Continuing from the Saturn MD generic rules, I hereby contribute the same for Rahu (As Rahu dasha is perhaps the 2nd most dreaded dasha after Saturn)
(Disclaimer – these are all from my own experiences of thousands of horoscopes and hence just my opinion. Also use these Liberally & Not Literally in a horoscope)
1) Rahu being the generic agent of change, generally its dasha will bring changes, movement, travel and rapid changes of circumstances
2) Rahu in movable signs – Aries, cancer, libra and capricorn will bring more changes than other signs, likewise rahu in 1,4,7, and 10th bhavs will give more changes
3) Rahu is strong in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra & Aquarius. In all others it gives weak and relatively negative results unless conjoined by a functional benefic in the horoscope
4) From my personal observations, rahu rules Aquarius and Virgo. Hence it acts as a yogakaraka for Taurus, Gemini signs
5) Rahu is not good in Jupiter’s sign but tends to give good results in Jupiter’s taras (nakshatras)
6) If Rahu is with a planet in the same nakshatra and the other planet is a strong benefic….rahu gives excellent results in its dasha
whereas the other planet is UNABLE to express itself fully in its own dasha (even though the other one still remains good)
7) Best axis for rahu- ketu is rahu in 6th and ketu in 12th
8 ) 2nd best is rahu in 3rd and ketu in 9th
9) Rahu gives meddlesome results in the 8th and 12th house which can be drastic if afflicted by malefics and debilitated (scorpio and saggitarius)
10) I consider both taurus and gemini as exaltation for rahu and cancer as Mooltrikona and virgo as own house
11) As a side note…Mercury sitting in rahu Nakshatra can become extremely unpredictable in its own dasha and if bad aspected be very bad in
results especially if mercury is retrograde
12) Rahu although a friend of shani does not tend to give good results in capricorn where it feels contrained and becomes too much “saturnine” in its effects
13) Rahu and Saturn in the same house is NOT good. Even in 11th it can give gains but problems with elder siblings and friends. The Infamous “Shraapit” Yoga can be terrible if there are no benefic aspects and the conjunction is within 5 degrees. If the rashi depositor is weak, it can be threatening
14) Rahu and Saturn in 8th can cause Multiple sclerosis and paralysis. In 12th causes hospitalization/ incarceration for a long time if not aspected well. However if Saturn is a functional benefic, results are not that bad
15) Rahu tends to give better results after age 42
16) The nakshatra lord of Rahu is perhaps more important (functionality, Shadbala and placement) than even rashi lord of Rahu
17) Rahu when in Saturn’s nakshatra and Saturn is functional benefic will give good results ONLY AFTER a lot of hard work and struggle
18) Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Saggi & Capricorn placed Rahu – expect better results in 2nd half of dasha, others first half. Pisces relatively same (depending on antardasha and transits)
19) Even though best transits of Rahu are 3,6 and 11. It gives good results in ALL Kaam trikona (3, 7 & 11) and Artha trikona bhaavas (2, 6 & 10)and bad in moksha trikona and bhagya trikona bhavas
20) Rahu when transiting 9th from itself is BAD (marana karaka sthana for Rahu)
21) Rahu Mahadasha of 18 yrs will tend to fluctuate from Good to Bad to Good with an approximate cycle of 37 months (2 signs of Rahu)
22) In terms of material achievement and experience, Rahu MD can be perhaps one of the most intense and powerful among all 9 planets and can give materialistic rise like no other planet.
If asc rising deg is 10. that means MEP is 10 for all houses. If Rahu-Ketu are in 9 deg in 3rd-9th axis. does that mean entire chart is afflcited. closer malefics to asc degree higher the negative results. is that contect true.
Yes 10 deg becomes the MEP for each house assuming an Equal house system. There are other systems of astrology like Porphyry where houses are of unequal size.
I do not recommend them, especially for a novice astrologer.
rahu ketu will mostly affect only the 3-9 axis in the given situation
Thanks for your article. Do the effects of Rahu mahadasha get reduced if it comes later in age? My Rahu Mahadasha will start at the age of around 67 years of age. Does that make a difference?
if a planet dasa operates after its maturity age, in Rahu’s case it is 41, then its negative effects can be lower than if rahu operates before 41. its just a general concept and more specific factors like the actual placement and yogas in chart will actually dictate the real result
My period of Rahu Mahadasha with mangal anthardasa howit will be for starsob Aswathy
no idea. you have to look at the complete chart. Please dont send details here as I dont do personal chart readings
Hello sir,
I feel you should continue writing articles and explain concepts like reading Navasmha and Dasamsha.
If Rahu in 8th house gives 5th aspect to Sat and 9th aspect to Moon. What can you make of it. No benefic aspect on Rahu
Hi Jatin
I will continue to write time permitting. had been taking some time off writing due to busy conditions at work.
What i want to encourage is for students to read these articles in depth and then practice on their own and family/ friends horoscopes. Real learning comes only from practice and patience and not from asking questions what happens when sun aspects saturn or this is here or there…the reason is there is no one right answer.
This art is deep and broad. It can not be mastered in a day or month nor 1 yr. It takes years or decades of learning and application to become good at it. Keep up the good learning work
Is rahu MT sign Cancer? Why in the enemy sign.
If Rahu/Jup/Sat all aspect 7th house and 7th house lord in 12th house with Venus and getting aspect from Sat. Can marriage be delayed untill mid 30s. or Jupiter can save the marriage?
What kind of spouse traits you can expect. Atmkrk Ve and amarkrk Ve conjuct together in 12th house in Nak of Moon. Moon is sitting in Uppapada Lagna
As per Parasara Rahu’s Mooltrikona sign is Cancer. Ofcourse this is debatable and many consider it to be Aquarius as well as Virgo.
I believe (as a personal opinion) that since Moon (owner of cancer) has Mooltrikona in Taurus (not cancer) and Rahu is a node of the luminary (moon) that is perhaps the reason it acts as a Mooltrikona in Cancer. It is enmical camp but still Rahu here gives intense and strong results. As usual the strength, placement and dignity of Moon is important as well as other aspects Rahu receives while being in Cancer to ascertain the actual effects of Rahu in Cancer
Hey VS,
For Libra lagna if rahu is closely conjunct venus in 10th house of cancer which is Mooltrikona sign for rahu would such a rahu give good result since its with a trikona lord and conjunction is in kendra..and moon is in 3rd house…please just reply if its a good yoga or no please it will be really helpful
By itself this is a yoga to go into the world of entertainment and jobs related to entertainment industry or real estate (hotels etc). The individual can be very creative and also travel frequently. The person wud like to come into limelight and in itself the combination is neutral. Depends on all aspects on it, power of moon and also other aspects and trinal planets to the 10th house and 10th lord
I have Rahu in the 6th in Aquarius and now I am running Rahu-Sat dasha. My Rahu dasha has brought me more troubles though Rahu is in a good house. But 6th house owner Sat is debilitated, retro in the 8th. Other planets are not in a good houses either. Overall my life has been miserable whether it is Rahu dasha or not. Honestly I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel
Hope things improve for you UMa
Sir, I am happy to see lot of insightful information on Rahu. There are many details which i have not seen from other sources. One elusive information thus far for me is Rahu MD effect with Rahu in 6th house (debilitated in Scorpio sign) aspected by Jupiter and Mars (Scorpio sign lord) from 10th house.
What happens when rahu Ketu in Aquarius Leo respectively but in Bhava chart Capricorn cancer. Are the results as per the Bhava? Also what if rahu Ketu in aqu satabhishaj and Ketu Leo magha conjunct saturn
Uma – lots of things can happen as astrology is a deep study of 9 planets, 12 rashis, 12 houses, 27 asterisms, more than 2 dozen divisional charts, yogas, avasthas etc. Merely the presence of planets here or there is not sufficient to decipher anything and hence my suggestion is to do a deep dive study and case studies. That is the only way to understand Jyotish if you are serious about it.
I do not do individual chart answers but can give you a quick response that when any planet moves in a bhav chart, it will tend to give the results of both the bhavas but its effects will have the color of the rashi only. So example moon is exalted in taurus for capricorn lagna but in bhav chart it moves to 4th bhav. Such a moon will have characteristics of taurus (5th bhaav for capricorn) but in its dasa it will give results of 4th house more than 5th and to some extent bridge the effects of both 4th and 5th
Very well written..
.valuable for people like me..thanks
Nice article on Rahu. I have read/ come across texts which mentions Rahu is debilitated in Scorpio sign and will be bad during its Dasha. How does the effect change if Rahu is in 6th house in Scorpio sign? And this Rahu is aspected by Guru+Mars combo from 10th house.
I usually get confused about degrees of ascendant..If a rising sign Aquarius 19 degree and planet rahu sitting in ascendant at 9 degre then rahu gives results of first house or twelfth house for natives…Thank you so much for teaching your vast energy with us.
take a 15 degree radius from the ascendant degree for each house. That is the orb of each bhaav. If ascendant at 19 aquarius then every planet after 4 degrees in aquarius is in 1st bhaav
Thank u so much for replying sir.
Why is Rahu transit from 9th house from itself bad? What are the effects? Most of Rahu transits are bad anyway, due to it being highly malefic, but is 9H transit even worse – for which aspects of life, finances, relations, health, … please explain! Does it depend on whether the rahu in Natal chart is well-placed? Thanks.
The dignity of the transiting planet in the main horoscope is always most vital and rahu is no different in such an analysis
9th bhaav is the house of religion, belief, thought process, mental makeup of a person. Rahu by nature is fickle minded, rebellious and against dharma (righteous duty). it wants things by hook or crook and deceit. Hence in 9th house it is Marana Karaaka – or in a death like state and feels offended. In such a situation it cause more harm than good during the transit
Thank you for explaining so well… the problem here is that natal Rahu is in 9th Aries in Rashi chart, but in 10th Taurus in Bhava and adding more confusion, now there’s transit Rahu in 5th house Leo from Jan. 30 of this year, along with Jupiter. Well, we just have to take it in our stride. Not much that can be done!
What about exchange of nakshatras. Suppose if rahu in jyestha and mercury in ardra.What kind of results can be expected?
Nakshatra exchange effects show up during the dashas of the involved planets. In your example the rahu/ mercury period or mercury/ rahu period will show intense effects as per the placement and rulership of the planets involved
Thank you.
In order to analyze Dasha Bhukti effects, does one go based on natal chart or transit chart. For example in the natal chart mars is in exaltation, however during the dasha – Bhukti, Mars is not in a good position. So what chart should one go based on?
Are there any guidelines on when one should use natal chart vs. transit chart.
Also another question which I am afraid may not belong here. In my chart sun is in 6th house from lagna (Gemini) and 9th house from Moon (Pisces). Sun being in 6th, is it good or bad for Surya/ravi dasha? When you find time if you are able to post something on sun dasha, it will be helpful.
Thanks in advance for sharing the knowledge.
there is no way to calculate dasa from the transit chart. Dasa sequence starts from the moon longitude at your birth
transits are a further aid in analysis and prediction. Both have to be used together but dasa has to be given more importance
Planets like Venus, Mars, Sun, Moon and Mercury go through multiple transit cycles during their dasa while Jupiter and Rahu goes through atleast 1 cycle during their dasa. So transits might have an impact on when events occur during the dasa. But for ketu and Saturn, transits might be as relevant as dasa. Just my understanding. Please feel free to counter.
Yes, regardless of dasa, that is the exact reason why Saturn transits are most important. Followed by Jupiter and the nodes
Most important is the basic strength of horoscopes from the yogas and avayogas. The benefic planets should be strong and vice versa for the functional malefic planets. second is the operating vimshottari dasas which will set the tone during any given maha dasa period
lastly look at transits. first the sat/jup/rahu transits
finally the faster moving planets can help in pin pointing exact dates/ weeks. but by themselves, the smaller transits wont help much in a predictive fashion
Sorry I meant to say “I was also surprised that even an exalted mercury in a good house placed in a not-so-malefic angle from rahu can bring difficulty with regards to money, from your chart.”
Hi Astrolove
Glad to discuss the case from LOVA for which you can email me on
So if the sign dispositor of rahu is debilitated and the nakshatra dispositor of rahu is in own house or exalted then the condition of such rahu is expected to be what?
Only deb or exaltation is not enuff to see results. A combust exalted planet in 8th house might do 0 good whereas a neecha bhang deb planet can give raj yoga
also in addition to depositors, the aspects, even partial, should be considered as well as strengths in divisional charts
Dear Sir
I read above that Rahu in 9th is Marana Karakka(death like state). Will it still be the same in Exaltation in Taurus or own house Gemini. Will condition worsen or improve in such cases
Hi Jay
ofcourse the situation changes with the dignity and aspects on the planet. Exalted planets as well as planets aspected by auspicious planets tend to give good results even in marana karaka places
Thank you for clarifying it so nicely.
Sri VS:
I am quoting your reply to a question for convenience: “take a 15 degree radius from the ascendant degree for each house. That is the orb of each bhaav. If ascendant at 19 aquarius then every planet after 4 degrees in aquarius is in 1st bhaav”.
Question: If Jupiter is sitting at 3 deg in Aquarius, should I look at Jupiter as sitting in the 12-th house? |||, if Mercury is sitting in 3 in the 2nd house, should I read that as being placed in the first house? If the answer is yes, who is the lord of the house Mercury is placed in? How do you calculate the temporary friends of these planets?
Thank you.
Sri VS:
I use the JHora software you refer to. Is the aspect table that shows planets as sitting in an enemy house etc based on the above principle? So, if Mercury is sitting in 3 in the 2nd house (Aquarius asc) and Sun is at 15 in the 2nd, does Sun become a temporary friend of Mercury?
Yes JHora uses the principle in compound = temporary+permanent friendship relationship
Thank you Sri VS.
Sri VS:
I have checked for this information and all of them refer to the temporary friend concept as specific to the natal chart. There is no mention of this in relation to transits. So, unless you think otherwise, I will assume that transits have nothing to do with this.
the temporary + permanent relationship has no significance in the transits
Hi Sir, will Rahu Maahadasha be bad for the natives of Simha lagna (Leo) all through out the 18 years of its duration? Even if placed in good or bad houses, it is because Rahu is enemy of Sun , the lord of the lagna. Same is also true for Karkataka (Cancer) as Rahu enemy of Moon, so losses and sufering during the Rahu Maahadasha? Please clarify this point that for which ascendant types Rahus is a good dasha. Thank you!
Not at all. Depends on how Rahu is placed and the aspects on it
if rahu is placed lets say in 6th bhaav with mars. It implies rahu will reflect mars (yoga karaka) which is exalted. SUch a Rahu will make for a very competitive and successful person (especially if saturn is also placed well)
Thank you for answering my question! One more doubt i had, if you can please check into it :- if the Lord of the house where Rahu is placed is weak or deblitated but the lord of nakshatra of Rahu is strong, exalted or mooltrikona, then whose effects will the Rahu show in its Maahadasha… house lords or Naksatra lords? Thanks.
but rashi lord effects will dominate
Thanks for explaining about Rashi lord Vs. nakshatra lord. I thought from your writeup above that for Rahu (because its shadow planet, i.e. a vortex of magnetic field, not actual physical body) it is effected more by its Nakshatra than by house lord. Why I thought as such is because Rahu Dasha is quite long, 18 years. So I wasn’t sure whose results it will try to imitate… but you confirmed Rashi lord, so if Rashi lord is weak, then Rahu dasha will be bad or not so great. nakshatra lord effect is secondary i suppose.
Yes Rashi lord still dominates but if the nakshatra lord is strong enough, then it will salvage back some of the negativity
If Rahu is in Aries in D-1 Rasi but moves into Taurus in Bhaav-Chalit, the Rahu Dasa will be influenced more by Venus than Mars, am I correct?
No rahu will be influenced by Mars more and not at all by venus
but it will give the effects of bhaav ruled by venus
VS, if Venus is sitting in Taurus for a Capricorn asc and Rahu is in the Aries in D-1 but in Taurus in Chalit, does Venus affect by its position (not Lordship) ?
Rahu will be affected by venus in this case only if the longitude difference between them in this case is less than 10 else not. Rahu will be colored by Mars but will give effect of the 5th bhav in dasas
Hi VS,
Do you use true rahu or mean rahu?
What is your experience?
Always True
mean is just an Average of the movement which means nothing
actually any planet that retrogrades (all except Sun and Moon) will have a Mean motion in addition to the True motion. What is important is to use the TRUE locations
For Capricorn lagna, Rahu in 9th giving very good results so far in all mahadasas, even mars-Rahu given good results, however little skeptics on his own mahadasa which will start from 2019, as per your article it will be bad looks like , since 9 th is Marana karaka and its lord is in 12th Sagittarius(mercury)
The topic says Generic rules…cant be applied blindly in all cases
Rahu in virgo is also strong as mercury is close friends with it. Some even consider rahu in virgo to act like a planet in its own house. Rahu is a friend of lagna lord (Saturn) and so such a rahu if well aspected can give foreign travels and in general success in life
My Rahu mahadasa finally started last year (2019) around November and just before that , my surroundings started changing, a new leader came in and for 3/4 months (June- Oct’19) we had lots of misunderstanding and I had to left the company, the company where I spent more than 10 years and never thought of leaving had to leave on December 2019, however it was all for good it seems, I got a very good position in the new company ,from every aspect I’m happy with my professional career, I remember you have mentioned that if Rahu is with a yogakaraka planet and with the same nakshetra can give good results, in this case it’s Venus ( which is yogakaraka for cappricron ) may be it’s giving good results because of that, since venus is 10th Lord, another thing I have noticed that Rahu is with Saturn and Venus in my navamsa in Taurus, which is 10th house to navamsa lagna.
Then why we consider Rahu in 9th as bad?
Or it’s only because of Virgo as it’s mulatrikona house, however the sign dipositor mercury didn’t get a good position in Sagittarius.
we dont consider any one situation as good or bad. you have to understand that astrology is way more than just jupiter good, saturn bad or rahu in x good or bad. in that sense any simple app or computer will tell you your entire future wouldnt it?
100s of things have to be seen for any planet to ascertain its overall result. takes time and effort, in a sustained fashion to learn that. thanks
Hello Sir, hope all good with you,
Just wanted keep you posted that Rahu – Rahu given very good results, it given me an opportunity to stay with my family for 2 long years, which i was expecting from very long time, my learning is: Rahu in 9 th is not that bad, if the lord of the house is in angle or trine to rahu and navamsa confirm the good placement, only bad effects it gives ( when in 9th house)is towards the father’s health, it also transform you towards religious activities, such as I started doing meditation, chanting ancient mantras…etc. Now Jupiter is in 6th house which is 10th to Rahu and even before it started lots of opportunities are flowing in, i’m not accepting anything as current organisation has helped me a lot during covid, let’s see how Jupiter antradasha goes, another thing i noticed that now-a-days I’m not worrying much about career and money, feeling satisfied also having that confidence to get into anything.. if anything bad happens, not sure it’s good or bad, but your 6 th point is really make sense, i didn’t feel much good in Venus mahadasa ( may be since it’s combust) , however Rahu i do feel good… keep sharing your knowledge sir..god’s blessings will be always with you. Thanks
Sir I am running rahu MD and jupiter AD
And rahu Marc moon and jupiter in 3 hous e in leo its good or bad
Hi Ram
for an analysis, all planets, degrees, divisionals, dignities, transits, lots of things have to be taken into account for an overall picture…since I don’t do personal readings for now, I can not say for sure for you
a clue is to look for how strong Sun is. Since all these planets are placed in the domain of sun. Where sun is placed, its dignity, shadbal, aspects etc are vital. thanks
VS: During the MD of Rahu, if one undergoes saade saati, does it matter at all that Saturn is a friend of Rahu?
sadhe satti works not with or w/o any MD lord. saturns impact is enhanced during such period and hence the dignity and placement of saturn in the horoscope is what is vital during this time
I have Rahu, Saturn & Venus in Pisces in 11th house. Currently going through Rahu MD & Jupiter AD. How Rahu MD will be? Thanks
It will be either good, bad or somewhere in betweem
that’s what can be said from the info you provided.
a full horo analysis is need for predictions, which I don’t do currently unfortunately.
Hi, I have follow-on comment to the post by Sundar. If sade-sati coincides with much feared Rahu mahadasha/Shani antardasha, then it causes great suffering. Rahu and Saturn are similar in nature, but not friendly to a native, meaning they cause problems to everyone. This period is supposed to be the worst according to many astrologers. Even worse than Shani-Shukra, which does great harm to some but not all. VS-sir, what are your views on Rahu-Shani dasha, can you write an exclusive column on this time? Full 2-3 years of the person’s life is totally wasted and if Shani is Markesh, enemy of lagna lord, Rahu-Shani are 6-8 or 2-12, then WORST! Death-like suffering and losses.
My comment is that nothing can be generalized. yes when 2 generic malefics are operating in dasa and antar, some anxiety and obstacles will be there. However if Saturn and rahu are functional benefics in the chart and placed well in good dignity, then the period will be overall very good for the native, even though he/ she will go thru some hard times or anxiety in it
likewise, venus-saturn and sat/ venus is supposed to be very bad if both are strong in a horoscope. however in reality I have not seen that work as well. 1 example is bill gates. he has venus in libra conjunct exalted Saturn in 5th bhaav. venus and Saturn are both in great dignity and in a good bhaav. both are functional benefics for the chart and are forming strong raj and dhan yogas.
venus dasa made him a billionaire. Venus-Saturn period was especially good for him in terms of career. so again a strong caution to any generic rules, which usually don’t work
Sir, I’m going through the last couple of years of Rahu Dasha. I’m going through moon antardasha at the moment and will begin mars antardasha from start of next year. For me Rahu is in the 10th house which I’ve heard is a good position? However Moon and Saturn both reside with Rahu in the 10th house. And Mars is in the second house with Sun which I’ve read is also not too bad. My mercury is in the 1st house, Ketu in 4th , Jupiter in 9th and Venus in 12th. But since the start of the moon antardasha I’ve gone into terrible mental agony and depression. I find myself stuck in a situation I cant seem to get out of. I’ve lost my motivation to do things. I was in a similar situation during my Mars dasha though was much younger and not so helpless. I’m really worried about the health of my father. My mother died during the saturn antardasha of Rahu dasa. Will things improve , will I be able to live in peace? Please could you advise?
Hi Shankari, please do mahamrityunanjaya mantra everyday for atleast 108 times. this will help alleviate rahu impact on your mind (moon)
Thank you so much Sir for your kind advice. I’ll definitely do the chanting. Appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Om Tat Sat
Sir .thank you for the wonderful article. My date of birth is 15 Oct 1981 and time is 11:35 am in Delhi. I am suffering from many years.when I showed to an astrologer she told me rahu mahadasha. Am dead scared.she said rahu in 8 house ketu in second and Saturn, sun and Jupiter in 10 house are giving me all troubles.Recently developed heart disease.please guide me.
Rahu in 8th can give chronic disease. Since it is in the natal sign of cancer, that can give chest area/ heart issue
also lagna lord will be combust in this case which can cause health issues. rahu in 8th also gives paranoia and mental disorders including depression, mood swings and deep phobias or fears
advisable to get maha mrityunanjaya yagya done every year till your rahu dasa lasts
Sri VS ,
In D1
Rahu(R)(27°)in sagittarius 6th house for cancer ascendant on Uttarashada nakshatra and moon(0°:56′) is in 7th house also on uttarashada nakshatra in capricorn with saturn at 13° on sravana nakshatra.Uttarashada nakshatra lord sun is exalted in aries (10th) .Sagi house lord jupiter is exalted in cancer 1st house .
1.In this case despite of rahu and moon being in two different houses ,still they are in conjunction right ?
2.Does it really effect the health of the native as well as his mother (moon) ,as moon is in conjunction with rahu in 6th house which is the karaka of diseases ,enemies and debts.
kindly consider the question ,Thank you .
yes they are still in conjunction and health might be affected. depends on the degree of closeness on rahu with bhaav Madhya of 6th bhaav. for rest, details have to be looked at. I can not provide personal readings for now. thanks
Sir, my Rahu MD is running since 16.10.1999 and now in last phase of Rahu-Mars. DoB 13.07.1975; 17:08:47, Wazirpur(rajasthan). Scorpio asc. and rahu sitting in Asc, aspected by Mars(aries) and Jupiter(Pisces). Moon-Venus in leo; Mer, sun, saturn in gemini. Since Rahu-moon beginning specially, I’ve been facing accusation/ allegations in my career (Executive Engineer, PWD) and recently served a chargesheet on 04.10.2017. I’m in great distress and no hope left now to come out from this disastrous phase. Kindly advise me whether my vargottam Jupiter mahadasa (starting from 15.10.2017) will help me come out clean from all these allegations and career problems, so as to get my overdue promotion. How long will it take to come out from Rahu mayajaal so as to live a peaceful life and get promoted. Your advice will be immensely helpful for me sir. Thanking you.
Jupiter dasa is very good for you. good effects will start after Jupiter moves into scorpio in Oct 2018
I have one more question please
I know that transits are usually viewed from the Moon Sign. What about Dasha? For eg- Rahu Dasha. Do we view it from ascendant or moon sign or both?
Thanks a lot.
always view from both
Some online articles indicate Rahu in kendra with trikona lord, or in trikona with kendra lord act as yogakaraka. Is this true for all Asc. or just Taurus and Gemini Asc., only.
Is Rahu’s status as Yogakara an open ended debate?
Rahu/ ketu – since they don’t own any houses, behave in tandem with where they sit (sign and nakshatra lord) and the aspects they receive including conjunction or trinal to other planets. generally rahu is good for any venus, mercury or Saturn ascendant. if it sits in Kendra with kona or vice versa, it will certainly give good results
Rahu/ Ketu will still give effects of their general nature in their dasas, regardless of their functional nature in a horoscope.
Example leo ascendant, Rahu becomes a strong marak and functional malefic for the ascendant. Now if rahu sits in Aries with Mars, it is going to give very strong yoga karaka results and its dasa can give great success, fame and wealth. However even with this, it will maintain its maraca properties and can give injury and death despite yoga in its dasa. Also the success it gives can be sudden, have ups and downs/ volatility and can involve some level of cheating/ distorting facts etc. which is because its own nature still remains intact despite its portfolio becoming of a yoga karaka in the horsocope
I have my Rahu mahadasa running now. I have rahu and saturn in my 6 house and my rahu-ketu dasha starts in feb 2018 for one year. can you give me some precautions and dangers that i need to be prepared for. I am born 2 june 1990 in chittoor, andhra around 11:30 am.
Unfortunately I do not provide individual readings. In general though, always good to take any step with precaution and after consulting friends/ family/ seniors during Rahu MD. Lots of problems are averted as generally Rahu makes an individual take decisions rashly or w/o proper diligence, which causes problems and stress usually
Hi sir.. The article was very well. Explained.
But i wanted your help on one issue
If Rahu and ketu are in kendra(say 7/1 axis) , and their dispositors are also there in kendra(say 4-10 axis) forming a raj-yoga, then will such placement of rahu and ketu improve or decrease the above raj yoga?
it will blemish the raj yoga, however rahu ketu themselves can then act as agents of dispensing the raj yoga in their dasas
Sri VS:
For an Capricorn asc, with Rahu co-ruling the 2nd and 9th and sitting in the chalit with Venus in Taurus, will the significations of 2nd and 9th operate concurrently in the 5th?
rahu being a reflector will give results of 5th mostly and 2nd bhaav co rulership to a limited extent. Also important will be other aspects on it from other houses
Hey vs
Great analysis
I have my rahu in 2nd house of saggitarius [scorpio ascendant] but it is aspected by Jupiter [ Jupiter is placed in the 10th house being the lord of 2nd and 5th house]. I know Rahu is not that good in saggitarius but will the aspect of Jupiter give some positive results?
depends on other aspects and strengths of the horoscope. In the described scenario, rahu will give good results but some swings in the financial status and job status of the person. mostly it will give good results. It can also kill in its dasa while giving good material results otherwise. If kaal of the horoscope has not come yet then instead of death, some death like situation will come and go
Sri VS:
Plenty of scandals related to bribery, sex are coming out not just here in the US but in other countries as well. Rahu is sitting in Mercury nakshatra Asresha 3rd pada . It is 5th trinal aspecting Kaal Purush 8th house Mercury’s naksahtra Jyesta.
Rahu, 8th house – Scandal, Mercury – people communicating
Please opine.
generally i dont use astrology for world phenomenon as it is geared more towards inviduals.
however saturn completed its karma in the 8th rashi scorpio respresnting sex, scandals and perverted actions etc. Now it has recently gone into the dharma rashi of saggi. hence the focus and karma of world changes from sex and hidden activity to dharma or righteous conduct and punishment to the offender
Hlo sir! I have rahu combined with mercury and sun in 5th house(in libra) from my Gemini ascendant. Currently am facing hardships by the mars mahadasa. I will be having my rahu mahadasa by 2021.
Will it give positive results or should I get prepared for my worst?
see where venus is placed – the depositor and its strength. likewise, the effects of rahu can be. Rahu should be closer to mercury and father from the debilitated sun for good results. back/spine and stomach problems in Rahu period
Thanks for considering my question Sir! I have both mercury and sun with rahu in 5th. And my venus is combined with jupiter and mars in 6th house (scorpio) from midhuna ascendant. Kindly tell me whether my upcoming rahu dasa will yield positive results or the negative.
Hi Ayisha
I do not do personal readings here. ALso the info you provided is very limited and can not be used to give any accurate predictions
Maybe some day and year I will give personal readings, but not yet
Dear VS:
Regarding Rahu and Saturn combination in 8th house. (1) Would this also apply when Saturn aspects Rahu in the 8th house (say from 2nd house)? There seems to be some debate on this issue. (2) Does degree of separation also matter in an aspect? (3) Does the dignity of Rahu/Saturn matter? For example, would the ill effects be lower for Saturn-Capircon Rahu-Cancer, than say Saturn-Aries Rahu-Capricon? (4) Finally, will dasha status of Saturn or Rahu predict timing of onset of the disease? Can disease occur when neither planet is involved in dashas?
As always, your wisdom and patience is appreciated.
Yes all the factors are important not just for this combo but any combination.
Closer the degrees, the closer the impact. till 6 to 8 degrees, yogas are intense. beyond 15 degrees, they are namesake only
whenever you 2 planets combine and both have good dignities. Say if saturn or rahu are in aquarius or libra or taurus etc, then the effect will functionally be more positive than negative, espeically if they are functionally good planets for the lagna. say libra ascendant and both saturn and rahu in lagna then this is a strong and potent raj yoga where rahu dasa will execute the yoga, if venus joins them, it becomes a massive yoga. yogas get triggered by saturn and jupiter transits over the said yoga or trinal to the yoga. when both these heavy planets aspect a house or yoga by aspect, conjunction or being trinal to it, they activate a yoga. and not just madadasha but even antardasha can trigger. also different types of dasas and not just vimshottari.
Thank you VS. This is very illuminating.
Would you please answer the first two questions? That is: can the effects of a conjunction arise through an aspect? Like can a Sharpit yoga arise when Saturn aspects Rahu? Will the effect be weaker than when there is a direct conjunction? In such a case, how do we figure out the degree of closeness? Your answer is much appreciated. Thank you
Conjunction will always be stronger than aspects
a mutual aspect is pretty close to conjunction as long as the aspect is within 5 degrees approx. example 2 planets in exact opposition are both aspecting each other
another example is mars exact 90 degrees behind saturn. now saturn with 10th and mars with 4th have 100% aspect on each other. on the other hand if jupiter is 60 degrees ahead of saturn. Now saturn has a 100% aspect on jupiter but jupiter has 0% aspect no saturn. so in this case, there will be no conjunction effects
Hi VS, my rahu is placed in Aquarius in the 9th house, owned by Saturn and aspected by Jupiter sitting alone in the 5th house and Saturn is debilitated sitting with Moon in the 11th house.
My rahu dasha is to start soon. Will this phase be beneficial or is it a cause of concern?
Appreciate your reply and help.
Thank you!!
an entire horoscope analysis is needed to know, but overall should be fine
VS, Rahu is seated in Mool (11th house) for an Aquarius asc. Does Ketu’s debilitation have a further adverse impact on Rahu and the labasthana during Rahu dasa?
no they always act independently so to speak. if rahu in 11th, the effect of ketu in 11th is not relevant due to ketu’s aspect
You mentioned that Rahu in same nakshatra as a benefic gives the results of the benefic planet. Does this still hold good if Rahu and the benefic planet are in different rashi? Also, could you clarify if you are talking about functional or natural benefic.
One additional question, which planet would rahu reflect more, benefic in different nakshatra but same rashi or benefic in same nakshatra but different rashi.
Yes same nakshatras and different rashis will mean exact trinal 5-9 relation. In this case rahu will still act as if conjunct the other planet. conjunction usually a bit more powerful than exact trine or any other aspect (opposition etc)
Hello sir, Rahu is placed alongwith Sun in 6th house for Sagittarius ascendant and Mars, Mercury, Moon in 5th house, Sat, Venus in 4th house. Had very good Mars MD between 2002 to 2009. Rahu MD from 2009. Started facing difficulties in my profession from 2014 and it is getting worsened now. Now Mercury AD is running. i was told that things will improve during 2017, it actually worsened in 2nd half of 2017 and looked more difficult now. i am perplexed for the reasons on not getting a turn around in career.
Sorry unable to comment as I dont give personal readings as of now
How different and complicated is KP astrology as compared to vedic or any other forms of astrology.
Is it right to say Kp is more accurate.
Would like to hear from you, please.
it is a recent incomer and a limited school of thought. The basic priniciples remain parasari and the empahsis is more on nakshatras as opposed to rashis. In my personal opinion it is not accurate or rooted well into logic. Yes some nuggets of it as in where the nakshatra depositor is placed makes logical sense. I always advocate that when looking at a planet, look at his rasi depositor as well as depositor nakshatra depositor as well as navamsa depositor.however overt emphasis on nakshtra lord is not correct in actual predictive astrology in my experience and its impact is never more than the rashi lord
In the natal horoscope 8th house is not strong. During mahadasa of any planet, 8th house has some role to play for few months during that period.
Can we say this would cause mental stress or struggle in general. Also would land in trouble for wrong reasons (no fault)
To overcome this can we recomend red coral or tying red thread around wrist or neck, praying to Lord Ganesha.
Any other remedy which comes to your mind.
there is no general rule for interpretation. generally 8th house lord gives obstacles, stress and breaks in career/ education/ yogas. depending on the deity of the ruler of the 8th, one can appease that deity to get better results
Sir please help me I am in serious trouble and confusion as I am unable to decide where to go in career. I am currently under rahu Dasha and Venus antardasha. My rahu is in 4th house virgo alone with 24°,venus in 11th house 17° aries,a conjunction of sun 2°,saturn 3°,ketu 24° together in 10th house pisces, Mars 29°and mercury 21° in aquarius, Jupiter 20° in sagittarius in 7th house. Moon in capricorn 20°.lagna is gemini 21°.Sir I know you don’t give personalized readings but sir I have some suicidal tendencies after a gigantic downfall in my career. So, sir please it’s my humble request to you to please tell me something about my profession and please advise me a suitable gemstone.
moon at bhaav Madhya in 8th house and dark can be serious…I would get psychological help as soon as possible if I were you. take failures as stepping stones in life, even if they are large scale. you can always bounce back, it might take some time. Your Jupiter is well placed and you will have a great Jupiter MD. fast on Saturdays to help career. good luck!
Dear friend,
Suicidal tendencies just because you lost a job? That is not the end of this word. There is a higher being, put your trust in Him. Learn any kind of meditation and do it for 20 minutes every day. As VS has stated, “take failures as stepping stones in life, even if they are large scale “. If you had depressive tendencies when things were OK, you need to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If that’s not the case, this is situation induced anxiety and depression and you can see a psychiatrist for sometime. Don’t go on benzodiazapenes (if the doctor recommends that) since they are habit forming and can create tolerance. There are other meds that you can take for sometime and come off later. Also, don’t attach any stigma to these issues; it is not uncommon at all nowadays with all the pressure to be successful in life.
Respected Sir,
Would like to receive your feedback on this.
I had received a case where this person underwent career downfall for 3.5 years. Slowly things are improving – getting calls for interview and doing need based assignments. Yet to get a full time job.
The person has rahu (Swati Nakshtra) at 10* in tula from ascendant. Surya at 18.70 in tula (Swati Nakt), Mercury in tula (Swati) at 16.5*, and Mars in tula (Vishaka) at 25*.
Jupiter is currently transiting through Visaka.
I would suggest teaching, PR, business development, counseling as professions. Any other profession which involves independent workload.
Is it right to say that Rahu would begin to loosens its grip from the age of 42yrs. He is well known for playing politics or landing others in trouble.
I either look at the whole horoscope in totality or not at all. lose data here or there doesn’t help in any analysis.
the maturity age of planets is the time frame when that particular planet acts strongly on the native. how the impact will be depends on whether the planet is a functional benefic or malefic in a chart. if for example Rahu is a functional malefic in the chart, then starting around the 41st birthday, whatever the impact of Rahu is, will be amplified. also if Rahu is say damaging 7th bhaav of marriage/ relationships then the closer it is to bhaav Madhya in the chart, the stronger the damage.
Also Rahu activation will remain from 41st to 47th birthday. in this time, if the person undergoes Rahu MD or AD then the impact will be more strongly and acutely felt as opposed to when other dasas are running.
So you have to consider all factors together and not individually
VS ji,
1. Converse to 6th point, if Rahu is conjunct a strong malefic, then during dasa malefic of whose results are seen? What kind of results during rahu MD for same scenario?
2. Does shrapit yoga get cancelled if it happens in any particular house or sign?
Thank you
Rahu will tend to take over the functional impact of any planet it conjuncts or is trinal to. if the planet is a strong malefic then rahu MD becomes toxic
Shrapit yoga has some generic negative effects always, but that doesnt mean that it can not be good too. say aquarius ascendant and saturn and rahu and venus all sit in lagna within 10 degrees of each other. this is a powerful rajyoga by itself and Rahu will deliver the raj yoga more than saturn and venus in this situation, however this might give some marriage problems and stress in relationships. It might also give some diseases in the legs and weakness in legs and lower body in general. like in life good comes with bad and vice versa. Almost nothing is purely good or purely bad
3. Will the conjunct planets’ generic karakatvas show? Example Sun is conjunct with MD lord; if Sun is badly placed will it show health issues?
only to a limited extent…more importantly whatever sun represents in the chart will show
see what sun rules and commonality with karaka. say sun sits or rules 5th or 4th…the heart and stomach are commonality in this, government or political jobs or powerful positions is commonality with 10th house etc
Okay. So if Rahu MD had given good results (mostly, esp in later half) and when rahu conjunct a malefic planet, Can we say MD of the malefic planet will also be mostly good, assuming dignity of depositor is good.
I understand the good and bad results for eg – very good career with sad relationships, or good health with delayed everything else or bad health/pain but has someone to take care of all their needs… a mix of good and bad(based on perspective)….
Thank you.
no I cant say anything in this generic fashion. At this stage it starts to become pure speculation unfortunately.
Thanks VS.
Dear VS,
How much time does Rahu dasha take to start giving its effect. Is there a rule of thumb for this like 10% of the dasha is in sandhi period or would it be entire rahu bhukti?
no such rule of thumb for any dasa
Hi vs. 1. How will be ketu in 3rd house in leo ascendent .depositor venus in 9th will be good? …., 2.venus in 9th house in aries in 29.43 degree. Here venus gives malavya yoga little bit or not? how it is?
no malavya yoga
ketu will enhance the abilities of venus and can make the person do well in their own business related to anything with glamor/ beuaty/ arts/ fashion etc
Hi VS,
Its Menioned about that if Rahu is in a benefic planet’s nak. than it gives excellent result but benefic is constricted.
How about Rahu in Sun’s (Lord of 8th house) nakstra but in Virgo with Mars and Venus in 9th house?
All Rahu,Mars,Venus are in Sun’s nakstra and Sun is in 7th house (Cancer)
and Virgo lord (Mercury) is in 8th house(Leo).
can not answer your individual case. In general, however, nakshatra is secondary to rashi. If rahu is exalted say in taurus and in Krittika or sun’s star for capricorn ascendant. venus and its dignity will dictate results of rahu more than sun. exalted rahu in this case will give wealth and diplomacy
Thanks VS
I got you it..
Hi, I am a Sagittarius moon sign. I have a query. I am having Rahu in my 9th house ( gemini). Jupiter in first house, Saturn and mercury in 12th house. Currently under going Rahu mahadasha with rahu antardasha. Already last 1.5 years is bit hard. How will my next 16 years go. Will Rahu be favourable for me.
cant say. A full analysis of the horo is needed. Consult an astrologer who is doing individual chart readings. Thanks
I it generally true that Rahu’s rasi dispositor should not be 6/8/12 from Rahu?
Not just Rahu, that is generally true for any planet
Dear VS: I heard that Rahu Dasa during teens is bad because it interferes with education, even if Rahu is well placed/benefic in the horoscope. Is this true?
Much appreciate your insights on this.
typically Rahu affects the Moon (mind) as it is deeply inmical to both luminaries
When Rahu runs before its maturity age (42) and especially in young impressionable adults, chances are that consistent studies will be affected. Although nothing can be generalized with Rahu or any other planet, but a young mind will not be able to generally go through 18 years of the turbulent, chaotic Rahu energy which keeps looking for change and immediate results. Education takes patience and hard work and Rahu doesnt like to be patient or persistent. It needs quick results by hook or crook and illusions. These energies can certainly negatively impact education, especially if the moon, mercury and 4th/9th house are related to Rahu in the horoscope without the stabilizing influence of a strong jupiter in the chart
Thank you VS. Very helpful.
Hi.. Thanks for the very informative article.
Is a Rahu-moon-Saturn conjunction (withing 3 degrees in that order) a sharpit dosha in the 6th house for a Leo Ascendant? Can u also suggest remedies that could help ?
Rahu-Saturn period has been extremely difficult and Rahu-Mercury (mercury also 6th house) starts in a week. As a thumb rule is Ra-Me better than Ra-Sa ?
yes it is both a shrapit yoga and a visha (poison) yoga
can give severe eye problems and immunity related issues as well as sleep disorders
will also give an unsettled mind with negative or even criminal tendencies in the person
In the post above you have mentioned about Rahu and its maturity age – 42yrs.
I had few queries on this –
1. Your mind can become unsatble even it visits you during the AD before you complete 42yrs of age.
2. If person undergoes Rahu MD at the age of 65, can the impact be severe ‘cos it is malefic by nature.
3. Does ketu mature at the age of 48 and is it as malefic as Rahu or more spiritual.
thanks and regards, Aditya
maturity ages is just one of the indicators. It doesnt mean that it should be the only thing you should look at . Dasas are more relevant and particular to the individual. everything has to be looked in totality
ketu is ore spiritual. by itself its a malefic but all depends on where it sits, its depositor and the planets that conjunct or aspect it
Dear Sir,
The Lord of 6th and 8th (mercury-sun) are together in 10th house of Libra. Distance between the two is 3 degrees.
Can such combination trouble the native. communication issues, lack of confidence, authority trouble, career fluctuation, etc
Thanks and regards, Vh
If venus is strong, the position is not that bad. However Mercury combust will give some career and health issues, may not be too much if around 3 degrees
Hi VS,
I recently analyzed Jeff Bezos’s horoscope and am a little surprised. BTW…his time of birth is unknown, so all the more fun in trying to reverse engineer his ascendant.
The positives in the horoscope are: Saturn (10) and Jupiter (12) in own signs, exalted Mars (though combusted), Venus (11) in friendly sign.
The obvious negative is a malefic moon in either the ending degrees of Scorpio or beginning of Sagitarrius depending on what time he was born. Also, Saturn/Mars in the same house can be slightly bad, but their dignity is good and they’re well separated.
If we vary the time of birth from 12:15am to 11:45pm, it turns out that he started Rahu MD in either 2008 or the latest in 2014. So, irrespective of the time of birth he is undergoing Rahu MD currently.
I am really amazed that Rahu MD which is typically associated with ups and downs has made him the richest man on the planet and made Amazon the “it” company and a juggernaut of a company.
Moreover, there are no exchanges (parrivartans) or other Raj Yogas as found in Bill Gates, Steve jobs etc. horoscopes. Perhaps that’s because Bezos is not as much a visionary as them, but more of a successful businessman who struck gold in the IT Boom of the 90s?
I think his ascendant is #5 (Leo) as that would bring Rahu into 11th house and the lagna lord Sun in 5th house. 11th and 2nd lord Mercury related to wealth is in 5th house, and the owner of 5/8 Jupiter is in 8th and hence aspects the 2nd house. Venus alone in 7th house can indicate a successful spouse. And, also a strong fifth house could indicate a strong education—he went to Princeton.
But, this ascendant will bring exalted/combust Mars in 6th house and Saturn also in 6th house which could give health problems. Saturn being 7th lord in 6th could be bad for marriage/spouse, but he does not seem to have any such problems…Also, Mars is a yogakarak for Leo, so its 6th placement can be troublesome…
What are your thoughts? What do you think his ascendant is?
In my opinion, he has Pisces ascendant
How do Rahu and Jupiter work as a trinal conjunction? There is no guru-chandal yoga by definition but what is the actual effect if both are close to madhya bhaav?
they will give impact as per ownership of Jupiter and their bhav placements and other planets aspecting them. In general, they can also lead to expansion of this trine. If rahu is stronger, expansion can reverse or have big issues and if Jupiter is stronger, the expansion might be much more positive after initial struggles
Nice article and very informative..I have a aquarius’s lagna Kundali.6th house Lord is moon and if rahu and moon both conjunct there is it good or bad in moon u mentioned that cancer is mooltrikon sign for rahu…
it can give good results for career/ job. However for health it is going to be very negative
also enmity and problems mostly from females. Eye problems and sleep disorders and mental anxiety even bipolar and depression possible
if moon is bright or if venus or Jupiter aspect this combination, it is not as bad. if mars aspects, injuries in life are certain and even drowning accidents possible in that case
rahu moon conjuction in 1st house of sagittarius ascendant and jupiter is in 9th house. how would be rahu mahadasha
depends on all the other parameters of the horoscope
In general rahu is a malefic planet. For Capricorn ascendent if rahu is in swati nakshtra and at the age of 65 she begins her rahu MD. Would the malefic influence prevail if any.
Regards, Aditya
by itself that is not a bad position and rahu for Capricorn is not a functional malefic. However co ruling 2nd house, it can be a marak for Capricorn
all will depend on the placement and strength of venus as the depositor and other aspects on rahu
We have RAHU Kaalam.. But why don’t we have KETU Kaalam ?
ketu is like a discarate entity. It has no direction or mass. It is a magnifier of the energy where it sits with a detached outlook.
Thanks much VS ji.
Is it true that the end of Rahu MD takes away everything that it brings?
I have rahu in 11th (cancer) it’s with mercury and sun. I’m concerned about what rahu-mars will bring. Rahu/ketu was a total nightmare.
No such sweeping rules. Give or take is also subjective.
Any dasa ending and other starting can be stressful as new energies are mingling.
I have rahu in 8th house in Scorpio. (I am mesha lagna). I have rahu mahadesa approaching in another years time. What might be the effects?
it all depends on all the planets in totality in your chart. I am unable to give personal readings. Good luck
Its been seen that rahu gives best result in 3,6,10,11 house amoung these in which house according to you it gives best results is it 11th??since all planets in 11th house give good results what if its conjunct jupiter in 11th does it alter the benefits or increase the benefits..and have heard that 8th house is the worst house for rahu does in any situation can a 8th house rahu give good result like if its in venus signs or own navamsa..thanks
rahu gives good results in 3 and 11 the most. but it depends on what planets conjunct, aspect and trinal to it. they will modify its results as well as the dignity and placement of its rashi and navamsa owner
Would rahu also qualify as yogakaraka planet for libra lagna like saturn since it is said that rahu acts like saturn and ketu like mars..and what if this rahu is placed in 10th house in cancer sign which some say is mooltrikoon sign of rahu conjunct with lagna lord venus which is great friends with rahu.
rahu will take functionality of the planet it conjuncts with more than the general nature. however in general it is slightly better by itself for any mercury, venus or Saturn ascendant as opposed to other ascendants
Hello sir
I have Jupiter in 1st, rahu moon Saturn and Venus in 3rd, sun in 4rth, mercury in 5th, mars in 7th house of my horoscope. My rahu mahadasha is starting late 2020. Do I need to be worried about?
worry does not solve anything. besides that, currently not doing personal readings for anyone. good luck
Dear Sir,
Mine is Kumbh lagna, Dhanu rashi. Rahu in 11th along with Chandra and Guru. Shani in 4th. I am entering Rahu – Shani antardasha very soon, wondering what would be the impact in life in coming period more to that sade sathi is also on.
Is it going to dreadful period ? Any hope of good things happen ? I am concerned about my career. Rahu – Rahu was much suffered – extremely stressful and health was bad.
I do not do personal readings, however in general Rahu- Saturn can always be a difficult combination. It sounds like in your case they are 6-8 to each other which can make it worse. By itself Saturn in Taurus sign for aquarius ascendant is not bad. however you have to be careful regarding negative and sad events in life and especially getting too depressed in this period when Saturn is also above natal moon and rahu
Thanks for your reply. Just curious to know when Rahu – Saturn gives a breather or do well.
for any venus ascendant they are both functional yoga karakas and if sitting in strength, will give great results. also for saturn ascendants if both sit in a venusian sign, that is great as well
Thank you.
Hello VS:
I thought Rahu behaves more like Jupiter in terms of expansion. But it seems Parasara says that Rahu is like Saturn (and Ketu is like Mars). Rahu and Saturn do intersect in scandals, perversion but Saturn is about disclipline, withdrawal etc..hence asking.
Thank you
rahu expands but only materialistically and also creates problems with the general and functional characteristics of the planet it conjuncts…ketu is like mars but it magnifies with less negative effects than rahu
Hello VS,
For a Capricorn asc with YK Venus in the 5th..
During Rahu dasa, Rahu in Aries but in 5th bhaav and 11 degrees to Venus, what effects as related to children can be expected? For example, if children are of marriageable age, and since Rahu is about the unconventional, can that result in sudden unconventional alliances? Or because it is a yogakkara’s bhaav, does it enhance the bhaav and give good/conventional results?
5th is also aspected by the natal Lagna lord from Saggi, so I think that shows parental discipline on the the children but that probably does not matter in this context.
hard to give generic responses as they will become speculative. however if rahu in 5th bhaav but aries then it will not be a YK color but of Mars color as it is in Aries even if its effects will be of 5th bhaav and not 4th
When rahu and Sun in 6th House for Sagittarius ascendent, will Rahu MD be good or bad (Rahu is at best on 6th, but sun sits along)?
its position in 6th isnt bad by itself. its closeness to sun isnt great but not that bad as sun is the 9th lord for saggi.
rahu is also exalted
so many things are good. however taurus is a deeply malefic sign for saggi ruled by venus and venus rules 2 evil places here – 6 and 11 and jupiter remains inmical to venus. thus results will only be mixed
VS, as an aside, from a combustion perspective (not in this case, in general), does it matter if Sun is the lord of the 9th when a planet sits close to Sun?
Btw, can a node like Rahu be combust?
combust means not visible due to the brilliancy of the moon. thus only the actual mass bodies can be invisible. Rahu and ketu are invisible always and the nodes are physical points in space per calculation of the sun and moons ellepticals, not really bodies. thus they can not obscured or combust by definition. rather they make the sun weak, especially rahu when too close to the sun or exact trinal to the sun
Hello VS:
While retrograde planets can act like the planet (generic karakatwas) in conjunction, Rahu acts like the planet’s functional karakatvas (lord of nth).. is this correct?
any retrograde planet is more like a student. rahu is no different. retrograde planets will act according to their surroundings
surroundings include bhaav of placement, bhaavs aspected, rashi depositor, nakshatra depositor as well as any planet conjunct with them or aspecting them or trinal to them
If rahu is in 8th house of libra with exalted saturn and mercury for pieces ascendant does such a rahu give bad results since it is in bad house..and does a vipreet raja yoga applies since 12th lord saturn is in 8th house
vipreet raj yoga applies. effects can be tricky in rahu period
My ascendant is Scorpio and I have Rahu, Saturn, Sun, Mercury in third house Capricorn. Is this a good position for Rahu? My next Mahadasha(Rahu Mahadasha) starts in one year. Please tell me if my Rahu Dasha will be good or bad.
Rahu in 3rd is generally good. however more than this, you need to check all 9 planets and their dignities to come to a conclusion. better to do your own work as opposed to service/ job in a 3rd bhaav rahu and saturn
Hello VS:
If Rahu sits in Moola, does the debilitation remain?
Pls say effects sir
Rahu in 3rd house in capricon sign in sravana 1st pada nakshatra
Mercury combusted and retrograde in leo with sun and venus in 10th house and saturn retrogated and placed in 2nd house
How my rahu mahadasha and mercury antar dasha is going to be have you seen any body scorpio ascendant how is there rahu mahadasha and mercurya antar dasha
My rahu mahadasha is very bad i am facing lot of humiliation and no job no marriage
September 10 1990
12.40 pm
Place hyderabad
Pls say name is sridevi
sorry but i dont do invidual readings
If Rahu Bhukthi gave adverse results in the beginning and middle, is there any chance that during the end it may turn better for the native ? bhukthi period being about 2.5 years during mercury dasa.
yes it all depends on the placement and strength of the antardasa planets and the yogas they form along with their dignity
Your following comment is very true in my case
“Mercury sitting in rahu Nakshatra can become extremely unpredictable in its own dasha and if bad aspected be very bad in results especially if mercury is retrograde”
Mercury Retrograde in Ardra – in 7th bhav with Mars for Sagi lagna – Rahu in Revati in 4th house with Saturn also in Revati.
During Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukthi – Career turned extreme adverse in an unexpected manner – Mercury being 1oth lord and 10th aspected by Rahu/Saturn- When 7.5 of Saturn also started.
Amazed at accuracy of astrolgical prediction here.
What kind of remedies you would suggest for a Retro Mercury being 10th lord in 7th as Badhaka ?
fast on wednesdays
I know you don’t do personal reading, just want to ask about your 6 th point, Dob 27/01/1978….7:00am Jatni +Odisha ( +/-10mins), Rahu in virgo always given best results such as with moon – my first job in Bangalore 05/2005, with mars – son 06/2013 , my question is how? Is this because it’s with Venus in same nakahetra? Then how it’s mahadasa would be which will start soon. Most of my recent discussions with astrologer predicted that it will ruin everything in its own mahadasa, will it? Thanks in advance.
when you understand that I dont do personal readings, please understand that I just dont, no matter how one packages the questions
I am a Pisces ascendant. Rahu is in the 12th house in birth chart and in the 6th house in the Navamsa chart. What is the dignitiy of Rahu in this horoscope?
It will represent saturn as that is the ruler of the RSI where it is placed. Any aspects to rahu will also show in their form. By itself as rahu ia karaka ot hospitalization and imprisonment as well as shani..its placement in 12th kn rashi ot shani is not good. However shani’s own placement and dignity and all aspects on rahu will decide the overall impact
great stuff VS ji..had a question
if rahus despositor is a badhak….say jupiter (for virgo lagna) what would the effects be considering both rahu and jupiter debilitated in saggitarius and capricorn ..
it can make rahu more problematic
Dear VS ji,
Capricorn lagna, with Rahu, Mar & Sun in 5th & Venus in 4th. However Rahu is in 4th in cuspal chart along with Venus. The Venus dasha has been extremely good till the current antardasha started in Jan 2018. It has washed away all the money earned in previous antardashas of venus dasha. is it because Rahu is in transiting in cancer 7th house that too in Saturn’s nakshatra which is currently transiting in my 12th house ? Or is it because Rahu in birth chart is in Sun’s nakshatra which is 8th lord in 5th ?
When will this phase end ? when rahu enters gemini, or rahu leaves saturn’s nakshatra, or saturn leaves 12th house or only after the rahu antardasha ?
your reply would be a great learning. warm regards, AC
Im sorry, I do not provide personal readings. Good Luck!
Many thanks. Appreciate your quick response. This is not for any personal readings. This is a stalemate situation and wanted your point of view in such a scenario. Maybe i should have asked in different verbiage like others.
if a question is general – that can benefit everyone and anyone reading, I do answer it. However a specific question, no matter how one twists it will not be replied to. Mostly because without a detailed analysis of a chart, any prediction is purely speculation and hence I will be wasting my time even typing it. Time is a commodity I don’t have much and since I provide these lessons and Q&A for free, I wish to use it judiciously for all. I hope you will see the rationale behind this. Thanks
D.O.B 12 AUGUST 1961
T.O.B. 4.40 AM
sorry about your stress Sir
However no personal readings here
Hello VS,
Came back to your blog after a break and to check on new updates. First of all , let me express my gratitude and appreciation for the amazing knowledge sharing that you have been doing.
I have the following query and look forward to your observations regarding the same.
Stand alone Rahu and Ketu , take on the characteristics of the lord of the house they are deposited in, correct ?? If the lord is exalted or debilitated , is it safe to assume that Rahu and Ketu too will give results accordingly. Incase of debilitated depositor ,should the remedy target the nodes or the lord of the house who is the debilitated depositor.
Example : Rahu in Aquarius but Saturn debilitated in Aries.
Thank you very much in advance.
Hi VS,
In general Jupiter-Rahu combination good or bad? How will Rahu behave in MD of Jupiter in its AD? On more thing, is there any rule that if rahu is bad in natal chart then ketu must be good or vice-versa? They both cannot be good or bad at the same time?
in general guru-chandaal yoga is negative. however it depends on the placement and dignity of the planets ofcourse. generally their characters are opposite and hence some opposite color is expected, again it depends all on the placements, aspects, dignities and yogas/ avayogas involved. in general combination of Jupiter and ketu is better than jup and rahu and also in both of these, some expansion of the rashi and bhaav characteristics is involved (where they sit)
Dear VS:
I read that Rahu mahadasha and Ketu antaradasha is dreadful. Is this true generally? Is this always the case? I have a relative with Rahu in 1st House in Taurus (Ketu in Scorpio). This person’s Rahu-Ketu dasha is expected in some time. But Rahu is a yogakaraka and also placed in Taurus. (It also happens to be vargotam). So how bad can this be? Will it be good? in What way. Of course depends on gochara etc.
In general, how will rahu dasha be for a person with rahu in 1st house but functional benefic and in dignity?
Really appreciate your insights! Thank you!
Hello Sir, what combination of dasha+transit lords to check to figure out for job loss or mental trauma due to job?
I am in SA/MO/RA – Saturn in 4h with Jupiter 10th lord, ruling 8th and 9th in 7th currently. MO 2nd lord in ascendant and Ra in 2nd house.
I think this is transit effect as lots of planets are opposing moon/ascendant and in 6th and 8th
there is no one thing that can be checked and every horoscope is different.
However in general look at the 10th lord as the main indicator along with the 6th lord as the secondary indicator of career/ job. any planets causing affliction to these can give job loss
also next ketu is always a karaka for job changes or losses as it represents moksha which means the end of karma (action or job) and hence ketu and Saturn in this context work in opposite directions. Thus when ketu transits over Saturn or trinal to it or Saturn transits over ketu or trinal to it, job losses or job/ career changes happen. sometimes a person might change their career path completely in these transits.
finally look at the 9th lord carefully. 9th even though one of the most benefic lords, is also the 12th (loss) to 10th (job or career) and thus any planet in 9th house or the 9th lord itself can in certain circumstances represent job loss as well
Vivek sir
You are an ambassador of astrology.i m grateful to you for whatever little knowledge i have about astrology.this ancient knowledge must be preserved and expanded
thanks for the nice words
Hi sir…leo lagna rahu is in 9th house…depositor mars is in 5th house…here rahu see it amplify mars…Mars and rahu dasha will be good?
rahu will give results of mars in its dasa
Hello VS,
When Jupiter is Uchcha for a Taurus lagna, can it have a secretive agenda (of the 8th) that it can carry out from the malefic 3rd where it is already in discomfort? Say Ketu is in the 11th and can Jupiter’s aspect on the 11th and Ketu lead to income from weapons?
such a jupiter and ketu will tend to give wealth and a large social status/ circle. also will give diseases and potential long term diseases. the person might act spiritual/ religious but depending on other planets might not really be so
Hello Sir,
I am a Libra lagna. Rahu is in my 6th house, Pisces sign and Ketu in 12th house, virgo sign. I also have Mercury exalted in the 12th.
As from tomorrow i will be under Rahu Madasha and Mars antardasha.
My Mars is in the 11th House, Leo Sign along with SUN and Venus.
How will be this Dasha be for me starting 27/05/19 until June 2020.
Please guide and suggest remedy.
although I do not do personal readings, I am happy to leave this open on this forum here in case others wish to reply to you. Thanks
With Mars bhukti so close, it would have shown how it would be by now, even a few months back. On a “potential” negative side, Rahu and Mars are in the 6-8 axis and you need to keep a watch on your health a little more than you might usually do. Mars is aspecting your 2nd house of wealth that it lords from labasthana, so expect some money to come into your bank account. Hoping that Mars is not combust. If it is combust, it will still be OK, not good in terms of wealth provided Guru’s dignity is good.
Dear Vivek Ji,
Many a times we see in various charts like D2, D5, D10 etc. Rahu & Ketu are together in a house not 180 degrees opposite as postulated. Will appreciate if you could share your views/thoughts on the academic side & prediction side also pls, considering they are the nodes/junction of two path & now sitting merged/together in a chart & not opposite.
Also when Rahu is in pushya(4) nakshtra is alone & trinal to its sun/moon, does it amplifies the function of both the planets & if so then what it manifests to specially Capricorn lagna Dhanishtha (2) nakshatra when moon is in Uttrabhadpadra(2) nakshatra & sun is in Vishakha (4) nakshatra. Saturn(Retrograde); the depositor of Rahu is in Bharani(2) nakshatra sitting with Jupiter (retrograde) in Ashwini(1) nakshatra.
Many Thanks & Best Regards for guiding us.
that is because divisionals start to depict mathematics at different harmonic layers. Planets dont actually exist in that scenario but give a shade of that rashi depositor in that area of life like career for D10 etc. hence rahu and ketu will be together in certain circumstances
rahu and ketu tend to somewhat amplify but also induce into hidden/ unclear/ unknown and chaos the significations of the planets they touch, especially Rahu the functional and generic nature with which they are conjunct or trinal also gets amplified and whatever that planet represents will also be seen in the dasa bhuktis of rahu and ketu along with a sudden/ unclear or unknown touch
Hi Vivek
In General, how will Rahu behave in its antardasha under Jupiter Mahadasha?
will behave as per the dignity, placement and yogas in the chart with the 2 planets as well as other planets aspecting/ affecting them. generically speaking the only thing is that the theme can be of expansion or increase as both represent enlargement generically speaking.
Dear Vivek Ji,
I am a sagitarius ascendent going thru my Rahu Mahadasha and Jupiter unterdasha. My rahu is in the third house, in the sign of aquarius at 17.11 deg in Satabhisa nakshatra. My Jupiter is retrograde in 11th house in the sign of Libra, 10.24deg in Swati nakshtra. What can i expect.
overall chart has to be seen and i dont provide personal readings
by itself it doesnt sound bad for job/ income and might be slightly bad for health
look at saturn and venus as the depositors and other yogas (good or bad) that rahu and jupiter are involved in. that will dictate the results
Query on Rahu AD as Dasa Chidra under Jupiter MD.
I am told Dasa Chidra is a negative period usually when planets are in 6-8 axis.
Saggi Ascendant – If Rahu is in Pisces with its depositor Jupiter in Leo and JHORA shows 88% aspect of Jupiter on Rahu ( due to degree Rahu 22 Jupiter 6 ), should I take Rahu as beneficially aspected and hence Rahu AD in Jupiter MD would be somewhat better even though they are in 6-8 axis ?
thanks in advance
6-8 axis is hard for any dasa sequence and not just chidra. As per inidividual chart, lots of things have to be seen to conclude and I cant do personal readings here
For Aries Ascendant, If Jupiter in 1st & Rahu in 7th how will rahu behave in its antardasha of jupiter mahadasa.
effects of 1-7 axis will dominate
My date of birth is 02.05.1972, 16.21 hrs, Place of birth : Pavagada (14-08 N, 77-17E),
Virgo Lagna, my rahu placed in the 5th House Capricorn, Uttarashada 4th pada, Abhijin Nakshatra, and 8th aspect of Mars from Gemini,
Rahu dasa will start from 18.06.2021, what will be the results of Rahu Dasa
sorry no personal readings from me, but approving it in case anyone else here wishes to answer
Rahu ketu stay in one sign for about 1.5 years. Hence, how much importance should ve given to the signs ? I feel nakshatra and sign dispositors should be given more importance for slow moving planets. What’s your take ?
rashi always will dominate nakshatra or navamsa etc in terms of transit
Just trying to understand my chart. I got great results in terms on my career in Sat-Rahu. How is the situation going to be in Mer-Rahu? Rahu placed in 4th ( Aries) in lagna chart ( capricorn ascendant, aquarius moon, mercury in scorpio). As per my understanding Rahu is supposed to give good results in this dasha/bhukti as well. Understand that since now Rahu is in gemini in jupiter’s nakshatra, have to wait till Jup goes direct(?) Please advise.
hello I can not advise without actually seeing a chart and I do not currently provide personal readings. thanks
Aquarius Lagna with Retrograde Jupiter
Rahu in Cancer Hemmed between Mars in Gemini and Sun in Leo
Moon in Scorpio in Jyestha 3
Saturn-Ketu opposite Rahu in Capricorn.
Navamsa Rahu in 11th in Scorpio
Thoughts on Rahu Mahadasha?
sorry no personal readings here. In case anyone else wishes to answer you, I can approve it instead of deleting right away as I usually do for most personal requests
I would have concluded that Rahu dasa would be great, except for the debilitation of the dispositor moon and Rahu’s aspect on lagna lord Saturn in 12th. Also Rahu is 8th from AL in rasi with moon in 12th from AL and debilitated in scorpio in navamsa. Rahu is not good for AL, but moon causes VRY from AL. Very confusing.
OTOH Parasara says rahu gives great results in signs 4, 8 and 9 if in upachaya sthanas.
by definition the effects of rahu/ ketu are always hard to guage as they are sudden unpredictable and generically malefic planets
however more than just the signs, planets conjunct, aspecting or trinal to the nodes will dictate the real effects of the nodes. the depositor of rashi, nakshatra and navamsa will also have a big say
Please advise if it’s good or bad if Rahu is sitting with rashi lord (Ex for Gemini ascendant Rahu with Mars in 11th House ( Aries) or Rahu with Mars in 6th house( Scorpio) especially during its Mahadasha.
I understand the Rahu’s Nakshatra lord plays a important role and how does it differ if Nakshatra lord is it’s in enemy ( say Krithika) or friend ( bharani) sign.
Waiting for your guidance
rahu always mirrors. By itself it is a tricky planet which can bring about sudden reversals in life and cause both big failures and big gains.
if it sits in a rashi with the rashi lord, that house’s energy will be magnified in the chart. So a lot depends on the functional nature of that planet. example mars is highly negative for gemini ascendant being the 6th and 11th lords.
that said in 11th, rahu will tend to give good financial and social gains as well. rahu absorbs the energy of any planet that it sits with and whatever the other planet and rashi lord had to give in the chart (good or bad) is then given by rahu
Thanks Vivek for providing your valuable input.
In this case, will Rahu act totally like Mars?
I believe Rahu itself is good for Gemini ascendant ( being friends with mercury), I guess what I am asking is which combination is more important or relevant
1) Rahu acting like Mars ( enemy of Gemini ascendant)as it’s sitting with Mars in Aries
2) or Rahu being friend with Gemini ascendant plays a role
even though both always play out, think of astrology as the more specific point being always more relevant.
So even though venus, as an example, for gemini is a friendly and benefic planet, the actual position of venus in a chart (along with its dignity, all aspects, yogas, divisional placements etc) is the real specific part for a chart. so that is always more relevant than just being friends with the lagna lord or not. otherwise, astrologers wont be needed, a computer can cast a chart and you can make it learn the good and bad planets of each lagna and thats it isnt it?
since that makes no sense, nor does deciding on just friendliness with lagna lord
Now that doesnt mean its not an important point, just that it is not the deciding or dominant factor in any chart
Hi Sir, For Aries ascendant, if rahu is in 12th house and mercury (retrograde) is in 7th house libra then how will be the mercury mahadasha and rahu antardasha?
NO idea. The whole chart has to be seen. however since they are 6/8 to each other, the dasa might give problems and obstacles at the least. thanks
I had this question coz as rahu is now transiting from the third house for aries ascendant till August 2020. and if rahu antardasha also starts in between then how will be the effects? this is a very general question. If possible please answer. I can provide details offline if possible.
Hi Vrishali, the question is not about on or offline. I dont provide individual chart readings
For any transit, dasa etc. you have to see the chart as a whole, including yogas, dignities and strength of planets and the relevant stages of life. without this, nothing concrete can be predicted looking only at one or 2 transits
Hello VS:
Saturn AD in Rahu MD, from what I read, is not good. If Rahu is placed well and saturn is also a temporary friend to Rahu and also a FB (say saturn is a lagna lord and placed in a friend’s rasi as well), would this and other conditions be an exception to what I read?
generally 2 top level generic malefics – saturn, rahu, ketu and mars when combining in dasas at the dasa and bhukti level can make it tough. However that said, ofcourse the functional nature, their dignities, aspects and yogas along with the transits during that period will dictate the final outcome and this will not always be negative. sometimes the results can be very positive and yet come thru after hard work, obstacle and some initial setbacks as opposed to free flowing easy success
Hello. Rahu 1st H sagittarius full aspected by Guru from 9th H with no other malefic aspects along Rahu ketu nakshatra parivartan.. Will the MD be good?
no idea maam, need to see the whole chart and I dont provide personal readings here. thanks
Hello Sir
What are your views on nodes functioning when they are in each other’s nakshtras? As they are supposed to be opposite of each other (head and body), how will the generic dasha effect of each be in this case?
Thank you
this by itsef is not good or bad. you have to analyze the nodes in a comprehensive manner like any other planet – which bhaavs are they sitting from lagna, arudha lagna and moon. what planets aspect or conjunct them, what yogas are present trinal to them, where are the depositors of rashi and navamsa deposited and in what dignity, what is the distance from bhaav madhya etc. only a complete analysis of any planet will give the final result
Hello Vivekji – What can be said of Rahu AD in Saturn MD period for a Gemini ASC if both rashi dispositor Moon and nakshtra dispositor Saturn are in OK strength. Rahu is also trinal to Venus in 6H.?
nothing really can be said without a more detailed analysis, im sorry, as it will just be speculation
OK Vivek. Can you please guide me with the analysis? I am not sure why but I am unable to stop worrying about career and have lost faith in professional astrologers.
What do you think can be the cause of constant worry and fear ? What all factors can contribute to this :
1. Belonging to a specific ASC/Rashi
2. General Malefic aspect on Moon/lagna
3. Weak lagna and lagna lord
4. Weak sun
Thanks for your time sir!
there is no specific answer, however, moon afflicted by Rahu or saturn (both is worse), debilitated or dark moon with no good aspects, afflicted mercury or a strong mercury with jupiter or mars, rahu/ ketu axis on lagna/ lagnesh or moon and also 4th lord afflicted heavily or having malefics in 4th house all lead to stress/ anxiety and depression. moon and mercury are the main planets to be considered for emotions, feelings and day to day mental health changes
Thank you sir!
Sir, does rahu by its mere presence in a house afflicts the house and it’s owner? Also, how does rahu’s functional nature affect this?
For instance, rahu in Cancer afflicts the house and Moon even though they are more that 20 degrees apart in different houses and rashi.
yes not just rahu but any planet when it sits in a sign will form a sambandh or connection with the owner of that sign even if the 2 are not conjunct or trinal to each other. rahu close to, conjunct or sitting in signs of the luminaries (moon or sun) will always tend to yield negative results for the general significations of sun or moon. if the bhaav is good and the owner of the sign is placed well in the chart then the functional effect can be good in combination with the stress caused by such a rahu. good and bad can coexist in jyotish as in real life
Sir, my Rahu Dasha started in May 2012 and it was worst period of my life. My Rahu is in 8th house and Mars in first house, virgo lagna. Will second half of Dasha be good.
unfortunately it depends on your overall chart and the placement of the planets in the antardasha from both lagna as well as relatively from rahu the dasa lord. Since I dont read personal charts here, that is impossible for me to answer
generally speaking 2nd half of malefic MDs can be slightly better if the first half is bad, but this is just a generic rule and hence not applicable in each chart
Hi VS; In your article, you mentioned that Rahu does well in Jupiter nakshatras.
A situation – Rahu is in good dignity in Aquarius (own house) in Purvabhadra pada 2. Saturn, dispositor is debilitated & retrograde, therefore weak. Only benefic aspect is 7th from Moon. Jupiter is strong.
Good dignity Rahu in bad house (12th). Will this Rahu give good or bad results in its dasa; given a good Ashtakvarga score 30 to 12th house.
you have to consider all the aspects and yogas in the chart as well as a deep study on strengths to really answer such queries, I am afraid
Hello sir, does the Ketu antardasha of Rahu mahadasha always give bad results? Since ketu is headless and doesn’t know what to do, I heard it causes mostly bad things in its major and minor periods. Breakup of relations, financial loss, accident, injuries, health problems are common. If a Ketu in chart is in the nakshatra of general and functional benefic e.g. JUpiter is general and functional benefic for Leo chart, can Ketu antardasha expected to be mild? Not too harsh? Started Ketu AD in Jan or Feb., and already going thru bad things. AGE is over 53. I don’t know how rest of the year will go because of this malefic ketu and its effects. Ketu is in 3rd rashi, 4th bhaav. Thank you very much.
no it is wrong to generalize that Ketu is always bad as a maha or antar dasa lord. it will depend on what aspects it has in the chart and what it is reflecting (its conjunctions, yogas and rasi and nakshatra lords). it is more of a reflector as it is not a physical mass planet like the 7 and hence always reflecting its position in the chart (good or bad). Jimmy carter became US president in his ketu dasa
OK, sir. Thank you for your assurance. I was thinking that it always causes breakage of some sort, people are saying it can cause problem towards the end (in my case end of antardasha). But mine Ketu AD started with loss, I remember because its Rahu MD and I started studying some of this since last 2-3 years. Never before interested nor believed in this astrology and all. In my chart, ketu is alone and only when it goes to 4th bhaav it gets benefic Jupiter’s aspect from 12th where the Jupiter is exalted. this is from an astro website, what to believe and what to accept cannot decide! No one can verify or prove it if will end in a good way. So one has to live with whatever happens, can’t change it.
trying to decipher astrology by reading a few articles isnt much different than performing a surgery by watching a youtube video. Life, thankfully, doesnt work like this!
Hello sir
My DOB is 2/12/99 2:30 pm Bikaner
My rahu positioned in 5th house and Marsh in exalted in 11th house in pisces ascendant.
Currently I am in rahu MD since 2013
How can it affect my life and what I can a govt job?
sorry i dont provide personal readings here
Hello… My Rahu is conjuct with Mangal and Neptune in 10th house in Scorpio in Anuradha nakshatra. I am an Aquarius ascendant with Shani in 5th house (shadashtak with Mangal). Sun and Venus in 11th house.
My Rahu MD starts 10 years later. Will Rahu (and also Mangal) MD be a good period…Please guide… because I am afraid of Rahu MD since Rahu is in Angaraka yoga. Many many thanks !
i can not comment on individual charts
only things i can note here – Neptune is not considered significant in jyotish and secondly angarak is not always a bad yoga, it depends on the funcitonal nature of rahu and mars as well their placement in the chart. At times it can make for the best of risk takers – law enforcements, army, sportsmen, surgeons, etc. Angarak yoga, like any other yoga, should be considred in detail for any specific chart before concluding the kind of results it will manifest
Sir! You had information related to the topic are more then good as I read in your article I had a rahu place in 4 house (aquarious sign) & in Jupiter Nakshtra. I am passing through md rahu+ saturn now now the from the period of dasha started upto now it’s was just like a roller coaster ride how it will be ahead please let me know
no way for me to know. the full chart needs to be read for analysis
Rahu impact degrees:
Good morning VS ji,
How r u?
I have a question regarding the degrees upto which Rahu will “eclipse” any planet on two scenarios viz.,
1) When Rahu is approaching the said planet
2) when Rahu crossed over the planet and is moving away from it.
I presume Rahu will impact severely in case 1 whereas case 2 could be mild. Am I right? Is there a way to quantify the intensity?
Thank you very much for your guidance. Please be safe during this Coronavirus Pandemic.
Hi, I am good thanks, hope the same for you
Definitely your scenario 1 is more intense then 2 in general. same way as it is for combustion or debilitation of a planet – approach is always worse than retreat.
in terms of degrees, as you noted, no real formula. However in my experience, the effect is certainly felt within a 15 degree orb. Obviously the closer the worse it is. For sun and moon, the effect can exist as far as 20 degrees, but for other planets, usually 15 is what I take. That doesnt mean that a planet 16 degrees away has 0 impact, but i think beyond 15 it starts to get negligible. However the dignity of the planet otherwise is also important. If the affected planet is in exalted with high shad bal, its impact will obviously be much lower than for a debilitated/ combust or generally weak planet
Hello VS – Rahu is a functional benefic planet for Gemini and it is strong in cancer. It is in Saturn’s star, again a benefic for Gemini. Rahu’s sign dispositor is strong Moon in lagna – close to bhav madhaya and 5 houses(around 110 degrees)away from Sun. Saturn and Rahu are in 3:11 relationship.
I think Rahu AD under Saturn MD should be good for financial and job status. Since it is in a marka house, health will possibly suffer.
Hello ,sir I have rahu is in 9th house in tula lagna in punarvasu pada 3 and in Gemini sighn,as well as rahu is vargottama.,can it give bad results in their dasa because its degree is 28 degree
no idea sir. lots of things have to be seen to reach a conclusion. Also good and bad is all relative and subjective
Hello Sir,
My Rahu dasha has started since Jan 2019 and Rahu ji is placed in Aries- Bharani Nakshatra having a Taurus ascendant and Venus placed in Taurus itself and mooltrikona.
Rahu is also aspected by the Aries house lord, Mars from Libra placed in Chitra nakshatra.
How do you see this Rahu dasha journey for me , while am I past 50 years of age.
couple of things sir
1) Data provided is inadequate and for predictions the entire chart has to be seen in detail
2) I do not provide individual chart readings here
Hi sir
i am gemini asendent i have rahu in 6th house scorpio 20 degree mercury is my nakshathra lord which is delibrated in 10th house with exalted venus and my mars in delibrated in 2nd house 4 degree and moon in 11th house(dob 23/4/1993 11:06am) .i am about to end mars dasa. i had really bad time in the initial phase during my studies and 2nd part seems to be good so far.i wish to know about rahu dasa will it be bad since the rahu, nakshathra and lord all are in delibrated sign
Goodluck to you but unfortunately no personal readings here. If some other astrologer wishes to comment, I am fine with it as always
Can you plz share your knowledge on this:-
What if rahu ketu are conjoined the house lord and both are posted in same house.for eg, Mahatma gandhis chart wherein rahu conjunct moon in sign of cancer. My reason behind this question is that some astrologers are of view that when rahu ketu are conjunct with houselord & placed in that house, it ruins that house and makes house lord weak. Thus the dasha of both planets also represents obstacles.
Kindly share your experience on this.
Both nodes are reflective. They reflect the rashi lord and any planet that conjuncts or aspects them in the chart. So if they are conjunct the lord of the house in a sign, they will strongly represent the functional and generic qualities of that lord and the bhaav. Good or bad will depend on the funcitonal nature, generic nature as well as the bhaav, bhaav bal, other aspects on the combination etc
Hello VS
Isn’t Rahu an expansion planet and Ketu a withdrawal planet and their effect on the conjunct planet quite opposite? Example, Rahu with seventh lord increases expectations from the spouse and Ketu will give a detached attitude?
yes in general you can think of Rahu as DIVERGENCE of any energy and an external/ materialistic manifestation of that energy
Ketu is CONVERGENCE or internally focusing and mastering an energy
however both act as multiplication agents and will magnify the energy of any planet they conjunct, albeit in different ways. A rahu with mars can make for a very aggresive person or manifestation of energy+anger+ambition in real life as in law enforcement, army, firemen, sportsmen, gangsters, thieves, thugs etc. Ketu magnifying Mars can give the person an ability to work extremely hard and focused. Such people will rarely lose their temper or cool and will be extremely focused to the task at hand. While an individual with Rahu & Mars can be perceived as outwardly aggressive/ as a bully, a person with ketu with mars will generally show great discipline and restrain. with ketu the battle becomes internal and results in materialistic world matter less. With Rahu, it will be all about winning and increasing in the material world, by hook or crook.
So even though both nodes will increase and reflect Martian energy, it will manifest in very different ways in real life.
How does this internalization work when Ketu is conjunct with planets forming a yoga VS? Say for Aquarius lagna and saturn conjunct Venus in the 9th and Ketu within a few degrees of both planets?
On one hand Ketu/Venus gives detachment to marital affairs (unless the 7th is very strong), Ketu/Saturn is not good for career (unless 10th is very strong). How can the Yoga work well?
ketu if sitting in a functionally benefic sign or with yoga karaka planets will amplify their functional results
it internalizes the generic results of the planet
for example for libra ascendant if ketu sits in saturn houses or with or trinal to a strong saturn, it will enhance the yoga karaka results of saturn and the person is also likely to be spiritual/ karam yogi and might enact his karma/job in a selfless manner. good and bad can coexist and it is also subjective. usually when saturn transits over ketu or trinal to it in the natal chart, there can be changes in the karma of the person. Some might change jobs and location. some will change their entire profession (example Trump) and some will stop working totally (retirement) and if maraka dasas operating with the aayu kaal done, then permanent end of karma or in other words death
Re: your reply dated June 4, 2020 at 12:22 pm. Thanks a lot VS. Ketu internalizing the generic and enhancing the functional…hmmm..awesome indeed
Dear Sir,
For Capricorn rising, sun is debilitated and placed in the 10th house of profession (libra). Here sun is conjunct with rahu and mercury in swati constellation.
Mars is in vishaka constellation and venus in Jyestha – performing parivartana yog.
Can you please elaborate on Sun md and Mercury ad period from career and professional relationships perspective.
Thanks and regards, Narayan
no i can not and wish people stop asking these question endlessly everyday, day after day
The complete chart has to be seen for any such analysis. NO short cuts!
and i dont provide personal readings here, unfortunately
Hi VS,
Wished to know your opinion about direct/stationary motion of Rahu/Ketu.
Have you found any significance of that in practice?
Yes firstly I advocate to always use the TRUE position of the nodes and not the MEAN due to the stationary impact.
Nodes have the actual forward motion as backward. Meaning going backward is the expected correct motion for them
whenever they are close to the Sun and/ or the Moon, they will slow down. For moon this is more temporary as moon moves fast, but with Sun the slowdown/ stagnation is longer and hence stronger
Like any other planet which has Direct and Retro motion, stagnation gives intense results for that particular point in the chart. So if someone has a bad yoga or a weak planet sitting near that point, the affect of transitory rahu/ ketu will remain intense for those roughly 3 months before the nodes start moving again. For example, right now, Rahu and Ketu are stagnant at around 5 degrees in Gemini/ Saggi respectively. So in the natal chart if someone has a planet between 0 and 10 degrees, especially 3 to 7 degrees in Gemini or Saggi, the nodes will be affecting that planet strongly. If the planet itself is strong and well placed in the chart, the damage will be less. if there is a weak and afflicted planet here, then the impact rahu ketu will have on it will be very intense
Wondering how long generally the stagnation period lasts for Rahu/Ketu and also other planets. Thanks
dont wonder
open any software, punch in some numbers. will take 3 to 5 mins to find the answer!
This was s generic question for the benefit of everyone! Thanks
but it isnt. how long nodes will stay stangnant can be very simply known as I have explained what is causing the stagnation (proximity to sun)
so if you cant figure out how long sun will be close to the nodal axis, then look at some stagnations. its simple mathematics and the movement of sun is the most predictable of all 9 planets (approx 1 degree everyday)
There are no short cuts and no cramming up of rules. One has to learn to apply logic and rules together to be able to predict something accurately
You can find direct motion of nodes by setting it to true Rahu/Ketu in calculation options in JHora/Jyotish app.
Then just increment days and observe degree. If they start increasing (which lasts for 3-4 days at a time) then this is direct motion (and when degree almost remains unchanged for a few hours–stationary). This is actually micro level direct/stationary motion.
What VS mentioned (and I didn’t know) was about overall slowness of nodes (i.e., stagnation) when they are near sun or moon (upto +- one rashi). To know this fact you have to know the definition of the node (which lot of astrologers don’t) and to have an intuition for this stagnation you have to analyse and and follow the logic (which very few people can do due to analytical aptitude – usually people with strong science and engineering background + strong interest in astrology who are driven by knowledge and not usual stereotypes against astrology. – i bet there are only handful of such people in the world.)
Thanks VS and MRG!
I have Rahu and Saturn Conjunction 10th house. So far career has been on the slowest side. Im 42 now. Im in Jupiter Saturn Antardasha. The final two antardasha of Rahu just took everything from me. Will the negative effects of Shrapit Dosha continue for life.
generally speaking, after the age of 42 when rahu matures, its negative effects reduce and show more only during its dasa or antardasas and not constantly that much
That said, any yoga, good or bad remains in the chart for life and hence some impact is always felt. However good mahadasas of well placed planets can mitigate a lot of the negative effect
For an Aquarius ascendant, how do we know if the Lagnesh is Rahu or Saturn?
ruler is always saturn for aquarius. Only if saturn is very weakly placed in the chart and on the contrary rahu is strongly placed, rahu starts to exhibit the effect more as opposed to saturn, saturn still remains the lord though
Dear VS
At the outset, this is the most balanced and insightful discussion of Rahu I have come across. I am going to talk about a specific case. I agree that you do not do specific cases, but I am perplexed by this case and would love to have your feedback in a general manner.
This is a youngster who is in high school. He is running Rahu Mahadasha. Many conditions suggest that Rahu should be beneficial for him: Rahu is in 1st house for Taurus ascendant and vargottama; both house lord (Venus) and Nakshatra lord (Moon) are strong and in dignity. Rahu is mildly conjoint (20 degrees apart) with yogakaraka Shani (in Gemini), but no other influences.
The mahadasha thus far has been bad. The recent Mercury antaradasha has been a disaster (which I realize maybe because Mercury is in Rahu Nakshatra). But the earlier part has been not much better. This kid has completely failed in high school and his future prospects looks bleak (in general the kid has some learning issues). He still has 9 years of the mahadasha left.
What could have gone wrong? What did I miss? I agree that one needs to look at the full horoscope, but I am unable to find anything else in the horoscope to suggest major problems. (Other than Mercury and Sun to a lesser extent, most of his planets look good). Should I study the divisionals, if so any tips?
I would really appreciate your feedback.
As you have noted, I dont do individual readings, but also with limited data, it is difficult to opine even generically
That said, you have to realize that Rahu is just a reflector with itself being a generic malefic. Generally speaking, it is more disturbing when running at a young age. The reason is that the mind is too immature to handle the rebellious and disrupting energy of Rahu. Infact any ages before 42, Rahu is not mature and thus Rahu can be more disruptive than after age 42
also keep in mind that rahu will reflect the rasi and nakshatra depositors but more so any planet conjunct, opposition, trinal and aspecting rahu. Further just because Rahu might be disruptive for education in young life, doesnt mean it can not still give great career/ financial success later on, the same planet can be disruptive on one side of life and extremely good in certain other areas and other times in life, especially after it matures
Hello Sir,
It’s In my lagna chart ,For Capricorn ascendent at 15 degrees if rahu is in Aquarius 2nd house,satabisha 4th pada nakshtra and at 12th house there is Saturn and Moon Conjunction but Saturn is at about 3 degrees, my rahu MD begins from coming July 2021, Would the malefic influence prevail if any.please guide me I am in confusion about finding a better job or starting own consulting business.
It would be great if you help
rahu is in own house and depositor is not placed very well. so mixed results
beyond this, I can not predict anything as the complete chart needs to be analyzed, something that I dont provide here
Hello VSji – What can be said if rahu is in 2nd in cancer(pushya star) with depositor Moon in 1st house. This Moon is almost 120 degrees apart from Sun and close to bhav madhaya, so strong. The star and MD lord Saturn is in Virgo and forms a 11-3 relationship with Rahu. Rahu also has no aspects whatsoever from any planet just that Venus in 6th is slightly trinal to Rahu. Rahu is also the owner of birth star(Ardra) and a benefic for Gemini.
In my opinion Rahu AD should be good as there are more positives than negatives.
I am asking this as there is lack of concencess among astrologers on Rahu/Ketu.
your points sound logical enough. beyond that ofcourse I cant comment as I am not doing an individual case study here
If I may..else please delete.
I see two houses coming into focus in the Rahu AD. The first house where rasi dispositor Moon sits. Since the first is 12th to the second, one negative effect could be that the person could feel isolated mentally from his family; the positive being more accumulation of wealth.
Since Rahu sits in Saturn’s tara, the 4th house where MD lord Saturn sits, also comes into focus. Budha’s placement affects the MD and AD lords.
Thanks VSji and Sundarji! Mercury is at 1 degree Libra with Sun also the at the same degree. Mercury is both combust and retrograde and also vargottama. Jupiter is around 3 degrees behind of this conjunction in Virgo.
Not talking about any chart but in general – a good rule to follow is that mercury while retrograde does not get combust. even if within 1 degree of sun. I have observed this in phalit jyotish over 1000s of charts
To continue from Budha’s position, Mituna lagna lord Budha in the 5th (if in that bhaav) is in a good position. Rahu is lord of 4th (MK) and lord of the 9th for Mituna lagna. It’s a benefic planet. Saturn, sitting 3rd from Rahu makes it a temporary friend in addition to being a PF — good. Saturn is also a good planet for Mituna lagan. Third being a house of effort, additional efforts related to the 4th where Saturn sits will be expected but should be quite OK.
Just thought of sharing some feedback – my Saturn MD, Rahu AD and Rahu PD since may end 2021 has been challenging in terms of Job and mental peace. I got assigned complex projects and i panicked.
I believe transits added to the pain as Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu are not transiting favorable houses for me (Gemini moon and lagna).
Not sure if this will be the trend for the whole Rahu AD but i believe Jupiter’s PD should give some relief backed with better transits
Hello VS,
I was looking at the charts of top Indian cricketers and the dashas during the peak of their career. It is very clear in case of Sachin and Dhoni. Sachin’s peak was during the dasha of exalted mars in 6th house in yoga with Jupiter. Dhoni’s peak was during Rahu dasha – Rahu in 11th house in close conjunction with Venus. Depositor moon in great yogas along with Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo ascendant.
But, I am unable to figure out how Rahu dasha is giving a meteoric rise in career for Virat Kohli. Sagittaruis ascendant, Rahu in 3rd house in its own star. The depositor Saturn in 1st house in Sagittarius. As there is no planet aspecting or conjuncting Rahu, it should reflect Saturn. Saturn doesn’t form any yoga in the chart. Would a FM Saturn in 1st house give such a great success? Am I missing something? Or his moon or AL chart gets higher weightage here?
There is a Parivartan yoga between Venus in 10th and Mercury in 11th. Does that give a neecha bhang RajYoga or just a neecha bhang?
His birth details are reasonably consistent in public domain with an exact time which is rare for Indian celebrities – Dob – Nov 5,1988 – Delhi. His marriage happened during 7th lord Mercury antardasha. Probably might get his first child during 5th lord mars pratyantar dasha.
sachin is cancer lagna and thus mars + jupiter in 7th
I havent seen Virat Kohli’s and Dhonis charts
VS: Mars and Guru in the 7th should point to a more traditional marriage. Also, 3rd lord (hand skills with bat) Budha is neech with NB. Dispositor Guru gets NBRY but is that enough for Budha’s skills with hands. If you place him in Mituna lagna, Rahu/Moon in 7th will explain his marriage, his unusual speech. Third lord Sun would be exalted with 5th lord Venus in 11th. Lord of sixth Mars in 8th gets VPRY.
Your thoughts?
Here you have mentioned that Rahu transiting in 9th house from itself is bad what if it is 6th from natal moon will it still be a bad placement or considered to have mixed results?
not just itself and moon, it has to be seen from lagna and other planets as well. this is the gist of ashtakvarga – it looks at the planet’s placement in transit from all focal points.
Hello VS:
For a leo lagna, Rahu in the 8th conjunct Guru in Saturn’s tara..
In Rahu dasa, will it give the effects of Saturn in the 4th or the effects of an afflicted Guru in the 8th which could be diseases related to the 8th and Guru’s generic body parts OR both of the above?
any planet conjunct of trinal planets gives a blended effect of all those planets involved 2 or 3 or 4 doesnt matter. the closer the degree influence, the stronger the said influence
Hi Vivek,
Wanted to share a case study on the recent death of an Indian actor that has created huge stir in the Indian media (I will focus on murder vs suicide to keep this brief, have closely matched his horo / lagna etc. with his overall basic traits, intelligence levels / rise in life). You can leave the analysis here for comments or delete as you see fit, but wanted to share perspectives nevertheless in case others may be interested in learning / commenting.
Born on Jan 21, 1986 at 2:15 AM in Patna, Bihar, nicknamed SSR
– Death took place in Rahu MD & Moon AD which was unfortunate but aligns astrologically
– Scorpio lagna, MD lord Rahu sits in 6th bhav in Mesha rashi. Rahu the karaka for falsehood & deception sitting in the fiery sign mesha gets deeply colored with the characteristics of Mars & Ketu (Rahu is also in Ketu’s Ashwini nakshatra here). Rahu in such a state and on 6th bhav gave him all the material success and a good & steady rise against his competitors in its MD, until the kaal came and Rahu reversed by taking life.
– He was running Rahu – Moon AD – Rahu PD when he died. Rahu goes to 12th navamsa in karka rashi so this may explain the moon connection who is here also badhaka to lagna rashi and sits in maraka bhav (moon as 9th lord will remain auspicious but will give health related troubles being badhaka in maraka bhav looking at lagna)
– Mars’ aspect on Rahu (although not full) makes Rahu all the more lethal to do damage by deception (rahu) & violent killing (mars / ketu), and not by suicide which is further explained below
– From the horo, I can see him being mentally quite strong to not commit suicide. Moon’s bright and exalted looks at lagna and is strong enough (gives intelligence, good appearance, romance), even though she sits in opposition to a weak Saturn. Further, moon’s nakshatra dispositor Sun is placed in 3rd bhav, quite trinal to moon so explains a very strong mental disposition as well as authority at work (Sun’s 10th lord and karaka for authority)
– Moon’s only issue here is that she is quite trinal to a combust Venus in the kaam trikon, and sitting in the 7th bhav leaves him vulnerable to over indulgence in bad relationships / partnerships and getting deceived in return (his last one was with a malefic actress who is also a prime suspect alongwith her partners)
These are some of the key ones I listed above, just sticking to basics. Loss of a very intelligent actor. May his soul rest in peace!
Comments and opinions are welcome.
Hi Abhishek, thanks for sharing. while your analysis seems logical and I have no issue approving this message, I will not dive into this as I have no confirmation of birth date or time and thus everything becomes speculatory beyond that. if the data is not known with a very high level of confidence, I usually dont dive too deep into a chart
Hello Abhishek, VS: my thoughts..
Scorpio lagna, Mars in 12th with Ketu. Saturn in lagna. Rahu in 6th in Ketu’s tara and Ketu in Rahu’s tara. Ketu is giving the effects of the 6th house and the Mars conjunction in the 12th. Rahu is activating Ketu. So death is a possibility with what’s happening in the 12th between Mars/Ketu. Hence Rahu’s MD.
Sun is in the third. Moon is in Sun’s tara in Taurus. Its rasi dispositor Venus is in Sun’s tara in Capri. Sun, Venus and Moon are aspected by Saturn. This accounts for Moon becoming a maraka.
Thoughts on manner of death:
Mercury is also in Sun’s tara in Saggi and becomes a potential maraka. It is about 128 trinal to Moon. Moon/Budha conjunction is a known combination for suicide if ill placed. In this case, even though it is only trinal, the common factor is the Sun aspected by saturn. If Moon and Budha were not in Sun’s tara, it would have been a natural death.
Divisional D-11 (Rudramsa):
Tula lagna. Second lord Mars with Rahu in Leo showing a fiery death. Twelfth lord Budha with Moon in Mituna in Vaayu rasi. Shows airy/fiery death
The report by AIIMS cites death by hanging:
thanks, I think no need for anyone to discuss this anymore here as we are getting a bit far from astrology now on this
thanks for your understanding everyone who has this topic on their mind
Agreed, and that’s totally fine Vivek.
Thank you VS for highlighting the speculation element.
Abhishek, I am saying this as I have lived a good part of my life in the western suburbs of Bombay and understand Bollywood/ entertainment industry of India very well. Certain media channels are misleading public creating their own stories on this issue for TRPs. The unsuspecting public is falling prey to this manipulation. Most of them are not ardent followers of Bollywood – they even believe that SSR had Rs.17 crore in his account! It is pure speculation to determine anything based on astrology with assumptions – a few astrologers too jumped onto this bandwagon to garner ‘views’. We should let the authorities to do a fair job without any influence – this case gets very high importance and won’t be ignored in any case.
I just wanted to say this as this forum is quite mature to be influenced by those gossip mongering news channels. I hope VS would let this as the last comment on this topic.
SIR, my rahu MD started on may 2020 , rahu in 5th place Sagittarius, guru in capricon debiliated, rahu in ketu,s nakshatra and ketu in rahus nakshathra with saturn on 11th place, can i expect any miracle achivement in wealth,health,professional or it will be average MD with loses, please comment on this topic sir
with thanks
I have no idea. Please consult an astrologer providing individual readings. I do not do that here. thanks
Hello VS: Correction to my previous question…
For Mesha lagna with Rahu in Pisces, it will give the functional effects of Guru (9th and 12th lord) in the 12th..I had said it will give the effects where Guru is sitting in the 11th. Sorry for the mistake.
hello VS,
Myself Shishir , Astrology enthusiast , a person with above average intelligence not able to score a job , even a basic one , made me look for problems beyond my control, but with no appropriate answers from so called astrologer made me research about it and learn about it. its been a year or so me learning about Astrology. I am not here for a reading but an opinion from you.
My Asc is 25 Ge, Ju at 5Ge, Rahu at 3Aq , In rasi Chart both these planets were shown as being in 1st n 9th house respectively , but learning deeper i learnt about bhava chart, Acc to bhava chart these planets are in 12th n 8th house respectively . Currently Rahu MD mercury AD running , Rahu MD is since 2011, honestly life literally is stagnant in terms of income also hell in terms of obstacles . Do u think so its Rahu in 8th cause of this misery ? Wearing a gemstone such as Gomed will bring relief ? please give your opinion
Sorry to hear about your problems but I dont provide individual readings here. Gomedha can be tried for sure and you could try doing mahamrityunanjaya mantra daily also. Goodluck
Much Appreciate it. thank you
Please share birth details if you don’t mind
Hi Vivek,
Is there some general characteristics/ thumb rules to identify if Rahu is benificial or malefic in Kundali? With so many different combinations of Rashi posions, nakshatra position and divisional charts, it becomes quite complex to analyze Rahu’s effects.
You mentioned about Mahamrityunjaya Jap for some relief from ill effects of Rahu. Any other japa or remedies which you have seen worrking for people.
Happy Makar Sankranti and thanks for spreading knowledge.
rahu and ketu are reflective planets. they will reflect the characteristics of where they sit, who they conjunct and who aspects them. thats the general rule
Hello Vivek,
I love how clear and pertinent your articles are and m glad I came across your blog. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Rahu in first house cancer ascendant and ketu with yogakaraka mars exalted in capricorn in 7th house. How will rahu and Mars dasha be?
Thank you for the nice words. If you read a lot of the articles as well as the Q&A here, you will observe that it is impossible to give picemeal astrological predictions. Futher, I dont analyze individual charts here. If I quit my job and stop sleeping, even then wont be able to respond to even 10% of them. Thanks
Dear Sir,
Could you kindly advise if you know/recommend/suggest any other person(Astrologer)having in depth knowledege like you and may be he can help us or guide us through the difficult times being faced by in general for benefit of all.
Thanks for the reply and I got that.
Can you suggest sources that I can look up for more information on the nodes?As that’s an area that I am finding a lot of ambiguity.
Also can you shed some light on pushkar navamsa and it’s applicability.
there are hundreds of books/ literature out there. I would suggest stick to the older text translations of phaladeepika, saravali and parasara
in general any text is just a guideline. No one learns from books. I have never seen one good astrologer learn anything from any book or text. once you have read the basics, the only way to learn is via case studies. it takes 100s to 1000s of charts to learn the practical applications of planets and dasas
Dear VS Sir,
I have gone through your site and earlier also requested for a personal consultation,though i know you are very busy and hence nomore doing consulting, but as you know in the nameof astrologers hardly one can find who can provide genuine assistance to the needy people,and are charging a hefty amount,despite that things dont work.
I would request you to provide some guidance for me,since going through a very phase in career and job front since last 3 years,and finding things dificult to meet,or at least provide some suggestion or any other person who could guide with real knowledge of astrology.
My birth details:
POB:Udipi,Karnataka state,
Kindly help and guide in the above requested matter
Hello Sir. As I have mentioned countless times before, I do not provide personal readings
I will approve your message as some other astrologers will likely respond to you here. thanks
Hi Vs ,
Pertaining to what you mentioned -‘Rahu is strong in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra & Aquarius. In all others it gives weak and relatively negative results unless conjoined by a functional benefic in the horoscope’
By strong do you mean benefic, especially if Rahu is in ascendant in the above signs?
Also may I request, if you could do an article on the nodes in various axis?
nodes are reflective. if the rashi, nakshatra depositors of the nodes are strong, the nodes will become strong and vice versa
in terms of bhaavs, generally nodes are positive in 3,6, 10 and 11. especially 3 and 11 are the best
rest what i mean is that Rahu is more like saturn and thus its presence in rashis owned by mercury, venus or saturn make it strong. Cancer is an exception as in experience it is observed that rahu gives strong results in cancer (also because some, including Parasara, argue that Rahu MK sign is cancer. Moon MK and exaltation sign is Taurus by the way)
What are the effects of rahu with jupiter in 8th house for pisces ascendant?
generally not good for health and longevity unless venus is very strong and other factors support. diseases of the private organs as well as kidney and prostrate issues are possible
Is Rahu mahadasha is good for taurus ascendent who has Rahu at 7th house(Scorpio) where it has Shani’s 10th drushti. As Shani is yogakaraka planet for Taurus resides at aquarius, is his aspect will be good or bad ? What is the effect on marriage and married life ?
Generally rahu is good for Taurus ascendant as friendly with lagna lord venus and it gets exalted in Taurus sign in general
That said each chart is different. You will have to see the yogas and aspects and placements of rahu and other planets for an individual chart analysis
Hi VS,
What results will a rahu mahadasa bring for a leo ascendant if rahu is in the 7th Aquarius with 7th lord Saturn debilitated in the 9th?
The full chart needs to be analyzed for predictions, something that I dont do on this forum. Thanks
Hi, unrelated to the generic effects of rahu md, can I just add this. Although Rahu is considered a materialistic planet, I’ve come to see different results. My Rahu is placed in the 8th house of virgo conjuct with moon and opposite sun, ketu, mars, mercury, saturn in 2nd house. So shapit dosha also applies. I’m a devotee of lord Krishna. When my Rahu Mahadasha began, my life completely transformed. I was reminded of all wonderful things that were hidden inside of my heart. My love and path towards devotion suddenly opened up with full force. So, if a chart is spirtually energized rahu actually helps in strengthening the connection with different realms of reality. This has been my wonderful experience with Rahu mahadasha. God bless. Sending love xx
Hello VS,
What are the effects of stationary and direct true nodes in the natal chart?
generally it is not good to have the nodes stationary or in direct motion. this increases their maleficity
any retrograde planet behaves like its depositor and planets that conjunct it. when direct, the planets give their general results and the results of houses they own. In the case of nodes, they dont own any rashis/ houses and thus when direct, they give purely and strongly their general results which are malefic in nature.
I am passing through rahu mahadasha and mars antardasha. It’s last time of rahu Dasha. I am facing lot of mental stress, family issues. Rahu is in3rd house and mars in 8th house in lagna chart. I am a capricorn ascendant. Also passing through shani sade sati 2nd phase. Please share some remedy.
keep control on your speech and mind by meditation and self control. All sorts of time pass and yield to better days
Hello VS:
For Taurus lagna, Rahu in the eighth. Guru and moon in Leo. During Rahu MD, will it give effect of Guru in the eighth?
it will give the effect of jupiter and moon both if properly trinal. the overlap of rahu karakatva with 8th and jupiter will be highlighted
Thanks VS.
Will Rahu give the effects of the GajaKesari Yoga in the 8th?
What about Rahu in Dhanishtha in the 1st house Natal chart with Mars Exalted in the same house.
both rahu and mars will act exalted in capricorn when together
Hello VS,
I think person should use his/her knowledge for benefit of mankind else that knowledge is of no use or rendered useless.
You have tremendous knowledge on vedic astrology, please help people to remove their sufferings or to prepare them to face adversities in proactive and better way
thank you for the nice words, I appreciate it