October 26th, 2020
Disclaimer – This post in its entirety is my astrological opinion based on the chart reading as described below. In no way, or fashion, does this reflect my political and/ or personal beliefs and is not meant to go for, or against, the personal or political opinion(s) of any reader
Following my article on the astrological prospects of Donald Trump (dated July 14th, 2020) winning his bid to get re-elected, where I do not see an astrological path for him to win a second term of US presidency, in this article I analyze the horoscope of Joe Biden – the current challenger to Donald Trump and former US Vice President.
Birth Data-
Name | Biden, JoeGender: M |
Birthname | Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. |
born on | 20 November 1942 at 08:30 (= 08:30 AM ) |
Place | Scranton, Pennsylvania, 41n25, 75w40 |
Important to note that Joe Biden’s chart is ‘A’ rated in terms of Rodden rating, which is one notch below the highest accuracy rating ‘AA’ which is usually assigned only to cases where a birth certificate is available. Utilizing the given time as a starting point, I utilized some past significant events for Joe Biden to reverse engineer (Birth Time Rectification) his birth time to 0812 HRS and 30 seconds or 17.5 minutes before the provided time by the astro-databank.
This yields Scorpio ascendant rising at 6 degrees and 39 minutes and Leo ascendant in Navamsa chart (D-9). The following is a visual for the rising chart and Navamsa-

Also for reference, the following is the Vimshottari dasa sequence running at this time (Jupiter/ Rahu/ Jupiter)

There are certainly some strong Raj yogas in the chart. Some of which I will explain here. Idea is not to mention the names of the Yogas or the basic theory, rather the impact and basic rationale-
- Rahu in 10th is always conducive to public personality careers. Depending on the sign ruler and aspects this can be in politics, corporate world, entertainment world (films, singers/ performers, actors, magicians, etc.). In this case the ruler is sun, which sits very well in the Martian ascendant. Sun, Moon (the royal planets) and Rahu are the karakas ‘significators’ of politics and this shows a political career
- Sun, the 10th lord in ascendant, fully aspected by an exalted Jupiter from the 9th house is a beautiful Raj yoga and ensures a long political career and good name/ fame/ personality
- Sun is further in its own sign Leo in the ascendant of Navamsa (D-9) which increases its potency manifold as this causes Sun to be within a couple of degrees from the exact ascendant degree
- Jupiter as the lord of 2nd and 5th exalted in the 9th is excellent for luck, fortune and fame. It is also the karaka for all these said houses, elevating all the given houses, especially 9th of destiny to a very high level
- Jupiter is Virgottam! Not only is it exalted, it is also exalted in the Navamsa chart making it an exceptionally strong planet which is placed within a couple of degrees from the most effective point of the 9th bhaav and thus able to activate the 9th house of fortune to a very high level
- Jupiter is retrograde and being far away from the Sun, is enhancing its power even more
- Moon as the 9th lord is very bright (close to being a full moon) as well as in a friendly sign of Aries, marching close to its deepest exaltation point in Taurus (3 degrees)
- Saturn in 7th is very bright (opposite to sun) and has full directional strength as in the 7th house. Further in the sign of its best friend Venus and aspected fully by Venus gives it great dignity in the chart. Saturn rules the crucial central house of 4th
- Multiple planets are in own sign/ exalted in navamsa including Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury & Ketu
However, amidst these positives, some negatives do stand out-
- Moon is in a Dusthana position -6th and its depositor also sits in a dusthana – 12th
- Moon is trinal to Rahu (deep enemy) and thus aspected by the generic malefics – Rahu and Mars as well as a retrograde Saturn moving towards Moon and indirectly affecting moon
- Moon is also in the 8th sign from Arudha Lagna of Virgo, the worst position possible for moon
- Rahu albeit good in the 10th, is in an inimical sign of its deepest enemy – Sun which makes for advancement in career (10th) not without hurdles and sudden negative events at times
Due to these blemishes on the Moon, and its relation to 6th (physical and mental pain, enemies), 8th (sudden events, life changing events, accidents etc) and 12th (grief, loss and expenses) the Mahadasa of moon, even though good for his career gave him a sudden and tragic loss of family in an accident (wife and kids). Further in the Jupiter MD, which is deposited by Moon both in Rasi and Navamsa, he lost an adult son to cancer.
Planets in Cancer sign will tend to give their results in the 2nd half of their Maha dasas. Further as the navamsa is cancer too as well as retrogression will further delay the results towards the end of the maha dasa. Thus the strong and potent Jupiter is now ready to give its exalted results in the last 3 years out of the 16 year Maha dasa. Rahu will reflect the 10th bhaav and its lord sun, which as explained above, is very positively placed to given an elevation in career and image to the native.
In terms of transit, Jupiter and saturn will be fully aspecting the Maha dasha lord Jupiter and the 9th bhaav from their transit position in capricorn in Nov/ Dec 2020. Further this sign of cancer and jupiter are in the 11th house of gain from the Arudha lagna.
Thus, Dasas, transits and yogas align perfectly to give a Joe Biden presidency starting Jan 2021!
Presidential Terms – Looking ahead
Joe Biden starts Saturn Maha Dasa starting October 25th, 2022. Saturn although well placed in the chart is a negative planet in terms of health and longevity for scorpio ascendant ruled by its mortal enemy Mars. Further, Saturn is the generic killer planet in any chart. Saturn also sits in the maraka 7th house and fully aspected by the 7th and 12th lord from the lagna. Finally the karaka for end of karma – Ketu is deposited in the sign of saturn (Aquarius). Saturn will hence dispense the results of Ketu in the chart as well. Ketu represents end of Karma, which can mean either end of job/ career as that is the usual karma we do. However the ultimate end of karma is the end of life and thus Naadi shashtras (scriptures) indicate that when the age is ripe and dasas confirm, the transit of saturn over or trinal to ketu or vice versa and likewise jupiter connecting with Rahu in transit over the natal positions is a bad omen for longevity of an individual.
Thus, when Saturn transits over Joe Biden’s natal Ketu in the 4th house of lungs/ chest/ heart AND Joe Biden is running Saturn/ Saturn/ Ketu (see screenshot from software below), this period is very rough for his job/ career as well as for his health and longevity

The time is in year 2023, especially the 2nd half of the year. The period of Sep 2023 to Dec 2023 is especially negative and if I were hypothetically his personal astrology advisor (not that he does or will believe in astrology), I would advise him to be extremely careful regarding his health in this time as I see health issues which might require surgery and sudden medical intervention. There is threat to life in that time frame.
Purely astrologically speaking, I foresee his presidential term facing sudden and severe issues between August 2023 and December 2023 and is unlikely to last beyond that. I wish him all the best!