra or central houses and good
- 11th house is house of gain and generally any planet in 11th is good
- 6,8 and 12 are negative houses and cause delay, pain, agony and blockages/ endings, debts etc.
- 3rd house is relatively neutral but tending to negative in results
- Rulers of 3, 6 and 11th houses can be Evil in their results even if on surface the results don’t look evil, they have a predisposition to do damage
- Rulers of 2nd house and 12th house will give the result of the other house they rule as these are Neutral houses. If the house is of Sun or Moon (leo or cancer) then the planet owns just one house. In this case the place where sun or moon sit and the planets they sit close to, they give the effects of those planets more (like Rahu and Ketu the shadow planets do)
- A generic Malefic Planet owning a Kendra loses its negativity (generic Malefics are – Saturn, Mars, Sun & Rahu/ Ketu). A generic benefic planet ruling a Kendra loses its benefic nature (Jupiter, Venus, Moon & Mercury) unless it also own a Kona house (1,5 or 9th)
- Lagna lord or ascendant lord is always auspicious
- Planets good in Shadbala and other dignities protect the houses they rule and weak planets give problems in the areas of houses they rule
- When a planet rules both a Kona (1,5 or 9th) and Kendra (1,4,7 and 10th) it becomes a Yoga Karaka or a planet that does extremely good
- Mercury and Moon are impressionable planets. Even though they are generally considered Benefic by general nature, they give results as per their association. If mercury sits with benefics Jupiter and/ or venus, it will be benign. If it sits with Saturn, Mars, Rahu/ Ketu it becomes malefic in nature too. Moon is good when far from sun and Waxing and negative when its dark (close to the sun) darkest is when its a no Moon night, brightest on full moon when moon is 180 degress away from Sun
- When a planet owns 2 houses, the one which is the MK (Mooltrikona) sign is to be given more importance.
- Ruler of 2nd house and 7th house is a Maraka or Killer planet as it has potential to end the life (being 12th to 3rd and 8th house respectively which are houses representing the life force in an individual). Keep in mind a Maraka planet can still give other gains and riches in life as per its aspects, strengths and placement etc. But it will still have the potential to kill. however if this planet also rules a Kona house (1,5 or 9th) it loses it potential to kill to a large extent as 5th and 9th are highly benefic houses.
- A planet ruling only 8th or 12th and no other sign (which can happen when Sun or Moon) rule these generally negative houses, will become Neutral in its functionality
- Combining all rules above, you will notice that Saturn/ Venus/ Mercury/ Rahu form one subgroup and Mars/ Sun/ Moon/ Jupiter/ Ketu the other group as per natural friendships and rulerships as follows-
11) Planet Functionality Chart (Important!)
This is for quick reference. Again keep in mind, this is just as per rulership and hence if Venus is good for Capricorn ascendant, its good for all of them. But in an individual horoscope, depending on where Venus is placed and its strength/ aspects and dignities, the results will be modified of course-
Why you didn’t put Venus in your significations table?
Whether degrees (trailing or leading) of more than one planet in a house/sign has a bearing on functionality/strength of these planets?
Hi Dinesh
the degrees are most vital. Firstly any Yoga is more powerful when the planets are within an 8 to 10 degree difference. The less the better. Beyond 15, the Yoga will not manifest or barely manifest
Some of my fellow astrologers, like Kapiel Raj, are of the opinion that the lower degree planet ‘controls’ the higher longitude planet. I have not seen this in my researches.
What is important to look for is the dipositors of the yoga causing planets in terms of rasi, nakshatra and navamsa at the minimum. The istha phala, shadbala and dignity of these dipositor planets are perhaps even more vital than the yoga causing planet themselves
Shouldn’t this include the Kendra aspects that any planet in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) exerts locally on Kendras around it and anyone sitting in them? This is what I read somewhere. E.g. Jupiter sitting in Ascendant will exert Kendra aspects on 4, 7, 10 in addition to its 5, 7, 9 aspects. Thanks.
Hi Cory
There are different schools of thought in astrology. In Jyotish and specifically in Parasari astrology, a planet exerts 75% influence in 4th from it, 100% in 7th from it and 25% in 10th from it (except Saturn that exerts 100% in 10th from it)
There are also Jamini aspects (rashi aspects not planetary aspects). In this aspect system, planets sitting in a Dual sign – Gemini, virgo, saggi, pisces aspect planets in all other dual signs (which will be 4t, 7th and 10th from it) but this is true for only Dual signs and not the fixed or movable signs
All that said, generally Kendra means centralized. When 2 planets are sitting in Kendra to each other, they are in a relative context in ‘important’ positions from each other and hence there will always be a strong presence each will feel about the other regardless of the aspects
Talking about exchange of houses, can a planet be expected to give good results if after exchange gets debilitated, like for example Mercury and Venus exchanging houses and Venus getting debilitated. Is the Venus here expected to give good results.
no one factor (like debilitation) makes everything good or bad
so yes venus can give good results if its placed well, owns good houses, in kendra or aspected by jupiter closely as an example
I meant, regardless of strength, is sitting in badhak house bad?
No such thing as Badhak house, until you get well versed in astrology
Hello VS:
I have read that FB planets do well in Kendra and trines and FM planets do well in malefic houses. However, how do FB planets do in malefic houses? For example, Venus for a Aquarius ascendant sitting in the 6th house (with moon in the 7th, it is siting in a neutral house). Does it lose its good qualities or does it do good to the house?
FM do not do good in dusthanas except 6th house to some extent. They do good in 3,6,10,11
venus is not neutral in the sign of cancer. It is afflicted as it considers moon as an enemy. 6th house is a weak position for venus unless the venus is exalted or own house, in which case it can give riches/ comforts in terms of material benefits. this doesn’t mean that venus is now suddenly a malefic. Just means that its ability to act as a yoga karaka is impaired to some extent. However if Saturn combines with it in 6th then it will give yoga effects, albeit with urinary/ kidney issues to the native and potential prostrate problems as well. such a venus can also give cataract and eye problems later in life
Namaste, VS!
Thank you for your clear explanations. I notice have a lot of parivartana yogas in my chart, and some of the planetary partners are in mutual aspect with additional planets.
It seems if I follow each of the mutual aspects or parivartanas from each of these planets, virtually my whole chart lights up with a transit to a single graha.
Here’s an example: During Jupiter-Ketu dasa bhukti, Jupiter is in mutual aspect with Mars and in parivartana with Moon. Mars is in parivartana with Saturn, which conjuncts Rahu and forms a mutual aspect with Mercury conjunct Ketu. Moon is in mutual aspect with Venus. Venus is in parivartana with Mercury conjunct Ketu.
This seems an awful lot of activity for one single transit! When I look at the houses ruled by these planets, the only house not involved in this transit is the fourth. I have a feeling I must not be looking at these aspects with the correct understanding. I would be grateful for your help in understanding how all these factors work together!
as i dont have your chart and do not do personal readings, its very hard to answer your question
In general, focus only on the bhaav where a planet sits and tight (within 12 degrees) conjunctions and within 8 degrees aspect on the planet. These will dictate most of the results in tandem with Karakas of the relevant results
Sri VS:
Does parivartana apply to transitting planets? I was thinking it is a yoga in the natal chart. Thank you.
does not really apply in transit. It does to a very mild sense if one knows the fine way to read it. but short answer is no, it doesnt
I did start learning in France but most vedic astrologer use SA system from VK Choudry.
In your table of good/bad planets, i see there is some differences. I am virgo lagna and in the SA they give Saturn as bad for virgo lagna. I have noticed there are things happening and it is not undertandable when using strictly SA. What do you think of this system ?
That is incorrect. Most Vedic astrologers (over the globe, don’t know about France) do not use VK Chaudhary
VK Chaudhary is a recent entry and his school of thought is not even 30 years old. Likewise anyone can develop a new school of thought which every student should read and test perhaps and use their own understanding as to what is correct or not.
Blanket rules of MK sign in 6,8,12 makes a planet FM all else FB is not true in real life. Also he advocates that if a MK sign in 4th bhaav, that becomes most benefic planet of the chart has no astrological basis. just pure speculation or his own observation.
I advise people to stick with the original astrology schools – Parasara, Jamini. Rest can be read much later when you have developed a sense of astrology. VK chaudhary, KP system etc to me have some good nuggets, but mostly they are just personal opinions of people and have nothing to do with real astrology
Tanks VS, this clarifies a bit. In fact, vedic astrology was introduced in France by Denis Labouré, he uses principaly VK Chaudhary. This is why it is an important stream in France. The first book in France about jyotish was written by him.
I did experience his readings and honestly they are quite mistaking. I decided once a move to spain because my wife had a good oportunity there and i had been living there quite a bit of time in the past. I asked him a reading about it and as a result, he said the move was a very good oportunity for us. It was in end 2007 i suppose i don’t have to explain you how it finished after the 2008 crisis started. We found ourselves in a cataclysmic situation and had to go back to france in 2011. I did face also very big heart problems during this period but he did not see them comming ether.
I do not and can not comment on any individual or their astrological knowledge/ ability
what I can say – astrology is primarily 2 types – GANIT (mathematical) and PHALIT (predictive). the Ganit part is very important to understand as it lays the foundation for any student of astrology. However I have seen that Phalit can only be learnt via brute force case studies, once you go through 100+ then 1000+ horoscopes in detail, matching yogas, dasas and transits to real life events that have already happened (past) you learn real astrology. Without this, if one tries to just cram up rules of x+y planet does this or that, it wont work
Hi! VS…Can you suggest how one can go about doing more case studies beyond what one can do with family and close friends? is there a website which provides astro data on perhaps famous people with info on important events in their lives?
yes. Astro databank/ astrodienst. Example google a name+rodden rating. say donald trump + rodden rating. What opens is a wiki for a large collection of charts that are also categorized by profession and many other data points to help in research
Dear VS ji,
I have one quick question along the same lines.
BVRaman in his book ” How to judge a horoscope” declares Sun AND Mars to ge benefics for Aquarius Lagna. Coming from such a reputed person , I am puzzled.
His logic I presume is Natural malefics owning Kendras..
I thought they may behave “neutral” at best..but how come he is declaring them to be benefics??
In your practical experience,
Sorry..typing from my phonee..it behaves weird at times.
In your experience where Sun and Mars act as benefics assuming they are placed well in Kendra / Trikona?
If so, their aspects beneficial ..as a functional benefic??
Thanks much..
any functional benefic’s aspect is beneficial if the planet is placed well. any well placed planet is happy and any happy planet will have a beneficial gaze. thanks
Yes typically if a natural malefic owns a Kendra, it becomes positive and vice versa for natural malefics
however this is very prelim. this is not BVR, it is taken from original Parasari thought process. Now take Capricorn lagna. Venus owns 10th as a natural benefic, does it become malefic? NO! it is infact the best planet and yoga karaka for makar lagna
Now as a next step, note the mooltrikona sign of the planet and not the other sign. For aquarius, mk sign is 3rd not 10th. 3, 6, and 11 are evil houses in increasing order. if ever the MK sign of a planet owns 3 or 6 or 11, the planet becomes capable of causing evil to the native, even more so if naturally malefic. if it owns 2 of the houses 3 or 6 or 11 like mars for Gemini and venus for saggi, it becomes the most malefic planet. In real experience this planet has the highest disposition to kill (maraca) and cause evil. example mars sitting in aries for Gemini lagna becomes extremely toxic. on one hand it can give good income being in 11th but it will certainly lead to diseases of the blood, head/ brain, accidents and surgeries in life and sudden negative events involving fire/ violence etc.
Awesome explanation VS ji.. So, I understand , since Sun rules only one Kendra house becomes a benefic for Aquarius Lagna.
However, with regard to Mars, since it’s MK house falls on the 3rd house it will still be functional malefic even though the other house is a Kendra.
I presume that the Actual performance of this Mars needs to be fine tuned on a case by case basis . If this Mars is placed in dusthanas, it will still retain its propensity to do evil. However, if placed in Kendra or Trikona AND in its friend house, it behaves like a benefic.
Am I understanding right?
THANK YOU very much for teaching me….of course all of us .
I truly appreciate your generosity . These answers will surely help other learners too.
actually even sun does not remain a full benefic for neither Taurus nor Aquarius. This is because in both these cases, sun remains a mutual enemy to the lagna lords (both way enemies)
In Phalit Jyotish, a well placed sun for these can give benefic materialistic results for the 4th or 7th house siginfications but also simultaneously gives some friction/ stress/ trouble ongoing in those areas. So it is a benefic yes, but blemished to some extent. if placed in pisces or leo itself, it acts as a strong agent of death for Aquarius also
Thank you very much VS ji!
Sri VS:
If one is born in Krishna paksha, does Moon become a natural malefic? If true and it sends in a Kendra, does it become a functional neutral?
NO moon doesnt become a malefic like that. its bright for 120 degrees away from sun technically (waxing or waning side) No generic rules of kendra ownership etc can be applied. You have to see what chandra owns, aspects on it etc
What is the meaning of Lower Aspect and Higher Aspect of planet? How to figure out if a planet is having a lower aspect or higher aspect?
Not sure what you are asking. Can you quote a line where these words are used?
Can sun placed in cancer in
8th house of Sagittarius ascendant
be FB and its aspect on enemy
house be effective.
sun for saggi is a functional benefic regardless of where it is placed. in 8th its position is not that great but still is during day time (in evening before sunset) and hence sun will have energy. Might be bad for father and if bad influence on sun, might lose father early in life
How important are aspects/conjunctions between transit planets?I am reading so much about upcoming saturn ketu conjunction in saggitarius.should we consider aspects of transit planets on each other too during prediction?how important are these aspects with compared to aspects of transit planets on natal ones?
it is important however much less so than transit from the natal chart and natal planet positions
Thanks VS… ☺
Should sign exchanges in navamsa or other divisional charts be considered?
Thank you.
yes it becomes relevant especially in dasa combinations related to significations of that particular chart like job/ career with d10
Hello VS:
An astrologer opines that Sun being the 5th lord of Kaal Purush Kundali, if Sun sits in the 8th (even if the 5th lord is good)…he has seen many abortions in these cases.
What is your opinion? I don’t take anybody’s opinion without confirming with you.
8th house is the also the house of private organs. sun is hot and cruel natured planet which is barren due to its heat. A placenta needs a nourishing and wet environment, a baby is literally floating in water during pregnancy
hence sun in the 8th is usually not good in terms of pregnancy and depending on other factors, can definitely lead to miscarriages/ abortion
Hello VS:
Looking at Bill Clinton’s chart; Aug 19, 1946, 8:51 am, Hope (Arkansas), Leo lagna.
Became president 20 January 1993 in Guru dasa, Budha AD.
In Rasi chart, yogakaraka Mars and 10th lord Venus together with Venus debilitated with no NB since Budha is in 12th. It’s a weak yoga but Venus gets fuel from Rahu in Taurus. Rahu is somewhat trinal to Mars whose is deposited by Budha.
Bhaav wise, Guru is in 2nd (karaka of wealth but not power), and Budha in 11th.
Does the above mentioned position of Mars, venus, Rahu, Guru give such a rise?
Seems to me like Rahu is the fuel.
Your analysis?
i tend to not comment or dwell too much on charts where accurate time is not available. however at a high level in terms of bill clinton’s chart, what I recall is that leo ascendant with sun in it and ketu and rahu exalted in the 4 – 10 axis.
the foundation of any chart is the 4 kendras. in this case rahu ketu co rule 7th and 4th houses. so in his chart 3 kendra lords become exalted/ MK in a kendra itself as well as moon being very close to exaltation in 9-10 again. i vaguely remember his ascendant to be fixed as 1st navamsa – aries and so sun is very powerful in lagna in its own MK with Magha nakshatra rule being exalted in yoga karaka domain in kendra as well
saturn and mercury being relatively weak are not necessarily bad as it sort of acts are vipreet raj yoga for leo ascendant where these planets become malefic along with venus
the rahu-mars-venus trine always gives extreme sexuality and potentially bad name or litigation from the opposite gender, especially in a man’s chart, which did happen in his life for the world to see
that said, I never really understood how jupiter in his chart gave presidency except that jupiter does rule 5th of power and is the karaka of powerful roles, but is weak in terms of placement and hence I treat it as an anomaly
About Guru dasa, here’s my thought: He was born on Saptami, Saggi and Cancer are Shoonya rasis. These rasi lords when placed in a malefic rasi (3rd in his case) do well especially if they are FMs or own a dusthana like the 8th (unexpected gains).
I am referrring to “Lord of Tithi Shoonya rashi becomes benefic if placed in 3/6/8/12 from ascendant or moon or is retrograde or is in conjunction with natural malefic planet.” in this link: http://usha-tithishoonyadosha.blogspot.com/2011/01/tithi-shoonya-dosha.html. This concept I hear is used a lot by South Indian astrolgers
hi – thanks for sharing these details, I appreciate it. I respect all views and research but in my own research, which admittedly only spans a couple of decades, I dont think the factors you have provided are dominant factors. Or in other words in astrology there are 100s of layers of analysis and eventually some things are good about any planet and some are not. The essence is to learn which are dominant factors, so that the overall result of any planet or yoga is ascertained and in that context I dont think the shoonya rasi concept has weightage enough to bend the main rules of a planet and its placement.
however all this said, I dont dive too deep into 1 particular chart when the time of birth is already speculative at best.
Hi VS,
Even if I play with the birth time and change Lagna to Virgo or Cancer, Jupiter remains vargottam across multiple divisionals including D10 Is this a sufficient consideration for Presidency ?
please refer to my article on Joe Biden that I published today (dated October 26th, 2020).
What is more important for a house? The planet placed in it or the planet ruling the house? Which will u give more wightage in general all other things being equal?
both are important. however any planet placed in a bhaav is a more specific event and hence more powerful as a deciding factor than other factors
Hi VS,
Requesting your opinion role of Jupiter for Cancer ascendent. Can Jupiter harm marriage itself being 6th and 9th lord with 6th being MK bhav.
Say virgottam cancer lagna and Jupiter in strength in 6th navamsa. Jupiter is karaka for husband but now seems 6th house signications are increasing. If you feel this is too specific question, can you please comment on Jupiter’s role in marriage for cancer ascendent?
yes jupiter can harm though not independently. Its conjunction or trinal/ aspect from saturn will make marriage worse as shani rules 7th and 8th and is also a generic malefic. so for cancer the conjunction of jupiter and saturn is bad for marriage, worst if it happens in saggitarius
Hi VS,
I am confused as far as effects of planetary aspects are concerned. Requesting you to clarify your view points on the same. My main questions are
1. How does planetary influence of aspects on other planets as well as houses work ? Whether it carries planet natural significations or functional significations.
2. How does analyse the tattav impact due to aspects ?
3. How to differentiate between the result due to the impact of different aspects of outer planets i.e. Mars (4th & 8th), Jupiter& 9th) and Saturn(3rd & 10th)
Thanks & Regards,
Ajay Gupta
any planet affects the houses and planets near it (conjunction) and where it aspects. The aspects will carry both the generic and functional nature of the planet. Outer planets have more than the 7th aspect. otherwise an aspect is an aspect
Hi VS,
Thanks for the clarification. Is there a difference between Mars 4th, 7th & 8th aspect ? Likewise difference between all three aspects of other outer planets Jupiter (5, 7, 9) and Saturn(3, 7, 10).
only things that can be said generically –
1. the special aspects of outer planets are considered stronger than the general 7th
2. the aspect will be as per the general karaka of the aspect house and planet. example saturn’s 10th aspect has a special relationship with career/ job as both 10th and saturn represent karma or more generally speaking career/ job/ profession
In Planet functionality chart you have mentioned -ve, maraka, neutral, +ve planets for each lagna. My question is related to Marakas:
1) Can Marakas also be functionally benefic, or by definition they are same or worse than -ve planets for that lagna?
2) Are MDs/ADs of Marakas always bad, or is it not necessarily so?
3) What if Marakas are general benefics like Moon and Jupiter (for example for Gemini lagna). How to interpret such general benefics as Marakas?
4) Is there something people can do in these MDs/ADs to avoid the effect of Marakas?
Best Regards
yes marakas can be functionally benefic or neutral for a chart, depending on the lagna. they are not always killers, a lot depends on whether they get overlapped by the generic karakas for killers like ketu, saturn and rahu and or if they are reciving strong aspects from ketu/ saturn or Rahu or mars to some extent. also the right kaal of life span has to operate, which is a whole new discussion anyways as predicting right kaal of life is hard via jyotish. if one has a long life, then marakas running in 30s will only give some health issues or some danger but not real manifestation of maraka nature of the planet. even benefics will play out maraka nature but if they conjunct, trinal to any generic maraka like ketu or saturn, they transfer the maraka nature to that planet. so example if moon is a maraka but conjunct to saturn, saturn will become a strong marak than moon itself and saturn dasas can be lethal in that example
dear sir, for Leo ascendant jatak with Aquarius Rashi, Saturn is both lord and killer (7 th house), how would be the overall impact.
lordships are only a short part of the story for any planet in any chart
analyze closely the placement of a planet – its rashi, navamsa, nakshatra, other divisionals and conjunctions and aspects on the planet and yogas and avayogas that the planet forms
plus the shadbal and overall dignity of the planet. Only after all this can you conclude regarding saturn or any other planet. thanks
Hello VS:
I have a Mr. A’s chart, Capri lagna, 9th lord Budha and 7th lord Moon in second house closely conjunct. I see A’s father not getting along with A’s wife and causing strife in his family. Moon becomes maha shatru in this case.
Is this a plausible interpretation?
Surely can be 1 explanation.
Hello Mr Vs,
In Leo ascendant at 29 degrees, sun placed at 4 degrees, will it be effective in fulfilling its significations as away from Bhav Madhya.in Bhav chalit it shifts to 12 th house , cancer sign.mercury already placed in cancer at 16 degrees,
How will this effect the significations of first house? Will sun in 12 th house have negative impact on the personality/health of the native.
Many thanks sir,
sun will give effects of 12th bhaav mostly and yet mixed effects of 12th and 1st bhaav
Hello VS Ji
Can you clarify why in “Planet Functionality Chart” that you have mentioned above Venus is marked only neutral but not as positive for Taurus asc. Venus being lord of Taurus.
Venus for Taurus ascendant will act as neutral due to 2 reasons-
1) It’s Mooltrikona sign of Libra lays in the 6th house of strife, disease, enemies and mental/ physical pain
2) When a general benefic planet (venus, jupiter) rules a kendra and its other sign does not rule a kona (5th or 9th) then it tends to become a functional malefic
that said, since it is the lagna lord, it will never become a malefic by definition. its results can, however, be mixed as both positive and negative and thus making it a Neutral by definition
Thanks VS Ji for explaining so clearly.
You have mentioned it and all astrologers mention that Mars, Ketu are the real malefics for Gemini/Virgo ascendants.
I have a hypothetical question (considering Mars): Mars has the following significations as per you: “3) Mars – Energy, Strength, Passion, Ambition, Courage, Dynamism, Aggresion, Adventure, Power, Competitive Nature, Sportsmen, Police officers, Army/ navy personnel, Surgeons, Commanders,”
a) So Gemini/Virgo ascendants who want to avoid the -ve effect of Mars – what do should they do: should they not be energetic, passionate, ambitious, courageous etc?
b)And such a person if he/she has Mars in 10th house (or any house), how can they avoid the -ve effects of Mars in career (or matters related to that house)?
Best Regards
functional nature of any planet is not the same as generic nature of the planet. mars is functional malefic for mercury ascendants
Hi VS, I have started going through your blogs recently as a beginner in Astrology and thank you for this Vidya Daana. I notice that you are continuing to clarify doubts years after blogs are published. This is much appreciated. God bless you. I have not clearly understood how a natural
benefic manifests its results as a functional malefic when it is strongly placed. Hope you can clarify the behaviour as regards the houses it aspects or positions. a) Taking the example of Jupiter as a functional malefic for Libra as per your table and strongly placed (say exalted in Cancer without other associations), will his aspects 5,7,9 be benefic or malefic to the aspected houses? b) What effects will be there on the same houses during his dasa periods? c) How are transit movements of Jupiter to be interpreted during Dasa periods (with Jupiter as MD/AD and during non Jupiter dashas? Thanks in advance
Why does Saturn in 3rd house represent hard work, perseverance and especially own boss?
Best Regards
3rd house is the house of self effort and parakram. saturn is the significator of daily work and effort
Hello VS,
Thank you for such an enlightening website for learners and amateurs who wish to learn about astrology.
I have a query which am unable to understand…suppose lets say for Virgo ascendant mercury and venus conjunct within 8degrees in 2nd house of libra but in chalit chart such a venus moves into 3rd house of scorpio which has saturn placed in it..general understanding about astrology says venus will give results of 3rd house and libra sign..would want to know that in general venus mercury conjunction in 2nd house of libra gives good results for virgo ascendant but would it qualify as conjunct mercury or saturn since in above scenario its placed in 2nd house with mercury but in chalit it moves to 3rd house were saturn is placed which is also a trikona owner..would any of the above placement lead to any yoga..please suggest..
impact of venus and mercury conjunction will remain as is regardless of chalit positions as the planets are within 8 degrees to each other. generally for virgo lagna, mer-ven combo is a raj yoga and libra is a good sign for virgo
venus going into the 3rd in chalit only slightly weakens its impact on the 2nd bhaav as it will be more than 15 degrees away from the bhaav madhya of 2nd house. apart from that nothing else changes due to chalit
Hello Sir,
I have a query regarding aspects…
If in Virgo lagna, Saturn from 2nd house aspects Venus in the 4th house, will this be considered a malefic aspect for marriage purposes ?
not really. in this given scenario, saturn’s aspect on venus in saggi sign will not be detrimental except perhaps showing some health issues to the mother
Thank you very much Sir for your kind responses to our queries…
Hi Vivekji,
Question about aspects and Jhora software. If Jupitor is in Pisces at 28.5 degrees and Saturn in Cancer at 7.25 degrees, full aspect of Jupitor on Cancer will at at 28.5 degrees and since Saturn is more than 21 degress from the 28.5, the aspect from Jupitor on Saturn should be very minimal. However, according to Jhora aspect table, it lists 91% aspect from Jupitor on Cancer and 89% aspect on Saturn. Is this correct? Can you please clarify?
Yes that is why i dont recommend getting very mathematical based on any software as there are generalizations in it and too much ganit jyotish detracts from phalit jyotish. in same rashi, if 2 planets are more than 15 degrees apart, their effect on each other is still there but not very high
Thank you Vivekji.
Hi Vivekji,
Another question regarding aspects, does a dustana house (say 6) gets aspected by Jupitor, does that mean when during dasa of the house lord, the bad effects of the 6th get amplified? If this house gets aspected by Saturn, does the bad of the house gets diminished? Or should be consider (in reverse) as bad effects diminish due to Jupitor aspect and amplified due to Saturn aspect? How does the effects of dustana house be during the dasa of the house lord if the house is aspected by the house lord for both Functional Benefic and Function Malefic planet for a given lagna?
you have to consider eveerything together. experience will tell you what dominates in net result. generic and functional effects all happen together always
I think I should clarify my question a bit better. In the above scenario, the 6th house is aspected by either Jupitor or Saturn, not both. I am trying understand for dustana houses, does the aspect effects of a benefic planet (Jupitor) amplify the bhaav characteristics (6th, enemies, debt, pain and suffering) or does it diminish? Likewise, does the aspect of a malefic planet (saturn) diminish or amplify the effect? I have read that house lord aspecting its own house strengthens it. But, for 6th house what does it signify for 6th house? My learning has been on the internet and I haven’t got any definitive answer as I have seen conflicting opinions on this.
to make it easier for you, think of full aspects as the planet actually placed in that position. so if saturn aspects 6th, think of saturn actually sitting there about 70% power of a full actual placement. Then the way you will read the chart (both functionally and generically) with saturn there is how the aspect will also behave in the chart
Hello VS:
I couldn’t find the write up you had on Bill Gates, so posting here.
Why is Gates’ name getting blemished now, especially re: what happened at work decades back and also about his marital arrangement about visiting his ex-GF every year?
The natal chart pointers to some unusual tendencies : Basis is the involvement of 3rd/8th with Budha ( experimental planet and mithuna lagna lord) and/or Venus and planet(s) not a good dignity.
In Gates’s case, Third lord Sun is neech in the 5th with Venus. Neech planets give neech tendencies, even Sun; so sitting with Venus, it tries to dominate women. Seventh house is aspected by Mars under Budha’s influence. So there’s a footprint of Mars ( sexual drive) and Budha ( experimentation) on the 7th house ( of spouse and sexuality) and 7th lord Guru’s dispositor is neech. This probably expalins the unusual arrangement with his wife. Some of his work-related accusations are explained since Guru is tenth lord as well.
Then the question is why is this coming out now?
He is in Mars dasa and Guru bhukti. Mars and Budha are in samspataka with Moon in Pisces. The dasa planets by themselves are not causing the exposure. Saturn punishes/disgraces. It is transitting in the 8th from lagna and aspecting 2nd lord Moon and the 2nd house of family. Being a semi-maraka lord, its aspect on lagna lord Budha causes suffering.
Please add/correct.
for bill gates, the focal point will be libra as the strongest of 1,5, 9 will act as lagna
libra has a massive raj yoga or venus and saturn in lagna giving all sorts of wealth and raj yoga. the 7th from libra is mars, in 12th bhaav with 12th lord mercury. mercury is stronger as exalted so will color mars accordingly. Mars will still act strong in a earth sign and hence marriage is not completely destroyed
saturn and sun as 2 general malefics aspect Aries. saturn and sun show separation and divorce. mars is 6/8 to its MK house which in this case is 7th of marriage. mars MD running with saturn AD and hence 7th is activated in terms of 2 malefics. Saturn has a debilitated aspect on aries
Dear Sir,
for Libra lagan, Jupiter is a functional malefic planet. If it is placed in the 10 house, in cancer sign, it get exalted and forms a hamsa yoga. If there is no affliction on jupiter in 10th house, would it give good results in its dasha? It is the lord of 3rd and 6th house for Libra ascendant. At the same time, it is aspecting the 6th house, being posited in the 10th house. Would this decrease the negative results of 6th house?
Would the situation of the moon, lord of 10th house, make any difference on the results of the jupiter? The Moon is posited in 11th house, in Leo, with Saturn.
Thanks and regards
Jupiter will give fame and rise if exalted and unafflicted in the 10th. however it will not necessarily give raj yoga or riches even if it gives fame and a good character and public image
Hello VivekJi,
Your writing is fantastic! I wish I had found your site earlier. I have heard that a Karaka sitting in the corresponding house is not good (e.g. Jupier in 5th Bhava for children), but you don’t seem to agree. Can you please clarify?
bhaavo kaarak naashe is a well known concept and I dont disagree. however usually it works most when the planet is not only in its bhaav but also its sign and is alone…for example jupiter in 5th alone with saggitarius sign or sun alone in leo in 9th house etc
Re: Bhavo karaak naashe, wanted to share my experience as have seen this question being asked elsewhere.
First, sticking to basic principles, always remember that “afflictions” determine whether the results of a particular bhav will be good or bad. The more the influence of paap grahas in a bhav, the worse the results of that area of life will be (ofcourse if this is devoid of any benefic influence)
Second, results are primarily driven by bhav, bhavesha, and karaka of that bhav, now coming to the point:-
In my experiments, if the karaka is sitting in the same bhav, and if there is any malefic influence, it will afflict both, which leads to a magnified negative influence on two of the factors needed to judge that area (bhav & karaka – jupiter in 5th in your example), and afflictions if any double so to speak. That’s the logic behind this dictum and it works provided there are malefic influences falling closer to the degree of the bhav (madhya) and karaka.
Jupiter is a Maraka for Gemini Lagna, but is it a Functional Benefic (FB) or a Functional Malefic (FM) for Gemini Lagna?
Best Regards
Jupiter is a FM by definition as it is inmical to the lagna lord mercury. That said just because a planet is deemed a FM, it doesnt mean it gives ‘bad’ results in all aspects of life. this designation is just one of 100s of points to be seen for any planet