In continuation to the series for the generic malefics, which for obvious reasons, invoke more fear and hence questions directed to me by people, this article talks about Mars. Mars teaches via sudden and usually irreversible lessons as opposed to Saturn that teaches via long term hard work/ delay.
Lesson of Mars is caution and patience if the lesson of Saturn is Perseverance.
The bhaav (house) where Mars is placed shows us where the energy and actions of a person are and where their passions are. This can also be the domain where they will be ready to fight as a warrior/ soldier and can be highly protective of the significations of the bhaav where Mars sits in a horoscope.
In this ‘Generic effects’ series, I have covered Saturn, Rahu & Ketu earlier. Remaning malefics are Mars and Sun (although Sun is a limited general malefic). This topic covers Mars. As always, use this liberally and not literally. It can not be blindly applied to each horoscope.
1) Mars will give good results for Leo and Cancer ascendants (and rashis- or moon sign) as it is a Yoga Karaka for these signs
2) Mars will give great results when placed in the signs of Leo and Cancer! (yes Cancer too even though debilitated!)
3) Mars when in Cancer is debilitated will give good results as long as its Shad bala is good and Moon is strong. This is because-
a) It is 4th from Aries and 9th from Scorpio and hence in Yoga Karaka position from its own houses
b) It is in a house of a friend (albeit debilitated)
c) Unlike other planets, Mars being a young fierce warrior, doesn’t really lose its vigor every and hence doesn’t weaken too much even when debilitated
d) However it is vital to have Mars in a Kendra position from ascendant and have Moon either in Cancer itself or very strong in dignity (example exalted) to create a Neecha Bhanga Rajyoga for Mars when Mars is in Cancer
4) Mars in the signs of Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricron in a Kendra house (loses most of its venom and becomes a benefic and Yoga causing planet). However the aspects on it and the strength of rasi and nakshatra depositor is vital to note
5) If BAV score of mars is 4 or more in a horoscope, mars will give good results
6) Mars is functionally the worst planet for Gemini and Virgo ascendants and causes trouble for these ascendants
7) For Scorpio ascendants, even though the lagna lord, it is functionally meddlesome at best as its main sign falls in the dusthana 6th house. However in this case if it is placed in the 1st, 3rd or 6th bhaav, it will give great overall results
8) A strong mars in the 3rd bhaav gives strength, courage and dynamism to the individual. However it can cause ‘Bhaavo karaka Naashe’ or destroying its own signification of 3rd – which would imply no younger siblings (especially brothers) or severe issues in the lives of younger siblings
9) Mars is best placed in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th bhaavs. In the 10th it gains directional strength and will gives ability to work hard, ability to lead/ administrative abilities and makes the person a ‘go-getter’
10) Mars in 6th, 8th and 11th bhaavs will tend to give injuries and accidents. In the 8th bhaav, these can be severe if other malefics join in with no benefic aspects/ associations.
11) Mars in 1st can give headaches/ migraines and temper issues. If this happens to be the sign of Cancer, the functional results will be good as Mars is a Yoga Karaka, but Mars will nonetheless give a snappy and emotional/ tantrum oriented nature to the person and sudden outbursts of anger as well. The individual can be moody and suffer from anxiety and emotional dependency on a person/ object of their affection
12) Mars with Rahu makes for ‘Angarak Yoga’. On the negative side this gives sudden anger issues and a predisposition to violence in the individual or an involvement in negative/ hidden/ shady activities. However it can also make a person a warrior in day to day life – someone who wont quit at any level of adversity and has great fighting spirit. Such people can make for great sportsmen and law enforcement personnel and have a never ending energy, especially if this combination forms in the 3rd or 6th bhaav
13) Mars with Saturn also makes for a person who will face one too many adversities in life, sometimes inflicted by their own temperamental behavior and sometimes by fate/ chance. They are hard workers in general and can be workaholics. Saturn solidifies the properties of Mars and such people can be very disciplined (opposite of lazy) and focused towards their goals. They also have a tendency to easily get into confrontations with any authority figure – be it their own boss/ parents/ partners or even the government
14) Mars with Jupiter is a good Yoga in general known as Guru- Mangal yoga. It typically manifests in an energetic person who utilizes his energy towards good deeds rather than otherwise and are typically righteous in their actions. However Mars being ego and Jupiter being inflation or enlargement of any signification can also sometimes bring downfall due to over confidence or egoistic issues in life, especially if the mix is in a negative bhav or involves Rahu as well.
15) Mars with Venus makes for a very passionate person who will put energy into areas related to comforts and luxuries of life be it wining/ dining, romance, music/ arts and even love affairs. Such people will be very passionate about the affairs related to the bhav where this conjunction takes place
16) Mars with Moon makes for a determined person who can also be very emotional. There will be a predisposition to blood disorders (like anaemia etc) in such individuals depending on the dignity of the planets. Their mothers are usually a strong influence in their lives and they can at times be like bullies in their behavior due to mars ruling their emotions. Mars with Sun calls for an egoistic personality which is also very determined in nature (especially if forming in a fixed sign). Such people are proud, extrovert and straightforward in their actions and can have good leadership abilities if the planets have good dignities
17) Mars with Mercury gives energy and impulse to speech and communication as well as logical thinking abilities of a person. They can make good salesmen, orators, media/ journalists and accountants/ finance professionals. However in a negative context, this can give nervous/ anxiety issues and an overtly aggressive/ abusive speech especially when connected to the 2nd bhaav and devoid of positive mitigations from other planets and yogas
18) Mars in 4th bhav has no direction and is more often than not unwelcome. Unless in great dignity, such a mars will give anxiety and restlessness in the mind of the individual along with anger issues. Typically not good for the health and longevity of the mother as well unless mitigated by other factors
19) Mars is a Karaka for landed properties and real estate. If strong and connected to the 4th bhaav and the lord of 4th house, it can give much real estate to the person
20) An afflicted Mars of low strength in 6th house typically points to involvement in court cases and litigation and danger from thieves/ enemies not just legally but even for bodily harm if Rahu is involved in the mix
21) Mars in 1st, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th makes a person Manglik – which supposedly causes problems in marriage. This concept is over rated and the overall dignity of Mars and other aspects have to be considered before reaching any conclusion. Keep in mind this makes for 5/12th of the world’s population or about 42% of people. Obviously not all of them can have major marriage issues.
22) Mars matures at the age 28. At this age, Mars will show its full promise in the horoscope – good or bad and this will be amplified if the Vimshottari MD of Mars is operating at this time
23) Mars MD of 7 yrs can be a very fruitful time if a person disciplines their energy properly towards their goals. Many a times it ends up being a period when a person accomplishes many long term constructive projects of their life as long as they remain focused and disciplined. A disciplined Mars is like an army soldier- trained and ready for any negative situation which is its strength. A lazy, untrained and lethargic soldier on the other hand will more than likely lose not just the battle but get harmed in the process
24) Hanumaan is the diety related to Mars and Tuesday is the day of Mars or ‘Mangal’ or ‘Kuja’ as its called in Hindi/ Sanskrit
25) Many negative situations can be avoided during MD of Mars by avoiding impulsive and knee jerk decisions. Most damage done during Mars periods invariably comes from sudden actions and decisions taken at the spur of the moment without due diligence and logic/ rationality backing it. When controlled well, Mars energy can take a person to dizzy heights in their fields
If Mars and Saturn are conjuct in 10th house scorpio in Anuradha Nak for Kumbha lagan. Sat at 14 deg and Mars at 4.5 deg
Asc rising degree is 9. Does the Panch Mahaprush Yoga get cancelled or it still active.
Hi Anmol
Even though I dont respond to personal chart queries, I will attempt to answer the generic part of your query-
Yogas and DurYogas (negative combinations) co-exist. They dont cancel each other out. A negative combination will show its own effects in addition to the positive combination effects
I the said case, Ruchak Yoga will prevail for the native and give strong administrative positions in technical/ engineering/ police or even sugical areas. Even area related to chemicals is possible
Thanks VS for your reply.
I have heard many pundits claiming that if planet is in between 1-6 deg it is considered weak to give results. Is that really true. Now if you take the above case Mars is at 4 deg in digbala and exaltation as well. Do you consider this Mars weak
Or you also look at varga charts and shadbala or sthana bala to judge strength of planet
Anmol- Please go thru the chapters regarding dignity of planets. As I mention in there, Baaladi avastha is an important, yet just one of the considerations when looking at a planet and its overall dignity
Mr Vivek,
Your views are well researched. Makes for a nice reading.
Please consider the following cases:
1. For Virgo asc, you said Ma is FM. What if the FM Mars is sitting in 3rd house and aspects the 7L Jupiter sitting in 6th house. Does it cause trouble in marriage/delay marriage or lots of debts? Ma+Jup are friends. But for this lagna. can FM aspects also turn bad for its own great friend?
2. If Mars+Ketu is together in 10th house for Scorpio asc. Does it also cause Angkarak dosha
3. If Mars+Sat both look at 4th house for any lagna. Do they separate the person/destroy family life or the contrary help create huge assets and business
4. If Mars in 10th house for Aqu rising also not considered good. What if it is sitting with lagna lord. They both aspect 4th house. Is point 3 still true or false
5. How does Mars perform in 9th house and in fire sign of Leo
Many thanks
As I have said before, the functional nature of planets is more vital than generic nature
find out the functional nature of each planet in the horoscope. If saturn is a yoga karaka for a lagna and placed well, it will give good results not adverse via both position and aspects. Likewise look at houses ruled and the yogas or duryogas formed. THe generic nature is less important but to be kept in mind. A strong saturn which is functionally strong will give good results but via hard work, patience, perserverance and dedication (positive traits of generic nature of saturn) etc.
Namaste VS,
your articles are really nice….just discovered them!
My interest in astrology began some 4 yrs back , on my journey of self discovery and was fascinated with what our rishis has left for us to understand….
My interest also stemmed from the fact that …there was a lot of fear associated with planets …. this bad…this dreadful…if a benefic is here ..your life is good and if a melific…then its gloom and doom…
I am of the belief that every planet is perfectly placed depending on the soul evolution of that person… if a malefic planet is placed in a said situation…then why so and what are the lessons….does the person have to apply more energy( raw power or rakshasic energy) in that sphere of life….if so then what is the journey or lesson , anyway thats how i look at it…
really enjoyed reading your articles and shall keep returning for more!
my learning is at nascent stage….
but enjoying every bit of it..
could you suggest some books which would further enhance my quest,,,’
thank you
much appreciate you putting up your knowledge for others to benefit!
much respects,
Hi Vidya.
I appreciate your point of view and thought since you talk of soul evolution you could probably help me understand my own situation.
I have a very evolved soul. I have rahu mars sun and combust moon in 10th house of saggitarius (pisces ascendant).
I have a passion for spirituality and home (since home gives me a closed sanctuary for sadhana, specially in kalyug when the world outside is not safe for a sanyasi woman).
Why do I have such a loaded 10th house. I have a lot of distaste for power, authorative positions, career, society, fame. I want to stay at home and be left alone, practice spirituality and die in obscurity.
I am 26 years old. Please make me see what I am not seeing.
Hi Srishti,
I am curious about what practice spirituality mean – just meditate and elevate one or are others also included. If it is the former and just elevate self whats the point of leading life? Please dont take it as a rude question – I am just curious to understand your view.
Somehow I feel that a sanyasi disconnected fully from the world is the most selfish person in the world if he/she consumes the resources nature offers and gives nothing in return to it(to others – who are also part of this nature).
-From a different Vidya
Vivek-ji please feel free to discard if you feel it is irrelevant.
Regarding Srishti’s question: 4 planets in 10th house is classic sanyas yoga. However not sure if if rahu counts. Nevertheless Pisces also a deeply spiritual ascendant so it is natural.
Regarding treating spiritual persons as most selfish ones. It is simply ridiculous question and in Hindu dharm, moksha is supreme goal and purushartha. To have communion with God and divinity is not an earthly goal.
If you believe that you are just a body-mind complex living your finite life and be satisfied with it: good luck but lot of people are not satisfied by this and try to find deeper meaning to their existence.
Will debilitated mars give beneficial results for cancer ascendant even if it at 27 degrees and approaching its deepest point of debilitation?
(Considering moon to be well placed)
No single answer to that
depends on the overall chart and many other factors to check debilitation cancellation as well as other aspects, yogas, divisionals
but is it possible? Yes
Sri VS:
For a Pisces ascsendant, Mars being the lord of 2 and 9 and sitting in scorpio and virgottam in d-1 and d-9, can you please comment firstly, by discounting the virgottam and its position aspects and secondly by taking these into account?
Thank you.
will cause wealth and fortune. Results amplified in the virgottam case
Sri VS:
Mars in Cancer, conjuct Jupiter and Moon for Cancer ascendant; Mars in graha yudh with Jupiter and Mars wins. How does the debilitation of Mars affect the yudh?
Lots of questions from me in one shot on this topic. Thanks for your patience.
— Sundar
for cancer ascendant if mars, Jupiter and moon combine in cancer, it is a potent raj yoga and extremely good for the native. Grah yudha causes minor issues in this case for significaitons of Jupiter and can cause some injury in the dasa of moon as Jupiter is 6th lord with karaka of 6th mars all deposited by moon and conjunct moon
Sri VS:
So I can understand this more, quoting “Grah yudha causes minor issues in this case for significaitons of Jupiter” say “minor” due to the debilitation of Mars? If true, Mars’ Neech in this case is eliminated by Mars/Moon in Kendra rule..any comments in this neechbang context in the effect of the yudh on Jupiter..still “minor”? Thanks.
mars triple neecha bhang-
Kendra to lagna and moon
Depositor with mars
Planet exalted in rashi with mars
they are also 1, 5 and 9 rulers . all combining in 1. so a strong raj yoga and even dhan yoga
war between 2 planets is less severe if planets are mutual friends (which mars and Jupiter are)
Dear VS,
Many thanks for the information , can you explain the case of Mars(gemini) in 12th house along with Venus(holds lowest degree ) and ketu ,(they are not very close),for a cancer ascendant with exalted jup in 1st house.Kindly explain this case .
Thanks & regards ,
Saikumar Adidam .
there will be more than one surgery/ injury in life
eye surgery and injury also likely. multiple affairs or secretive sensual life possible due to an over friendly nature, but a lot depends on the position of mercury and other planets in the chart
Mercury is in pieces (9th house ) on revathi nakshtram and sun is in 10th house in Aries.
Thank-you for the reply .
Can moon create neechbhanga rajyoga for mars in cancer ascendant even if its not exalted but in sign of capricorn in mutual aspect?
But i think such a cancellation will not be as powerful as moon being in exaltion?
What is your opinion?
for cancer ascendant if mars in cancer and moon in capricorn and both of them are not moving ahead or back in chalit chart then mars will be neechabhang
sir: for Leo ascendant,if shani-mars are close conjunct(2deg.)in tula & mars being yogkarak has higher degrees–it can cause marital problems? similarly if shani has higher degrees? no other aspects assumed on them or on 7th house. pl explain. regards.
in conjunctions, look how close the planets are. higher or lower degree doesn’t matter
both are placed well in libra for leo ascendant, especially Saturn. can give engineering/ construction area jobs or even real estate jobs. eventually person might do their own business which will give great financial gains. they will have strong abilities in their area of expertise and will be relentless hard workers leading to success if venus is placed well.
i see you did not cover Sun Mars in your article. I’m Dhanu Lagna, with mars and sun in 8th house .. Mars in cancer debilitated .. Glad if you could answer please
you might gain inheritance from parents suddenly at some stage in life
tendency to smoke and be involved in too much emotions and pleasures with the opposite gender…eye surgery possible in life
Yes, inheritance is true because all property of my parent are in my hands , they did it 2 years ago… but i have stopped smoking 4 years back .. i have eye issue this is true but no surgery yet.. i left a comment earlier , is mars in cancer debilitated makes someone manglik? no one talks about this debilitated mars makes manglik or not… thanks for reply
Dear VS,
What is Mars MD? I am just a very beginner.
My son has Rahu (R) and Mars in 10th house in Cancer.
Also I keep reading in alot of places that having Saturn, Sun and Jupiter in 12th house would have a negative affect on the Rahu/Mars 10th? He has this placement as well.
Can you give any insight?
Thank you very much.
MD = mahadasa
the kind of rules you are talking about are Lal Kitab rules, which is not main frame Jyotish but a much recent add on of a small school of thought
Thank you VS for your prompt response.
So the rule or thought that having Saturn, Sun Jupiter in 12th will negatively effect Mars in 10th is Lal Kitab? Just wanted to make sure I understood. Also, what is the effect of having Rahu/Mars in 10th with Saturn, Sun and Jupiter in 12th?
Thank you again. Joy
Typically such rules that if x planet sits in nth house, another planet in mth house becomes weak or powerless are Lal kitab dictums from the sound of them
as for the actual impact of any combination, you have to see the dignities of the planets involved and how close they are to each other. their functional rulerships and the placement in divisional charts are relevant along with aspects on the planets. depositor of rashi and nakshatra is paramount. So there is no one size fits all of what mars and rahu in 10th will do etc. It can vary from very bad to very good depending on dignities, yogas, strengths of planets etc
Thank you!
Sri VS:
For a Vrichika asc, if Mars sits in the 6th house (own, exalted) what is the effect?
effect is good. A highly competitive person full of energy.
has ability to work very hard and rise to the top in profession
also remains prone to accidents and surgeries in life
Sorry this is very old post, Sanjay Rath seems to suggest that such position means person is his own enemy since Lagnesh Mars is sitting in the Shatru Bhava and aspecting lagna house as well. Is that not the case?
Hi Ana, everything here are my views/ observations and basic rules of jyotish are same for everyone. Not sure what you are referring to regarding Sanjay Rath? if you explain more, perhaps I can comment on a generic question and not on the personal views of Sanjay Rath and/ or any other astrologer. thanks
Hello VS,
If Mars is in Cancer sign in the 1st house with 2 degree, then what effect it will have on married life. Moon is also 2 degree. Mars is debitilated over here.
Venus(10 degree) and saturn(20 degree) are in conjunction in the 7th house.
Your opinion needed.
Thanks and Regards.
is moon at 2 degrees in cancer?
Yes, moon is also at 2 degrees in Cancer sign and in 1st house.
No problem in marriage or otherwise. strong raj yogas and neecha bhang raj yogas
Thanks for a prompt reply VS. Can you please confirm whether this horoscope will be considered as non-manglik?
I went through your journey and passion for vedic astrology and you have described it very nicely. Really impressed with your journey as I can relate it to myself as even I am a finance profesional and I too have developed keen interest in vedic astrology.
Waiting for more such posts or articles from you.
Not manglik. Dosa is canceled. is now a raj yoga. although person can be prone to headaches and some brain issue
Thanks VS. It was really helpful.
Sir! You have said mars is functionally worst for Gemini ascendant. Also mars will create yoga when placed in scorpio. If mars is placed in 6th house(scorpio) with jupiter and venus from Gemini asc, what will be its effect on Mars MD? Will it affect love & marriage during its MD?
yes it will. more details i can not tell as I need to see the entire horoscope – something that I dont do write now in terms of individual readings. thanks
sir, for taurus ascendent people if mars is in cancer in 3rd house and moon in 1st house exalted, then is it consider in neech bhag raj yog? and if saturn is placed in 10th house in aquarius and mars is looking at it with its 8th aspect, then is it not good for profession or bad? please reply.
thank you.
it is not neechbang rajyoga. but rather a neecha bhang and a vipreet raj yoga. generally it will give good results
thanq so much sir
i would love to hear if you tell me what will be the impact of that mars in 3rd house for taurus asendent on aquarius saturn placed in 10th house with its 8th aspect! is it good or bad?
Good article. Sir i am cancer ascendent. I have mars, sun and gulika in first house. And moon and jupiter in 10th house (aries). My DOB 18TH JULY 1987 . 7.42 AM. Place aluva, cochin. Does i have neechabanga yoga??? or any good results.
No personal readings
but from what you have described, there is a NB yoga
thank u very much sir for your valuable reply….
But sir, i have seen in some sites that
“NEECHBHANG RAJ YOGA DO NOT FUCTION for natives with CANCER ASCENDANT.on the contrary it would obstruct the prosperity. (This is as per Devakeralam text)
Source :”
Is there any truth??? will nb yoga not working cancer anscendant????
This is just personal opinion of some. Not me. I think it will work very well for Cancer like any other ascendant as long as the planets forming it are forming it well
In Capricorn Lagna, Mars as owner of 4rth and 11th and sits in 9th house Virgo(Mercury) with Rahu and Venus.
Which not only Trikona from Asc. and 11th for its position.
I am confused about its nature. Its FM for Capricorn. Will it do any good in 9th house and its aspects on different
Thanks in Advance
if mercury is strong, it will do mostly only good infact
Hi VS,
Thanks for this. In this case Mercury being lord of 6th and 9th is in 8th house Leo.
Would you please suggest me some remedies to make Mercury being lord of 9th and 6th house but in 8th house positive and strong?
Thanks in Advance
green emerald will not be suggested as it will intensify the effects of 8th bhaav also. Mercury by itself is strong in leo and not bad in 8th bhaav in general (unless it is combust or rashi sandhi). there is no need to intensify it more. Maximum you can fast on Wednesdays to appease mercury that’s it
Hi VS,
Thanks for this.
In above case, 6th and 9th Lord Mercury in 8th house. Even though MK sign is Virgo which is 9th.
I have noticed whenever AD of Mercury happened I had Injuries which left scars on hand and stomach.
Would you please comment something on it along with some remedies?
Thanks and Regards
8th house is the main bhaav for accidents and body damage of any kind. 6th and 11th also represent injuries. first and foremost impact of any planet is where it sits and aspects
Dear VS, Namaste,
In D1 I have Mars in the 7th Gemini manglik . However in the bava chalit it’s in the 6th.
How should I read it Sir, as manglik or a benefic 6thhouse mars?.
Thank you very much.
Hi David,
You are not manglik as Mars will act as if its in 6th bhaav
for saggi ascendant, as described, it is a benefic being 5th lord as MK, 12th then becomes neutral and hence a good benefic. Mars in Gemini is in inimical sign and also falling (going towards debilitation). hence good to have a Jupiter or Saturn aspect on it to make it stronger. Also good to have a strong mercury as its depositor. thanks
VS. Ji,
Is it good to have Saturn aspecting this Mars?
I thought Mars in Gemini sign will be already not happy and if further aspected by Satun will make things worse.
Kindly clarify .
Thanks in advance .
If mars is functional benefic, it should be strong. Saturn aspecting mars always makes it stronger as it stabilizes the violent energy of mars. It makes mars as if mars is exalted to some extent. on the other hand mars aspecting saturn is the opposite. it makes saturn weaker and agitated.
Thank you VS. Sat Jup is in lagna in D1, however in BC Jupiter has moved to the 12th. Hence aspecting Mars in BC. Dispositor of Mars Mercury is uchha in Virgo along with debilitated vargottam neecha Venus. In D1 and BC.
David, to the best of my knowledge obtained from Vivek, aspects do not apply to BC charts. Jupiter will give the effects of the 12th bhaav in the MD/AD/PD but will be colored by the 11th house’s Rasi.
True aspects are relevant only in rasi chart
Hi VS,
Should we give attention on BChalit or D1 or Both?
if a planet moves back or forth than should we consider effect of planet,aspect on both houses?
Or it like — to tell result First consider D1,BChalit and Navamsa all together?
both are important and you have to understand what you are doing
rasi chart shows the actual affiliation of a planet. Moon in 5th rasi Taurus remains exalted and affilitated with venus even if in chalit chart it goes into 4th house. its effects will not become like aries (4th sign) but effects will become like 4th bhaav. its nature and happiness level is to be seen from rasi chart
Is it the case that a conjunction of Mars and Venus makes the native lustful and promiscuous? (I have read it at several places and have seen several horoscopes showing it also)
As one notable example, Bill Clinton has such a conjunction in his horoscope in Virgo, so Venus is debiliated also. Do you think it’s the debiliation which is making things worse, or a similar result would have happened if Venus had full dignity also?
There’s disagreement about his lagna, so I won’t go there. The astro-data-bank suggests it should be virgo (6), but at several other places I have seen it as cancer (4), which brings Jupiter the owner of 6/9th house in 4th house and in whose dasa he became president.
mars shows energy and drive in any chart and venus shows romance/ luxuries etc
when these are together, they indicate strong passions in that arena in life. in the 3, 7, 8th and 12th bhaavs, they show heightened interest in the activities that you talk about. in virgo both mars and venus are badly placed and their combination will hence tend to give even worse effects than usual.
As per my analysis and understanding, Bill has a Leo ascendant. Something that matches his personality, career, rise etc. leo will make 1, 4th and 10th bhaav to have own house or exalted planets. Sun in ascendant makes a person broad shouldered and strong looking and a career in politics is possible due to the same
Second house is tainted by a debilitated Venus. Saturn aspecting venus in debilitation points to sexual perversion. Clinton’s association with prostitutes in Arkansas is well known. The 2nd lord budh, tainted by the above factors, sits in the 12th of scandals / bed pleasures hence his family was subjected to scandals of that nature. Opinions welcome.
Hmm…I agree with the point regarding 2nd lord being in 12th.
But, not sure about the point regarding Saturn.
Saturn is a functional malefic for Leo Ascendant and is sitting in a dusthana, so its aspects will be bad. But, Saturn’s nature is more of a strict disciplinarian, delayer, obstacle creater.
So, if anything I would have expected the Saturn aspect on Venus to decrease his tendencies to engage in such activities rather than to fuel them. It’s not Saturn’s nature to make someone promiscuous in general.
In general, probably Rahu’s or Mars’s malefic aspects could give such tendencies to the native…but not Saturn in my eyes..
you are mostly right. However Saturn is the karaka for perversion/ dirt/ filth
alone by itself it causes perversion when associated with venus. Mars is like fuel/ fire and real drive/ energy
rahu is excess and crossing limitations/ traditions. rahu and mars when both igniting venus is max potency. Saturn throws in a perversion effect purely by itself and not an igniter by itself
Thanks! That makes sense.
VS ji,
With reference to point number 5 above, I thought BAV score / ashtavarga score is used only for transit analysis.
If the BAV score is 4 or more for any other planet, will it give good results during its Dasa ? How do we fine tune the results based on FB , FN and FM nature with respect to the Lagna lord.
Kindly let me know.
Thanks much.
in general the answer is that use ashtakvarga for only transits.
The 4 points is just an approximation. SAturn and mars have a total of 39 points only and so an average of 39/12 = 3.25
thus for these planets, even a 4 in a house is very good. Jupiter on the other hand has an average above 4 and so 4 only can be a bit below average for jupiter etc
Thank you VS ji..
I understand that we should not use Ashtavarga scores for Dasa predictions . And only to be used for transit analysis.
Thanks much.
Dear VS
Just curious about exaltation of Mars in Capricorn. I have tried to figure out the logic but it eludes me. How will Mars in Capricorn act ceteris paribus? Also Mars is moving for an extended period into Capricorn very soon. What would be its effects in general? As always thank you for your advice.
Mars is extreme energy and impulsive and sudden. Capricorn is a sign of Saturn and restriction. it is also an earth sign which makes things ‘grounded in reality’
the impulsive energy of mars can otherwise be destructive and ‘wasted’ unless it is disciplined and controlled by Saturn. Thus mars in Saturn houses as well as being aspected by Saturn becomes very strong
Hi VS,
Will there be any conjunction effect if mars (4 degrees) and ketu (16 degrees) are in the 11th house in scorpio – capricorn ascendant? Ascendant lord saturn is retrograde in 10th house and moon in placed in ascendant.
any 2 planets in the same sign are conjunct technically. however if they are also within 15 degrees of each other, they are surely conjunct. if 1 planet at 4 degrees, another at 25 in the same sign, the conjunction effect will be very minimal but not 0
does mars in fourth house for leo lagan aspected by Rahu in cancer spoil the fourth house. also mars is vargottama but in sixth house in navamsa.
in bhava chalit kundli mars is joined by Jupiter.
what effect does above condition give.
nothing can be generalized. any planet, including mars, in its own house can give very good results especially when it is a yoga karaka for the ascendant like mars is for leo
tnx sir but how will be the aspect of yogkaraka mars in scorpio for leo ascendant on other houses will it be good aspect or bad aspect?
it will be a good aspect
sir great article…mental stress relived after reading your detailed write up..but
In my horoscope i have leo lagna,mesha rasi,bharani nakshatra..Mars is placed in 12th house(cancer) from leo lagna..does it mean mangalik is cancelled?? but many say it does good only when its is in 4th and 9th house from leo lagna..i am confused sir.. and mars is directly viewed by sani and venus from 11th house,moon and kedu is in 1st house,ragu in 7th house,jupiter in 8th house,mercury and sun in 12th house (pises) as my parents have started searching groom i am worried of mangalik dosa its draining my mind..pls clear me sir whether mangalik is cancelled for all leo lagna or only in specific house…awaiting for your response…thank you sir..
There is never any point in being worried about your chart or any other chart. Destiny plays out regardless of our worry or not, that itself is the learning of Jyotish.
Mars is a yoga karaka for Leo, generally speaking it rarely does much damage to Leo ascendant charts overall. More than that, each chart needs to be studied carefully and no general statements can be made. Since I don’t do personal readings on this forum, I can not speculate more for your chart
I asked that yogakaraka mars with jupiter at gemini for cancer ascendant will give me fruits for my hardwork as it is in enemy house.But vargottama at navansa and retograde at raasi
For proper predictions, one has to look into the entire horoscope in detail and not just a few planets and their rashis
I can not provide personal readings right now, hence there is no point in speculating an answer for you at this stage
Unfortunately I get 100s of such comments and emails everyday. I can not even give the same “I don’t do personal readings” to all of them. As it seems, no matter how much I say this, people keep chasing for personal readings regardless. I delete most of such comments without a reply unfortunately
Thank you sir.There is no one to save my life .so asked in a eager.If it hurts you sorry……..
Hi Mahesh, Please get help through proper channels. I can perhaps not do much as I don’t know you or your situation. However you do sound desperate and keep mentioning taking your life. Note that it is never the solution. Be strong and get proper help, including counseling by medical professionals if need be. good luck!
Dear Sir,
How will be the Rahu Mahadasa and Mars Antardasa for Libra Ascendant when Mars and Saturn are placed in 12 th house in Birth Chart.
Please throw some insight.
Thank You!
cant throw any arbitrary light. Astrology does not work like this in small parts and pieces here or there. One has to analyze the entire chart, planets, degrees, yogas, strengths and divisional charts etc in tandem with dasas and transits to come to any conclusion
Please find my birth details below-
Date-03 Feb 1982;
Time-00:05 AM;
Request you to have my birth chart details and give some insight.
Thanking you for providing your valuable response.
I am sorry, I do not provide individual readings at this time
what about generic effects of mars retrograde. Eventhough a person have good ability and skills if mars retograde instead of achieving own better he can start a consultation firm to achieve success and the firm getting consultation will achieve a peak.Is it so
retrograde mars can sometimes make it difficult for a person to channelize or express his energy and passion
he might overdo or under do it. meaning either become a big workaholic or become lazy
Thank you sir.god bless you
I have a doubt in astrology. The case was leo ascendant, the mars yogakaraka planet (exaltation) and ketu placed in 6th house capicorn and Rahu placed in cancer 12th house. Sun (exaltation) in 9th house with Mars aspects.
Can anyone help me to find,
1. yogakaraka planet in 6th house will do good or bad. And it is with Ketu will it will affect the benefits.
2. ketu house lord – Saturn, and ragu house lord – moon. Saturn (retrograde) and moon both placed in 5th house from ascendant. Is it good or it will affect the 5th house..
3.Sun (exalted) in 9th house, and exalted mars aspects and Jupiter aspects the sun from third house, but Jupiter is in retrograde condition. Will it affect the 9th house.
4. ketu in Saturn house with thrivoonam nakshatra (Moon Nakshatra)
Rahu in Moon house with Poosam nakshatra (Saturn nakshatra), Both exchanges the nakshatra and they are placed in 6th and 12 th houses. Is it good?
mars when yogakaraka and exalted in 6th will give good results and make the person courageous bold and hard working. saturn if elevated will also be good for Mars
Does Mars in the 1st for a Leo ascendant create promiscuity? Since it aspects the 4th, 7th and 8th?
not at a standalone basis. you have to look at the 3rd and 7th lords and rahu and venus as the karakas of sexuality also
Hi VS,
I couldn’t find any article related to the Nadi dosh cancellation on your blog. Hence posting my question in this article thread.
If Boy’s and Girl’s horoscope has same Nakshatra(i.e. Pushya), same Rashi(i.e. Cancer) and same charan/pada(i.e. 3), then whether the nadi dosh can be considered as cancelled?
In the above case, can the positions of Jupiter and Venus assist in cancelling the nadi dosh?
Boy’s Horoscope: 1st house has scorpion sign. Mars is present in 5th house in Pisces sign. Jupiter is present in 7th house in Taurus sign.
Girl’s Horoscope: Venus and Saturn are present in 1st house in Capricorn sign. 5th house is of Taurus Sign. Mars and Moon are present in 7th house in cancer sign.
Can you please let me know if the Nadi dosh is cancelled over here.
no idea what ‘Nadi dosha’ you refer to?
I dont give personal readings here, the general advise I can give, horoscope matching doesnt work well like this. looking at only the Kuta (36) points doesnt work either
Will mars help cancer ascendants as yogakaraka even at debilsted with 100% of astavarga
mars remains a yoga karaka for cancer ascendant. how much will it help or not will depend all on its overall strength, placement and strength of moon and aspects and yogas of other planets
Hi vivek sir
You have said that mars with directional strength and more than 150 % shadbal acts like exalted planet.does this concept apply to all planets?
not really exalted but any planet above 150% in shadbal will be very strong and if deposited in a kendra or kona, will have power to do much
Hello sir,
For Taurus lagna, Mars in cancer, moon in Virgo and Saturn in Libra with rahu(saturn 13 degree and rahu 16 degree so 3 degree apart) and Venus(00.41degree) then will Neechbhanga yoga is there or Mars gives good or bad result
no neechbanga raj yoga. mars as 12th lord debiitated is not bad in 3rd but unless ketu well placed and strong, mars will also destroy marriage/ relationships co ruling the 7th house in this case
In item #18 above you mentioned “Mars in 4th bhav has no direction and is more often than not unwelcome”.
Did you mean “welcome or unwelcome”. Thanks
not welcome, sorry if a typo, I will look into and correct it
In a kundali with saggitarus ascendant(21degree) mars(17degree) and moon(28degree)conjunct in 4th house of pieces what would their results be since moon gains strenght in 4th house and mars looses directional strenght in 4th house but both are freinds of ascendant.
Not good for longevity of the mother
person can have a tendency to be overemotional and dramatic. will be upset quiet commonly
Namasthe sir, very interesting article. I also went through the comments and your responses. My doubt and fear is that, my brother with Gemini ascendant is having mars in 4th house, he is going to start Mangala MD in 2021. Already he is suffering much because of birth during lunar eclipse, and Jupiter in 8th house. Could you please tell me what we can expect as specific as possible. I know that you have mentioned that you wouldnt do personal chart readings. Kindly enlighten as much as you wish…
Hello, I wish you and your brother the best. HOwever randomly speculating is not what I do. No one or 2 planets can tell the results of a chart. One has to study the chart as a whole and in comprehensive detail before coming to any conclusion
Hello Sir,
My query is regarding the behavior of Mars posited in the 9th house at Aquarius for a native of Gemini ascendant. Mars receives a full drishti from Jupiter posited at Leo. The depositor Saturn is placed at own house at Capricorn. Now the Mars maha dasha is running for the native and will be continuing when the native turns 28 in 2 years. What are the generic effects that are to be expected in this case?
Also, in this case Mars is also the AK in the birth chart, does this create any positive or negative influence in the overall chart during this Mahadasha.
Thank you very much for your patience.
Hi Pratheek, again to really know the results, you have to finely observe all 9 planets and how they are interacting with each other and the bhaavs in the chart. this requires time and a detailed analysis and is chart specific. Hence anything I answer to just generalize predictions is not much more than speculation and hence a waste of time for me
Sorry for the vague query, however can you please clarify whether the status of a planet as an AK or AmK, will influence the results that it may give during its Dashas.
yes ofcourse. Charak karaks (jamini) and sthira karakas (fixed karakas) are always important to understand while performing any predictions
If a planet moves in Bhav chalit chart, will it impact aspection of planets. Let say… Mars through its 8 dristhi aspecting saturn in 4th house in lagan chart but if this saturn moves to 5th house in bhav chalit. What was the aspect impact of Mars.
bhav chart is mathematical. Drishtis are mathematical also. if mars is somewhere and point x. it will look at x+90, x+180 and x+210 degrees. doesn’t matter what sign there. So no point in confusing these 2 things
for cancer ascendant mars(5th and 10th lord) being yogakaraka have sukshma(constellation) parivartana and conjunction with jupiter6th and 9th lord) at inimical sign of gemini 12th bhava.can dharma karmathipathi yoga will fruitful atleast 50%
Sukshama parivartarna typically works only during the mutual dasha combinations of the involved 2 planets, but either way it is a good combo to have between yoga causing planets
Hello VS, should the bhaavs affected by the sukshma parivartan yoga be counted from the Moon there a variation in this case?
no should be analyzed like usual – lagna first then moon
You keep on doing your service.god should shower all his blessings on you.moreover i dont know can i continue my second question here.even if Retograde mars will deliver good results when it was at parivartana yoga with jupiter.If Retograde mars is at sign of gemini at 29’12’59 some article says that the results should be predicted for mars dasha imaging that it was actually where it starts it’s retograde.i.e cancer.from cancer it starts it retograde and ends at mars is actually at the sign of cancer not at gemini.moreover even mars is debilated at cancer due to Retograde it produces Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga.Is it so?
Hello VS ji,
Mars Dasa as 5th spell diasater ?Is there any Generic rule like that.
Thank you VS JI.Since noted at some e articles that according to phaladeepika if mars becomes 5th dasa for a native it will cause spell disaster for the asked.
Hello VS,
Does Retograde and Vargottama mars at 12th bhava Gemini(Inimical sign)at Jupiter’s star(Friends canstellation)is strong or weak.As of Retograde and vargottamma mars at debilitated sign is strong since it get’s neechabanga due to Retograde and vargottama.can we consider debilitation and at Inimical sign as same.
will prayers a remedy to make it strong?
Prayers for any affliected planet always help in mollifying the negative energy of the planet
Mars is at Gemini in a software and mars is at cancer with another software.But natal chat which i had with me shows mars is at 29’12’55 at Gemini.Lot of confusuins which i can expect either Gemini or Both gemini and cancer at the time of mars dasa
different ayanamsa utilization will lead to change in degrees of planets. Use lahiri or chitrapaksha and put in the time and date and place accurately. Thanks
Vivek sir
Do sun and moon take blame for being lord of 6 th 8th or 12th lord?
for 6th yes
for 8th and 12th some blemish comes in but they remain neutral for these 2 bhaavs
Will Afflicted Mars may cause Blood it sure.i.e all afflicted mars persons will undergo blood disorders?But some articles says that if it was aspected or conjuncted by jupiter it will be a great remedy?
not at all!
afflicted mars should also be related to the 6th or 8th bhaav or its lords and also affected by rahu or saturn as the disease karakas
If it is connected with 6th lord and also 9th lord(6th and 9th are same) Jupiter conjunction with 6th lord mars being 10th lord also forming Darma Karma Athipathi yoga..will it cause any blood disorders like leukemia and all
i dont speculate or encourage people to speculate. Answer to your question is that it could but you have to see all the parameters. I can not answer for a specific horo not matter how much you try to generalize the question, it remains a specific question
If mercury at 8th house at Raasi chalit(Pitra Dosha) and at 7th at Bahva Chalit mars wont give fruitful and good Results.Is it so?
if mercury is x or y what has that got to do with Mars?
these kind of strange dictums exist in lal kitab, not main frame parasari jyotish
The inimical rule does not apply to Mars.Sir is it so?
Not sure what rule you implying
Hello dear Hitesh, please don’t go looking all over the place. Follow this site as much as you can. Sri PVR Narasimha is also good. You will get some good stuff from Saptarishis videos but be careful there too. Stick with the Parashari/Jaimini school as this young man Vivek teaches you. Parashara and Jaimini are rishis which means astrology was “given” to them, they did not do any research. Valmiki rishi saw Ramayana happen (that’s why it is called Itihaasa and not Puraana which were written after they happened). I hope you understand that I mean well for you if you are a sincere learner. You will get there. Best wishes.
Wondering what’s your opinion on Barbara Pijan Lama’s website on Vedic astrology for learning purposes. thanks
I don’t give personal opinion or judgement on the work of others. Anyone making an effort in this wonderful lost art of astrology is doing good in my opinion. As for learning, I would rather stick to the English interpretations of the older texts of parasara and jamini sutras and perhaps phaladeepika
finally w/o reading and understanding basic rules, which can take upto a year or 2 of daily study, one is unable to do any readings
once one knows all the basic and intermediary rules, one can make no predictions. This takes 100s of case studies and application of these rules
without all this reading a few articles here or there or asking questions like Saturn in 3rd in leo what will be results mean nothing. wasting everyone’s time in reality. no short cut to any of this
Hi VS,
Need help.An aquarious ascendant teenager( daughter of a friend),with venus ( 4th lord–vehicles),moon(6th lord –accidents),saturn(12th lord hospitals) ,all in 4th house and aspected from mars in scorpio in 10th house, in the dasha of mars/venus, has met with a serious accident and is unconscious with brain dead , lying in hospital.
1.Will she recover?
2.Venus,being yogakaraka and well placed in taurus and 4th house, can such thing happen in its dasha?
3.Has conjunction of the lords taken over the dignity/ placements ie exalted moon,self house yogakaraka venus,mars in 10th and self house, even mercury/jupiter both in 5th house.
4 Already mars/saturn period has gone recently but no such thing happened although the enmity is more as compared to mars/venus.
please suggest something for her.
very sorry to hear about this situation. If she is brain dead, astrology wont show much anyways. I would recommend mahamrityunanjay mantra and havan for her family to perform. Take care
Unfortunately,she could not survive.Can it be explained in astrology?
sorry to hear that. may her soul rest in peace and strength to the family
I came back to this site after a long 8 months gap and its still running and queries are still being replied back. Great work VS…!!!!
VS has been answering my questions for about 3 years. Now, I am presenting some of my analysis to him in this forum and he corrects/agrees/adds. I started knowing nothing about 3 years back, but 90% due to VS and 10% due to PVR I am at a decent level. I am doing readings at work and for my friend & relatives and the feedback has been good. All credit to VS. I am blessed to get the best tutors (those who stick to orthodoxy, shastras..most important in my opinion) in other spiritual areas, so I believe I have been led correctly by my creator in this jyotish as well. It’s a blessing in itself..
Congrats Sundar Sir.God should bless Mr VS Sir for His wonderful job.Sundar sir.Mahesh .Nutrition and Wellness Strategist.Here.Need a help from you if possible…can i have your contacts
I like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to VS ji for teaching me this ancient science.
At shadbala of mars if it is 5.022 out of 10 and it is avaroganam that is from exalted to debilated it should be considered as week and wont give fruitful results at its Dasa?
shadbala is never out of 10 it can be more than 10 also in rupas. as for the particular case, it all depends on 100s of other factors in the horoscope and can not be generalized based only on shadbal
thank youu very much for explianing in detail.
but i have some doubts regarding my placement of mars.
i am virgo ascendent and ascendent lord is placed in 6th house along with other three moon saturn and venus.
jupiter is placed in 3rd house and mars is debilitated in 11th house.
so here what mars signifies?
or what can be inferred from these placements?
I am sorry, no chart readings and the question is not concentrated enough for an answer
Hi VS,
Thanks for the article. It definitely helps !
1. You mentioned for Scorpio ascendant that Mars in 1st, 3rd and 6th give good results but what about the 9 th where it gets debilitated . What are the results for Scorpio ascendant in shani MD and Mars AD if both shani is debilitated in Aries/ Kritika (6 th ) and Mars is deblitated in cancer/ aslesha ( 9 th) when moon is in Aquarius 4 th ( dhanista) with rahu( Stabhisha) but sun/ mercury / Ketu in 10 th Leo rashi.
2. Does remedies wearing blue Sapphire or wearing blue/ black clothes for shani and wearing coral or red clothes for Mars help? For debilitated shani some suggest wearing iron ring?
3. Please share some insight on iron ring as well for heart diseases when shani / Mars debilitated. Some people also suggest women should not wear iron ring.
4. Also, Please clarify that when planets are debilitated should the stones/ clothes of the planet color should be worn Or completely avoided. Should the day of the néecha planet be avoided too for signing important documents ?
mars when in 9th in cancer, it is important to have moon strong. example if moon exalted in such a situation then its a strong and positive yoga but potential for blood disorders, anaemia and lung issues
men and women can all wear the iron ring, nothing wrong in it and sapphire should only be worn by those where saturn is weak but a functional benefic not sitting in the 6, 8 or 12th. else not
wearing stones and colors strengthens the planet. if the planet is a functional benefic, it should be strengthened, if not then one should fast on its days
Namaste VS,
Please kindly help me with reading if Mars is placed in 5 th house with ketu for vigro ascendent and vargotta Mars , may I know how will be the general life or married life perfection s
can not generalize, however, in general although any exalted planet does good for its natural significations – example energy, dynamism, logic etc with mars. Both ketu and mars are functional malefics for virgo and can bring issues to the male child and can give a birth through surgery and even one or more miscarriage/ abortion etc
Hello Sir,
How about mars and ketu conjuction?
Thank you.
when Mars and Ketu are together, the impact of Mars is multiplied many times. It all depends on the functional nature and bhaav placement as well as aspects on this Mars. if it is a strong positive planet, then Ketu will amplify the same and if it is negative, then Ketu will lead to anger/ violence and injury prone person who might even be involved in illegal or criminal activities
Thank you Sir.
How would this placement play out if mars is highly malefic (virgo ascendant) and closely conjuct ketu (ketu in MB), placed in 6th house? By virtue of being placed in 6th house (VRY), would it be any less severe? No aspects of any benefic planets. And saturn not expecting either.
mars and ketu in 6th for virgo will give a highly competitive/ fighting temperament to the person who can excel in life due to sheer determination and hard work. Also will be prone to accidents and some can be severe depending on degrees and other yogas. stomach related issues will linger and might require hospitalization at some stage in life. except some health issues, by itself the combination is not bad for success as the person can overcome enmity in professional life and prosper over time
Thank you Sir. Sir, please write an article on planetary wars. There seems to be conflicting information on which planets are involved and who wins and loses. Would love to know your view on it. Thank you so much for your articles. Learning a lot.
Good Evening Sir
I have moon+mars in 7th house in my birth char. I’m a gemini ascendant. And I have mars+saturn+rahu in 7th house navamsa. Many astrologers have predicted that my marriage will be challenging. Please throw some light into this.
Thank you for the informative article.
hello i dont do personal readings and the entire chart has to be seen in detail for any prediction and not just piecemeal. by itself only having mars and moon in 7th makes you a manglik but that itself is not big deal. this is also a dhan yoga for gemini as the 2nd and 11th lords combine and aspect the lagna
Hi VS,
When can Tula lagna native wear Mars gem? E.g., when Mars in 10th with Rahu but otherwise strong, is it recommended?
no harm in trying in this situation to guage the result
Hello VSji – How to gauge the results of Mars AD in Saturn MD for a Gemini Asc and Moon. This Mars is well placed(Leo) and strong(BAV – 6) but has a debilitated dispositor.
results related to father/ boss/ employer can be expected, more than that requires a complete analysis of the chart
Hi my chart Mars and ketu are in 9 house rahu in 3 house. It’s a taurus ascendant I want to know about angarak yoga present in my chart or not?
not present. angarak yoga occurs when mars is with rahu not ketu
Hello Sir,
I have two questions regarding mars and saturn
1. If mars and Saturn are closely conjuct for virgo ascendant in 1st house (bhava chart), does saturn helps tame the Martian energy or mars tends to overpower saturn? (Mars in virgo sign, saturn in libra. Both in mars nakshtra).
2. Again for virgo ascendant, what If mars and Saturn are exchanging signs (no aspects), who tends to influence who in this?
Thank you as always.
it will be a conjunciton of 6th and 8th in 1st house which is not good for health and will make the person prone to accidents and anger. the individual might be argumentative and can do well in roles that require as such like lawyer etc
if 6th and 8th exchange signs, it is a vipreet raj yoga in itself
Thank you Sir.
I thought mars and saturn exchange would be bad for virgo ascendant (two dusthana lords exchanging making each of them stronger – dainya parivartan), is it not so? Or it’s that it is bad along with some vipreet raj yog effects?
when 6 -8 exchange it is great. if 5-8 exhange, that is not so good ofcourse as one good house and one bad
Do you mean to say it depends on which houses they are sitting at? Let’s say, Saturn is in 3rd (scorpio) and mars is in 6th (aquarius), in this case 6-8,3-6,5-8,3-5 exchanges would all be taken into account or majorly 3 and 6 only? Thank you.
yes ofcourse when any planet owns two rasis, the one it sits in will be activated much more than the other one and similarly for any exchange combination
Great article. I was told that I have Neechbhanga Raja yoga. Can you confirm this?
I’m Taurus moon and Leo ascendant. Mars is in its house of debilitation (12th house, Cancer). Lord of debilitated house is in lagna kendra (12th house lord Moon in 10th house from ascendant). Lord of exaltation rashi of the planet is in moon kendra (Lord of Capricorn: Saturn is in 7th house from moon) . Lord of exaltation rashi of the planet is in lagna kendra(Lord of Capricorn: Saturn is in 4th house from ascendant)
if mars remains in 12th in bhaav/ chalit chart, the planet will remain only neechabhang and not neechabhang raj yoga
If you say mars does good in cancer, would you say the same for moon in scorpio? Even though debilitated, it is in 5th house from cancer and mars is its friend. Should it also give good results?
Thank you for your great responses.
again it depends on many things except just moon in scorpio
example for aries, moon in scorpio will be debilitated in the 8th bhaav where it is marana karaka. such a moon will be extremely negative esepcially if dark and aspected by saturn/ rahu/ ketu
on the other hand if scorpio ascendant and moon in lagna with mars and jupiter. This is a powerful raj yoga
so it all depends, no generic rules apply
in general, moon in first 3 to 4 degrees of scorpio is not good. After the 4th degree when it starts to go out of its debilitation, it is better
Thank you Sir.
You said that mars give good result in cancer,many guru said it is not good,in mybirth chart tula lagna mars in cancer in 10th house,moon is 11th house,its mahadasa is start,is it give good for me ?
thank you for your kind response
only debilitation is not enough to guage any planet. usually mars as debilitated in a friend’s sign as well as being 4th and 9th (yoga karaka) position from its own houses, when in kendra while debilitated and if well fortified in shadbal and aspects will usually give great results after initial struggles from the house of its rulership
Dear VS,
First of all your article is absolutely wonderful and I love to read it and expect more from you:-). I have a small query regarding my horoscope. I am cancer ascendant with Mars and Rahu in 1st house (in lagna cancer itself. Mars in longitude 06-55-45 and in 2nd pada of Pashyami star). Moon is placed in 4th house in Libra (does this cause Neechabhanga and remove debilitation of mars?). I have anger issues and kind of laziness to fulfill my plans(is it because of angarak yoga?). I am trying my best to change my way of looking at things and change my impulsive nature. I was thinking of wearing Red Coral , but some have worried that will it enhance my anger problems(as mars is debilitated in cancer and it’s been with Rahu in the same house). I would humbly request you guide me in this and advice how i can change my nature and use martian energy in a good way.
Kind Regards,
appeasing mars via hanuman chalisa and wearing red colored clothes, bedsheets etc can help. As for coral, no harm in trying for a few days. If it works, you can keep it. if not then discard as need be
Thanks a lot for your kind advice .
Hello VSji – As per you Mars doesn’t loose much vigour even if it is debilitated. It is strong if Moon is strong.
What if Mars is in Leo but the depositor is debilitated for a Gemini Ascendant?
Is it good to have Mars weak as it is a functional and natural malefic?
But, ideally isn’t it good to have all planets strong?
in general mars being a warlord and a strong masculine planet, can exhibit power even when weak and in the signs of its friends cancer or leo, it also gains yoga karaka status from its own signs. Such a Mars is usually bound to give strong results if in kendra and if the depositor is strong. if such a mars is aspected by Saturn, it becomes even stronger as saturn gives more restraint to the otherwise explosive energy and makes it even more potent.
as for gemini ascendant, generally mars in the 3rd bhaav is a good placement for the person himself but might not be a great placement for any younger siblings especially younger brothers that the native has
Thanks Vivek! I believe for Mars also like any other planet depositor strength is important. For instance even though Mars is well placed in 3rd Leo for Gemini but if Sun is weak Mars losses most of its power to do good or bad.
Please suggest
yes ofcourse, the bhaav and its owner are like 2 parts of one body. if either is weak or afflicted, the other will suffer
Hi VS..if mars gets debilitated in 5th house for pieces lagna and 5th lord moon if placed in 7th house of virgo within 7degrees of sun(combust) over here moon also becomes would the results of mars and moon be bad since these are 2most benefic planets for pieces lagna
mars and moon will remain functional benefics for the chart, just that their placement/ position might reduce their ability to do good
even if they are weak, they dont become functional malefics due to the same
Dear VS,
Ketu is in Aries – krittka constellation and Rahu in Libra – Swati and mars in Vishaka parivartana yoga with Venus.
Can we say, Mars is outside the 1-7 axis formed by Rahu-Ketu. When Mars starts its MD he will give average but not malefic results. Please let know.
I cant say without details and in any case if ketu is in aries and krittika, it will have to be in the last 3 degrees and 20 minutes of aries, in which cases rahu will be in libra but not in swati nakshatra
Dear VS,
Beautiful insights! I’m so happy to come across this article. Finally came across one that’s not run of the mill, and so applicable in varied scenarios.
What happens if mars(for aries ascendant) is with moon and saturn in cancer, all 3 in saturn’s pushya nakshatra. Saturn being in 1st pada while other two in 3rd?
Mars is in good shape with Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. There is a dual opposite effect on Moon (karaka of Manas) by Saturn and Mars. Mars in the 4th can give anger issues and Saturn so close to Moon can make one feel lonely. Saturn would tame Mars a bit. If there is aspect by Jupiter in good dignity or Venus in good dignity, it will help to relax the manas.
Saturn is functional malefic for this lagna and a period check up of heart/lungs is good. Do pranayama to keep lungs clear. Transit Saturn in Makar will aspect natal Saturn in a few months, one needs to take care at that time.
Hi Vivek sir,
Your explanation are too good. What is effect of Mars in cancer as 12th house (leo ASC) with no other aspects. Moon is in Sagittarius.
This Mars is aspecting my 7th house where Saturn is in Aquarius. Saturn has no other aspects expect from Mars. (If Rahu is considered to have 4th aspect apart from 7th aspect, Rahu from 4th house of Scorpio will aspect shani).
How could this combination work? Will shani get affected of debilitated mars aspect? ( With Rahu aspect too if applicable) How can we consider these two positions.
the only generic part of the answer is – yes mars will be aspecting saturn from its 8th aspect, rahu aspect to 4th is not an aspect (atleast not a full aspect). saturn having mars aspect is weakened (as saturn is weakened in mars signs or near mars) and in this case might not be weakened much as it is MK sign in kendra with full directional strength
Dear VS,
I have Sagittarius in lagna. In my lagna chart, I have mars (13 DEGREE) and sun(1 DEGREE) in cancer sign in 8th house. I have Jupiter and moon in Aries sign in my fifth house.I have Saturn in the 12th house in Scorpio. I have mercury and venus in 7th house in gemini.
Hi Chanda, there is no way for me to make guesses from incomplete horoscope data. It requires a complete chart analysis to analyze any planet and various yogas in a chart. It is not something that I provide on this forum. goodluck
Dear Sir, namaste
Taurus lagna, mars and ketu in 3rd house (cancer)
Jupiter and Rahu in 9th house (capri)
Moon in lagna (taurus)
in navansh also mars and jupiter both are in cancer.
What are the effect of two debilitated planets looking at each other with rahu ketu mixed as above?
Thank you for your guidance.
in the generic sense, 2 debilitated planets aspecting each other is actually good. Both tend to cancel out each other’s debilitation to some extent. If taurus ascendant, Mars and Jupiter own the 8th and 12th in terms of Mooltrikona and hence their being debilitated and cancelled is very good in general
dear sir vs,mars is a yogakaraka for leo ascendant. means it bring luxury, comfort and enemy defeat for leo ascendant.
yes, Mars is a yoga karaka for both cancer and Leo ascendants
but if the mars is in 2nd house in virgo sign i.e enemy sign of mars. will that mars still be a yogakaraka planet for the leo ascendant.
I am a leo ascendant with mars in 2nd house. today i read mars is yogakaraka for leo ascendant
one year ago I wore a red coral(gemstone of mars) all things were going smooth in my life and everytime i got five out of six numbers in lotto and the money was great. That red coral is still bringing me good luck in many other ways i did not expected even though i did not get six out of six number in lotto. Now I have known it why thanks to your blog. mars is indeed yogakaraka for leo ascendant even in 2nd house in enemy sign virgo.
I have mars shadbala in rupas =6.5 and its minimum requirement is 5. so i thought my mars is well placed.
But on your site you wrote bav score of mars should be 4 or above. what is that bav score. can you reply me please.
BAV/ SAV score is related to ashtakvarga bindus which are used for transit analysis
Hello sir,
What is you opinion of Sun 29 degree in Ashle and March 16 degree in Pushy in Cancer 12th house.
Moon 29 degree in Kritt Saturn 2 degree in Ashwini Retrogade. Both in 9th house.
Was recommended to wear Ruby and Coral along with Pukhraj (Jupiter in Leo 1st house)
Would it be recommended to wear iron ring for Saturn?
Thanks so much.
can not say without an individual chart analysis, which I dont do here unfortunately
Dear VS:
Going by the logic of why Mars is good in Cancer, will Venus give exceptional results if placed in Capricorn= 4th and 9th from its own houses? Additionally, it is also its best friend’s house.
As always, thank you so much for sharing your amazing knowledge with us!
Yes u can
Checking out a little more, I find that this is not limited only to Venus in Capricorn. Venus placement in either of Saturn’s houses and Saturn’s placement in either of Venus houses has the identical condition of that of Mars in Cancer. Could we therefore conclude that these placements are especially good (in addition to them of course being in a good friend’s house)?
Yes exactly and they usually do give excellent results in their dasas in these positions as long as they are not highly affiliated ted by other planets and/ or combust
Extending this logic further, can we use this to other placement wrt own houses? Say Jupiter in Capricorn. It is debilitated. But 2 and 11 from its own houses. Could this therefore lead to exceptional wealth, especially given Jupiter is karaka for wealth?
Not unless the placement aspects conjunctions are there in the right bhaav as well as some level of neechabhang to jupiter
Dear VS, For Taurus Ascendent, with Mars at cancer debillated. Moon at 4th house Leo and Saturn at 10th house Aquarious. Is neecha banga happens here? And gives good results? 7th and 12th lord debilated and Rahu being at 7th house in Scorpio. Lagna lord and marriage Karaka Venus at 11th house exalted. How will be marriage and married life?
generally not good for married life in this scenario and there is no proper neechabhang in this scenario
Thanks for your reply. Lord of debilated sign i.e moon at quadrant(4th from lagna) and lord of exalted position of Mars(at Capricon) i.e Saturn again at quadrant(10th position from lagna) doesn’t enough to happen Neechabanga ?
In my experience neechabhang happens only in the following conditions-
neecha planet should be in kendra from lagna chart (as well as bhaav or chalit chart)
neecha planet should in kendra from moon (degree wise)
the depositor of the neecha planet should be either exalted or accompanying the debilitated planet in its own sign
the planet where the debilitated planet gets exalted should be giving a strong and full aspect or conjunction to the debilitated planet
the shadbal of the planet should be high
the more the above conditions are met, the greater the strength of neechabhang. the 1st 2 conditions are very important as planets in non kendra bhaavs dont properly attain neechabhang and retain some weakness even if many other conditions are met
Hi VS,
Generally for pieces ascendant mars is considered beneficial what if such a mars is debilitated in 5th house of cancer(no other conjunction and aspect) would such a mars be considered weak and in general it is said 9th lord(scorpio sign) in 9th(cancer sign)to itself is generally considered good so would such a placement be considered good..and what if this such a mars moves to 6th house in chalit would it change the outcome..please do reply
by itself its an average placement as Mars on the left side of the chart is weaker as opposed to the right side (gets directional strength in the 10th). As mars is debilitated and not in a kendra, its debilitation is unlikely to be fully cancelled unless Moon is sitting with mars in the house or if saturn has a full and strong aspect on mars. however if moon is strong and saturn or jupiter have an aspect on this mars, then it is a good placement
Hi VS,
Thanks for your reply what if it receives an aspect from exalted saturn which is in 8th house would such an aspect be good and moon in 7th house of virgo
mars will always get stronger if conjunct saturn or getting a full aspect from saturn
good or bad depends on the functional nature of mars in the chart as well as its placement, shadbal and other yogas it is involved in
Re: Saturn’s aspect on Mars , is it due to opposite rasi lord causing a NB? Thank you.
because saturn is the exaltation lord of mars. Saturn when aspecting mars, constrains and disciplines the explosivve energy of mars and thus its aspect on mars is always strengthening mars
Ideally mars 3rd from saturn is the best as mars has the strengthening from saturn but not weakening of saturn from mars
How to contact you for a consultation
Hi Geetha,
Unfortunately I do not offer personal readings/ consultation at this time. Will let everyone know if and when that changes
Hi VS,
For Aquarius ascendant, debilitated Mars is conjunct Rahu in the 6th house of Cancer. Moon is in 9th house. Mars being the 10th lord, does the career/relationship suffer? Does the debilitation get cancelled? Thank you
generally speaking, any debilitated planet that is not in kendra from lagna, will not be fully cancelled in its debilitation, although the strength of its depositor or direct aspect of the depositor does help greatly
Sir…in navamsa leo ascendant, Mars in 12 th house, moon Saturn in 8 th house, sun in 9 th house, mercury in 10 th house can I get money through trading stock market..??!! Alrdy iam an railway employee..plzz tell sir
no idea. please consult a professional astrologer. I dont provide individual readings. Thanks
Hi VS, wonderful article. I was wondering what the implications would be for a Virgo ascendant with a Mars and Saturn conjunction in 4th house where Saturn is defeated in a planetary war. 4th lord Jupiter sitting in 10th house of Gemini.
will not be good for the person’s mothers health and/ or their own peace of mind on a long term. anger and impulse can damage career and well being of such an individual.
Also, does Mars and Moon in Cancer cause Neecha Bhanga and if so, what is the implication?
Thanks again
yes as long as they are not combust and best if it happens in a kendra position from lagna
Dear VS,
There is a notion that 11th lord is functional malefic (I think many astrologers quote from Brih Parashara Hora on that) For Capricorn ascendant, I have come across many astrologers who say Mars is functional malefic because of the said reason, despite owning the 4th house. But I saw one of your posts stating the lords of 6th, 8th and 12th as functional malefic without mentioning lords of 3rd and 11th . Are there 2 schools of thoughts on this?
Also, for a Capricorn asc with Mars + Rahu in the first house, does it constitute Ruchaka yoga? Does the presence of Rahu mess up things there?
3,6 and 11 are evil sthanas with 11 most evil. 6 8 and 12 are dusthanas. since 6 is common in both it is pretty bad for many areas of life. 6th from 6th is 11th and in that sense it is bhaavat bhavam of 6th. 11th does have capacity to give materialistic gain but by itself it remains a malefic planet. if afflicted, it gives the negative effects of the 6th bhaav like accidents, injuries, sickness. if well aspected then it gives freedom from disease and enemies during its dasa
for capricorn, mars is generally not a benefic but neither an outright malefic. in this case 11th lord also become baadhak and hence mars can have an evil tinge to it. ironically for capricorn, mars is best placed in the lagna but 2nd best placed in the 7th house even though debilitated in my experience granted that moon is strong as the 7th lord. such a mars become neecha bhang and strong and gives success and property/ wealth but is bad for marriage and business relationships as the person becomes too independent minded as well might develop temper control issues
good and bad coexist in astrology as in real life
Thank you for your insights. Very helpful
Hello VS,
I came across your site and this is indeed the best material I have ever come across for the learning of a jyotish aspirant. Kudos for your knowledge and efforts.
I have been learning (of course unlearning as well !) and practicing jyotish for the last 20 Years. Over these years, I have realized that the crux of Phalit Jyotish and predictions lies in comparative analysis of various planetary positions….how much good or bad a planetary situation is compared to another situation, rather than just knowing good or bad. This required lots of practice and experience and a guidance from mentors like you.
I am posting a question on the comparative analysis of 2 scenarios (which I came across few days back in 2 different clients) and I was analyzing Venus in which case would comparatively give better results:
Case 1: Cancer lagna, Venus in 4th house (and hence having directional strength) in its mooltrikona sign of Libra. No other aspect or conjugations with Venus
Case 2: Leo lagna, Venus again in 4th house (Scorpio sign) with directional strength and aspected by Mars from leo. Venus here is in a neutral sign but this is a Yogakarka domain and aspected by a Yogakarka Mars (its depositor) which is also in a good dignity in the sign of Leo.
So the real question is if a planet is more auspicious in its mooltrikona or in yogakarka domain and aspected by its yogakarka depositor. Assume that there are no conjugations or trinal planets to Venus in both cases.
Also you can discuss separately the effects of Venus on materialistic gains and health of the individual in both cases.
with all else equal, the leo lagna venus is much more auspicious due to yoga karaka domain and venus in watery signs will always give powerful results
ofcourse many other factors have to be considered in reality
Thanks VS for your clear answer. You mentioned that Leo Lagna Venus in yogakarka domain is much more auspicious than a Cancer lagna Venus in mooltrikona.
I have a follow up query. How does Leo Lagna Venus in yogakarka domain compare with an exalted Venus. Will it be even better than an exalted state?
there are 1000s of cases which can be a followup to the same questions isnt it? idea is for all students to use basic logic and principles to analyze the same
Hello VS Sir,
I have a doubt — My atmakaraka (Chara, based on highest degree) is Mars. But I am Virgo Ascendant (0 degree, 35 minutes), and my Mars is retrograde and placed at 27 deg 45 min in my 11th house, cancer sign. Moon is placed at 3 deg 55 min in 12th house, leo sign. Also, though my saturn and sun are placed in 6th house, aquarius sign, both are placed good; Mercury is retrograde but is in 5th house, Capricorn sign and is good; so are Jupiter (3rd house, Scorpio sign), Venus (4th house, Saggitarius sign), and even Rahu is placed good (good in all divisional charts too, in birth chart it’s in 2nd house, Libra). I am giving you this background because in my life, I will never be able to reach my Saturn and Mercury MD (They come at 90yrs), and majorly in my youth and adult I will only be facing Sun MD, Moon MD (primarily), Rahu Md and Mars MD. Jupiter MD comes at late age. What should I do and what can I expect?
I just wanted to ask what effect will my Mars have on my life, because it’s AK and retrograde and debilitated.
i do not do individual chart readings here
2 generic things I would like to mention-
1. a good planets effects usually come in the dasas of planets conjuncting or trinal to that planet and not in the planet itself (some exceptions apply)
2. in cases of low ascendant degree, one has to be very careful and do a complete analysis of the chart to ascertain the right langa. in your case, you might be a leo ascendant for example
apart from that, I will not do any personal readings here. thanks