Things to be noted at this juncture are below –
1) Special Lagnas – You will also see much more data as of now that you wont understand including many lagnas like Hora Lagna (HL), Sree Lagna (SL), Indu Lagna (IL) etc. All you should know as of now is that these are ‘special ascendants’ which like divisionals are used for analyzing particular areas of life. Example Indu Lagna and the chart with respect to Indu Lagna is to be studied with respect to Finances or Money prospects in a chart. At this juncture, their understanding in detail is not needed.
1b) Gulika & Maandi – Even though not in the main 9 planets, these ‘sub-bodies’ which are actually satellites of Saturn are considered in Vedic Astrology with somewhat of lesser importance than the main 9 planets. These are highly malefic entities and usually cause problems and delays/ tragedies in the houses they sit in. Typically they are considered good only in the 3rd and 11th houses and negative in all others. That’s all you need to know about them for now.
2) Moon, Sun & Lagna (Ascendant) – The ascendant is most specific for each horoscope and is the Pivotal point of the horoscope. However each horoscope should be analyzed with respect to the Moon and Sun as well and from Arudha Lagna (AL) as well. Basic rules don’t change. Just think of the sign where Moon is placed as the lagna and analyze the horoscope as you would from Lagna and same for Sun and Arudha Lagna. In some cases 2 or more can overlap. Lets say if a person has Virgo rising and Moon and Sun in Virgo. Now 3 of the Lagnas become one and your job becomes easier. As a matter of fact, in such horoscopes, the predictions will get more accurate in general as all 3 lagnas will indicate results in one direction
3) Dignity of Planets – Before you do anything else, take a pen and paper and right down points for each of your 9 planets and their dignities in detail. Follow the rules of Dignities of planets in detail. Over time this become 2nd nature and takes much less time, but for now take painstaking time to find the dignity of each planet.
4) Ashtakvarga – This is a somewhat advanced concept but since you will be looking on the bottom right of your screen at some terminology which says BAV or SAV, it is worth mentioning about some basics related to Ashtakvarga-
Ashtakvarga means 8 divisions. Basically the support a planet gets from other planets and the lagna is what is being quantified here. Support implies relative positioning. So lets say we take Mercury which is placed in 9th house in a horoscope. Now relative to lagna and 7 other planets (excluding Rahu & Ketu) mercury either gets 1 point or 0 for its relative placement from that planet. If its 0, say from Saturn, then basically Saturn is not supportive of where mercury is sitting and will not help it in its agenda. Calculations and logic behind this is beyond the scope right now but do know that this is very important in addition to the #3 above.
Average SAV of any house is 27 points. Anything above 30 is good. Below 24 is low and 24-29 is somewhat average. SAV is the total sum for all planets in any house
BAV is planet specific as described above. Even though each planet has a different average, roughly speaking 4 or above in any house is good and 3 or below is low. If a planet has say 1 point in a house, then it is not really supported by other planets in that house at all.
These concepts are more important in transit (even though used a little in basic horoscope also). So if Saturn is transiting in a house which has say 36 SAV and Saturn BAV of 6 then Saturn will give excellent results in that house as both these numbers are high and vice versa.
5) Placements – This is the essence of astrology. Take a long time in addition to dignities, to actually look at placement of planets in different houses. You will have to keep reading the house and planet indications repeatedly to get a good idea. Initially you might feel blank often, keep at it, there is no other way. Example see horo below.
You see Capricorn is ascendant. Saturn rules it. Where is Saturn sitting? In 9th house of Virgo. So person himself (as Saturn is lagna lord) is in 9th house of luck/ destiny/ higher education/ foreign travel etc. 2nd bhaav is Aquarius. Lord Saturn again in 9th house. So concepts related to Money/ assets/ speech/ family etc. in 9th house. Keep going for all 9 planets while keeping in mind the dignity of the planets. Strong planets will do good to their houses and hence significations. So in this example if Saturn is strong in dignity (which it is) it will protect and enhance the concepts of 1st and 2nd house as well as 9th house. Likewise a weak dignity planet will show issues related to those areas of life.
Even though good and bad is relative and not absolute. Keep in mind the concepts from the Bhaav write-up.
6th, 8th and 12th houses will show problems. Planets sitting in them, unless good dignity will show problems as well, especially related to the areas those planets rule by houses.
1, 5 and 9 are benefic houses and planets in these will get ‘lucky’ and stronger and will do good to their rulerships.
4, 7 and 10 are KENDRA or central places and planets in 1,4, 7 or 10 are generally strong to easily manifest the results they promise in a horoscope.
11th house is one house where materialistically speaking all planets give good results. Its the house of gain, income, wealth, social circle and friends.
A planet in its own karaka house enhances its results. So if Jupiter is karaka (significator) of 9th house, its position in the 9th house will enhance the 9th house results as Jupiter feels comfortable in that area as if it “knows what to do” in that domain of life.
6) Combustion – One concept that is important is combustion. When a planet comes too close to the sun, it becomes invisible or so to speak. Its burnt from the heat and glare of sun and fails to properly protect its significations. Implying the the houses it rules, will suffer. Even though this is a detailed discussion topic, for the sake of brevity consider any planet +/ – 6 degrees from Sun as strong combust and any planet + / – 12 degrees of Sun as combust. Beyond that the planet is no longer combust, even though it might still be more ‘agitated’ due to its closeness to Sun upto even 20 degrees.
Could you kindly touch upon the importance of Hora/MahaKaala/Kaala Lord,Tithi,Soli Lunar Yogas etc etc ?
Hi Rose,
Thanks for the good words. I do have 3rd house in 9th so hobbies writing will tend to go into publishing (9th). I guess that is what I did in engineering and stock research in banking as well. but no dasha change of 3rd at maha, antar or pratyantar level
As for Hora/ MahaKaala/Kaala lord, I will briefly touch on them in some time. These are more relevant to Electional and Horary astrology than otherwise but I will still touch on them briefly.
Yogas is something I am careful not to touch yet as it is pretty much an ocean in itself. I will mention some important ones including some lunar/ solar in some time
Dear VS,
Does a planet in it’s karaka house spoils the results due to karako bhava nashaye theory?
Hi Dinesh
Although an important concept, its applicability is not sweeping.
Firstly it is only applicable if the planet is in its most pertinent bhaav. Example Jupiter is karaka of 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th but only in the 5th (of children) does it create some issues not in the other houses
Secondly it is applicable only when the planet is in its own sign and also not conjunct or aspected by another planet.
if both the above concepts are met, then one has to be careful regarding this principle. Example if Jupiter is in 5th house in saggi or pisces and no other planet conjunct or aspects it, there will be difficulty in having children for the native and a potential delay in the same
Kaarko bhav nashaye in the true sense like you mentioned like in 5th it will make it very difficult for a child birth so Will it destroy the enemies if in 6th? If yes then how will it behave differently from the shatru-hanta yog?
sorry what in 6th? can you clarify the question again
does Karaka bhava nasha apply to Sun in 1st or Sun in 9th?
Best Regards
sun in 9th
The way you are responding to queries is very praiseworthy. No one would keep a track for more than 5 years and reply queries like you do.
Your articles are very detailed. Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot for the nice words Vibhuti and glad that you find the content helpful
Hi VS,
So how do we go about deducing the effect of a planet esp when the dignity and strength is contrary. Like the chart I am currently studying is Cancer ascendant with retro jupiter in libra which is inimical sign , however the nakshatra is vishakha which is jupiters own nakshatra. Also in the bhava chart Jupiter goes to the beginning of the 5th house. Jupiter is strong in ishta phala and shadbala. So then how do we interpret a planets role when such contrary indications are seen?
a planets shadbal is its overall power of how it can carry its own agenda (the houses it rules in the chart)
how close it is to bhaav madhya of any bhaav shows how strongly it has the power to execute the results of that bhaav. example if lagna degree 20 and a planet sitting at exact 20 degrees in the 10th bhaav, now this planet has the ability to give the results of the 10th house fully
how will those results be? see who the lord of 10th is and how strong it is. the planet is just a medium to execute the results of where it sits, where it aspects and planets that conjunct or aspect it or are trinal to it
example say capricorn ascendant. jupiter rules 3 and 12th and so not a great agenda. if jupiter is exalted in 7th, its ability to dispense results of 12th and 3rd is high as its exalted. now consider mercury sitting with jupiter in 7th. Mercury here is in an inmical sign and will be weaker relative to an exalted jupiter. mercury cant enforce the 9th agenda in this case as jupiter can enfore 12th
on the other hand if this combination is in the 9th sign of virgo for capricorn, then jupiter is now weak being in an inmical sign whereas mercury is deeply exalted. in this jupiter can not enforce the agenda of 12th and 3rd as much and mercury will fully execute the 9th agenda. Now jupiter being the karaka of 9th house sitting in 9th bhaav with a strong exalted 9th lord will fully execute the results of 9th bhaav which will be extremely good and thus the same jupiter for the same chart will give markedly different results
Hello, Thank you for the time and effort you have taken to answer the queries so earnestly. It really encourages to help understand this study better.
So going by your explanation, Jupiter being strong in shadbala will give good results of 6th and 9th that it lords in the chart. Since it is at the very beginning of the 5th house in chalit chart and is relatively weak to give the results of the 5th house. However, since it is karaka of 5th bhava and strong in ishta phala, does it mean it will still give the desired effects of the 5th bhava?
Also in rashi chart it is in 4th house whose Lord is venus while in bhava chart it is in 5th house whose Lord is Mars.So which Lord should we look at to deduce the results by jupiter?
in the example I gave, jupiter rules 3rd and 12th and mercury rules 6th and 9th
the main rule one has to understand is that a planet close to the bhaav madhya of any house gives the results of that house strongly (good or bad is a different issue) so if an afflicted malefic sits in the 8th bhaav, it is good to have it moving in chalit in some senses as then it implies it is more than 15 degrees away from bhaav madhya of the 8th. so it should be easy for the student to understand that when a planet has moved in chalit, it implies that the planet was already more than 15 degrees away from that bhaav (when considering equal bhaav system, which is what I highly recommend)
Thanks VS, nicely described scenario.
In the Jupiter/Mercury in Cancer scenario:
1. Is it that the 12th’s agenda of a powerful Guru impedes the Bhagya agenda of Budha?
2. Supposing Mithuna becomes as powerful as Virgo, will Budha’s 6th agenda play out together with Guru’s 12/3 since the agendas match?
Budha loses a lot of power in the 7th, but I understand you haven’t addressed that to keep the focus on the topic. Thanks.
yes mercury as marana karaka in 7th is a separate topic as that will destroy the bhaav characteristics of the 7th house and not the 6th and 9th. mercury is considered as neutral gender and thus in the house of sexuality gives issues in relationships due to sexual problems as well as the tendency to give multiple partners even after marriage. however if such a mercury has its depositor moon exalted and a strong influence from jupiter and saturn, its negative impact of marana karaka will be neutralized to a large extent. mercury is marana karaka in 7th and a defunct planet in the 4th (from my experience). however if exalted or own house in 4th, it can give a beautiful house/ property/ land
Hello Vivekji – Good day! What are the generic effects if the lagna(Gemini) and rashi(Gemini) lord Mercury is retrograde, combust by a debilitated Sun? Both Sun and Mercury are weak degree wise – around 1 degree and Sun wins in graha yudha. Both Mercury and Sun have low ashtak varga score including the bhava(BAV < 20) they reside in. Sun and Mercury are together in most of the divisional charts and Sun is debilitated in most of them. Mercury has good Istha phala and Shadbala, Sun too is above the minimum Shadbala in rupas.
I m finding it difficult to apply the rules as there are far too many permutations and combinations. Also, JHORA doesn't show Mecury as combust, not sure why.
Hi Varun
Unfortunately not a generic question and hard to answer w/o looking at a particular horoscope in detail, which as you know I am not doing these days anymore
As for JHora not showing Mercury combust, there is an option you can tweak in the settings. PVR Rao (fellow astrologer and author of JHOra) and some others are of the opinion that Mercury in Retrograde motion and Venus in direct motion are NOT combust even when within 6 degrees of Sun. Keep in mind that only the internal planets namely venus and mercury can be both retrograde and very close to the sun. The outer planets of Mars, saturn and Jupiter are retrograde when away from the sun. Rahu/ ketu are always Retrograde and sun and moon are never retrograde
My viewpoint is that Mercury does get combust when retrograde and venus does get combust when direct when close to the sun, however the combustion is relatively mild as opposed to when Mercury is direct and venus is retrograde and close to the sun
Hello VS,
Would it mean that if venus in direct motion if getting combust by sun it won’t affect much the overall health of venus like say for libra lagna venus 26d and sun 25d getting combust in eight house of taurus here venus is deeply combust but luckily its in its own sign would such a venus be able to give good results beacuse of deep combust and debilitated in navamsa…thanks for your time
yes this is something that I have seen in terms of observational astrology over a large number of horoscopes as well as in transit
venus in direct motion does suffer from the blemish of combustion but only to a limited extent. It suffers much more in the retrograde motion. Opposite for mercury which does not suffer from combustion in retrograde motion but does in forward motion
Dear VS
What are your views about “cazimi” in Western astrology? As per this concept, if a planet is at the same degree as sun, it actually get energized and becomes super powerful almost like an exalted planet. The famous example given is that of Oprah’s cazimi Venus in Capricorn. Have you noticed a similar effect too? What do you think about this concept?
I have replied to this before here. I do not believe in this concept and in my opinion, it does not work
Hello Vivek ji,
Nice blog, very good for learners , specially the spread sheets of benefic/ malefic.
wish you good luck.
just one question , in general ofcourse , is saturn in 9th house is better than 3rd or 11th house for capricorn lagna?
Hello Krishnagopal,
Thanks for the good words.
As for saturn in 3rd or 11th vs. 9th for capricorn lagna, I believe it will depend on many factors including the total dignity of saturn, aspects/ bala/ divisional strength etc. Then secondly the istha phala of the depositor of saturn as well. Most important is to see the Yogas (good or bad) saturn gets involved in.
Thanks Vivek. Agreed that it depends on all factors you mentioned.
but in charts i have seen, 9th fared better. may be because LL in 9th is always good, as it is a friend’s house+ bhagya house. (common theme for both 3/9th sani for makar lagna is, it will make one lonely/separated in its periods.)
I think this is true even in case of scorpio lagna. your take?!
However both placements aspect sani’s karaka houses, 12th for 3rd and 6th for 9th which is good again unless afflicted with further malefic aspects.
as far as lagna lord being in 9th – it is true that it is usually always good
If the 9th lord joins, then better. Example if saturn is in 9th in virgo and mercury joins it in Virgo then Jatak parijata maintains – “the native will be very rich and enjoy a raj yoga but will be sickly at times”
this is because saturn aspects 6th and mercury rules 6th. So some enmity with authority/ father can be expected as well as sickness during long distance travel (9th). However dominant part of that yoga will give luck and wealth with 1st and 2nd lord conjuncting 9th in 9th house
Also saturn aspecting 11th is always good with saturn ruling the generic 11th bhaav of aquarius. if saturn is strong, it can give good wealth inflow in 9th in 2nd half of life
How does ishta phala of dispositor affect a planet?suppose saturn in virgo and mercury ishta phala more than 15 dasvarga and shodas varga
if depositor has good IP then it helps any planet that sits in that particular sign as it gets “nourishment” from the depositing planet, especially if the depositor is a natural benefic like Jupiter venus mercury or moon
Hello Sir,
Can you please tell something about Mercury’s combustion ? Some take mercury as an exception to combustion . Others debate on degrees , some consider it combust within 1 degrees , some within 3 and some within 5 degrees
1) Does it help if mercury is ahead of sun as compared to behind the sun ?
for eg – Sun at 20 degrees and mercury at 24 degrees
2) and what if both of them are in different nakshtras ? say sun in pada 4 and mercury in pada 1 of next nakshatra .. Will this cancel combustion ?
You are right that there is no common consensus for exact degrees to which various planets are combust.
Hence every astrologer will have his/ her own opinion on it.
As per most accepted literature, Mercury is combust upto 14 degrees in direct motion and upto 12 degrees in Retrograde motion from the sun
In my experience Mercury should be considered combust within 6 degrees from the sun in either motion and strongly combust within 3 degrees
Anything more than 6 degrees is very feeble conjunction and hence not very relevant to consider
I have been reading your site of late and enjoying it immensely. You seem to have a very clear and concise manner to your explanations. Thank you.
I have a question regarding astrological software. I am wondering whether you have a recommendation as to what software to use?
Please download Jagannatha Hora software, it is Free as well as very comprehensive
Hello VS,
It is nice to read all your articles.
As you said you were too good in maths and science and then took astrology at such young age, all came naturally to you which I can guess.
if you find appropriate and ok to give your birth details please. I just wish to study as I am curious.
Thanks and best regards.
Hi Padma
Please email me on
I can reveal my birth details there
Sir; i have some doubts. (1)if jupiter fully aspects saturn by 5th aspect, will saturn by it’s 10th aspect throw energy of jupiter too alogwith it’s own?? (2) in the query,replace saturn by mars,& pl answer same for mars’s 4th aspect. (3) can it be applicable to any other planet like venus,sun etc wrt their opposition(budh effects insuch case r known,so not to be included). regards.
only when 2 planets are in conjunciton within 12 degrees will they throw each others aspect out, not otherwise
Sri VS:
For a Taurus asc Saturn is a yogakkara and lord of Badaka sthaana.
Saturn is retro and alone in good dignity in Jupiter (8th).
I am thinking: It is retro and hence can be erratic, sitting in the 8th (longevity) and badaka lord; so the end can come suddenly.
Is my reading somewhat acceptable or plain wrong?
Thank you.
all depends on other factors on saturn
further badhak itself isnt a big factor in judgement. a yoga karaka remains a yoga karaka
Sri VS:
In JHora, under Preferences/Calculations there are two options 1. Restore Default. 2. Use author’s recommended. Which should I use? If it’s not too lengthy, can you tell why?
there are dozens of settings. Each astrologer will have their own preference. In some of the articles, I have explained my preferences on some of the points. Please feel free to use your own or just keep the default as well
Adding: Moon posited in Leo, 12-th house is 6th from Moon, hence there is an “emotional hurdle” to overcoming this problem rationally.
Sri VS:
Should the significations of 6th house from the moon be viewed as something like “there is mental block to carry out actions that would fructify these significations”?
yes. those are going to be things which the person needs to overcome mentally to succeed in life
Supposing the 9th bhaav is 6th from the moon; taking higher education for example; assume the 9th is strong from lordship, posited planets and aspect angles; in this case, would the obstruction be psychological/mental, like I may not like higher education but if I overcome that dislike, I would do well..
actual resutls to be seen from lagna.
from moon, it will show the way they will appear to be to your mental state
Sri VS:
For a female, if Jupiter is a functional malefic, does it mean anything in terms of marriage? Assume it’s dignity is good.; same question for male (venus).
for marriage first look at the specific 7th lord and bhaav. the karaka will then support or negate the result if strong or otherwise. Look at only the strength of venus for male (placement, dignity and aspects) not the functional nature. For example say saggitarius lagna, venus is full FM. But if exalted in 4th house, it is great for marriage, especially if mercury as 7th lord is also placed well
Quoting: “Look at only the strength of venus for male”.
Jupiter for female, I believe + the 7th lord’s dignity as mentioned above..?
mars for female in todays context
used to be Jupiter earlier, when women were not working/ independent
So, the karaka for the 7th is venus for male and Mars for female?
The amount of KT you have done for me is a lot VS. There is so much misinformation out there especially about divisionals. They might call what I know from you as wrong, but ultimately it’s a matter of trust. My heart felt thanks. May God bless you with all that’s good for your soul and body.
Sir which would you say is more important, aspect or conjunction or placement?
I mean how do we judge net result if a planet is exalted but aspected by enemy planet or exalted but also combusted or FM but well aspected, etc.?
I have learnt the rules given in your basic articles but don’t know how to tie them toghe
placement and conjunciton are always more important/ intense. aspects are slightly lesser as it is an effect from outside. the degrees will take importance ofcourse, closer the degrees, stronger the impact
Sri VS:
Lord of 7th (marriage) and 6th (divorce) sitting together (even if their strengths are good) is not good, unless aspected by Jupiter or/and Saturn in good that correct?
Does the above concept apply to D-9 as well? Thanks.
Sri VS:
In JHora: The Bhaav Bala also says Shadbala. This tells me the balas are not just from
D-1. I am thinking..the strength of the bhaavs in D-1 is of the highest why bhaav balas from other charts is squeezed into the chart?
Bhaav bal calculation is complex. There are a couple of books addressing the issue in detail if you are interested. however, it is a research area which I can advise to dive in only after the mastery of most principles of astrology
there are ample very good astrologers who predict well without softwares or these very fine details. Intuition should be used and case studies used to practice. Else you will become addicted to just looking at numbers like 130 good, 90 bad etc. and planets are not binary. Its never only good or only bad. So be careful of this GANIT jyothish. Focus on PHALIT jyotish with emphasis on case study after case study.
Hello Vivekji – What can be said about a male having Jupiter and Venus conjunct(less than 10 degree) in 7th house(sagi) for a Mithun lagna and Kanya Rashi? Here Jupiter is Functional Malefic and Venus is Functional Benefic but both are general benefic.
By itself the combination is great. Can make the person highly creative and benign minded. Can go into areas of art/ cinema/ entertainment/ glamour or public dealing of some kind. Also depends on planets placed in or aspecting the 10th bhaav. Spouse might be highly educated and from a good family
Sri VS:
With Mercury sitting in Gemini at 1 deg (same as cancer asc degree), Ketu at 26 deg in Gemini, how much is Merc afflicted? If yes, can this can lead to anxiety issues..
maybe not specifically this combination but generally a FM mercury in 12th or in its own sign can lead to an over thinking, over analyzing nature leading to anxiety
Thanks Vivekji.
Sri VS:
I was revisiting your write up of placement and lordship. If the 5th and 2nd lord (merc) is sitting in the 3rd in good dignity it can bring creativity from 5th to the 3rd (creativity in writing, speech etc), also wealth from 2nd to the 3rd; NOT that I could be wealthy from IT skills but I could use my wealth in developing 3rd house significations, a subtle distinction, please comment on this if I am correct.
yes that’s correct
what will also be important is the dignity and placement of Moon as the depositor
Just to confirm my understanding again, when the lord of the 9th sits in the 8th, it brings, say, wisdom from the 9th to confront the obstacles of the 8th, NOT that acquiring wisdom will run into obstacles. Thanks again.
it depends on the dignity of the 9th lord. if it is strong by sign and shadbala etc, it will give more wisdom than obstacles. if it is weak, the significations of the 9th house will be destroyed or delayed
Does the dignity of the lord determine which bhaav’s karakatvas come into the posited house? Say Leo asc, would Jupiter bring more of the 8th if it is weak?
mooltrikona is always more heavily represented
secondly if a planet sits or aspects one of its 2 signs, the one it sits or aspects will be represented more even if its not the MK
So very true Vivek. I am a Taurus Lagna and Jupiter sits in the 6th. Venus sits in the 4th. I felt the effects of the 6th in the 4th quite heavily, despite Venus being Lagnesh.
“mooltrikona is always more heavily represented”
for Tarus lagna, Venus in 1st house, which means good health or bad health?
by itself a gentle planet like venus does not harm its own (lagna) but it all depends on the placement and dignity and aspects on venus. combust/ heavily afflicted venus can lead to poor health and diseases which are signified by venus in general
I understand from you that that a planet brings the significations of the houses it rules to the posited house (by way of related themes) and also improves/lessens the significations of the houses it rules depending on the strength of its placement.
Question: Does it bring the significations of the house it is placed in to the houses it rules?
If for Capricorn Jupiter sits in 9th house. It will bring the significations of 12th into 9th. like travel, foreign travel, higher education abroad etc. But not 9th into 12th
When two planets are conjunct, is the overall effect of the conjunction dependent on which is sitting at the lower degree?
Not at all. that is what a particular astrologer claims on some of his youtube videos. I dont subscribe to this theory in real life
Hello VS sir, what is the general rule to verify if a native will get inheritance from father, mother, or others in family? It is said that 8th house and lord need to be seen, 8L should have connection (aspect/conjunction) with 4th and/or 9th lords, 8L should be strong or exalted, etc. Is good placement required – what if 8L is in dusthan say 6th, 12th, or 8th itself? 6th should work since 6th is actually 11th (gain) from 8th. Also, do the same rules apply when it is not immediate family – say you are listed on someone’s will, to bequeath part of their estate. How is that seen? A lot of times, childless couple adopts someone who will then inherit their property even if no blood relation. Maybe from distant relatives. Do same rules then apply to check inheritance? It will be nice if you can explain what are your actual observations if and how it works. Thank you.
2nd is own money, 7th from it is ‘other’s’ money or the 8th house. if it is connected with the 4th or 9th and the karakas of moon/ sun, it will be via parents. else look at the karaka of planets involved to see where the inheritance or windfall gains come from.
general rule to see things, look at the bhaav, then its owner and then its karaka. Finally look at the bhaav from karaka and its arudha. so for example for wealth, look at 2nd and 2nd lord. then Jupiter. then 2nd house from Jupiter and finally arudha of 2nd house from Jupiter. if 2 or more of the above criteria overlap in one sign, that sign will be main significator of wealth in chart, else use the strongest of all the above
Some amazing discussions! As far as I can see you have not mentioned which planets are karakas for which bhavas in any of the articles (including dignity of planets). I have seen astrologers having slight differences on this.
>> question:
can you share a simple list of bhavas and their karakas on one of your pages, it will be great? If one bhava (like say the 10th house) has many karakas it will be good if you mention which as per you is more dominant generally i.e the main karaka.
Best Regards
I believe I do have one article on bhaav karaks. Either way will add another sometime
Looks for #9 Planet Karakatvas
Sri VS:
I have question on this: “6th, 8th and 12th houses will show problems. Planets sitting in them, unless good dignity will show problems as well, especially related to the areas those planets rule by houses.”.
If Jupiter is a functional benefic and sits in the 6th, it brings the significations of the bhaavs it rules into the 6th . The above quote also suggests that by sitting in the 6th, it may also not deliver well for the houses it rules if its dignity is not good. Is my understanding correct?
If it is good dignity then the damage is not much and there could be indirect gain also or win over enemies by having a friendly nature in case Jupiter is in own house in 6th…such people will not have any enemies
say leo ascendant mars is in 6th house exalted. Now mars here will make a person fiercely competitive and successful in competitions and like a sportsman/ professional athlete. Can give jobs in law enforcement/ army etc. however 4th and 9th lord is in 6th. So there could be some disease to the father and mother (non serious) related to bone marrow/ muscles/ blood etc.
Also the fortune of the person rises after hard work and tensions and stressful situations
However if this mars is deep combust or closely aspected by rahu or ketu then the disease could be significant. This mars will also cause the person to have one or more surgeries and accidents in life. if sun is strong then the person will not get injured by these etc. this is how you have to think
Sri VS:
“A planet in its own karaka house enhances its results. So if Jupiter is karaka (significator) of 9th house..”
Question: If this was the MK of Jupiter, would it result in Karaka Bahaav Naash?
not always. jupiter will do that kind of bhaav naash only for 5th house not 9th nor 2nd or 11th (of which it is also karaka)
Sri VS: Can you point out the like Jupiter – 5th, Venus – 7th? etc for all planets? I hear about multiple Karakas for certain houses and it can get very confusing especially from a KBN perspective.. Thnks.
Jupiter 5th
venus 7th
sun 9th
moon 4th
mars 3rd
Saturn 12th and 8th (although in 8th it still gives long life unless afflicted by mars/ ketu)
Mercury 4th
VS -ji
One qsn on this – is the bhav position is based on bhav chalit here. Like venus in 8th in d-1, but goes to 7th in bhav chalit then kbn?
yes bhaav chart = bhaavs
rasi chart = rashis
Sri VS:
If a FM sits in a kendra or Kona, it is generally not good for the house? (assume that the lord and its dispositor are in good shape).
Thank you.
if depositor is strong then its good with some hiccups in that area..
if FM is stronger than the depositor then its damage to that area
happy to accidentally to come this site. found good. Kindly provide a clarification on this: jup in 7th meena (lagna kanya, born in bharani) with rahu, ven&moon in 8th, mars &mer in 10th
rahu in kendra joined jup the rasi lord shall make him good. rahu jupiter will assist in marriage or cause problem
will be ok as it will disolve jupiters kendradipatti dosa to some extent and help marital affairs
Sri VS:
Realted question if Rama Mohan does not mind:
Will Jupiter in MK also partially remove KAD given the same bhaav etc?
Can I adventure to offer you this details of a person for analysis for the cause of the accident, who had fatal accident by felling down from running speedy train, had 26 fractures, I can not find any indication in his horoscope which lead to the accident, he rose to life from there after being in hospital for 6 months & became one of the most successful person in textile dying field, later on he built his own bungalow in Mumbai & became financially very well off, I know every detail of his life as he is a very close relative to me.
Name : K Birth Date: 25th March 1956 Birth Time: 5.30 a.m. Birth Place: Ratnagiri (Maharashtra, India)
what date did this accident happen?
How accurately is the time of birth known? (+ or – x minutes) what is x?
Sri VS:
What is the role of a badakasthaana? For a scorpio asc, Cancer is B-Sthaana. If say Jup, Mo, Ket and Venus are siting there, what is the interpretation?
Thank you.
forget badhaksthana concept. it is a secondary concept. If functionally benefic planets sit in good dignity in a Kendra or kona house, they will always do good
Thank you.
Does maraka concept works
I thought may be I replied late to your query about time of accident of K, so I am giving all info at one go again as following, your analysis will help all the beginners like me about prognostication of event.
Name : K
Details of a person for analysis for the cause of the accident, who had fatal accident by felling down from running speedy train, had 26 fractures, he rose to life from there after being in hospital for 6 months & became one of the most successful person in textile dying field, later on he built his own bungalow in Mumbai & became financially very well off, I know every detail of his life as he is a very close relative to me.
Name : K Birth Date: 25th March 1956 Birth Time: 5.30 a.m. Birth Place: Sangameshwar (Dist : Ratnagiri Maharashtra, India)
Accident happened on 16th November 1986 between 3.15 p.m. to 3.30 p.m, near Thane in Maharashtra (to be precise it happened between Diva and Dombivali in Thane District)
The birth time is ought to be accurate as where he was born at his maternal uncle, are very orthodox brahmins with deep belief in Astrology, so must have noted accurate time.
ok will take a look at this and revert
Sri VS:
When Saturn sits in the 2nd house of speech in Saggi (Jupiter is exalted), does this generally give restraint in speech or does it give harsh speech in your observation?
Saturn by itself does not give harsh speech. It will give a direct speech in saggi. which could feel cold, even if the intention is to be straightforward. However the different aspects on Saturn will dictate the actual result.
Is Ashtakvarga score relative between the planets? In my chart 4 planets and Lagna have 2, a couple of planets have 3 and only Sun has 4. Does this mean that none of the planets are in good position?
ashtakvarga is not relative and it is not that vital in predictive astrology. it is more relevant only when studying transits and not the general overall nature of the horoscope
In a utube video, one astrologer who speaks on marital affairs, mentions that Saturn being in swasthana for Leo/Cancer ascendants is not good for marriage. Assuming there is no Jupiter aspect on the 7th, is that true from your research?
Thank you.
can not be generalized. aspects are more complicated than just a direct aspect. example if saturn in capricorn in 7th. venus if in 11th bhaav of taurus, will also affect saturn almost as if sitting with it. but generally speaking only saturn in own house being a functional and generic malefic, will not give a rosy picture for marriage, although by itself it is not bad either in my experience. can give a mature and older partner in general
VS sir, taking this same example asked by Sundar (March 12, 2018 at 12.49 pm) if it is a Simha (Leo) ascendant and the Jupiter is placed in 12th Cancer, making it exalted, then which of its kaarkatvas is expressed more fully during its dasha/anterdasha – 5th house which is its mooltrikon of Dhanu -OR- its 8th house ruling of Meena? What will native experience more in such a exalted Jupiter mahadasha? Thank you.
not making specific charts, but one more time, Jupiter will carry agenda of 5th (MK) more than 8th
however in this case it becomes 6-8 from its MK sign and carries the agenda of 5th (like children) into loss (12th)
as for 8th bhaav, it becomes Trine to its sign and 100% aspects it. Hence in this case the 8th house will become more floridly represented. Both Viprret raj yoga (8th lord in 12th) and loss of 5th house significations (like children) will exist simultaneously
Jupiter in 12th means a gentle hearted person whose gentleness or giving nature is sort of hidden from the society and their personality. However they have a calm mind. But many things depend on the 4th lord and moon as 4th karaka also
Vivek, Steven Hawkings passed away today and that piqued my interest in his chart since he had Lou Gehrig’s disease. DOB 8 January 1942, time unknown. I wanted to fix his ascendant.
Rahu is in Leo and is trinal to Mars and Saturn in Aries. Moon is the 9th in Kanya and dispositor Mercury is in asc, hence they are trinal indicating a sharp, experimenting mind.
I think his asc is most likely capricorn since the association of the three in the 8th of unknown, chronic diseases may have resulted in the disease.Any thoughts on the ascendant conclusion?
yes I took his birth date and year and I tried to do the same. I believe he is Capricorn ascendant. lagna lord is debilitated as well as bhang as well but rahu and Saturn afflicting 4th and 8th and mars – mars is karaka for muscles. the Bhang part made him live till 76 instead of 20s
Thanks VS, just saw your reply.
Bhang here means neecha bhanga? Cancelling debility?
bhang = cancellation
sir; can the +ve results given by AL & various UL’s, fully compensate -ve results of main D1 chart in any given field of life-prediction? pl clarify. thanks. regards.
no they can not
Vivek, The crux of my question is this: While the dispositor’s strength in terms of being debilitated etc does affect the disposited planet, does affliction of the dispositor affect the disposited and its bhaav to a significant degree?
Thank you.
yes overall dignity including strength, aspects, afflictions, combustions etc is vital
Sir; thank you for a clearcut answer.
In such a situation of +ve AL-chart,UL’s contradicting -ve results of main D1 chart,
what use can they be put to in overall interpretation?
Also, will answer be same in case such contradiction with charakarakas(AK,AmK
etc)?–or even very+ve total of all above “others”, versus -ve of main D1-chart?
i will be grateful if you could kindly clarify this too. thanks in advance for your
patience with me. regards.
there is no fixed one size fits all
what can be used – do 1000 charts, you will know yourself with experience. This can not be taught and there are no short cuts
A weak dispositor can make a strong planet weak. Can a strong dispositor make a weak planet (say neech) strong? I think not, but asking..
yes it can, especially if the planet is in a Kendra also. This is exactly what makes Neecha Bhang Raj yoga. It is like a weak person becoming prime minister. yes some execution problems will remain, but who cares whether the person is a genius or not…physically strong or not. he/ she has power and that’s what matters
Can we fix the lagna for a country based on an event like declaration of independence and the analyze the gochara results ignoring the dasa part (since Vimshottari dasa is based on a 120 year span)?
technically you can. However in my experience since all the predictive dasas are based on an average human life span, which is not going to be true for a country, the predictive power of horoscope as well as the context completely changes. One has to be careful drawing too many conclusions based on such horoscopes. It could be researched more, frankly my research is based more on humans only..
As lord of the 9th does it matter if it is Venus (Asura) or Jupiter (deva)? The generic karakatvas of the planets will come into play but as lord of the 9th, do they do equally well?
depending on strength they can both do well. Also depending on judgement good and bad is relative. While venus will tend to give luxuries and wealth…Jupiter can give wisdom, knowledge and giving forgiving nature…also other planets that effect them will modify the results..
Hello Vivek,
Do trinal conjunctions apply to a transitting planet and a natal planet? I believe that during the MD the natal trinal conjunctions gets activated, kindly correct me there if wrong..
yes ofcourse,transiting saturn trinal to any natal planet will activate that planet as will jupiter
Dear Vivek,
For a Meena lagna with Jupiter neech (actually 23 deg) and retro Saturn in the ascendant, can we strengthen the lagna lord with a gem? Since Shani is a FM would strengthening Guru make Saturn worse given there is a parivartan in play?
Thank you.
none of jupiter or saturn gem advised in this situation
Dear Sir,
For Capricorn ascendent, if Jupiter transits house 11, is it good and what results are associated.
Regards, Vishwa
jupiter transiting the 11th house from lagna will always give good results generally speaking for any lagna
According to mr k n rao reciting vishnu sahsranam is only remedy prescribed BPHS so does it mean that other remedies or totkas are not useful?
I dont believe that is true, Mr Rao’s opinion perhaps, but not mine
Dear VS,
In virgo ascendant Saturn in 3rd house of scorpio in anuradha nakshatra and mars in 5th house of capricon does it qualify as kahal Parivartan yoga..does such a saturn give bad results in its dasa
it is a parivartan. the results can be mixed but will depend on other aspects and overall dignity of saturn, mars and ketu
Hello VS:
In Tamil, each day is associated with a planet. Sunday – Sun, Moon,Mars,Merc,Jupiter,Venus, Saturn (day is called Sani). If we line Rahu and Ketu at the end. I am asking about the sthambana concept, if it is true? i.e. Counting from Jupiter, 6th is Sun, so Jupiter and Sun together puts an obstacle on this true?
I am not aware of the concept. However ketu’s day is same as mars – tuesday and rahu’s day is same as saturn – saturday
Hello VS:
When a planet is in a Upachya bhaav and also in Pushkarabaga does it make it even better for improvement?
Hello VS:
For Tula lagna, lagnesh in the 8th; does this bring out the good things of the 8th and suppress the bad, like it gives longevity but not chronic diseases? If true, if the 2nd and 7th lord sits in the 8th, and Mars dasa is current, could it bring sudden but good transformations to family/marriage?
on its own venus in 8th in own house isnt bad and will enhance the good effects of 2nd and 8th bhaavs. however what planets conjunct or aspect it and how strongly will determine the overall impact nature
For capricon asdentant if mercury which is lord of 9th house is in 6th house of gemini(retro) along with mars and ketu would such a mercury be capable of giving good results since it is in bad house along with 2malefics and also retrograde..and are any of these planets good in 6th house since its upachya house as well
it will have mixed results. however its association with general malefics in the 6-12 axis will lead to most results being painful as opposed to positive
Hello VS:
What is the effect of the lagna lord being the same as the lord of the 8th and posited in the 8th (example Venus for Tula and Mars for Mesha lagna)? Given the 8th lord and the bhaav become strong, how does it affect the 7th lord if it sits in the 8th bhaav? In general it is not a good position, but does the 8th lord also being the lagna lord make a positive difference?
generically benefic planets like venus might not damage much. MK sign says more about the nature of the planet. Hence having libra rising will still have venus as a benefic and in 8th is not bad. but if mars joins venus in 8th then it is not good for marriage at all and the longevity of partner. It can also means surgical removal of private organs for women if these planets are close to bhaav Madhya of 8th and trinal or aspected by Saturn or ketu also
VS, How does an exalted saturn behave in the 12th? It’s happy but not a good position for the chart, is Saturn happy to isolate, incarcerate and give loneliness. Venus is in neutrally in the 10th.
it will depend on the other aspects on Saturn. by itself an exalted Saturn in 12th house will not give incarceration
VS, if the lord of dusthana bhaavs are exalted/strong in another good bhaav ( kendra/Kona) and the good bhaav is strong (e.g. Leo Lagna and Moon is exalted and Venus in Tula), there won’t be damage to the good bhaav. The other way around? e.g. Leo Lagna, Mars gets exalted and Saturn in Aquarius. In the latter, Mars gets damaged a bit. Is this correct?
mars will not be damaged in any way. it is an exalted yoga karaka aspecting the lagna from an upaachya sign. saturn as its depositor is strong that makes mars stronger. what might happen is a life where lots of hard work and struggle are needed to succeed but success will certainly come
If someone is running say saturn mahadasa and saturn antardasa with saturn being neutral planet and is about to start saturn mahadasa with mercury antardasa with mercury being highly benefic the effect of this antardasa would be felt from commence of such antardasa or after some time..its very confusing as to when are the results good or bad of mahadasa and antardasa felt..thanks
depends on many factors –
1) planets placed in Head rising or hind rising signs ( you can find that in my articles here) give results according in the start, middle or end of their dasas
2) balaadi avastha shows rough span during dasa example a planet placed at 2 degrees in virgo as sun. now this is mrit avastha as in even signs 0-6 is mrit avastha. This is a common sign which tend to give results in the middle. But mrit avastha tends to give it towards the end. So such a sun will give its good or bad results after the mid part and more towards the end of its dasa but also depends on transits
3) also will depend on the triggering of the yoga/ avayogas by saturn and jupiter in transit
Vivek Sir!
Can you kindly explain me about Life Path and Direction concept for each Lagna.
Thank you So Much Sir.
wow, that is a big ask sir, I unfortunately am not so enlightened! we all have to find our own path and there is no right or wrong
Is it OK to wear yellow and blue sapphire together for an Aquarius rasi/ascendant with Saturn (1 degree) in 10th house, 9th in bhav chalit and retrograde Jupiter (13 degrees) in 12th house? The depositor of Saturn i.e. Mars is in 7th house….
not recommended to wear contradictory stones and hence no
Thanks! Why are they contradictory as Saturn and Jupiter are neutral towards each other.
Based on the above info, if I have to wear one of these two which one should I wear?
Neutral does not imply positivity automatically. planets have to be closely studied as jup will give markedly different results for each aquarius ascendant individual depending on the dozens of factors. I am unable to provide that reading for you. However in general, jup/sun/ moon and mars are one set of planets and venus/ mercury/ Saturn are the other set and you should not mingle stones for these 2 sets without proper analysis
If Sun being atma karaka and strengthened by using Ruby, can Jupiter as 8th lord in 6th for Taurus ascendent be strengthened using yellow sapphire , since they belong to same group. Or will strengthening Jupiter give health problems. Generally how soon does one start seeing the effects of wearing gems. Thank you
No a stone for a functionally malefic planet is not recommended regardless of a VRY situation
Aspect of which planet is considered good…
1)Lagna benefic planets
2)Natrual benefic planets
3)Yogakaraka planets…etc if its Libra Ascendant would Saturn being yogakaraka its aspect be benefic???
1 and 3 are always benefic, 2 will have a mixed touch like jupiter for venus lagna
Hello VS,
For a Taurus lagna, Jupiter is situated neutrally in the 6th. Lord of the 11th in 6th (Upachya in Upachya) and lord of 8th in 6th (VPRY). I see this as a good position. For this chart if Chandra Lagna is Pisces, how does Jupiter do in the 8th? Does it cause anxiety related to children for example?
Can give diabetes or obesity and liver/ abdominal issues. Health is not good in this scenario especially if venus is weak in the chart. For wealth or income, it is a good placement
Hello VS,
For a Mesha asc, Mars is at 25 degress (close to max debilitation, correct me). Since it in a kendra and being 4th and 9th from its own and MK rasis, can we still consider it good from a health perspective? The 8th is much more heavily aspected than the 1st which means that the 8th’s (longevity) karakatvas get represented more in the 4th.
Thank you.
not good for health unless moon is strong in the chart
Hello VS,
When we look at asubha yoga for a Mesha asc with Ketu in the 12th and Sun in the 2nd, Sun is a FB being lord of the 5th and Ketu is in its most comfortable house. Is this still a asubha yoga?
it can be deemed as a slight paap kartaari yoga as 2 natural malefics surround the lagna
however since both will be going away from the lagna, the scissors are opening and not closing. so no real negative yoga by purely this placement
Does Functional nature matter in kartaari yoga?
not by definition. As the definition is for generic malefics to surround a particular bhaav. however in real practice, ofcourse functional nature and dignity of the planet has to be taken into consideration to spell out the results
Hello VS,
Stupid question may be..
case 1: Jupiter is transitting over natal moon and is 5 degrees away in the same bhaav.
case 2: Jupiter is transitting 123 degrees from natal moon.
Jupiter’s influence on Moon is more in case 2, correct?.
Thanks as always.
it will be similar. more or less depends on detailed calculations but in the given scenario but will have similar effect
Hello VS, I am looking at George W Bush’s chart; July 6, 1946, 7:25 New Haven, Connecticut. He is a Cancer Lagna with Saturn in the lagna, became president in Saturn MD/Mars AD and was re-elected in the Saturn MD/Jupiter AD; Yogakara Mars is in 2nd . Lagna is virgottam in D-10. Saturn is in a Yogada yoga.
I don’t see anything significant like Obama’s chart. Can you shed light on this?
i typically use leo as Bush’s lagna. sometimes birth chart data even if AA is not right especially older year (say before 1980s) rahu exalted in 10th makes sense for a strong politician. saturn will be vipreet raj yoga being 6th in 12th. 7th co ruled rahu is stronger than saturn and hence marriage will be fine as rahu exalted in 10th bhaav. 6th bhaav of enemy is destroyed and 6th in 12th is vipreet raj yoga.
Hi vivek sir
Does any planet in d10 lagna strongly influence native’s career?i thought 2nd 6th and 10th house in d10 determine career.can you please elaborate
well a planet placed in the middle of lagna for any divisional will certainly impact the significations for that chart so yes
Vivek sir
do you LAHIRI AYNAMSA for divisional chart?does lahiri aynamsa work appropriately?
Lahiri is good enough. also known as chitrapaksha
VS, does lagna nakshatra color the personality?
absolutely. but in the same order. Rashi >> Nakshatra
Hello VS,
I was trying to fix the asc for Brett Kavanaugh Feb 12, 1965 Washington DC. I am basing it on his profession and the current scandal and my read of his character from the judiciary committee hearing.
I think he is a Mesha lagna.
That puts 3rd/6th lord Merc (litigation) in the 10th with 2nd/7th lord Venus.
Rahu sits in the 2nd (not truthful) coloring Venus.
Moon is weak in the 3rd (emotional outbursts).
Mars 1st/8th lord in 6th aspecting his 9th, 12th and Lagna. Mars is retrograde.
Saturn in 11th, made uncomfortable by conjunct Sun, aspects lagna and 8th.
Twelfth lord sits in the lagna.
Mercury dasa and Rahu AD now.
I know you are busier than me, but if you find time, let me know what you think.
i dont wish to speculate and have not tried his chart. however just from his succesfull career in law till date, he has to have a strong saturn related to 10th and a benefic. so likely taurus ascendant. also saturn unless within 8 to 10 degrees of sun will not be combust. in aquarius it will easily dominate over sun as sun is in an enmical sign and saturn MK
Your explanations are really unique and transferring the knowledge is a boon to us. I have two questions here:
1. I have studied somewhere that the adi devata and pratiyadi devata of a planet in D1 are to be identified in two different divisional charts. I forgot those divisions. Could you please throw some light on this?
2.Birth time correction is to be done in accordance with pranapada lagna. Is it true?
hello the points you mention are research topics, more like white paper efforts by recent authors and researchers. i dont pay much attention to them as they are impossible to apply given the number of unknowns and variables. it eventually boils down to just speculation at that stage which defies the point of an organized study of astrology
Hello VS,
For a Scorpio asc, 7th lord is placed enemy’s house in the 9th with Guru, Moon.
I understand from you that Badhaka-stana is a secondary concept, but does it compound the issue? Could this male face issues in marriage and with spouse (Venus being sthira-karakka).
Thank you.
can not be said geneally but not likely
Vivek sir
Can you please explain bhavat bhavam principle.what is the effect if a house lord is located in its bhavat bhavam house that is 5th lord in 9th or 6th lord in 11th
there are enhanced traits visible from both the bhaavs as well as the intersection of both bhaavs. example 6th lord in 11th will tend to give accidents/ sudden injuries
Vivek sir
6th lord in 11th house could also give sudden success in competition as 6th house also stands for competition?12th lord in 11th could give sudden loss or expenses?
Hello VS:
Re: artha and Kama trikona lords 2,6,10 being artha 3,7,11 being kama
In general can we say that artha lords going ‘forward’ and sitting in the kama houses is better than the other way around, since 7 in 6, 11 in 10 and 3 in 2 would be the loss of its bhaav. I understand that this would depend on the strength of the planets, so if the 6th is stronger than the 7th it can do damage to relationships. But assuming these planets are somewhat level in strength, why would 6th in 7th be better than 7th in the 6th? Or is this way of analyzing totally wrong?
yes in general any planet moving forward is generically better than back, however many things have to be considered and this is not the only factor ofcourse
Hello VS:
In transitting Jupiter aspects Rahu/Sun sitting in the 10th (Libra), with Jupiter and Rahu being expanding planets, Jupiter’s aspect on the Sun is good for sure but is Jupiter’s influence on Rahu positive or does it further boost Rahu?
Typically for any planet in a chart, when saturn transits over it or directly aspects it or trinal to it, it activates the functional and general nature of the planet. now how good or bad the results will be depends on the strength of the planet and its overall dignity in the chart. Jupiter also does the same as saturn except that jupiter tends to also make things related to that planet easier to achieve in that time, so in other words blessings. Jupiter transiting over rahu or its trine is usually not that great, it can activate naturally negative traits of rahu and cheating/ backstabbing at work or home. also jupiter is jeeva shakti and its meeting with rahu shows health issues potential. if negative dasas are running, this can be severe, if maraka dasas are running and kaal is apt, this can even cause death
Thanks VS. I was asking because a famous Leo ascendant has Rahu/Sun in the 10th. By Feb 10, transitting Jupiter will come within 2 degrees (178 degrees) of Rahu. Native Rahu is trinal to retro Jupiter in the 2nd which aspects the 8th, so there is a cyclic activation happening. Rahu in transit will come 1 degree close to native Saturn in the 12th at the same time. The 8th and the 12th bhaavs come into play. Native Rahu’s deception gets triggered by Jupiter and transitting Rahu’s deception comes over Saturn. Since Rahu is influencing Sun (government) I see a possibility of something deceptive originating from an arm of the government…
you have to analyze trumps horoscope properly before you predict about him. Saturn antar is likely to be really bad
Hello VS:
Just remembered your reply. DJT was absolved. He is in Guru dasa (when he actually took oath) and Guru in the 2nd is trinal to Lagna lord Sun and Rahu (rahu dasa when we won relection).
I dont see any chance for re-election once saturn moves into capricorn his 6th bhaav aspecting natal saturn and venus with saturn bhukti running
I was expecting Rahu’s transit over Natal saturn to bring something bad. Was Mueller’s absolution due to Rahu being a favourable planet (lord of 7th in 10th)?
things could be triggered in the background which eventually might damage his job long term. We just dont know yet. Just nothing now doesnt guarantee all is well. jupiter was over his moon/ ketu exactly. Ketu co rules 4th and is a yoga karaka sitting exalted in scorpio. Moon is benefic/ neutral which is full and has full directional strength. This combo is the raj yoga not rahu-sun. saturn when transiting over this made him prez. so jupiter, after it leaves scorpio for good (end 2019) is when this protection of MD lord jupiter goes away and when saturn enters his 6th house aspecting saturn, then it seems bleak. which means time after Feb 2020 is extremely bad for him
Is Ketu is a yogakara for a Leo asc due to Mars deing the dispositor?
yes nodes reflect the sign the sit in. If they sit in a yoga karaka domain as in this case and is also aspected fully by mars, also ketu corules scorpio and is exalted in it in my experience and hence ketu here in 4th sign but 5th bhaav (within 8 to 10 degrees of 5th bhaav madhya) is an extreme karaka of yoga in this situation
Hello VS:
About 6th lord in the 6th..Mars for Scorpio and Venus for Taurus. Since 6th is about enemies, litigation etc, can Mars and venus deliver the same results but in different ways? Example, Mars will aggressively overcome enemies while Venus will overcome through pacifying enemies? Or is Mars better in general in the 6th?
Thank you
in both cases some negativity will be retained, however a planet which rules lagna will be at worst neutral and not really a malefic even if MK falls in a dusthana. although the person can themeselves cause damage to their own health, image and success in life in such combinations
Hello VS:
When Saturn is the 12th house (Pisces) and and a debiliated Venus is aspecting it, is Guru’s 9th aspect on the 12th good? He is lord of 9th but 12th is being more aspected. So, he is more a dusthana lord than a 9th lord and being Uchcha he also strengthens the 12th. What is Guru’s effect?
No guru in this situation remains a karaka as MK is 9th and his karakatva over 12th and 9th will make the person more and more spiritual with age. venus in 6th debilitated is likely to ruin marriage and more than one partner in life is clearly indicated due to saturn – venus yuti. perversion in sexuality is also likely and the person will slowly but steadily turn invtroverted, emotional and then deeply spiritual…discarding wordly interests
In the case I am looking at, mars in posited in MK with Venus giving it Neech Bhang. Yet, as you have correctly observed, the extra-marital affair did exist. I have 2 questions:
1. Is it because the 6th lord of separation is stronger than the 7th and the NB to Venus comes from the 6th lord? Or is that Venus’ neech shows up first and gradually improves due to the NB?
2. Why slow and steady good effects of Jupiter? Since Jupiter is exalted one would be tempted to interpret its aspect on the 12th as a savior-in-chief.
Thanks as always VS Guruji.
sorry not connecting to what Mars in MK giving neecha bhang to venus implies?
My apologies Vivek, Mercury (not Mars) in Kanya..
For a Sagi lagna at 13 deg, if Saturn is placed at 29’44” in Pisces, does it become weak to influence the chart ?
I am also told this is Gandanta position making it more stressed and adverse.
How do we evaluate this Saturn strength here? Saturn is also depositor of moon at Capricorn 7 ‘. Will this impact the mind in an adverse way ?
influence is always there, however since it is both rashi and bhaav sandhi, it is weak to an extent.
also how closely are other planets influencing Saturn and Saturn influencing them via conjunctions/ oppositions/ trinality is also to be considered. If a given planet is influencing or influenced by other stronger planets, its effects in the chart are heavily modified
Hello VS:
For a Kanya Lagna, when Saturn is in MK and D-9 virogottam; Saturn is trinal to 7th lord in 2nd, Merc in lagna.
She is running Guru bhukti in Guru dasa until 2019 June. I have adviced her to married in Guru Bhukti if possible, if it does not happen, wait until Budhan bhukti (2021 Nov).
My reasoning is Shani, being D-9 virgottam may bring proposals, but its strength as the 6th lord is amplified and its trinality to the 7th makes the marriage even weaker during the shani AD.
Please opine.
yes in such a case marriage is always likely to break when combinations of jup/ saturn happen in dasas or transits
saturn will dominate a jupiter in libra due to higher dignity and will keep stress in any marital relationship
VS, A related question about 6th/7th lord conjunctions. Say Makara lagna, Moon and Budhan in the 2nd. 9th has Guru and Ketu in it, aspects on the 6th is lesser. Besides 9th is MK. This becomes more of a 6th and 9th conjunction, does it not?
yes both will coexist in terms of functional effects. relationships will get damaged if the urge to experiment and fickle mindedness is not curbed, leading to too many short term relationships and affairs etc.
Hi VS,
Can you please comment on significations of a conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn near Bhava madhya in Virgo, 12th house?
If you think this is too specific question, can you please comment in general on Venus, Jupiter, Saturn conjunction?
Thanks in advance!
in general it is a good combination by itself but mercury needs to be strong and non combust in the chart for the best results to come out
Hell VS:
For a Tula lagna with venus sitting in 4th and Rahu in the 1st, an operation to his testicles was done in the Venus dasa/venus bhukti. I should add that Venus’ dispositor is in the 6th and gets activated and aspects the 8th. Do you see this as due to Venus as the lord of the 8th getting afflicted by Rahu as the primary cause and Saturn’s aspect as a fuel on the fire? Saturn is a yogakkara hence I believe Saturn may not be a factor..
Kindly opine.
coule be, but ofcourse i cant say for sure as it needs an analysis of the entire chart. venus deposits rahu and its houses are aspected by saturn and ketu and hence if mars also aspects venus or its houses in some fashion, then this is certainly a possibility
Hello VS:
When Saturn aspects 8th, in general, that is good for longevity. If a sthira karaka sits in the 8th does will Saturn lend longevity to that? Example, Kanya lagna, Guru in the 8th and Saturn in the 10th (10th aspect on the 8th). I understand that the 7th lord’s position is not good from a spousal relationship point of view.
if any karaka planet aspects its karakatva house, then the impact of that house is brought out…good or bad depends on the dignity of the aspecting karakatva planet and its overall strength in the chart
Vivek sir
Are you talking about transit planet aspecting its karakatva house?
both in natal chart and in transit. rules of astrology dont change
Hello VS:
Is AL secondary to Lagna? So if planet’s dignity is not good from L but good from AL, the effects of planet will be as per Lagna? Example Saturn in 1st for Meena lagna, but AL is Scorpio.
planet dignity is more dependent on the rashi, navamsa, nakshatra placement and its conjunctions and aspects (friendly or inmical planets). None of these will change from L or AL only the bhaav placement and ownership of houses can change. that is the functional nature of a planet and not really its dignity.hope that clarifies
Yes Vivek, I agree about the dignity. But for a Meena lagna Saturn in 1st is in marana karaka sthana and lord of 11th and 12th in 1st is also not good. From AL, Saturn is lord of 3/4 in the 5th, a far better position. In this case, how do I interpret Saturn’s placement? I meant to ask that, used the word dignity in a wrong sense.
lagna will always give more weightage to the overall impact of any planet. that said you have to see which one L or AL is stronger. If AL is much stronger then the planet might impact from that side substantially and even then L will remain important . Effects are sometimes mixed and diffused out due to this
Thanks VS. I believe that only Jaimini yogas are applicable from AL. So 4th and 5th lords from AL cannot form a Raj yoga…Am I correct here?
no all sorts of yogas are applicable from AL too and yes Jamini yogas are applicable too!
Hello VS:
For a mithuna lagna, Venus posited in 4th Rasi/3rd bhaav (Lagna lord in the 5th), Saturn in the 10th (Guru in the 3rd) aspecting 12th.
How does the 12th’s effects related to bed affairs play out here in the Venus dasa ? Does Venus’ strength do good despite debilitation? Or does his position in the 3rd bhaav spoilt by Guru make Venus weaker?
unfortunately can not generalize this point and is a specific query. generally venus is a karaka planet for Gemini ascendant and hence will remain a benefic in its friends sign of virgo as long as mercury is strong and non combust
Thanks Vivek. So a deblitated Jupiter for a Virgo ascendant, (karaka of 5th) and Taurus asc (karaka of 9th) may still do good, if I have understood this well..?
yes but only if depositor is strong and jupiter has good aspects on it from functionally benefic planets
While erecting horoscopes ,ascendant degree should be taken as start of house or middle of house ? Which method gives better results ? Thank u for your clarification in advance
middle of the house always!
Hello VS:
This is re: how to interpret the position of a planet like Rahu.
Say Rahu sits in the terms of deception/secrets, do I interpret that as the person being deceptive at work or being subject to deception? If the 6th lord is trinal/conjunct Rahu is it OK to say it is the latter? What if there is no 6th’s connection?
Another case: Kanya Lagna, Guru in the 8th. Again, only from the dark secrets angle, would this girl see deep secrets about her husband or involve her husband in the bad affairs of the 8th? I think the former.
Can you please shed light on both cases especially the latter since Guru is the sthira karaka?
not always will rahu in 10th lead to deception etc. it all depends on each and every planet and full and partial aspects and trinal (soft conjunctions) with Rahu. Also if rahu good in dignity like mercury or venus signs or aquarius then it will be very strong in such a position and will give leadership and/ or independent professions. usually rahu in 10th or 11th is very good for material success if the lords of 10th or 11th are also strong in the chart…the person can use their words and oration skills in a powerful and controlling fashion. Doesnt always mean deceptions, sometimes can be, but more importantly the person can be persuasive and determined and the manner that they talk can influence people easily and make them work for the individual directly or indirectly
Vivek sir
Rahu and sun both in cancer sign and same pusya nakshtra but in different pada so who is stronger in this case rahu or sun?i have read somewhere that rahu in cancer is a good placement
rahu will always absord the energy of sun in this case and reflect whatever functionally is owned by sun and moon in the chart
Sh. VS,
During analysis of horoscope I often found following queries:
1. I understand in natal chart Naisargic nature of Planet is to be considered for assessing potential of Jataka. Pl. confirm if functional nature is also to be considered with 1 small example.
2. Does Jupiter harm the house occupying and saturn protect it? And aspects of jupiter is good while saturn is bad. Is it true for Natal & Gochar both?
3. Many resources say Transit should be analysed as per Naisargic nature of planets and Dasha to be analysed based on Functional nature of planet. Pl. confirm.
4. If there are multiple planets in a particular house, how to judge it?
5. Can we take following step to analyse horoscope: 1. Analyse Question related to the house 2. Analyse House depositor, House lord & aspects on house 3. Analyse MahaDasha period running 4. See the transit for final trigger of even happening
1. functional nature more important
2. To some extent yes, but dont take it too literally. jupiter will affect the houses it sits in and the houses it aspects. good or bad depends on its nature and power and aspects on it
3. in transit generic nature is slightly more important as opposed to functional nature. But functional nature has always to be kept in mind
4. stronger one and the one closer to bhaav madhya or is bhaav karaka or strongly associated with bhaav karaka will manifest the results
5. yes
Sh. VS, Following queries:
1. Can we say natural malefic when becomes functional benific it gives positive results with some efforts and not naturally. While natural benific becomes functional malefic, it harms but suffering is lesser and end result may be unfavorable??
2. Is it true that Planet placed in upachya houses – 3/6/11 gives good result even if functional malefic? Is this result to be considred wrt house deposite, house owned or planet’s karakatva?
3. Irrespective from moon, can we say Jupiter gives good result in every house and aspect it transit and reverse for saturn?
4. How to approach horoscope for whether to do Job / business and marriage?
Would very gently request to take one case study of horoscope in a comprehensive manner in future so that beginners understand how different factors are to be applied.
1. yes to some extent this is true. however the actual placement, strength and yogas of a funcitonal benefic will really dictate the overall magnitude of the good results and not its generic nature
2. Not always. Further in 6th a FM planet can be very ill placed if it is not in a friendly sign. it can create lots of pain, agony, sickness and enmity in life
3. No
4. 7th house is for all relationships including business relationships and marriage. 6th is for service/ job
@ VS : Sir , im saggitauris ascendent having 4 planets in 9th house Leo , Sun- 2deg 12 ‘ and other planets showing deep combust Mars – 4deg 9′ , Mecury – 1deg 21′ , Venus – 1deg 9’.
Does the deep combust mean bad??? is there any remedy?
Please reply sir
still a rajyoga as venus combustion wont harm you much and mars combustion is usually not as bad due to the deep friendship
however you will be an egotistical and strong minded person who will get more from luck than from actual work/ talent
thank you for your reply
@V.S thank you for your reply
Does astakavarga to be considered for divisional chart?
In divisional charts d2 chart.. 11th house gemini from lagna leo(all planets in asc except rahu n ketu) having 54 points is it bad? rajiv Gandhi died cuzz of 11th house 50 points in d1 chart
for the significations of that area of life example career from D10, it is important to note the ashtakvarga bindus in the signs for the slow moving transits of saturn, jupiter and rahu/ ketu
thank you sir…
can you please tell me what are good combinations for Stock market Intra day traders or option traders…
I read some article stating Moon for presence of mind and for profits, rahu for stock numbers-illusion/street smarts is shown by rahu, mercury for quant and stats, and finally the jupiter – for knowledge… all these combination or aspect is that required for intra day players to make good profit or any other combinations???
technically everything that you have mentioned is correct, I would just consider rahu as the strongest karaka for speculation/ trading and the 5th house as the most relevant bhaav and its lord, sun as the generic lord of 5th and mercury for commerce/ trading and intellect/ mathematics as the main considerations
Dear VS thank you for reply
I have one question to ask you..since u have mentioned you are into career of stock market.. do you use astrological placements or Gann angles/charts for any predictions for long term and intraday ???
no I dont. I dont mingle astrology into trading. Inherently I believe only in the astrology related to individual charts and not mundane astrology related to markets or nations. I have not done much research in mundance
Vivek sir
Yoga for fame is either moon or jupiter in arudha lagna or 7 th from arudha lagna.sir,does moon gives fame if it aspect arudha lagna through rashi drishti?
yes it can but this is just one of the configurations and combinations that can lead to fame
Do you use krishnamisra navamsa?please state its utility
No i just use the regular Lahiri or chitrapaksha navamsa.
Vivek sir
If jupiter venus and moon in 7th from arudha lagna make a person bphs it is written that even if one of these 3 planets is in 7th from arudha lagna makes a paerson very wealthy.have you seen this combination in the chart of a very wealthy person?
again you have to see the chart as a whole and analyze if dhan yogas exist first of all or not. Without dhan yogas, purely moon or jupiter in 7th from AL is not sufficient to make someone very rich
Hi Vivek,
As per BHPS, a planets auspicious ability is proportional to the strength of that planet. So, is it applicable for malefic planets too?
For example,
1) A strong SAT will give only positive results and will not give delays or miseries or health issues.
2) A strong 8th lord will give only positive aspects of 8th house like unearned income but not negative issues like disease or disgrace etc.
Are the above correct?
Second Q:
What are your views of current Indian PM becoming again next 5 years?
Best regards
generally a strong planet will surely give good general significations example a strong moon will give a good imagination/ brain power/ emotional control etc. but if a planet rules negative houses, then its ability to do damage also amplifies in this situation
as for the PM, I believe he will be re-elected. Also I believe that at some stage in life he has a risk from flying/ air accidents
I dont think 17th september 1950 is his india this is common practice to show lesser age than natvar singh former foreign minister official year of birth is 1931 but actually he is 1929 born according to mr k n rao.
well I don’t know then, I only go with scorpio ascendant with mars and moon in ascendant. it suits his personality well too
Vivek sir
I have found that moon aspecting arudha lagna is not giving fame in many charts but yes above combination gives fame.please make a write up on this topic
purely moon in arudha isnt a sufficient condition for fame.
Good yogas with sufficient power have to be present along with a strong lagna and lagnesh. also 4th-10th axis will rule fame and this axis should be powerful with these lords being strong as well
You mean to say that strength and placement of lagna lord and other rajyogs in a birthchart shoud be considered first and then arudha should be seen for outcome?
yes lagna chart will not be over ruled by any other chart in the horoscope
Any planet with directional strength should be considered strong
yes but still its dignity and aspects and bhaav ruler all matter
example mars in 10th from aries lagna is exceptionally strong, not so much for libra lagna
Hi Sh VS,
What is the use of Natural (i.e. Generic) nature of Planet in prediction? Almost everywhere we are using functional aspects (based on house it rules). In that case there is no much difference of using 9 planets, fundamentally we are seeing all planets only of two kinds – 1. FB & FM. Isn’t it? Pl. help to understand.
No that is incorrect. Natural benefics will tend to easily give the better results than natural malefics. However what you have to see is if the planet matches with the significations of the bhaav it sits in. for example when jupiter sits in the 9th house, both being highly benefic in general nature then purely being a functional malefic will not overrule this. What will then remain to be seen is if the 9th lord is also strong. Say jupiter for taurus ascendant
if sitting in the 9th bhaav with saturn. Now jupiter will be a FM but in this case in the 9th with 9th lord and being in a cancelled debilitation situation will give extremely good results of the 9th bhaav in its dasa, sometimes even better than saturn itself. This is because its general nature matches with the bhaav nature
So all in all, you always have to take a combination of the factors and not just 1 or 2
Hello VS:
Was Hitler a Kanya Lagna? (20 April 1889 at 18:30, Braunau, Austria as per astro data)
8th lord, maraka lord (2nd) Venus in 8th; aspected by Saturn from Cancer; Ketu in Saggi trinal to the 8th; Died in Rahu/Venus/Saturn period.
Lagna lord in 7th bhaav (8th rasi) does NOT seem to have played a direct role even though Rahu is in Mithuna; Rahu becomes unpredictable in Budha rasi makes it a factor.
What do you think?
I think he was aries ascendant not libra or virgo
Dear VS,
For capricorn rising, rahu – sun – mercury are in swati nakshatra (Libra sign). Here mercury is combust. Can you please give a generic view on Rahu MD.
Regards, Narayan
can be very good as long as venus is in good dignity
Hello va my daughter has a panch mahapurush yoga as a born in libra Lagna and Saturn in Lagna with 28 degree retro and Rahu in libra 4:52 degree and Venus in 4 th house in Capricorn , so Rahu can nullifies this yoga.her rising degree is 17:52.Does her education has problem as 4 th Lord with Rahu.mercury in 5th and ju in 9th.thanks.
Dont give personal readings. however in general Rahu will not nullify anything in this case. Might give yoga karaka results itself in its dasas
Thanks, what’s your opinion on sharpit yoga.
saturn – rahu together in one sign causes this. Typically only if they are within 12 to 15 degrees maximum. causes stresses in the area of life they affect. However for saturn and venus ascendants and to some extent mercury ascendants, this can be a functionally benefic yoga as well, especially if both are placed well and the depositor is placed well also
What is the outcome of exchange between 2 planets?for example sun in libra and venus in leo .in this case can it be assumed that sun and venus are strongly placed as a result of exchange?
it will act as if the planets are in conjunction. However there will ofcourse be no combustion in this case which can be if sun is actually conjunct closely with venus. effects will depend on what houses they rule. if no involvement of 3,6,8,12 then effects are good
Does this rule apply in navamsa and other varga charts?
all charts
Hello VS:
Is the new POTUS candidate Buttigieg born Jan 19, 1982, South Bend Indiana, a Gemini ascendant?
No idea sir! Havent seen that chart
Vivek sur
Can KARANA and its lords be used for predicting profession?
what is Karana?
Hello VS:
Since 2nd is 8th to the 7th, does it become a maraka lord for one’s spouse ? I am seeing a case where the man is a possible Kanya lagna (I am trying to fix the lagna based on his wife’s death + a couple of attributes). His wife passed away in his Rahu dasa, Venus Bhukti. Rahu sits in the 7th, 7th in 6th indicating disease for the spouse, Venus in 8th but the Venus dasa struck a cord more than its position in the 8th as an indicator.
Thank you.
8th will act as 2nd house of spouse yes
Sri VS
For capricorn lagna, Ketu-29:44 Deg. (Uttara Phalguni nakshatra) Saturn-00:38 Deg., Moon-03.09 Deg. (Both Magha nakshatra) all are in 8th house Leo sign. Sun in 10th along with Mars & Mercury.
Could you please give some generic view on person’s longevity.
Regards, RV
difficult to generalize, some issues here regarding longevity are expected due to 8th moon and weak 8th lord. better consult a good astrologer for potential remedies
Sri VS
Thanks for the reply. But if this 8th moon move to 7th House along with Saturn in Bhaav Chalit, will it improve the situation?
yes better but not completely different
Dear VS:
I have a few questions regarding combustion and I would really appreciate your views on this. I do understand various factors could affect answers to my question, but it would be nice if you could answer these questions in a ceteris paribus sense.
(1) How important is combustion? For example, if a planet is deeply combust, can it lose 100% of its effect? In other words how much maximum % damage can combusion cause? I have read that the max reduction in strength is about 25%. Is that true in your view?
(2) Does combustion reduce beneficial effects or merely reduces the planet’s strength to do good or bad? In other words, will an ill-placed malefic be more or less malefic when combust than if it were not combust?
(3) Does the combustion effect depend on the relative strengths of sun and the combust planet? For example, would combustion matter less (or not matter) for Saturn if it happens in Capricorn, and matter a lot if it happens in Aries?
(4) Does the effect of combustion depend on the type of sign, i.e., stronger in airy and fiery signs but weaker in watery and earthy signs?
(5) Does effect of combustion depend on whether Sun and the planet are approaching each other or moving apart? i.e., stronger combustion effect for fast moving planets with lower degree than Sun and slow moving planets with higher degree than Sun?
Sorry for asking five questions in one, but I would really be very grateful if you could clarify these doubts.
Thank you so much for guiding us with your clear and succinct discussions. Needless to say I have learned most of my astrology from reading your blogs.
deeply combust planets are within 3 degrees of sun, especially approaching combustion. a combust planet can not protect the significations of the houses it rules properly. so if it rules bad houses, it might be a good thing in the materialistic point of view. but even bad houses have good significations. so a 12th lord deeply combust can give low expenses and hence more money but is also bad for sleep/ mental peace and spiritual growth as these are the good things of the 12th bhaav. combustion is stronger in the visible part of chart i.e. 8th to 12th bhaav as opposed to the left side of the chart (after sunset and before sunrise)
Hello VS:
For a Mesha lagna lady: 2 children with under-developed brain, 2 healthy.
5th lord Sun in 12th 9 degrees from Vakri Venus, Guru in 2nd. Mars in 11th aspecting the 5th.
Can Vakri venus be the common thread?
could be, again not enough to judge the entire effect and I wont do a chart reading
Hello VS:
For a saggi lagna, with Budha well placed, how does a fully FM Venus do when exalted when Guru’s dignity is also good? How is this compared to Venus in the fifth with Mars in good dignity? Which is better? Since there will be some damage to the house (or no?), is it better in the 5th where it is friendly to the dispositor?
better or worse are relative – a planet good for wealth might actually end up bad for health etc.
generally planets in a trine, especially if the trine is a MK sign, tend to harm less, as long as not heavily afflicted, deeply combust or very close to rahu. in that sense venus is better off in a trine, especially as it is lakshmikaraka and trines are lakshmisthans
Sh VS, based on above response i understand:
1. Effect of Functional Malefic reduces if placed in Trines and that of FB increases in trines. However, what if It is in sign of enemy / debilitation.
2. Does combustion with sun makes a planet weak or negative? Saturn for Taurus ascendant placed in 5th house (of vergo) of 20Degree and Sun in libra 1 Degree makes saturn combust? + What is Vergo lord in Libra with sun in close combust?
I know it is little complicated, but will help to clarify concept if you give your insights please.
1. typically any planet in debilitation will have worse effects than otherwise. however mars and venus are exceptions as these 2 planets get debilitated in the sign of their friends and hence if the ruler of the sign is strong, the blemish of debilitation is vastly reduced. that said a planet in non kendra will never fully get neechabhang, it needs to be in kendra for that
2. yes ofcourse any planet that is combust becomes weak as it is dark and overpowered by the bright sun. closer the degrees, the more the impact. Typically impact after 12 degrees is low and can be considered serious combustion only within 6 degrees of sun both sides. in your example saturn is only borderline combust, if at all, as it is 11 degrees away from sun and also it is a separating combustion (sun going farther away each minute/ day). separating combustion is always better than approaching combustion for any planet.
Sh. VS, also to add 2 things on my above question:
1. When we interpret aspects, should we consider generic nature and planet’s significators only or also functional nature (e.g. 9th lord aspecting 5th etc.?) if yes, what is to be considered more conclusive?
2. You refere many times dignity of planet. What Top factors you consider in assessing dignity? You have written 6-7 factors on dignities. However, I feel there will be top 2-3 factors like Sign the planet sits in and any conjunction / combustion you are mainly refering as dignity good or bad. correct me if grossly wrong.
1. both
2. most important is degree of exaltedness (how close it is from its deepest exalation point), next is the relationship with owner of the sign, then aspects and conjunctions on the planet and then shadbal and various kinds of mathematical strengths, then divisional placement (which is also incorporated in the shadbal calculation also)
Dear Sh. VS, Thank for your response.
However, Most of the time It is highly confusing interpreting impacts of planets due to Generic & functional nature. Can you help in this? Is there any criteria (hypothetically say like Generic nature relates to the Person’s characteristics so when considering generic nature, one can focus on those aspects. While say Functional nature relates to the kind / nature of events happening in a person’s life. Or something like this. This may not be correct, but just to convey the point i have mentioned) Can you elaborate which aspects are to be seen when we are considering generic nature or planet and which aspects are to be seen when we are considering functional nature? E.g. Let’s say Saturn for Taurus ascendant sitting in 5th house. Now Functionally most benific and generic malefic. Now just saying it will give mix result does not help to get into little more specifics. So which factors can be considered having negative impact (due to generic nature) and which will have negative impact due to functional nature? I think 99% of learners leave this subject because of this duality.
there is unfortunately no mathematical formulation or equation to give exact objective results, which remain subjective
in general, utilize generic nature more for transits and functional nature more for the actual analysis of the chart. in the basic chart of a person if a functional malefic is exalted in say a kendra, it might increase the functional negativity and yet its own general characteristics will also be enhanced as it is exalted in the chart…so as in life, the good comes with the bad
for the general analysis of a chart, functional part of the chart will dictate over 80% of the results, just generically ballparking ofcourse with no exact number
Thanks Sh. VS for clearing it up. However, if I may ask for further clarity to understand how you blend the both in below example:
Let’s say Taurus Ascendant where Jupiter is FM (Natural benefic) and Saturn is FB (Natural Malefic). If both are sitting in good trine house, let’s say 5th house. How would you blend this situation, if you can explain with elaboration pls. I do understand there is no straight forward steps but your elaborative way of interpreting it will help to think in right direction at least.
when jup and saturn are together, the stronger one dominates and the other one works along with the functional effects of the stronger one. if both non combust, saturn and jupiter in virgo will usually mean saturn stronger as saturn is ucha abhilashi and in the house of a dear friend whereas jupiter is afflicted in what it consider an inmical sign. in taurus lagna jupiter is malefic but MK rules 8th giving it a neutrality in terms of functionality to some extent or it will behave according to its placement and conjunctions/ aspects on it
Hello VS:
I have a question on DJT’s chart. With the DOB data in astro data, his saturn sits in Cancer (12th bhaav) close to 1 degree. This effectively puts Saturn in the 11th bhaav. I know you have mentioned that Saturn’s transit into Makar with the current Saturn bhukti will not be good for him. The transit is 3rd from his moon and 6th from his Leo lagna. Also, transit saturn’s effect on natal saturn would effect his eleventh bhaav (correct me here..). Thanks.
I do not speculate on times that I believe might be inaccurate
however with the 1054 am time in New York, you will get about 6.x degrees in leo as rising unless your software does not account for the day light saving time in 1946, which a quick google can tell did exist that year.
details are extremely important in a discipline like jyotish. when twins born a couple of minutes apart can have completely different lives, imagine a 1 hr difference can create potentially
Yes indeed VS, thanks for your patience and correcting. I had 5 hours from GMT instead of 4.
As an aside, how do you distinguish between twins a few minutes part? From divisionals?
Thanks Sh. VS for your views on above example. If you don’t mind, can you correct / edit my views below (excluding other aspects which may modify this):
1. Since Jupiter is in imnical sign, in general karakatvas of Jupiters will suffer
2. Jupiter being weak, will also not be able to protect significators represented by 8th & 11th house and its a mixed result. i.e. good as 8th lord is relatively good + Ayush karaka Saturn in in conjuct with 8th lord will help give long life. However weak Jup as 11 th lord will not be good in terms of speculative income / stock market etc., more over its conjunction with saturn will further aggravate it.
3. Saturn in5th house will protect 5th house significators.
4. Mahadasha of saturn will be highly benefic for result related to 5th house as well as houses it rules e.g. 9th and 10th houses.
in this case there will be some delay in matters related to children, wealth and perhaps marriage but overall if mercury is also strong (example also sits in virgo) then both saturn and jupiter dasas will be excellent as long as they are not combust or affected by mars (12th lord)
Hello VS:
Do trinal conjunctions work like a mutual aspect in every sense? What if they are enemies like Mars and Mercury? Is there any difference between exact opposite and exact trinal?
Thank you.
they are planets in the same direction and same trine (like earth or water etc.) the planets behave like in conjunction but without the actual conjunction effect. example sun and saturn when conjunct will cause saturn to lose power and become combust (say within 5 degrees) on the other hand if sun and saturn are exact trine, in same nakshatra and navamsa (when exact 117 to 123 degrees apart) then they will behave as in a conjunction but now there is no combustion nor the ‘in the face’ kind of affliction to sun either and hence both will work happier in their own ways as they are not sharing the same house or room
Thank you VS. Re: direction, for Rahu/Ketu can trinality be seen both directions? Say Rahu in Scorpio, Saturn in Cancer and Guru in Pisces, when Rahu is activated, do both conjunctions work?
trinality is always in both directions. so if any 3 planets in the same trine, they are connected but degrees have to be seen. if one planet is 2 degrees in cancer the other is 23 in scorpio, they are not really trinal, same way as if 2 and 23 degrees in the same rashi is not really conjunction either
Vivek sir
If sun and moon together in navamsa or dasamsa but not together in lagna chart can it be said that there is no affliction to moon?
no idea what other planets affect the moon you are talking about and hence cant say. Also sun with moon makes moon dark but not always an affliction in itself. Example for scorpio lagna if sun and moon combine in the 10th house of Leo, it is a great raj yoga
Sun and moon together in any divisional chart makes moon dark?i think they must be together in lagna chart
no moon is dark only when close to sun in D1, in other charts it has no direct correlation with how far apart they are in the main rasi chart
Hello Sir
I know you don’t do personal readings but would you be able to recommend someone who is good for those who would like a personal reading done?
Thank you so much
try Mr Vinayak Badoni in India if you can catch hold of him. You can search for him and his shani ashram online or facebook etc
Mr vinayak badoni is giving remedies only .he is not predicting anything or he does not have time to predict..a good astrologer must predict something
sorry to hear that. I havent contacted him in a long while. when I chatted with him some time back, I found him to know some good principles
Thank you Sir
I have a question regarding Rahu and Ketu. I love Ernst Wilhelm’s analysis and he mentions that Rahu is “the one” thing you need to explore in your life. Basically meaning one needs to work on the house where Rahu sits the most even though it looks scary, but people mostly cling to the house where their Ketu sits as they feel more secure there.
My question is in many charts Rahu/Ketu reverse their axis in divisional charts. For example D-1 may have Rahu in 3rd and Ketu in 9th and D-9 may have Ketu in 3rd and Rahu in 9th.
So what is the correct position to be taken as and what does this kind of reversal mean? Such a person needs to develop his 3rd house more or 9th house more?
Thanks a lot! I am asking here as its an important concept but there is very little clarity on this anywhere on the net.
a reversal in d9 but keeping same axis shows that there is a very strong karmic connection to whatever that axis represents in D1
Sir: kuj @ meen5°& shani@ mithun23°appear in mutual square–but in trine by degrees.
(For Kanya lagna both r functional malefics).
Doess it mean bad effects of square will not be there?? Assume no other aspects or factors, so as to just understand this point alone. thanks.regatds.
square as a bad aspect is not considered true in jyotish (more in western astrology). planets sitting 4-10 to each other are considered temporary friends in jyotish. in practical jyotish the degree effect is prominent and not just the sign.
Sir: thak you for reply. So, further to my question,can we specifically say that bad effects of malefic kuj(5°in meenRasi) onto Shani(23°in Mithun) Will Not be there?
i have no basis to say as such. The complete chart has to be read
Hello VS:
I have Biden as Scorpio lagna, Rahu in the tenth, 10th lord in Lagna, Guru Uchcha. He is running Guru dasa from 2006 to June 2022. In 2008 when he lost to Obama he was running Shani AD. From 2020 Jan, it is Rahu dasha. Things look much better for him now than 2008.
Is this lagna correct?
In my understanding yes it is
Dear VS,
For Varshphal chart, which chart should we look at? Tajaka or Tithi Pravesh? Does Varshphal chart really work?
exact degree of sun return for the location u are in is the chart one has to use, tithi pravesh is different – it is the exact aspect of sun-moon as while at birth. all concepts have logic behind them in astrology, if they didnt work, they wouldnt exist
Hi VS,
I think shadbal has some natural bias. As in some planets have tendency to have high shadbal. E.g., Sun.
Can you give rough estimates of % strength which are normalized. For example if Sun is 150% strong it is not the same level of strength as compared to say mercury 150% strong. Here mercury is super strong compared to Sun even though shadbal rank is same.
the natural bias is obvious for the % part and not as much in the absolute part. for sun, JHora takes 5 rupas as minimum whereas parasara recommends 6.5. Thus an absolute calc of 6.5 for sun is just 100% as per parasara but already 130 by JHora
So I would not worry too much about the % in general. Mercury needs 7 rupas to be of adequate strength denoted by 100 in JHora and thus will frequently be seen below 100
Hello VS:
This is about paap-katri and Argala. I think only the generic nature applies in both cases. Say Taurus lagna with Saturn in the 2nd and Mars in the 12th. This PKatri. Saturn does not case shuba-argala (despite being a YK) on lagna but is off-set by Mars’ Virodha-argala. Is this correct?
the definition of these yogas is from generic nature of planets only but in reality is heavily modified by the functional nature of the planets
Related question Vivek:
Isn’t paap-katri and Argala/VA at odds with each other as a concept?
argala concept, in my opinion, should be applied more from dasa lagna when a particular dasa is running to help understand results better. On the other hand any yoga from planet yutis are permanent throughout life including paap kartaari etc.
Thanks Vivek, quick follow up:
If an undergrad has not finished the course despite the 5th lord being in good shape but if there is Rahu in the 6th with no virodargala, would it not point to an obstruction regardless of the dasa?
sorry too diffuse to answer in a general sense. I would look for more basic simple concepts of trinality, partial aspects and strengths before I dive into argalas etc
Hello VS:
Can Moon be a maraka planet for Taurus lagna due to third being 8th from the 7th?
generally speaking as moon is a mild planet and gets exalted in taurus, it is not a maraka for taurus. 8th from 8th will show life, not death. 8th is the house of life and that is why 12th from it of 7th is the loss of life or marakesh, same for 2nd house
Hello Vivek,
In the context of COVID, I was curious about this thing called “collective consciousness” or “collective karma” which I may have read somewhere (probably BV Raman). My point is that there are millions of people who may be running their best dashas – ADs of their lifetime currently, but are still getting impacted by COVID. Its kind of that systematic risk factor that tends to overpower the idiosyncratic risk (even the best stocks tend to take beating in a low tide). Probably people running their best dashas may not be facing that much struggle compared to others?
One of my jyotish friend says its for this reason its sometimes difficult to predict who will win the next presidential race, as the outcome is “also” a function of collective karma of the people of the country (not just their individual charts) – leading to a greater degree of forecasting error … DJT’s November prospects and / or his health being good examples
What do you think about these things in general?
Hello Abhishek,
On a philosophical front, I agree with the thoughts. That is why I keep re-emphasizing to all students of Jyotish- DESH, KAAL & PARISTHITTI.
No prediction to an individual can or should be provided outside the bounds of the above 3. A person born with a relatively weak chart to a billionaire family, will still have a life full of all comforts (atleast materialistic) due to where they are born. The current situation or paristhiti will bound individual dasas to a large extent. What is considered good in one part of the world can be bad in some other parts (Desh) etc.
So jyotish can not be applied in a one size fits all scenario
Can you elaborate on “KAAL” please, maybe with an example. Thanks
KAAL implies time. an example is rahu representing the unknown/ unseen would mean punishments or banishments mostly say 200 years back but can imply coveted foreing travel today. It represents electricity and computers today – something you cant see but certainly is moulding to our day to day life. raj yoga could mean owning elephants and horses 100s of years back, but today owning horses could imply farming and not the true sense of raj yoga. so interpretation has to change with the time of the world that you are considering and predicting in
Hi VS,
Thank you for spreading the knowledge on vedic astrology.
Which chart should we use to consider the house a planet is in? KP chart or Bhaav Chalit chart ?
thanks. Bhaav chalit chart with equal house system works the best
Hello VS:
Thanks for your latest KT on mahadasa and the current situation. I have a few questions:
#1. While Guru is a karaka of wealth but being a saatvik planet it should represent good wealth that lasts. Today’s stock market is more of a casino with any number of bets you can make. Does Rahu representing greed become a karaka more than Guru much like Rahu in the 10th is good for today’s career? 9th is varna-ashrama dharma and 2nd from it is wealth from doing varna-ashrama dharma. Rahu in the 10th is more a corrupter of what Jyotish represents. I understand the Kaal/Desh dependency but Guru standing for gambling?
#2. Re: the dispositor of a MD lord or any planet being n-th from it..if it falls into the next bhaav cos it is say 17 deg from madhya. Say Pisces moon and Guru in Venus Rasi and Scorpio bhaav. Is Guru sitting 8th from Moon in this context though Guru may give the effects on the 9th during it’s activation? Or is best to see if the dispositor is 210 degrees from the planet?
Rahu certainly is the planet as the karaka of speculation and sudden gains. Yet as it doesn’t own a house I’m totality, it can not be a fixed karaka of financial markets. It can. Certainly be a driving force behind risk taking/ greed and also behind sudden and large gains. Yet the katakana of overall financial markets is Sun as well as Jupiter as the dhan Manpreet or finance Minister and karaka of all institutions related to money saving leading and borrowing
Use degrees and not bhaav when calculating position from a Lord as a degree in a certain rahi. So if MD Lord at 3 degrees in Leo and sun at 27degrees in Leo then the relation is actually 2-12 as sun lays in the 2nd bhaav fromD Lord. Any planet beyond 3+15=18 in Leo os now in 2nd bhaav relative to the MD lord
Hello VS:
Question regarding the Covid-19 blog:
Some pandemics like the Spanish flu have come back again after being away from a few months. Is this completely going away after September 21? Is Kaal-sarp the main factor? Saturn and Guru is coming on Dec 21 at 6 degrees in capri..
Hi yes Jupiter is very weak towards the end of the year though gains some power due to Neha bhang from saturn
Also Kajal Sara repeats early 2021for some time
So smaller waves are certainly possible. But by the time Jupiter moves deeper into Capricorn and into moon nakshatra, expectation is that some good drug protocol as well as a vaccination protocol will be available
Thus overall some clouds will linger till Feb 2021
Hi Vivek,
I had a few doubts related to gandanta and would appreciate your insights:
1. Based on your experience, how does a graha’s placement in gandanta impact its results? I know the end result may depend on several factors but if there is anything peculiar in its placement in a gandanta that gets modified or colored, what would that be?
2. Do the results vary considerably if the said graha is Kroor graha (e.g. Shani) or Sowmya graha (e.g. Venus), and more importantly, does the result always get modified in a negative way with such a placement?
3. Can we say that being in a gandanta always somewhat agitates a graha (since that point is a mix of two different tatva)?
Please guide. Thanks.
Gandanta is nothing but a stronger STOP as both rashi and nakshatra stop at that point. other rashis have a nakshatra ‘bridging’ the transition into the next rashi.
karmically it is hence more important. sort of leads to a conclusion of one energy into a completely different energy. Water sign turns into Fire – the opposites in many regards. So in some manner these signs are karmically more charged and can give endings and new beginnings and depending on the planet involved and yogas involved this will appear to be good or bad, positive or negative etc. since they represent rebirth of sorts and reset of an energy, the lord of 8th sitting in a gandanta area van become even more representative of bringing about and ending/ beginning transition in its dasas
apart from that, all other rules of strength and dignity of planets remain as is in non gandanta locations
Thank you Vivek!
Hi Vivek,
One quick tactical question:
In J.Hora, ‘Preferences’ ‘related to calculations’ should we use ‘restore default calculations option’ or ‘set calculations option as recommended by author’?
Reason is they both give different charts (especially divisional charts) so wondering which one you use or which one is accurate.
Please advise.
There is no quick answer to this! you have to understand the differences in various ayanamsas and calculations
if you dont understand them as you are a beginner, then the best stratefy is to set calculations as recommended by the author
Hi Atul
Use default calculation option.
The author recommended option is too exotic, as in it uses Surya siddhanta and chnages charts significantly.
Probably VS meant default only as it is the standard drik siddhanta + lahiri.
Thanks I meant to say default. I can recommend Modified Lahiri or Jagannatha ayanamsha which has the Spica star in the middle of Chitra Nakshatra on a 3d elliptical as well as a fixed solar rotation plane
This ayanamsha is only a slight modification over the general Lahiri aka chitrapaksha which was approved by the Lahiri commision of astronomers/ scientists by (Govt. of India committee)
Thanks MRG and VS.
Its very helpful.
Hello VS:
Does a planet during its dasa give the functional results of a bhaav (MK or the strongly aspected bhaav) and the overlapping generic results of the other bhaav? (not the functional results of both I mean)..
Thank you.
please read the article i have on how to analyze a mahadasa. The rulership of houses is one of the least important factors out of about 20 I have listed there
Hello VS:
The planet carries the agenda of the houses it rules plus its generic nature into the bhaav it sits in. If the MK of the planet is the 6th and is strong, and it sits in the 5th, it brings obstruction to bearing children during its MD, obstruction to power etc. If the 9th lord MK sits in the 5th it brings bhagya to children. So why do you say the rulership of the planets is the least important in MD?
because it is the least specific
specificity is the most important
for example any saturn lagna has venus as yoga karaka. so can 2/12 or 1/6th of the world with capri or aquarius ascendant that has venus running (1/6th people in the world will have venus running as 20 of 120 vimshottari years) will all of them have a great time?
point being the location of venus and the aspects on it..conjunctions..trinality…shadbal, divisionals etc all those will dictate the result more as they are more specific to the chart
doesnt mean that ownership doesnt matter, it matters much less than the points mentioned in the article I wrote
I see your point and the context of your statement dear Vivek. Thanks as always for your KT and patience
Hi! Sundar..I find your questions and VS’s replies as very educative for a beginner like me..One request- can you try to use less acronyms (like MK?!)..they can be sometimes tough to decipher! thanks..
In many cases we need to analyze a chart from different lagnas to get a better understanding: for example a) actual lagna, b) Moon lagna, c) Sun lagna, d) Atmakaraka etc, when doing this:
1) does that new lagna become the person being analyzed, or does that person remain its original lagna. Just to give an example – if someone has say a Capricorn lagna in D1, however Moon is in Aries in 4th house. So when analyzing from the Moon lagna, his mother/home will be represented by his actual 4th house (Aries) or will we now consider his mother to be represented by his original 7th house (Cancer) as that is 4th from the Moon lagna?
I hope I was able to convey my doubt, as this is pretty confusinig when analyzing a chart using different lagnas.
Best Regards
the full analysis obviously changes with a new focal point be in moon or sun or AK
finding common trends and which lagna dominates is the key and no simple forumla for this
lagna or d1 rasi chart still always dominates the overall nature and life of the individual regardless of all other lagnas
Dear Sir
If mercury is combust and retro and moving towards sun (mercury at 15 deg, sun at 11 in Sagittarius). And such mercury is lagna lord too (virgo ascendant).
Now in this case can we consider ascendant lord to be a mixture of sun+mer? Do you agree with that concept?
Thank you.
mercury does not get combust while in retrograde motion
Hello VS:
For the dual sign lagnas wherein Guru and Budha have strong KAD, do they do better in dusthana or FM houses?
No budha and guru for any dual sign hold all the 4 walls of a fortress, so to speak, as they rule all the kendras. Thus these should be either in own houses or mutual exchange/ aspect with each other and in combination with the 5th/ 9th for best results
Thanks Vivek. If it does not sit in the above combinations but in a kendra, example for kanya Guru sits in 10th neutrally, does it do damage due to KAD?
no it doesnt although any planet in an inmical sign like jupiter in mercury sign can create some uncomfortable situations on and off. However since both are generic benefics and both own only kendras, the problems are not aggravated by themselves unless the planet is deeply impacted by malefic planets like Mars for any mercury ascendant
Hello VS:
Compared to the MD planet’s posited bhaav, how much does the AD planet’s bhaav come into play?
AD is obviously next important to the MD lord and both should be analyzed closely for results
Hello VS:
When a lord of an Nth house gets activated, does the significations of the (N+4)’s come into play due to N being tenth from N+4? I mean themes that are common to both.
Example: Ninth lord is 10th to 12th.
when the 9th lord is activated and it’s in good shape, the 12th lord carries out its moksha (spiritual) activities through the 9th lord. If it is able or not depends on the 9th’s dignity. If the 9th lord is spoilt, the 12th lord’s moksha significations get spoilt even if the 12th house is strong. Second is 10th to 5th (wealth through poorva punya) and 2nd is spoilt poorvapunya’s ability to give wealth is spoilt, Fourth (home, manas sukh) is 10th to 7th (spouse)…..
i have no issues with this theory, however no such generic rules exist per se. that said, what is logical can be true certainly and I encourage you to test it out in various charts to be able to come to a conclusion on this
Hi Vivek,
Can we “generically” say that for a lagna falling in gandanta, the person may have a weak physical disposition and might also suffer from health issues. Also, extending the concept a little bit, gandanta will also be the bhav madhya in this case, so lets say pieces – aries lagna gandanta, any graha that is placed in the other two gandantas (lets say cancer – leo) will no doubt be closer to bhav madhya, but it will not be able to express itself fully and the bhav and the graha significations will suffer due to its placement at the junction? Thanks.
no we can not say such things generically also
it all depends on the aspects, conjunctions and trinality on the lagna and lagnesh as well as the deposition and dignity of the lagnesh and involved planets. also for planetary strengths per bhaav, look at closeness to the bhaav degree and not rashi madhya
Hello VS,
When assessing the effect of ‘nth house lord in x house’, do we ‘primarily’ use rasi chart or bhava chart?
you should learn to use both because at the end of the day both are important. if one practices from early on, it becomes 2nd nature to take into account both the charts
Hello VS:
When a planet sits 9th from own rasi apart from a lack of hindrance like being 6th from its Rasi, is there any additional benefit in terms of spirituality etc? Example Taurus lagna, Moon in 11th, does this bring communication/speech/thoughts on spiritual matters to the eleventh (social circles, making efforts to get gains in a dharmic way).
If true, what is the logic behind that?
any planet when sitting in 5th or 9th from its own sign will tend to give good results of that bhaav as long as the planet is not weak/ combust or otherwise heavily afflicted. beyond this, every planet and rashi, bhaav situation is different and so nothing much can be said generically
Hello VS:
With no intent to harp or pester, on the energies (or the so called energies) that a planet brings to where it is placed from a Rasi, if the 6th is placed 7th from itself in the 12th and is in bad dignity, is it possible that it can create issues in marriage? Since this comes from a fairly good astrologer, I need to know your thoughts on validity of this concept. Many Thanks.
every astrologer has their own rules, best to ask the astrologer who has made this dictum as I dont know of any such generic dictum
Hello VS Ji
I happened to stumble upon your site a few days when I googled for something. And, I think your site is most exhaustive source of Vedic astrology present online. You are doing a great job by sharing this know with others.
What would be impact of Sa in 6th for Taurus asc. Sa is getting exalted so will it aggravate the problems represented by 6th or overpower them?
Also, what would be impact of A10 being in 6th in this chart (since lord of 10 is in 6th that also happens to be A10)?
generically all that can be said is that such a saturn will be very good for job/ career
Thanks VS ji
Can you please share more details on what happens when a planet gets exalted (or is in its own Rashi) in one of the duhsthans? Does it amplify the negative impact or counters it?
there is no one size fits all unfortunately. You have to see if the planet is a functional negative or positive and likewise if generic positive or negative and the overlap on the house and significator for the house
for example for Leo ascendant, Jupiter in 8th bhaav will mostly do only good as its a functional benefic, generic benefic and hence its impact can not be negative for the 8th bhaav or the bhaavs fully aspected by jupiter (in this example the 12th, 2nd and 4th)
Also any planet (benefic or malefic) when in its own house or exalted will have its general characteristics strong. For example mars is a strong functional malefic for virgo ascendant. if it sits in the 8th house in own house, it is now a functional malefic plus general malefic and hence its effects can be potently extremely negative for the bhaavs it sits in and aspects (example longevity of partner/ marriage, finances and family, accident prone etc) however the person can be dynamic, full of energy and creative/ entreprenurial as these are the general characteristics of the planet Mars, which will also be enhanced due to mars sitting in its own house
Could you please explain – how is 8th house Mars related to longevity of partner/marriage?
Generally it is not good for the longevity of the partner as mars goes into their 2nd house (8th is 2nd from 7th of spouse)
However a good dignity mars that is well aspects might not hamper their life span
Why is Ketu a functional neutral (and not functional malefic) for Cancer Ascendant (as per your table) and does Ketu in 8th also represent a short life/longevity of spouse for Cancer ascendants?
Best Regards
ketu corules scorpio and thus functionally neutral for the luminary ascendants. if aspected by mars in luminary ascendant charts, it will act as a full fledged benefic
I asked this earlier as well, but I guess it got deleted by you. Checking again regarding Ketu for luminary ascendant. You mentioned that if it’s aspected by Mars then it becomes a full fledged benefic for luminary ascendants.
Do Ketu and Mars in 5-9 position (say Mars in 12th, Ketu in 8th) also count as mutually aspecting each other?
Best Regards
Not aspecting but will have a relationship yes. The degrees of exact rinal difference should not be more than 12 to 15 to have impact. Meaning if one is at 3 degrees in 8th and the other is 25 degrees in 12th then this becomes a 22 degree divergence from exact 120. This will have very minor trinality effects though not 0 but close to 0
It remains minor because both are still in same trinal rashis and hence same direction and will still work together to some extent
I have a basic question: example moon in 7th house:
a) Does it mean that the “mind” of the native will be into relationships and that they are emotional or always thinking about relationships?
b) or, that their spouse will have characteristics of Moon – like being emotional, caring etc?
c) or a bit of both a) and b) above
Your answer will help clarify this basic doubt about how to understand placements.
Best Regards
Yes both are possible
Dear VS,
Please guide me with regards to my query..for pieces ascendant jupiter being lagna lord and benefic if it sits in 4th house of gemini will its aspect and being trinal to exalted saturn rahu and mercury in dreaded 8th house of libra help in reducing the dreaded shrapit yoga and bad results of such conjunction of the said planets to a certain extend..please guide..thanks!!!!
Any chart cant be read piecemeal..and I dnt read charts here. However a general answer to your query is that if saturn is exalted in 8th and mercury is with it and rahu as all 3 are friends and in high dignity, Jupiter’s aspect will resolve the shraapit yoga to an extent yes. However shraapit yoga won’t exist much unless venus is deeply debilitated or combust. Can be good to go into research related professions in life
Hi VS,
Its been few years I have started learning and understanding astrology and one the best way is to analysis various different kundalis of friends and family and learn..but one kundali I came across am not able to understand the outcomes..he is a multimillionaire whose ascendant lord is capricon he has saturn exalted in 10th house of libra(which gets debilitated in navamsa) it is aspected by venus in 4th house (forms a powerful raja yoga) exalted jupiter 5degree in 7th house of cancer..Whose lord moon is conjunct rahu in 12th house of saggi..sun in 5th house and mercury mars and ketu in 6th house of gemini..currently he is going through jupiter mahadasa which has shown him huge ups and massive downs in not able to understand doesn’t exalted jupiter in kendra causes raja yoga or it gets blemished because of conjunction of moon with rahu in 12th house and doesn’t powerful venus saturn raja yoga help save the native..i know you dont give personal reading but just needed your guidance on what causes such a jupiter to cause such massive swings..your input will be invaluable for my learning..regards
the only general comments I can make from the info – jupiter is the 3rd and 12th lord for capricorn. It is not a good planet functionally but since its MK sign is the 12th, it will behave according to its placement and aspects and its depositor
generally it is good to have jupiter conjunct or trinal to strong functional benefics for capricorn – mercury, venus and saturn. in the given scenario, aspect of saturn will help. however the lord of loss exalted in the house of business is not all good and the depositor makes for a 12-7 interchange which is also not good. it shows heavy expenses/ loans etc in business and damage due to overconfidence
Dear VS,
For someone who has libra ascendant if jupiter rahu and moon all conjunct together in 11th house of leo what results can one expect..since it has guru chandal yoga and also gajakeshari yoga..and will rahu here spoil good results of gaja keshati yoga and will such a rahu give good results!!!
I can not generalize and speculate at such queries. Just genereally speaking rahu will behave as per the planets that conjunct it as well as its rashi and nakshatra depositors. in general in the 11th Rahu is good
Hi VS,
Would like to know for gemini ascendant mercury in 2 house of cancer and moon in 1st house of gemini would inter exchange of these two planets be good considering that mercury treats moon as enemy so would such a yoga be good or badin general.
yes generally 1st and 2nd interchange by itself is a good dhan yoga
Dear Sir,
If ascendent degree is very low ( lets say 2 deg ) and a planet is at 27 degree. That planet will move into next house based on bhav madhya concept that you beautifully explained.
But should the difference between 27 degree planet and 2 degree ascendent can be considered as 5 degrees ( 28, 29, 30, 1 ,2 ) OR 25 degrees ( 27-2 ) ?
it will be 5 degrees from the next bhaav
Hello VS,
Would like to know how to judge the strength of planets through
shad bala:
like suppose in a kundali if someone has saturn whose strength is highest in shad bala and is given no 1 ranking and if that saturn is benefic for a kundali saturn will give good results and vice versa
Bhav Bala:
And in Bhav bala if some one say has highest points or no 1 is given to 10th house that bhav will give its full results please give ur inputs
unfortunately the answer to your question is a bit generic and yet accurate
astrology can not be done pure mathematically. the bals of planets and bhaavs are vital but not more than the overall picture of yogas, avayogas, dasas and transits. the only way to know how the music works together is by sheer case studies and practice.
Sir, which is a better combination(not too close 5 – 10 degree) for Gemini Ascendant holding most of the other variables constant. This question came to my mjnd as there are different thoughts and concepts on these conjunctions like dwi-guru yoga, dharam-karam adipathi, general dictum that Saturn afflicts Jupiter, saturn jupiter are opposite energies but are neutral to each other, Venus Guru are inimical to each other but are gurus and general benefics
1. Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in a domain where Saturn is strong . For instance, Virgo – Here Jupiter is weak but Saturn is strong. Will depend on Mercury’s strength and nakshatra placement of Jupiter and Saturn.
2. Jupiter Venus Conjunction in a domain where Jupiter is strong. For instance, Sagittarius- Here Jupiter is strong but venus is weak. This is dependent on nakshatra placement of both these planets.
Let us consider there are no aspects and trinal placements to these combinations.
good/ bad and better/ worse is always relative…so cant answer anything generic as such. however in general, 2 general benefics combining is always more potent and powerful for the bhaavs they occupy and aspect as opposed to 2 malefics or 1 benefic and one malefic. on the other hand whenever saturn and jupiter are together in any sign, especially within 5 degrees, there is tremendous karmic energy in that sign and bhaav as jupiter and saturn form the natural karma-dhamradipatti yoga as they rule the 9, 10, 11 and 12th house in the natural zodiac and hence are also the Peak houses for the 4 trikonas of bhaagya, artha, kaam and moksha.
so whenever saturn and jupiter are together, that bhaav becomes highly active. if it is a functionally good bhaav and its lord is strong and well placed then saturn and jupiter can add a 100x weight to that bhaav and keep it in focus through out the entire life even irrespective of dasas and other factors to some extent
So in an aries ascendant chart, jupiter is at 29 degree Sagittarius and Saturn in 2 degree Capricorn both in uttarashadha nakshatra but different signs. In bhava chart they are both in 10th house whose bhava madhya is 9 degree capricorn.
So does this mean it’s a conjunction even though the signs are different?
If yes, then does this give a raj yoga as 9th and 10th Lord are in 10th house with a conjunction of 3 degrees?
yes they are conjunct. Any planets that are within 15 degrees of each other are conjunct even if in different signs
If Jupiter and saturn together in virgo first house and Lord mercury in either 10 th or eleventh house, can the combination give rise to a great person? I have seen the combination in Roger Federer’ birthchart
yes it is a good combination in the lagna as long as mercury is strong and not combust
Will this combination (Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo) still be good if this happens for gemini Asc? Mercury is retrograde, vargottama and closely conjunct debilitated Sun and Jupiter
when saturn and jupiter combine in a mercury sign, mercury should ideally be away from the sun, good in shadbal and also not in 3,6,8 or 12th position from the saturn/ jupiter combo
Sir, isn’t a retrograde mercury closer to earth and hence strong? I think a retrograde planet has higher chest bala which is factored in Shadbal.
yes it is one of the balas and yes it is a brighter planet by definition. however there are a lot of kinds of strength (bal) and this is just one of them. No single bal is enough to completely color any given planet
Dear Vivek Sir,
I read in some well known works ( don’t remember the author ) that parivartana yoga is the as strong a yoga as conjunction.
Sir, if this is true and a planet that is in close conjunction with another planet but also in parivartana with another planet. Does the Parivartana yoga supercede the conjunction and that the conjunction ceases to show effect in reality because of the parivartana ?
If I am wrong in my interpretation, how does one infer a situation where a planet is both in conjunction and also in exchange (parivartana) ?
Thank you.
both things will coexist and there is no such thing as supersede
Hello VS,
What would be the general results of exalted venus in 8th house of pieces for Leo ascendant and if such a venus is deeply conjunct moon which is 12 lord be bad since moon is considered weak in 8th house but since it is 12th lord and in 8th house would it lead to any vipreet raja yoga..please guide..thanks
unstable job and profession. if malefics aspect and moon is dark and if jupiter as 8th lord is weak, their is danger of short life and risk from water/ drowning. eyesight problems also highly likely
Hello VS,
Just for clarification – unstable job and profession is caused by 10th lord (also a functional malefic) sitting in 8th house?
Thank you sir!
Sir, some more questions:
1. Please suggest if the following statement is true – a retrograde planet and Mercury especially, acts like Rahu and Ketu and take on the characteristics of the conjunct planets. If the conjunct planets are strong functional benefics, Mercury will also be strong and benefic, else otherwise. It will also act like its nakshatra and rashi owner.
2. Considering above case, Mercury’s own agenda will be suppressed?
any retrograde planet tends to act as a learning planet. Also planets whose MK sign falls in the 2nd or 12th will also act as impressionable planets and give results as per their placement and aspects
Hello Sir,
Venus and mercury conjunction in 8th house of taurus for Libra lagna can it be considered good yoga and what if such a conjunction receives aspect from saturn in second house of all three benefic planets are either placed together or mutually aspecting one another but venus and mercury are in 8th house which is a malefic house so is it a good yoga or bad yoga please revert..thanx a lot
by itself it is a good yoga and can give wealth and inheritance. however always read a chart in totality
Hi VS,
Fo charts where Lagna is in almost every exactly in rashi sandhi, how to analyse them? Say only 1-2 minutes of birth time change changes the lagna. Can we say something generically about such charts?
proper rectification of time by closely matching past events is necessary in such cases. many a times the lagna is not weak just because it is sandhi, especially if its a virgottam lagna – example 1 degree Libra which will imply Libra lagna in both rasi and navamsa charts
Hello VS:
For mundane astrology, can the exact conjunction of Sun/Moon ( New Moon) in Pisces taken as as the starting point for annual predictions? It sounds like a tithi pravesh chart which I find useful.
I am not sure on this. Not sure why Pisces then and not Aries
Hello VS:
Hope you are doing well.Can you please share your views on how to predict date of winning lottery in detail way?
any date prediction comes from learning to predict via dasas and transits and a combination of both of them
for lottery, you should see the involvement of 5th house of speculation and 8th (sudden, unearned money) and 11th house (gain)
Thanks for your kind reply.
Is there any way in excel,we can have daily SAV points in excel?
Hello VS:
For cancer lagna with Guru in Cancer. By it sitting 5th from 9th and 8th from 6th (MK), is it logical to say that 6th’s effects get diminished somewhat and 9th’s flourish?
In a related topic, I have seen a few charts with 7th lord sitting in the 2nd; while this does well in terms of spouse bringing wealth into the family, the relationship itself comes under duress. Kindly comment on this as well.
so generally speaking when a planet is in 6/8/12 from its MK sign, some negativity will happen related to the significations of the MK sign of the planet. one has to carefully see what area suffers
each house and planet owns or signifies dozens of things and usually one will find that in the above situation 1 or a few will suffer while the others still flourish. Unfortunately no quick and easy way of finding out except learning via hit and trial
Dear VS: Would the above rule also apply for Saturn in Capricorn or would that be an exception? Thanks
Can you post the full question for clarity?
Dear VS: You mention that when a planet is posted 6/8/12 from MK there would be some negativity to the house which is the MK sign. Would the above rule also apply for Saturn in Capricorn or would that be an exception? Thanks
it will apply to all planets. however one has to be very carefulin judging the final outcome. I have seen that many aspects of the MK sign might still be good, even enhanced but one or more can be in trouble/ destroyed
Hello VS:
This is re: the start of the new year in India, different states have different dates.
According to the JH author, when the new begins in Pisces in April;
Tamil Nadu and Kerala take the Sun’s entry into ashwini. I am inclined to take the later since the earth’s motion around the Sun’s is always 365.25 days, what do you think?
I am asking because I can set that time and find lagnas of India with New Delhi, Beijing for China.
I wished to have fellow astrologers here to take a look at the new article and add their observations over time here for further discussions
There is no space to comment VS. About AJ Venus in Cancer, setting aside the new concepts, it will give ill health as it is a highly FM, will it not? As lord of 4th, it has KAD and unless it sits in the 4th it loses its ability to do good. So, why did you analyze the ill-health from an exaltation angle?
strange regarding the comments section, I will look into it later. That was just one random example over the top of my head
In reality, I have to admit that these rules work. For example Mars represents muscles and power/ stamina. I once did a specific study of body builders/ strongmen/ arm wrestlers – 23 charts and amazingly 17 had Mars in either taurus, virgo or capricorn or in a sign with conjunction or direct aspect from mars (making it exalted like)
This astrologer, ironically was called – The Guaranteed Astrologer as per the authors who researched on him. It has been a while, but I read some articles on him on Saptarishis. His methods are not new, mostly an extrapolation of the existing parasari methods, but based on pure case studies. The articles talk about how the few who had readings from him would leave his room dumbfounded and stunned as he would talk non stop with mind boggling accuracy. his predictions would start as confirming the brother sisters a person would have followed by how each of the family members would be doing in life and health in general, how many children one would have etc and finally his dasa calculations for predictions for events would 99% be to the day. Infact when it would be off by 1 day, he would get annoyed at himself
He never used computers or apps and used mostly D1 and the moon chart and did all the calculations via hand and a ephemeris
Either way, this kind of an article usually annoys established astrologers as it suddenly shakes the apple cart of the basic fundamentals of Jyotish. however in my experience, it works and I have only 1000 to 1500 charts in my defense and hence asking for people to do more research into it and provide feedback
Hi Vivek – Hope you are doing well and wanted to circle back with you / Sundar and others. The person above was Shri SK Mehta from Delhi, his valuable works as you said may have been lost in translation and only a rare few know his name. In my jyotish journey so far, I haven’t been able to find any of his books so please share content if you can find any or as you see fit… I must say Saptarishis quite notorious (saying in a good way) to bring up unique / lost stuff like this!
Will go through your advanced lesson and test in some charts, thanks again for sharing.
Yes you are right about his name. I will look for the names of the books. It has been a while that I read them. theory apart, it works in real practice is what I have seen
Hi VS,
Thank you for sharing the brute force case studies observation. I really appreciate it.
When you say 17 of them had Mars in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, I hope they are not improving in Navamsha I mean swariashi or exaltation or vargottama.
Also BAV is not good enough and Mars is also not retrograde. Also does it fall in Pushkar Navamsha or changing course from I.e. direct to retrograde or vice verse.
Can you please confirm above as I can not infer good results with Mars in Virgo on few charts.
not including navamsa or other fine tune details. Mars in tarus, virgo gives strong results like capricorn
moon in virgo and capricorn gives strong results like taurus
saturn in gemini and aquarius will give strong results like libra etc.