Changing gears a little bit from our discussion, which has been focused on Parasari astrology, I mention some rules related to Jamini astrology. Jamini Sutras are by themselves a complete astrological school of thought and by no means anything that can be covered in one article or even 100. However I mention here some very vital concepts which a student should get into a habit of checking in each horoscope.
Following this article, I will, in a short while cover a few case studies which should make many of the concepts discussed so far more holistic sense in terms of application to horoscopes.
I) Rashi Drishtis – As opposed to the ‘grah’ or planet drishtis that we have already discussed at length, Jamini dictates the rashi drishti concept. This drishiti (=aspect) is more permanent in nature as opposed to grah drishtis and will color the specific area throughout life for an individual (not dependent on dasas and transits of the involoved planets)
a) Dual Signs – Any planet in the signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces will have a Rashi drishti or Sign aspect to all other signs of dual nature. Example Mars placed in Gemini will aspect Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces as per the sign aspect
b) Fixed Signs – Any planet in a fixed sign – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius will aspect all the Movable signs except the one right next to it. For example if Sun is in Taurus, it aspects all movable signs except the movable sign next to Taurus (Aries). Hence such a Sun will aspect Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
c) Movable Signs – Reverse of #b above. All planets in a movable sign will aspect other Fixed signs except the fixed sign right next to them. Example saturn in Libra will aspect all fixed signs – except the fixed sign next to the planet (in this case scorpio). Hence such a saturn will aspect Taurus, Leo and Aquarius
Very important to note that these aspects are of the entire sign and not the planet itself. As an example a person has Arudha Lagna of Taurus and has Venus in Libra. Now although Venus has no (full) aspect on Taurus as a planet aspect but it will have an aspect of the sign from Libra onto Taurus. What this implies is that the observable or apparent characteristics of the native (what Arudha Lagna dictates) will be permanently colored by a nature which is akin to Venus in Libra.
II) Arudha Pads – These have been discussed before. Arudha means a reflection. Arudha Lagna or AL is the reflection of the 1st house or lagna. A2 is the reflection of the 2nd house and so on. When analyzing any Arudha, keep the Rashi aspects as discussed above in mind. Important to note that UL or Upapadha Lagna is the Arudha of the 12th house and denotes the spouse. Ideally the location of AL and UL should not be 6,8 or 12 from each other for a good relationship between the person and his/ her spouse. When analyzing the characteristics of a spouse, look at the rashi drishtis (in addition to the grah drishtis on the the UL) this will give good clues regarding the nature of the spouse and his/ her characteristics.
Arudha pads is also an extensive topic and for the purposes of preliminary learning the discussion as of now should suffice with a deeper dive later in advanced topics.
III) Chara-Karakas – Char = Movable and Karakas = Significator
As opposed to Sthira Karakas where Sthira = fixed
This is an extremely important gem of Jamini sutras and I give in a very high importance in the analysis of any horoscope. Sthira karakas have already been defined earlier. They are the permanent significations of each planet. As example Sun is a Karaka for father and government and likewise Moon is a karaka for mother etc. Sthira karakas by definition never change, regardless of the longitude of that planet in a horoscope or the position of that planet in a horoscope.
On the other hand, a Chara- karaka changes as per the longitude of the planet in a given horoscope. As per the advancement/ progression a planet has in any sign, its portfolio or karakatwa changes. This is the Chara-Karaka scheme.
The planet which has the most advanced degree among all the 9 planets, in any sign, becomes the Atma-karaka or the significator of the soul or the person himself. This is somewhat like the lord of the ascendant and equally, if not more important, in the analysis of any horoscope.
Likewise the other Chara -karaka significators are determined as follows. In the order of descending or decreasing longitudes of a planets in a horoscope-
1) AK – Atma Karaka (Soul)
2) AmK – Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind/ Career)
3) BK – Bhratri Karaka (Siblings)
4) MK- Matri Karaka (Mother)
5) PiK- Pitru Karaka (Father)
6) PK – Putra Karaka(Children)
7) GK – Gnati Karaka(Collateral relatives)
8) DK -Dara Karaka(Spouse)
Note- Almost all softwares including JHora will give you the Chara karakas with the abbreviations used above. Example Mercury is at 27 degrees in a sign of an individual and that is the maximum of all planets, it will be called AK or Atma Karaka for the individual
The importance of these karakas can not be over emphasized. When you wish to analyze the career of a person, the way an astrologer should think about is –
1) Lord of the 10th house and 10th bhaav itself
2) Lord of 10th house and 10th bhaav from Moon
3) Lord of 10th house and 10th bhaav from Arudha Lagna
4) D-10 or Dasamsa divisional chart
5) AmK planet – its dignity, placement, shadbala, aspects and strength in D1, D10 and D9
6) Saturn is Sthira karaka for job/ profession and its aspects/ dignity/ strength and placement etc.
Likewise when analyzing the spouse/ marriage, not only is it vital to look at 7th house and its lord but also the DK as above and D9 divisional chart which signifies marriage
Generally AK and AmK should be strong and well placed for a good overall position in life and a good practice to always check the AK and AmK planet strength in D9 always along with D1
Without going into too many technical details at this stage, I would recommend – “Mixed 7/8 planet chara karaka scheme of Parasara” to be selected in the options of the software. There are many schemes, mostly based on a 7 planet or 8 planet scheme of chara karakas. Important is to note that Ketu is never any of the Chara Karakas, Rahu on the other hand can be but only in cases when 2 or more of the other 7 planets happen to fall on the same longitude. It will get very complex if I discuss this. As for now, please note that the 7/8 karaka scheme of Parasara is by far the most accurate scheme based on my own researches over the years. This is also the default scheme in many softwares. But some advanced softwares like JHora give an option to change it if one wishes to.
Hello Vivekji – Not sure if I got the analysis right but applying the above set of rules gives me a mixed bag
1) Lord of the 10th house and 10th bhaav itself
JU(10th Lord) with SA in Virgo. 10th house also has 8th aspect of MA from Leo – Mixed bag I believe; 10th lord under the influence of SA although far degreewise
2) Lord of 10th house and 10th bhaav from Moon
JU(10th Lord) with SA in Virgo. 10th house also has 8th aspect of MA from Leo – ditto as above
3) Lord of 10th house and 10th bhaav from Arudha Lagna
MA(10th Lord) in Leo(7th house). VE in 10th house from AL. SA, MA and RA aspect 10th house – Mixed bag yet again – positives – MA(sits in friend’s home in kendra), VE(blesses 10th house). Negatives – Heavy dose of malefic aspect on 10th house
4) D-10 or Dasamsa divisional chart
MA(in Asc in Virgo), SU+ME+MO+KE in 2nd house, SA in 3rd, VE in 4th, JU in 6th, RA in 8th. – Mixed bag yet again I believe.
5) AmK planet – its dignity, placement, shadbala, aspects and strength in D1, D10 and D9
Amk SA in good shape in D1 and D10 but in D9 in 8th house(Cancer) – Mixed bag yet again
6) Saturn is Sthira karaka for job/ profession and its aspects/ dignity/ strength and placement etc.- ditto as above
Overall – lots of Mixed bags
Hi Varun
thats life isnt it?
always with lots of shades of grey and hence is astrology. over time if you do this for hundreds of horoscopes, you will learn to intuitively know which factor to give more weight-age to
Hello Vivekji – Hope you are doing good! Which planet to choose as AmK if Rahu is shown as AmK in Ashta Chara Karka and Saturn in Sapta Chara Karka?
Please select the mixed Parasara scheme of 7/8 karakas. Where Rahu comes into picture when two planets have same longitude in the horo example mars at 10.2 degrees and venus 10.9 degrees (not necessarily is same sign). In this case 8 karakas come into play. If not 7 will. If your software has this option (JHora has) then the software will automatically do it for you
Ok Thanks. So the revised positions of AK and AmK are:
JU(AK) – Virgo(4H) in Lagna/Rasi , Virgo(10H) in D9 and Aquarius(6H) in D10
RA(AmK) – Cancer(2H) in Lagna/Rasi, Leo(9H) in D9, Aries(8H) in D10
Not sure if those are good or not.
Hi, my Atmakaraka is moon ,putrakaraka is Venus and Gnati karaka is mercury all three in libra in ascendant ! Currently Saturn’s dasha is going on which is satisfactory but will it harm me in mercury dasha as its Gnati karaka !? I’m currently 20 years old thank you
I think Gnati karaka means relatives and as per Vedic I think all three benefits in lagna is good but this is different
no it wont ‘harm’ you. Mercury is a functional benefic for libra rising and if with good planets, it will be good
Hello Vivekji – Sorry but one more question – “Since Rahu is a shadowy planet, can we consider its dispositor as the AmK(Moon in my case)”?
Varun, When rahu becomes a Charakaraka in the 7/8 mixd parasara scheme, you have to take it as the karaka and not its depositor. Thanks
Thanks Vivekji. One more question – “If Jupiter is in the same rashi(Virgo) both D1(4th House) and D9(10th House), can it be considered retrograde?”
Hi Varun
Being virgottam has nothing to do with retrogression
Jupiter can be or not be retrograde in the above case in which jupiter will be in the last 3.33 degrees of virgo. That will depend on how far it is from the sun
Do we look at career prospects from Amatykrk ruler?
If Atmlrk-Ve and Amatykrk-Su are conjuct with UL lord (Me). Does it create a jaimini rajyoga. Does this rajyoga has to repeat in D-9 to confirm?
If Moon is in Uppapada Lagna. UL lord is Me sitting with Su+Ve as mentioned above Can we tell something about spouse looks/traits or family background. I was reading over it on the above example. Thought of knowing your views.
I cant answer piecemeal questions or do personal readings.
answer to the generic part of the question “Do we look at career prospects from AMK ruler”?
is YES
Thanks Vivek
If lagna lord is in same sign in D 1 D 9 and D 10. Can it be called vargottama. What if it is in enemy sign. Say Saturn in Scorpio or Leo. Does it have to be MT or friendly or or own sign
Can Rahu/Ketu be Vargottama
What if planet hold same sign in D 1 and D 10
What if planet hold same sign in D 9 and D 10. Can they still be called Vargottama
Virg-uttam are 2 words in one
varga = division
uttam = very good
whenever any planet is in the same sign in D1 and any other chart, that becomes virgottam for that particular chart
D9 or navamsa is more emphasized, but this applies to other divisions as well like D10, D12 etc
also a planet that is in an enmical sign in D1, does not become good just because it is virgottam in a divisional. Example if mars is in Gemini, it is in an enmical sign and being in Gemini in D9 also will just make it weaker. So Virgottam is good if the depositing planet is a good friend, friend or at least neutral to the planet
Ok. Got it.
Just wanted to clarify. There is lot of confusion surrounding thus. some say Jup is good others say bad. same goes for Rahu and ketu in these signs
Jup in Aquarius – is it good or bad sign d1 and d10
Rahu in Cancer – is it good or bad sign d9 and d10
Ketu in Capricorn – is it good or bad sign d9 and d10
Any sign that is good for a planet is good in all divisionals. If aries is a friendly sign for Jupiter, it remains so whether D1 or D9 etc
Jupiter gives good results in aquarius being a neutral sign as well as the natural 11th sign for which jupiter is a karaka.
rahu in cancer and ketu in capricorn are good provided the strength of their depositors and aspects on the nodes are good
Hello Sir,
What are your views regarding the correct calculations for Arudha padas ?
1) parashara + jhora default settings + most astrologers – recommends using exceptions
2) kn rao does not
3) and then some astrologers use exact longitude method
So this gives 3 different arudha padas which makes it very confusing
utilize 1 as a learner. Forget the others
Hi VS ji, What happens when AK and AmK are conjunct in D1 and D9, but are inimical to each other – Eg, Shukra-Guru, Shani-Surya?
(Provided lord of the rasi of Ak&AmK being in a kendra from lagna/moon – ie. good placement)
you have to see their individual dignity
for example saturn and mars are AK and AmK and both sit in capricorn. here one is deeply exalted and one is own house. so both have great dignity
on the other hand both in cancer are both weak and afflicted
likewise u have to do a deeper dive study
Thank you VS.
Both are in Budha’s rasi – virgo, where AK Venus is debilitated and AmK Guru has enmity. Budha is in simha rasi and is combust with Sun.
But debility of Venus is cancelled as budha is in kendra from lagna/moon.
Are both AK and AmK not well placed here?
only problem here is that the person in life will be too bogged down by details and will be very critical in speech to others..this can cause problems in relationships with others in personal and professional life…they need to learn to see the bigger picture and enjoy life a bit
Thank you.
Will AK Sun and AmK Ven conjunct Ketu in Ashlesha give a tendency to keep looking into the past? Life and career and analysing ad nauseum? How does conjunction with ketu effect Karakas?
ketu internalizes the energy of any planet it touches and to some extent magnifies the energy. The person executes the karma of that planet without too much material level attachment to it
1. Should the UL be calculated from the 2nd Bhaav for even Rasis and the 12th for odd Rasis?
2. What is Dar Pad? It seems different from Upapad..
Thank you
for spouse/ marriage, use A12 or Upapada. Reflection of 12th house
Respected sir, as per jamini rules, if Atmakarak Sat and Amtyakarak ven aspect each other in D-1 and both are placed conjuct in D-10 (10th house libra sign). So my question is whether this pair of AK and AmK is deciding factor for profession/career front?
yes can be if they are strong in D1 and are related to 1st, 7th or 10th houses in D1
Dear VS ji,
Is it true that Atmakaraka dasha is always troublesome..? Meaning it teaches the soul’s lessons in this lifetime..hence bad materialistic results which will end up making the person more spiritual?
AK in moksha Trikona leads one step closer to moksha? Meaning 8th house and 12th houses are by default troublesome houses..if AK is placed in such houses, does it mean that the native will go through tremendous ordeals in this lifetime but eventually rewarded with the much coveted moksha if that is the deepest desire of the person?
Example : Bhadrachala Ramadas
Lessons are not always ‘bad’
it depends on ones perspective. cleansing of a soul and working towards moksha isnt bad at all
if AK is strong and well placed in D1 and D9, its dasa will be usually good. Lessons will also be good for the person long term
You are absolutely right VS ji. I just want to share real life example regarding this,
My father in law had AK as Jupiter placed in moksha Trikona . He was such a pious soul,very religious..but went through Jupiter’s karaka’s financial troubles during the end of his life.
He got a huge sum of money through VRS scheme to retire early . But gave all that money to a couple of his “trusted” friends to earn monthly interest income..But ALL of them cheated him which gave him much mental agony in the end.
While all his kids were very supportive till his end days, he developed a kind of detachment towards money etc., which I guess may be the AK Jupiter’s lessons for this lifetime to him.
Being such a devout person , highly spiritual , Moksha Trikona placed AK Jupiter along with KETU in the same 8th house, he might have got Moksha , I think. He was running AK Jupiter dasha too when all these took place .
Hello VS,
While Moon in the 8th (taurus lagna) may indicate Alpaayus, how does one interpret Moon in the 8th from AL? Sukra is in AL.
moon in 8th from lagna can cause damage to longevity or life force
moon in 8th from AL causes damage to the image in society
hi VS ,
like to tell me about my spouse and future relationship with spouse (wife) ?
D.O.B : 11th may 1988 karachi Pakistan 3:05 a.m
venus significator of marriage is in mrigrisha nakshatra ( read about mrigrisha is not good for spouse ? )
venus is 7th from saturn ..(is there age difference more or she is older ? )
sun is the 7th lord from moon place in 3rd house with Jupiter + sun is exalted too , is my wife very dominant ?
mercury can give me virgottama result ? mercury in taurus both rasi and navamsa but mercury conjunct with rahu in navamsa … mercury also my 7th lord from ASC and place in 3rd house ..
venus conjunct ketu in navamsa is it bad for relationship with spouse ?
i am waiting for ur reply , thanks
sorry, i dont do personal readings for anyone right now
VS ji,
What does it mean by a planet becoming Yogada ( or ) Maha Yogada in a chart? Does that mean it will give power / money and authority during its dasha only ( or ) throughout life? Or should we not mix Vimshottari dasha with Jaimini concepts ?
Please let me know.
Thanks much.
It is not advised to mix these concepts till one develops a deeper understanding of astrology in general as sometimes they can contradict in direct application
rashi drishtis and not grah drishtis has to be considered for Jamini rules and also dasas other than vimshottari might become more relevant and accurate. I would advise going through the normal Parasari jyotish and vimshottari dasa and case studies till one masters this. then the other principles start to automatically be intuitively understood more. this comes with practice and time
Ok..thanks much for your guidance VSji. I will stick to Parashari and Vimshottari as I am still learning.
Hello VS:
Are Rasi Dhristis applicable to divisionals?
Hi Vivek,
Like seeing the Rasi aspects on UL, can we see the same on DK? What is the difference?
UL or 7th house or DK or 7th lord will all show something about the partner. now one has to learn to know which impact will dominate. that comes from experience and intuition. the most accomplished astrologers can predict the lagna of the partner correctly in over 90% of cases
I guess that will start to happen when you begin to make readings!
In divisionals, should I use only the Arudha padas in relation to Rasi dhrishti? For example, in Dasamsa, would I see the AL and A10? Thank you.
yes but i would not recommend using rashi drishtis in divisionals. its get complex in interpreation as it is not the same as in D1
Hello VS,
In Jaimini astrology, is counting the karakams’ house position from the D-9 lagna a valid method?
karakamsa lagna is the navamsa sign occupied by the atmakaraka planet. nothing invalid about it
VS, can results be different using Jaimini and Parashara methods? For example, for a Pisces asc, 10th lord is debilitated in Capricorn with NB. The AmK Mercury is posited in the 10th in D-9 (Leo) and 10th in D-10 (capricorn). I learnt from you that divisionals cannot override D-1 by much. Is this still true if you mix the Parashara and Jaimini methods?
more florid effect has to be taken. for example for career look at 10th from lagna then aspects on saturn and then 10th from saturn. usually u will have different impacts but if 10th from lagna is 3 planets whereas no planet from 10th to lagna or only one planet conjuncting or aspecting saturn then look at only lagna etc
Tenth from lagna has 3 planets and saturn is associated with jupiter in lagna then how would you predict about career?
you have to do the predictions yourself Rahul. That is the whole point of learning
as a hint in this case 10th from lagna and 10th from saturn is the same. so look for the impact on 10th house that combination will give the results
example 10th bhaav is libra with madhya at 20 degrees venus is at 15, mercury at 18 and sun at 5. in this case venus and mercury are dominant impact and hence the person can be a writer, author, in marketing or dealing with people and in roles either in entertainment industry or beauty industry etc. however if venus and ketu in 10th aspected by saturn in lagna then the person is likely to be a lawyer/ judge etc
Thanks vivek sir
can moon give beaurocratic job if it is located exactly on 10th house well known astrologer on youtube said that moon in the 10th house give fame associated with career
again depends on what the context is. if moon is in a venus sign or conjunct/ aspected or trinal to venus then artistic careers/ film industry etc. with saturn it can show research related careers and also mass dealing with people in the job..with mars it can imply real estate or blood/ hospital related work etc etc.moon is karaka for fame, especially when related to arudha lagna and or the 4-10 axis. 4th is better as a position as there it gains full directional strength and 0 in 10th house
Vivek sir
I am confused about paksha bala of moon around 12th to 15th days of of krishna paksha.does moon have paksha bala around this period?
moon when = > 120 degrees from the sun has strong brightness (paksha bal) it is not just about waxing or waning (shukla or krishna paksha)
Hi vivek sir
eleventh from arudh lagna shows source of income.what is the outcome if rahu or ketu is located in 11th from arudh?rahu or ketu would show their independent effect or something related to their sign in which they are located
any planet in 11th from arudha shows potential sources of income for the person
A follow-up question – if venus & mercury both in 3rd house which is 11th from arudha lagna (5th house), then what would be the potential sources of income. thanks
anything that overlaps with the karakatva of venus, mercury and sun (as the ruler of that house) will be fair game as well as any planet aspecting the bhaav fully
Vivek sir
according to sanjay rath school rahu or ketu in 11th from arudh lagna give questionable means for the source of income that is not according to law of land native is residing in.he also said that principle of dispositor does not apply here..what is your opinion
rahu and ketu are karakas for smoke or the unknown. they can sometimes show extreme too (both more or less). only the presence of rahu ketu doesnt necessarily mean shady income sources however if there is connection with saturn and the dignity of the planets is low (any planet in own house or exalted has high dignity) then rahu especially can show hidden sources of income which can also at times mean illegal or corrupt sources of income
Thanks vivek sir
Whenever i feel confused about any concept in astrology i come to your website.thanks a lot sir
Vivek sir
Which house is arudh lagna if lagna lord is in 10th house?i am confused about 4th house or 7th house
4th house
Vivek sir
Can rahu be considered as charakarka?mr k n rao doesnot consider rahu as charakaraka.
yes under parasari rules rahu is included only if 2 other planets have similar longitude. it is called the 7/8 scheme in most softwares
Vivek sir
My question is related to rashi drishti of jaimini astrology
Venus aspecting tula rashi by rash drishti from leo sign in first case and venus aspecting tula rashi from taurus in second case.what is difference between above 2 aspects
difference is the dignity of venus. In one case it is strong and happy as its own sign and in the other case it is in an inmical sign and also neecha abhilashi (going towards its debilitation)
Mr. Rahul, How can Sikuru in Leo rashi aspects, Tula ? Leo is a moveable sign and it can only aspect Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus as per Jaimini astrology.
Vivek sir
Does association of any planet with arudh lagna incude rashi aspect of that planet on the arudh lagna?.if arudh lagna is in dual sign so planets in other dual signs aspect the arudh lagna but in one case planets may also be in opposite dual sign so in this case planets oppose the arudh lagna for example arudh lagna in pisces and planets in virgo.please say something for this case
as per jamini yes. you always have to see rasi aspects in jamini. however planetary aspects are more specific to the person and dasas etc. rasi aspects are more generic and are also more permanent (dont change with dasas or transits etc)
Vivek sir
Arudha lagna is 7th house and a planet is in lagna .does this planet associate with arudha lagna ? In this case planetry aspect is present but rashi aspect is not present but in case of dual signs even rashi aspect is present.does planet in opposite house of arudha lagna cause obstruction to arudha?
planet fully associates with the arudha in 7th in this case. obstruction or not depends on the general and functional nature of the planet in lagna
Thanks vivek sir
Does A12 show status of spouse
yes should be used in conjunction to other things like 7th lord, karaka (venus for men) and 7th from venus (for men) etc
Second house is not strong but arudha of second house is strong .please say something for this case
can not generalize. there are chances that the person will be very rich in the eyes of society but nominally rich in reality
Wish you happy diwali vivek sir
Moon is the karaka for fame so what is the difference between wanning and waxing moon in this respect.does wanning moon give maligned image?
thanx and same to you.
moon is strong when 120 degrees or more from sun (waxing or waning is irrelevant). even if waning but say 140 degrees away from sun, it is very bright. Also in general waxing is better than waning as it is going towards a better (brighter) future when waxing
Hello VS:
If UL is 12th from AL, does it suggest discomfort in marital relationship?
not a sufficient condition to draw such a conclusion
When does ketu in 12th from Karakamsa (and KL) signify moksha – can it be in any sign or only in certain signs? If ketu conjuct with graha should they be functional benefics or general benefic grahas?
Can ketu with guru & venus in 12th from karakamsa lagna in rasi and ketu in 12th from karakamsa in navamsa signify moksha?
Thank you!
yes to all
Thank you for the response.
The person who has this combination can only be termed as agnostic or atheist at this time(young age). I have heard that usually this combination gives spiritual tendency from very young age. Or maybe I am mistaken.
Have you seen such combination resulting in religious/spiritual tendencies from a young age?
what combination do you talk about?
Dear VS:
I am a little confused by how to interpret planets from the karakamsa. Do we examine their placement in the navamsa chart or in the rasi chart? For example, does ketu 12th from karakamsa in the navamsa or rasi chart signify moksha?
Appreciate your clarification.
take the karakamsa lagna and analyse the D1 chart from that lagna.
Sir, if Retrograde Jupiter is exalted and sitting in the 12th house being the lord of 5th & 8th house in lagna chart and also as a GNATI KARAKA . It will be a malefic planet or a benefic planet ?
like actual life is shades of grey, planets and their effects are not binary!
it is never only good or only bad…usually a mixture of the 2 in some way or manner….how much good and bad is dependent on dozens of factors to be considered in the horoscope as a whole, no generalizations can be made
Hello VS:
Is it true that according to Jaimini, if Ketu is in the 1st house, planets ALSO should be seen in the reverse? E.g. Kanya lagna, mars in Mithun would be in 4th and not in the 10th. I was listening to an audio from Pt Rath and he mentions Jaimini specifically mentions this. It is here: around 8:58
I have read about this before and this is also used in some special dasa systems/ However I can not approve or negate it as I have not tested it much in life
but thanks for bringing out an interesting topic to me
Hello VS:
is there a difference between looking at the 5th from AL versus looking at the ArudaPadha of the 5th? Has the former got to do with perceptions and the latter to do with reality?
arudha pad is like the lagna of those significations whereas AL represents the individual and 5th from AL example shows creativity, intelligence, children, education etc
Hello VS:
5th from AL shows “observable” creativity, intelligence…the actual is seen from the lagna. Am I correct?
Hello VS:
When there is no planet sitting in a rashi, is the effect of this Rasi on other rashis zero? Or do graha drishtis on the rasi still have an influence?
when no planet sits in a house, also see what planets fully aspect the house. if none, then the house has low representation in the life of the individual. but not zero ofcourse. Also to be considered in detail are partial aspects, which usually are never 0
Hello VS:
When I analyze the karakamsa’s rasi as a lagna in D-1, how do I analyze it? I am asking since there is lagna/AL/Graha lagna/Padhas etc for analysis. What is the additional info I could get?
it is just another vishesika lagna of sorts. Important from a Jamini perspective of AK as the representative of the person and their soul/ nature/ character
it shows the impact of effects in life as percieved by the individual himself and not by the world (which is more the case with AL) so if a person has great yogas from lagna, he might be succesfull/ famous but if the planets are ill placed from Karakamsa lagna then the person himself might have to go thru a lot of personal/ professional sacrifice and hardships which will not be know to most of the world. the wold perceives what Arudha Lagna and real Lagna show and Karakamsa lagna shows how the person himself percieves
Hi VS,
Do you recommend calculating Arudha Pad by rashi or by degrees. Say Tula lagna 5 degrees and venus in scorpio at 25 degrees. By Rashi Dhanu will be AL while by degrees it will be Makar.
in the given example, AL will be Sagittarius at 25 degrees
Hello VS:
Is Atma Karaka’s house position from Lagna, is where the karma plays out and the body/mind has to be subservient to, in a sense? So, if it is in the 7th house, one would be at the mercy of the spouse, may be
it implies energy and life direction in that direction not necessarily subservience of any kind
Can we consider bhava chalit chart while deriving arudha pada for any bhava?i think rashi chart works well in calculating arudha lagna.please state your opinion sir
no you can not
Thanks vivek sir
Vivek ji,
My son’s rasi chart (Scorpio rising) has Saturn in cancer in 9th house & in Navamsa (Capricorn rising), Saturn is again in Cancer in 7th house. Additionally, per Jaimini, his Gnati karaka is also Saturn. Will this weak vargottam Saturn cause excessive strife in his life? I have been very worried since finding this.
Hello, there is no such thing. Little knowledge is dangerous. You have to see all the yogas in a chart. Standalone this saturn is not that bad as 4th lord in 9th. however all the aspects on it, and placement of moon etc has to be seen.
what does it mean if AK vargottama as 8th lord in 8th house
does it mean the native has abilities from past life ?
what kind of abilities it shows?
any virgottam planet signifies intense results of that bhaav/ placement. Good and bad depends on ownership, aspects, yogas and placement. the karakatva of the planet will tell the generic qualities. example moon gives qualities like a mother or caring, sensitive, nurturing, tolerant, emotional, intuitive etc.
thanks for clarification . navamsa also gives some insight on person’s abilities , apart from marital life , does AK override this ?
may be it is dumb question . pls help me to under
hi, there is no such thing as override x or y factor
in jyotish, there is an additive principle. both good and bad effects can exhibit from a planet/ yoga
8 planets in 4 consecutive houses in raasi
do we consider it as GMY (graha Malika Yoga) ?
pls enlighten me
no we dont
1) Should formal business partnerships (LLC/Pvt Ltd) be seen with UL as well?
2) There is a concept of multiple ULs – from what I read/listen from SJC Vyasa/Freedom Cole classes: UL2 is 8th from UL1 (if UL1 is not there any longer) or 6th from UL1 if UL1 still exists. Is that how you see it as well? It makes logical sense to me …
3) If a person is married – say UL1 represents that and while married he gets into a business partnership with another person, then can/should that also be considered a UL2 and seen from the 6th to UL1?
Thanks a lot!
1) no
2) I have no idea of what someones opinion in some class of it is. UL is just one by the original definition
3) no, again business partnerships are not to be seen by UL, perhaps more from A7. make and excel sheet and see atleast 100 charts and make observations on each for the point u are referring to. You will then really learn about UL
You mention that 6/8/12 relative position between AL and UL is bad. Is a 1-7 relative position between AL and UL also bad? If yes, then what are the qualitative differences between a 6/8/12 relative position and a 1-7 relative position between AL and UL?
no 1-7 between AL and UL is not bad
Dear Sir
What would be your opinion on AK getting debilitated in navamsa in general?
For example, venus AK (virgo lagna) gets debilitated in navamsa (in 7th house). Here I would think this will definitely impact spouse/relationships and may make someone very analytical in their approach to relationship. But being AK, could it produce any other damages?
Thank you!
AK by itself is not a maraka or a malefic
the concept that its dasa can give some discomfort is that the goal of the planet is to teach the atma some unlearnt lessons, or to make the aatma head towards enlightenment in general. the karaka of the planet and its bhaav and divisional positions will show what area and direction of life those lessons lay. not all lessons are bad or uncomfortable. however by definition the soul really learns when we go thru difficult situations and not when we are relaxed/ elated
Thank you Sir
How about Chara Karakas in Divisional chart? jhora is publishing separate Chara Karakas for Divisional chart which are different from D1 but also do not follow the descending order of Deg (0 – 30) within the Divisional chart. Are the D1 Chara Karakas carried forward to Divisional charts or is there a different rule there?
the degrees in divisionals becomes a mathematical concept only. I would not worry about char karakas in divisionals for predictive purporses
Thankyou VS! Just to make it doubly sure for myself, you would not consider carrying forward the D1 Chara Karakas in a divisional chart or just only ignore the Divisional degrees for Chara Karakas? I understood it to be the latter. If you also meant the former, then how about a versatile Dasa like Narayana Dasa that I am discovering to be so precise for a divisional chart where I am tempted to check another aspect that is Chara Karakas and their significations for a specific Planet’s Dasa.
feel free to explore and experiment. if something works for a large enuff sample case size, then it works!
Thank you again !
Hello VS:
Re: Arudha.
If I want to know how I will be perceived at work should I see the arudha from the tenth house or the 10th from AL? What is the difference?
I just utlize AL for the way the world perceives an individual. i am not that advanced an astrologer as to find reflections of how a person is perceived by various individuals in his/ her life!
Hello VS:
When one speaks about benefics/malefics from an AL perspective, is it FB/FM calculated from AL or lagna? Thanks.
one has to see the entire AL chart independently. however as with other focal points like moon, sun, jeeva lagna, karakamsha lagna etc., it has to be seen in context of the basic D1 as well. overlap is key. any overlap becomes a sure shot precipitation of results
Dear Sir,
In my Birth Chart, Retrograde SATURN in Ascendant of all Varga Charts (D 1 to D 16 and also in D 81, D108, D144, D 150 charts) Therefore Saturn which repeats across all of 16 Parashari varga. (He is a Cancer Ascendant)
In Rashi Chart (D 1) Saturn is in Lagna – Cancer and Saturn in Navamsa (D 9) in Sagittarius.
I have noticed US Drama-activist Angelina Jolie has Venus in Ascendant of all Varga Charts (from D1 to D16) – Not Vargottam but repeats across all of her 16 Parashari varga. I feel although Venus not Vargottam, but Venus in Ascendant of All Varga charts is rare and good for research.
My question is If Saturn is in Ascendant of all Varga charts (also retrograde).
Is it special or have any Good or Bad effects in life?
when a planet sits in the same bhaav for many divisionals, it is called bhaavuttam (same as vargauttam applies to same sign)
if a good bhaav and a generically good planet, this is a strong strength for the significations of that particular bhaav and planet
Dear Guruji,
Some Astrology Books indicate Even Moon is exalted in 11th House (Cancer Ascendant) in a birth Chart, If Moon is below Degree 3 in Taurus (However below Deep exaltaion point) between 1 to 2 Degree Moon is weak. Even with high Ashtakavarga (7 to 8) with High Vimsopaka Bala (15 or 75% in Dasa Varga/Shodasa Varga) with High Vaiseshikamsa Bala 9 (Poornachandra) & 7 (Devaloka) with over 100 Shad Bala.
In view of above stated factors, just because Moon is below Degree 3 and Moon is Avayogi and also Sahayogi Planet. Can Moon consider Weak?
Anyone can write a book, blog or article. With over 7 billion people in the world, I dont know who says what and why and if I were you, I wouldnt worry too much about different theoretical claims here or there.
as for your questions about moon. No it is not weak at all even at 0.1 degree in taurus with high shad bal and if it bright too
Dear Sir,
If a Planet is Vakri (Retrograde) in a Uccha Rashi (Exalted) become Neech (Debilitated) and Vice Versa. In calculations in Vimsopaka Bala & Vaiseshikamsa Bala whether Varki (Retrograde) should be considered. I use Jagannatha Hora Software which is very helpful.
Please educate us.
there is no such thing as a retrograde uchha planet becomes neecha or vice versa. It is a myth
Dear Mr VS,
Kalidasa in his book called “uththara Kalamrutha” states that a retrograde uchha planet becomes neecha or vice versa.
What is your idea?
i dont think that generalization works in real life
Hi Vivek, hope all is well. Meant to ask this earlier but forgot – what is the significance of karakamsha lagna? Have you used it for any specific purposes in your research? Since each type of lagna has a particular characteristic through which it manifests and impacts a person’s life (e.g lagna – physical body / physical manifestation, chandra lagna – subtle / mind etc), I wanted to ask if you use karakamsha for analyzing any specific matters or situations in the horo. Please guide.
Karakamsha lagna is the focal point from the vantage point of ones soul or atma. The way atma experiences various planets can be seen taking atmakaraka lagna as the lagna in navamsa chart and to some extent in lagna chart as well
Dear Guruji,
Thanks for clarification, I wanted to ask this in my previous request but I forgot,
1) If a Planet is Vargottam OR Bhaavuttam (also the planet in 1st house – Ascendant of D-1 to D- 16) but the planet is VAKRI (Retrograde) and power & strength of the particular planet is reduced and Raja Yoga creating by this Bavottam planet is reduced or power remain same.
1) I try to explore and experiment through others Birth Charts with Jagannatha Hora Software and I have notice when a planet is Bhagavatam (also the planet in 1st house – Ascendant of D-1 to D- 16) Vimsopaka Bala of the planet is comparatively low. (never noticed exceeding 15 – (75%)
Please educate us.
just because a planet is vakri, it doesnt become weak. Also no such thing as you have described in your part 2
Dear Guruji,
Your answer to my question of low Vimsopaka Bala for Bhaavuttam Planets is completely right and by using Jagannatha Hora Software I noticed a Yoga listed under Rajayoga “Same Planet aspecting in Lagna in D-1, D-9. D-2. D-3, D-12 & D-30 and result to this is mentioned as “Success and High achievement” which may be considered relating to Bavottama concept.
Through several astrological websites ( I gathered birth Charts of celebrities & Head of states etc. (checked more than 2000 celebrity birth charts) in very few birth charts I noticed this Raja Yoga is appearing in following. (Also appearing in Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Queen Elizabeth, Us President- Bill Clinton, former British PM Tony Blair,)
Steve Forbes (USA) Editor in Chief of Forbes – 18th July 1947 (01.35 am – Morristown – new Jersey)
Inder Kumar Gujral – India – former PM.
Vladimir Putin – President Russia – Oct 7th 1952, time 9.30 am – Leningrad – (30 E 15 / 59 N 53)
Angelina Jolly – USA – (drama-activist) 09th June 1975, 9.06 am – Los Angeles
Richards Ann (USA) American politician – Governor of Texas – Sep 01st 1933/ 6.01am Mcleudon Texas
Bayh Birch (USA) State Senator – 22nd January 1928 / Terre Haute – Indiana
Lal Krishna Advani (India) Nov 08 1927 – Karachi 9.30am
Sir Richard Charles Shepherd – Politician in the United Kingdom -Member of Parliament for the constituency of Aldridge-Brownhills from 1979 to 2015. (06th Dec 1942 8.54 am Aberdeen -UK)
Spiro Theodore Agnew – 39th vice president of the United States – (November 9, 1918 / 9 am Forest hill Maryland USA)
Pedro Sánchez Pérez – Prime Minister of Spain – 29th Feb 1972 – 10.25 AM – Madrid /Spain
Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer – First Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany – 5th January 1876 -10.30 am Cologne -Germany.
Gerald Ford – USA President – July 14th 1913/ 12.43 AM / Omah USA
Prof. K S Krishnamoorthy – 01st Nov 1908 Thiruvaiyaru India 12.10 pm
Lindon B Jonson US President – Aug 27th 1908/ 5.40pm Stonewall Texas
Mukesh Ambhani India – April 19th 1957/ 19.53pm birth place- Aden Berek /Yemen
Vishvanath Prathap Singh – former Prime Minister India – 7 am June 25th 1931- Allahabad
Reina Carlos Roberts – Former President of Honduras- 13th March 1926 – 7.03 AM – Comayagua – Honduras
Streseman Gustav – German Chancellor – 10th May 1878 – 12.35pm – Berlin/Germany
Exceptionally uncommon element I noticed this Raja Yoga will be very rare to find in birth charts of ordinary people (I have checked more than 500 of ordinary people) and if this Raja Yoga appear the specific individual become important/celebrity and “Achievement and High accomplishment” and exist for a long-term.
I also noticed in all the birth charts with this Yoga PARTICULAR PLANET of creating this Raja Yoga NEVER RETROGRADE (VAKRI) – (that Bhaavuttam planet never retrograde)
Guruji, is this a special/rare Yoga. Please educate me.
yes when a planet sits in lagna at a degree very close to the lagna degree and in the same navamsa pada as the lagna rising point, then such a planet will be in lagna for all or most of the divisionals and this is the concept of bhaav uttam
this planet is strongly affecting the life and personality of the native and will affect all aspects of his or her life as denoted by the various divisional charts. Also in general in kaalpurush, lagna is aries with the karaka surya and is also the seat of power and thus if any planet sits smack in the middle of lagna, the general and functional karakatva of that planet also get powerful. even the relative denoted by that planet could be a very succesful person in life. example mercury for maternal uncle or mars for younger brother etc.
Hello VS,
Thank you for the explanation. What if such a planet close to lagna is functional malefic for the ascendant- Say Venus for Sagittriaus or Mars for Gemini.
it is obviously less desirable to have a functional malefic very close to rising sign degree. however the general and functional characteristics of the planet will all come into play and be enhanced if any planet is almost right on the ascendant degree making it fall on the 1st bhaav in most divisional charts as well
Dear Guruji,
1) What is Bhagyapada and if Bagyapada in Lagna while Atma Karaka in 9th House with Upagraha – Yamagantaka whether good for spiritual advancement.
Placement of Upa Graha Planets – Gulika or Mandhi adversely can cause Raja Yoga cancellations. (any powerful Raja yoga)
gulika and maandi are generally very negative. however if they sit in a kendra or kona or 11th and the depositor also sits with gulika or maandi or the depositor is exalted or own house in a kendra or kona also then gulika and maandi will give raj yoga as well. however the killing disposition will remain intact. so they will dispense both raj yoga and a marakatva ability in such cases
If Gulika and a planet whose bhukti is running sit together, about 12 degrees apart, will Gulika’s effect show like any other conjunct planet?
yes some negativity can show up. however since it is not a visible full bodied planet nor does it own any house, the impact is dependent on the strength and dignity of the planet as well as the rashi and nakshatra depositors of gulika more than gulika itself
Dear Guruji,
Thanks for clarification.
With reference to my query on 3rd Oct 2020, Bhaavuttam Planet creating Raja Yoga (Same Planet aspecting in Lagna in D-1, D-9. D-2. D-3, D-12 & D-30)
In all the celebrities/Head of State charts I have mentioned I have noticed in all the birth charts with this Yoga, PARTICULAR PLANET of creating this Raja Yoga NEVER RETROGRADE (VAKRI) – (that Bhaavuttam planet never retrograde)
Guruji, my question is, If the particular planet (Bhaav uttam planet) retrograde whether Raja Yoga creating by this planet is cancelled or greatly reduced.
If no difference, normal planet and retrograde planet will be same in all perspectives/results in this situation.
May I know your opinion and please educate me.
no. just because a planet is retrograde will not make the yoga dysfunctional or 0 at all. any retrograde planet behaves more like the ruler of the sign it is placed in as well as any planets conjunct with it or aspecting it fully. that apart any retrograde planet is bright as it is far away from the sun to be retrograde in general which increases its strength in some fashion
Dear Guruji,
Thank you for the explanation.
If Atmakaraka is Venus and Exalted in 9th House also Vargottam.
In D 1 chart Venus in GANDANTHA (29 Degree – Pisces) also RETROGRADE. (vimsopakabala – 14.25 – Dasa Varga / Vaisheshikamsa Bala – 9 Poornachandra)
Venus with Mercury in Pisces in D 1 Chart.
(1) Although Atmakaraka is Exalted & Vargottam, just because in Gandantha is Venus weak?
(2) When Atmakaraka Retrograde in Gandantha is it Generally Good or Bad?
(3) If Planetary war/Graha Yuddha happen in a Gandantha what is the impact.
Guruji Please educate us.
hi there. by itself just gandantha or retrograde does not change things much. it just means that the planet is at the edge of a sign. see how far the planet is from the bhaav madhya and that shows how strong the planet will influence the given bhaav. also see how far the planet is from other planets. any planet within a 12 to 15 degree orb of the given planet will be affecting the planet by both its generic and functional results.
Dear Guruji,
I forgot to ask this in my previous request,
“How far the planet is from the bhaav madhya” is very important and any planet within a 12 to 15 degree orb is not much clear to me. If the distance is 11.18 degrees whether we can count two planets within the required distance to be more powerful.
(1) When Mercury in the bhaav madhya of 9th House – 18 degree Pisces (Cancer Ascendant) But Mercury is Debilitated and exalted Venus (29 degree) also in the same house, because of Mercury is in bhaav madhya debilitation is cancelled or reduced?
(2) What is the correct distance between Mercury & Sun to be combust? (Some astrologers says should be within 8 degrees ) Even Mercury is in bhaav madhya but combust whether strength of Mercury is reduced?
Guruji, May I know your opinion
Bhaav uttam
bhaav madhya and rashi madhya are 2 different things. if mercury is at exact 15 degrees in pisces, it is deeply debilitated regardless of how far or close from bhaav madhya it is. bhaav madhya will not be 15 degrees in pisces. it will depend on the degree of ascendant. say cancer ascendant at 25 degrees is lagna then 25 degrees in pisces is bhaav madhya for 9th bhaav but 15 degrees remains rashi madhya for pisces ofcourse
there is no clear consensus regarding Orbs of combustion. In general any planet within 6 degrees of sun is combust strongly and within 3 degrees in combust completely.outside of 12 degrees, combustion is negligible till 15 and after 15 degrees of separation, there is no longer any combustion effect
in practice, I have seen mercury act combust only within 2 to 3 degrees of sun in Direct motion. In retrograde motion, even at 0 degrees from sun, it is not combust in phalit effects
Dear Guruji,
With reference to my query on 3rd Oct 2020, Bhaavuttam Planet creating Raja Yoga and your answer – just because a planet is retrograde will not make the yoga dysfunctional or 0 at all is perfectly accurate.
I recently noticed Mr. Rahul Gandhi birth chart (Birth time gathered from astrological website) RETROGRADE bhaavuttam – GURU (Jupiter) in Lagna (Libra Ascendant) and I strongly feel just because Jup is Retrograde strength of Rajayoga not reduced.
I also noticed if Ascendant & Navamsa also same (D 1 & D 9 is same Vargottam Horoscope) and the particular Bhaavuttam planet is placed in D1, then,
(1) The particular planet is Vargottam also Bhaavuttam
(2) Horoscope also Vargottam – D1 and D9 same (eg Lagna Rasi & Namvasma both Libra)
(3) If the particular planet is Exalted
If above 3 conditions meet the native be very powerful (eg. Swami Vivekananda, Queen Elizabeth – Sagittarius Ascendant/ Sagittarius Navamsa D1 & D9 both Sagittarius and Kethu is Bhaavuttam (Kethu in Ascendant & Vargottam and also Exalted)
Guruji, my question is if Vimsopaka Bala of the particular Bhaavuttam Planet creating Raja Yoga is below 10 (Vimsopaka Bala –below 10 in Dasa Varga & below 10 in Shad Varga/Shodasa Varga) even with above particular Bhaavuttam planet which also Vargottam & Exalted strength of Raja Yoga is reduced?
Guruji, may I know your opinion and please educate me.
hello, I already gave you my opinion on this, thanks
Guruji I have noticed (1) Ashtakavarga of any planet is 8 it is powerful and special in some fashion and above is applicable for Varga (Divisional) charts also.
(2) Ascendant of any Chart (D1 to D60) if the Ashtakavarga is 7 or 8 also special in some way for that particular Divisonal Chart. For instance, if Ashtakavarga of Ascendant of D 7 chart is 7 or 8 children may achieve higher positions in society or somehow special.
(3) Whether Good Sayanadhi Avastha of a functional malefic can change/reduce the Bad effect of that particular planet.
Guruji, please educate us.
Ashtakvarga should be mostly used only for transit purposes. I do not think it works well for the general analysis of the chart. I have seen hundreds of charts with some signs having low bindus but strong yogas in those houses giving excellent results. As a quick example, make Bill Gates chart (gemini ascendant) and analyze the bindus of the main planets – mercury, venus and saturn and the 4th and 5th houses of virgo and libra respectively and you will see my point. This is just one example, ofcourse
Dear Guruji,
(1) You have mentioned, any retrograde planet behaves more like the ruler of the sign it is placed. for instance, For Cancer Ascendant if Saturn is the Bhavuttam Planet (Planet sits in lagna at a degree very close to the lagna degree) also Retrograde. According to above Saturn behave more like the ruler of the Cancer. However, if the Ascendant lord of Cancer Moon is Exalted in Taurus and in this situation which planet (Saturn or Moon) is strongly affecting the life and personality of the native?
(2) Saturn is functional malefic to Cancer, but in this situation, Saturn is the Bavuttam and also Yogi Planet and Ascendant lord – Moon also exalted. My question is in this type of a situation General and functional characteristics of the planet (Bad effect of Saturn) will be cancelled or greatly reduced?
Guruji please educate me
1) both saturn and moon will impact the lagna. A retrograde planet’s functional results start mimicking the rashi lord and any planet it is conjunct with or aspects it. However the general effects of that planet remain intact, saturn remains saturn and does not become moon just because it is R in cancer!
2) depends on other aspects and trinality to saturn and other yogas or avayogas it forms in teh chart. by itself, saturn in lagna is usually not good unless it is in its own sign or venusian signs and to a limited extent mercury signs
saturn in aries, cancer, leo and scorpio in ascendant is unhappy as well as a functional malefic and also marana karaka (will spoil health and personality)
Dear Guruji,
Thanks for clarification.
(1) When the Arudha Lagna (Lagnapada), Ghati Lagna,Hora Lagna and the Bhagyapada (A9) are placed together (in Same Rashi in Birth Chart) is it special or good?
(2) If Bhagyapada (A9) and Karma Pada (A10) are placed together in Navamsa Chart (Lagna of D9 Chart) create Raja Yoga. Is this correct and can expect good result?
(3) Whether this Arudha Pada system can apply for Varga Charts – Divisional Charts (including D9 chart) for predictions? I’m raising this question because if we consider only D1 chart for predictions – D1 chart will be same for any person born during same period – approx. 2 hrs and as a result Arudha Lagna & all will be same.
1- means that rashi and its ruler are a potent raj yoga karaka for the person as well as any planet(s) sitting in it
2- not necessarily. dont look at arudha pads in divisionals. they can not be interpreted directly like they can be in D1
3 – as i answered above in number 2.
If Lagna is in Ayudha (Weapon) Drekkana and 8th House & Lord of 8th House Lord also in Ayudha (Weapon) Drekkana, untimely death will be caused by weapons or accidents.
is this correct or how to predict the cause of the death according to Vedic astrology . Please educate us.
I believe this can be one of the indicators. However when predicting anything, especially something sensitive as longevity, best to analyze the complete chart, planets, yogas and avyogas and the planetary dignitaries along with dasas and transits.
Typically just one point is not enough to predict anything very important in astrology
Dear Guruji,
Conditions of cancellations of MKS-Marana Karaka Sthana,
For Cancer Ascendant if Saturn in Lagna mean, Saturn in MKS. I have read in many Astrology Books, If Karaka of Bhava – SUN is in Trikona to Lagna (Sun in 9th House – Pisces) and when Sun aspect Saturn, bad impact of MKS is cancelled.
Guruji I know when Saturn in Cancer (Ascendant) it is a functional malefic and also marana karaka, But when Bhagyapada-A9 also in Lagna with above Karaka of Bhava – Sun is in Trikona to Lagna, (in 9th House) whether bad effect of Saturn in MKS will be reduced/cancelled.
I humbly thank you in advance for your time and patience Sir.
I dont think that MKS can fully get cancelled except when the lord of the house is sitting with the planet as well. example leo ascendant and saturn in lagna is MKS. but if surya sits strongly in lagna too, then to a large extent the damage to health and character due to saturn in lagna is reduced but yet not fully elminated. surya will tend to always dominate saturn when together, especially in Aries, Leo and Mars signs. here surya will overpower the weakness of saturn and reduce the malefic nature of it. however some chronic/ health issues can still prevail, just that they will not be strong enough to hamper life to a large extent
Dear Guruji,
After perusing many horoscopes (Data gathered from astrological web sites such as Atrodatabank) I noticed,
(i) If Bhagyapada (A9) is Vargottam – (A9 in D 1 and D 9 same, eg. A 9 in Libra in D 1 chart & A 9 in Libra in D 9 Chart also same) is poweful/special.
(ii) Most important fact is, If Bhagyapada (A9) in Ascendant of D1 chart as well as in Ascendant of D 9 chart is extremely special/very powerful. – (former us presidents, Richard Nixon and Franklin D. Roosevelt also in Marie Curie, Karl Marx to name a few) and I also notice, if A 9 Ascendant in D1/D9 and in D 60 very rare)
Guruji I know you will say “not to look at Arudha pads in divisional they cannot be interpreted directly like they can be in D1 chart.”
However here I’m not trying to interpret directly like in D1 chart. Certainly, we should give more weight to D 1 chart.
BUT, if we consider only D1 chart for predictions – D1 chart will be same for any person born during same period – approx. 2 hrs and as a result Arudha Padha & all will be same. Whether all who born within 2 hours destiny cane be same?
“Therefore, scientifically each individual D 1 chart will be same and only with the assistance of divisional charts we can predict how such individual can be different from each other”
I also wish to note in Jaganntha Hora – software also indicate arudha pads in divisional charts.
In this open forum for vedic astrology I wish to present my observation with above noted birth time of notable individuals and an expect a realistic answer with the fact that “Whether all who born within 2 hours D 1 will be same & destiny cane be same? and not to completely ignore arudha pads in divisional charts for predictions.
No this is great and your approach is very good – i.e. to attack the learning of the subject by as many case studies as possible. This is the only way to learn
I dnt say that divisional charts shouldn’t have x or y. I just expressed that in my experience, reading yogas and arudhas in divisional charts is not very fruitful. Its just that one will tend to interpret it as a standalone chart like rasi chart and make deductions this is likely to go wrong as divisional can only be interpreted in context to the main chart and not standalone
Dear Guruji,
I expect straightforward answer for following,
I have read “In one version, Rishi Parasara has taught finding Arudha Pada based on Exact Longitudes of Houses (Cusps) and Planets”
What is the method we should follow to find Arudha Padas of houses,
(I) EXACT LONGITUDE or NOT (whether it should be check for sign based calculations)
(2) My Ascendant is Cancer and 9th lord Jupiter in 11th House and A9 Bhagyapada in Lagna (Cancer) – when NOT BASED ON EXACT LONGITUDE
But, I have noticed, when we calculate A9 (Bhagyapada) based ON EXACT LONGITUDE, A9 (Bhagyapada) in 12th House (Gemini)
Guruji, A9 (Bhagyapada) in Lagna-Cancer or 12th House (Mithuna) ?
Use the exact longitude of the planet for its reflection
Example u have saggitarius ascendant at 15 degrees as lagna degree
Jupiter is in 5th house at 3 degrees in Aries
Your arudha lagna will fall in 5th from 5th or Leo sign at 3 degrees (degree of Jupiter. Ot of lagna)
Do the same for all houses as per their lord degrees
I liked the way my fellow astrologer student Wije wijesri asked the question. He calls you Guruji and follows it up with a command “I expect straightforward answer for following? ” Ha Ha. Just kidding Wije.
Hello VS,
What is the difference between Arudha pada of nth house and nth house from Arudha lagna? – Say A10 and 10th from AL.
you should see both in tandem. A10 will show the real manifestation of your 10th house. whereas 10th from AL will show how the world percieves your karma
If Lagna and Bhava Lagna is same, what indicate by this and I noticed in my birth chat Ascendant- Lagna is Cancer 16 degree and Bhava Lagna also same Cance and degree also same. I feel very rare to find this and what indicate by this.
Please educate me
I believe you have asked this question atleast 1 dozen times before here and it has been answered many times before as well
Hello VS:
To calculate the Arudha Padas in the vargas should the planet position be taken from D-1 or from the divisional itself? Example, in D-10 Aries Lagna, Mars in Leo in Rasi
Saggi A-1 in D-10? Asking because Arudhas are perceivable/physical attribute and D-1 is on the physical plane.
arudha in each harmonic is to be taken from the lagna and placement within that harmonic and not D1