A related/ similar topic is Vaiseshikamsa.
The concept is very similar to the Vimsopaka scheme.
The planetary position is noted in various Vargas (divisional charts) and the number of Vargas in which the planet is Exalted, Mooltrikona or Own house is counted. This score is used to analyze the strength of the Raj Yogas that the planet is involved in. The higher the score, the stronger the ‘depth’ or power/ ability to deliver the Raj Yogas the planet is involved in.
An important difference is the exclusion of the importance of exaltation in Vimsopaka and its inclusion in Vaiseshikamsa.
There are 4 different schemes or groups as per which Vaiseshikamsa can be analyzed. These are-
(1) Shadvarga
“Shadvarga” implies “six divisions”. It includes the divisional charts – (1) D-1, (2) D-2, (3) D-3, (4)D-9, (5) D-12, and, (6) D-30.
(2) Sapta varga
“Sapta varga” means “seven divisions”. It includes the divisional charts – (1) D-1, (2) D-2, (3)D-3, (4) D-7, (5) D-9, (6) D-12, and, (7) D-30.
(3) Dasa varga
“Dasa varga” means “ten divisions”. These comprise of – (1) D-1, (2) D-2, (3) D-3, (4)D-7, (5) D-9, (6) D-10, (7) D-12, (8) D-16, (9) D-30, and, (10) D-60.
NOTE: This is the most important Scheme as it was heavily emphasized by Parasara and is the most widely used as well.
(4) Shodasa varga
“Shodasa varga” means “sixteen divisions”. These include – (1) D-1, (2) D-2,(3) D-3, (4) D-4, (5) D-7, (6) D-9, (7) D-10, (8) D-12, (9) D-16, (10)D-20, (11) D-24, (12) D-27, (13) D-30, (14) D-40, (15) D-45, and, (16)D-60.
Lets discuss the Dasa Varga scheme more as it is the most vital of the 4, even though others can be employed as well. JHora gives you an option to quickly find these values for all the 4 schemes. As an example for our Sep 18, 1981 at 1612 HRS, Chandigarh, India horoscope, Figure 1 one shows the Vaiseshikamsa for all the 4 schemes mentioned here.
As per the score you get (when you count the number of times a planet is in either exaltation, mooltrikona or own sign in the Vargas mentioned above) the names of such conditions of the planets are mentioned below for reference. So as an example a planet in 6 such positions will be called to be in the state of ‘Paravatamsa’
Paaijatamsa – 2,
Uttamamsa – 3,
Gopuramsa– 4,
Simhasanamsa – 5,
Paravatamsa – 6,
Devalokamsa – 7,
Brahmalokamsa – 8,
Airaavatamsa– 9,
Sridhamamsa – 10
Points to know-
– Typically the higher this score for a planet, the greater is its ability to form strong yogas which last longer as well as opposed to a planet that has a score of 1 or 0. A score of 4 or more is high for any planet. A score of 6 or more is very high and the involved planet becomes very strong and well placed.
– The lords of Kendra (1,4,7,10) in Rasi chart (D1) are very beneficial to have with a high score and so are the lords of the trine houses (1,5,9)
– If 2 planets cause a Raj Yoga and both have a score of 4 or higher, then the resultant Raj yoga is strong. The higher the score, the stronger it is. If one planet has a score of say 3 and other of 6, the planet that has 6 will tend to give the results of the Raj Yoga in a more florid manner than the planet that has a score of 3.
Figure 1
In this horoscope, Moon, Mars, Venus & Saturn have especially high Vaiseshikamsa scores whereas Sun has a very poor score of 0 in the Das Varga scheme.
The above is for the intermediate reader. Now here is an addendum for the advanced user-
Parasara also mentioned that while calculating Vaiseshikamsa, a planet in “Swarudha” is a good placement, which will be given a score of 1 or equivalent to being exalted or own house (with some over-riding or canceling factors as shown below)
So what does Swarudha mean? and what exactly are the overriding factors?
It is unfortunately unclear and lost in translation from the old verses. JHora gives the advanced user an option to play with these Vaiseshikamsa settings and from experience I utilize the following settings-
“AL of rashi taking Kendra lords and not the planets in Kendras as good placements”
The overriding conditions as hinted by Parasara that I select are as follows in Figure 2
Figure 2
Sir while calculating amsabala which Hora chart is to be used ?
The default settings for vaishekamsa calculations in jhora uses Cancer/leo hora..
But is it right to use that chart ?
In that way, only sun,moon and jupiter can gain points from this chart..
isn’t it a bit unfair to other planets ? lol..
Then shouldn’t we use the the other parashara hora (uma shambhu) chart ?
utilize Kashinath Hora where your mentioned discrepancy disappears
my rahu has vaiseshikamsa dasa as 6 in horoscope 21.02.1970 8.30 am
does this mean rahu is very well placed in my horroscope?await kind advise
sure, that is a good vaiseshikamsa score but you need to analyze all other planets, aspects, yogas and dasas. one planet alone does not make or break a horoscope.
After using the Vaiseshikamsa calculations preferences the Vaiseshikamsa Bala is – SU – 3,MO – 5,MA – 5, ME – 0,JU – 1,VE – 5,SA – 7,RA – 1,KE – 1. So it has improved significantly. Also where do we need to select “Kashinath Hora” in Jhora and if even that will have an impact on the scores?
Varun – these are fine tuning parts of a horoscope and will make sense only once a lot of intuitive depth in predictive astrology is developed.
Looking too deep into these early on in your learning will completely hamper the learning process as you will think of planets as just numbers which never works.
a score of 10 and a planet can still be fatal for a person and at 2 can be a very good dasa. focus on the bigger picture first
If a natural Malefic has a good Vimsopaka bala and Vaiseshikamsa score, does that mean it has more power for malefecience or gets mild in malefecience?
A good Vimsopaka bala is always GOOD!
doesn’t matter whether natural malefic or benefic
Dear VS,
I don’t know how or why – I am not abke to find my comment or posts here in the comments section. So , I will repost.
I am researching on Vaisheshikamsa from Lagna Vs. Vaisheshikamsa from AL of Rasi/Varga. I am trying to find which one is more potent indicator of Monetary success and financial gains.
We all know AL is how the world perceives us.
So, what is your opinion VS?
Awaiting a response 🙂
AL is always important but lagna is most important always
In Vaiseshikamsa I see radical changes in strength compared to Vimsopaka, which one should be considered for assessment of strength of planets.
Both are important. But none overrides the basic principles of astrology first. The main dignity of a planet in terms of bhaav and rashi placement, its directional strength and brightness etc and most importantly the planets that conjunct/ aspect it in terms of their functional nature
these things will dictate most to all of a planet’s results. Vimsopaka, vaisesikhamsa etc are used just for fine tuning results
Thanks for Guidance.
A Functional benefic planet in good dignity and placed well, dispositors are in very good dignity as well. Aspects and Conjunctions have equal Functional benefic and malefic involvement.
However, the Shad bala is only 0.74 in my friend’s chart. Good Vimsopaka bala, Vaisheshika Amsa bala etc.,
Somewhere you mentioned that JHora author is your friend and has suggested some correction to the Shad bala calculations. Is JHora showing Shad balas in the low end or slightly to be revised upwards?
Will the low Shad bala cause any negative effects during its dasa period?
the likely mentioned planet above is most likely still going to give good results and intuitively it might be mercury as mercury needs 7 rupas (highest to meet the 100 mark) as I explained, don’t read too much into shadbal in the first yr or 2 of learning astrology